When I came back out into the hallway, he was there waiting. With his head he motioned for me to follow as he retraced his steps to the other bedroom, with me trailing behind. At the desk he picked up my pages. After he had glanced at the completed lists, he nodded approvingly, “Good girl.” Again he took my hand with the instruction, “Come.”
Chapter 3
I was seated at the all-white breakfast bar on one of the contrasting red stools. After placing the notes on the coffee table, he had deposited me on one of the stools, before moving to stand on the kitchen side of the counter.
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m a little thirsty.”
“Another wine?”
“No, water will be fine thanks.”
He raised an eyebrow at my comment. “I’m not trying to get you drunk.”
“Oh I know, I’m just thirsty and wine won’t help.”
“Okay, one glass of water coming up.” He winked and gave me a cheeky, boyish grin. “What would you like to eat?”
Describing him as boyish had me guessing his age; I believed he looked to be in his late twenties.
Oops, I’d become side tracked again. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
While preparing lunch, he asked me to tell him something about myself.
“What would you like to know, my star sign?”
He smiled as he confessed, “Already know it, Fone Corp remember?”
“Of course you do.” I was still smarting over his background check.
“Hey, my life is public knowledge. I only know some basic details about yours.”
Granted, a lot of his background and personal details would be public but I knew at least one secret no-one else did.
“Okay, so what don’t you know?”
He passed me my plate, before answering. “Where you work and what you do there?”
I was expecting this one, how should I reply? I delayed my response as I swallowed a mouthful of my chicken and avocado wrap. “This is delicious.”
“Thank you.” He hadn’t touched his wrap; instead he was looking intently at me waiting for my answer.
“I work for the Police Department in a support role.”
“You’re not giving much away.”
I conceded he wanted clarification. “My duties are similar to a secretary, except I work for an entire section.”
“I see, and this section would be?”
After swallowing another bite, I again met his gaze. “Homicide Squad.”
His eyes widened at this. Breaking eye contact he finally tasted his food, followed by a sip of his energy drink.
“Really? It must be an interesting place to work?”
“It has its moments. Sometimes it’s really full on with a lot of after-hours work. But generally it’s not too different from the average nine-to-five office job.”
“I don’t believe that for a moment.”
To my relief, we finished eating our lunch in silence. Due to the confidential nature of my job, I wasn’t able to divulge information to anyone outside the squad.
As we returned to the lounge I noticed my handbag was where I had left it. Once seated side by side, he seemed serious as he turned to me. “Firstly, you need to respect me at all times, do you understand?”
Respect, did he mean I had to bow and scrape to him?
“Will you also respect me?”
He nodded his confirmation. “Of course.”
He reached over and picked up my completed assignment sheets. I noticed him studying the submissive/control page in silence. He then glanced up and demanded, “Did you go on the internet? Tell me the truth.”
“No, I used the Thesaurus on Word. I hope that was allowed. I also did an additional word, so do I get extra credit?” I gave him a playful grin.
I held my breath as he glanced at the chastise page. He raised his eyes and he stared at me closely. “I think you have potential, Suzanna.”
I smiled. Finally glad I had done something right. For some reason, pleasing him was important to me.
“Now, how did you go with the questionnaire? I had meant to discuss this with you on the phone, but you seemed nervous and I didn’t want to scare you off.”
Embarrassed, I blushed at his words. “I knew we were going to have to talk about the details sooner or later, but I thought....”
“What did you think? You need to be honest with me.”
“When you said you wanted to take me to your place, I didn’t think I would be compiling lists and filling out questionnaires.”
“What did you picture happening?”
Correctly interpreting my guilty expression, along with my flushed face, he laughed loudly. “You thought I was going to ravish you?”
Lowering my head, I whispered, “Something like that.”
With his index finger under my chin, he raised it so we were eye to eye. “It’s still a possibility; remember I have you until five o’clock.”
My eyes widened in surprise at his words. Given the nature of his advert, I shouldn’t have been shocked.
He smiled at my reaction as if he could read my thoughts. He then turned his attention to my written answers. Every so often he glanced at me as he read through the pages, until finally he placed them on the table.
What was going to happen next? Both my mind and heart were racing thinking about the possibilities.
“Suzanna, I was going to go through these with you, but I’ve got a better idea. Wait here.”
He walked into the laundry area and reappeared a few moments later. I noticed he had removed his sneakers. What I didn’t notice was that he was carrying a length of rope in his right hand. My eyes pulsed and widened.
“Trust me.”
He took hold of my hands and bringing my wrists together, tied them with the rope. He leaned towards me and with one finger, tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I shivered inwardly at his gentle touch, followed so soon after his dominating actions.
“Stay!” He turned his back on me and walked to the kitchen, then poured himself a glass of water. He drank it slowly as he leaned against the breakfast bar. Our eyes met, yet neither of us spoke. His movements were relaxed and unhurried. Once finished, he placed it on the sink and then slowly sauntered his way across the room. The image of a panther stalking its prey came to mind.
“How do you feel right now, one word answer?”
That was easy, in a word, “Vulnerable.”
“Better, it’s a step up from nervous. Are you feeling aroused, yes or no?”
It was hard to admit, especially with him standing over me like he was. “I don’t know....”
“Yes or no?”
After a brief pause, I confessed in a small voice, “Yes.”
“Good, come with me.” In a controlled movement he brought me to my feet. He held my bound hands in one of his and grabbed the paperwork with the other. He headed for the stairs, pulling me along behind him. He was forceful yet took the steps at a slow pace so I didn’t stumble. It was an overwhelming experience, heightened by the fact he didn’t speak nor once look back at me.
I was surprised to see he was leading me towards the end of the corridor, towards his bedroom. The room was huge, almost making the king-sized bed appear small. The first thought that struck me was how dark it was compared with the rest of the neutral tones of the other rooms I had seen so far. Was this an insight into his hidden personality?
He placed the pages on one of the matching black bedside cabinets and then, stopping next to the bed, turned to me. “What is your favourite fantasy?”
My mouth dropped open and I mentally shook my head. I was definitely not prepared to reveal something so intimate, so personal. But once again he gave me a hard stare, compelling me to tell the truth. “I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”
He nodded as though he understood. “Then tell me something you would like me to do.” He gave me a wicked grin.
could I put into words what I wanted, what I had always wanted to try? I recalled my few past experiences with the guys who had not been able to deliver the goods. Of course there was one who had been into it, but I hadn’t been up for the challenge at that stage.
“I want you to decide.”
“Fair enough, but first you need to....”
“Not more paperwork, I suppose it’s a contract this time?”
“No, no contracts, they’re not legally binding anyway. Our arrangement will be based on trust alone.”
“And the signed NDA.”
“That too. But what I was about to say before you rudely interrupted me, is you need to know your safe words. You need to have control and know how to bring any situation to a halt.”
I took a moment to digest this. “Why not just one word, won’t it be confusing with more than one?”
“Not it won’t because they’re the traffic light colours. Green for keep going, yellow for wait or slow down and of course red for stop. Are they clear to you?”
“Yes, but what if I can’t speak?”
“Good question. You will use your fingers; one for green, two for yellow, three for red.” He demonstrated as he spoke.
My mind wandered back to our first conversation. I asked how I would know if I would be safe; well now I knew. All I had to do was trust him and given my current situation, I had no other choice except, of course, to use my safe words. But was I brave enough to use them? If was to say red for instance, would it mean the end of everything and I would have to leave?
“Suzanna, what are you thinking? Are you having second thoughts?”
Of course I was. Even though I had fantasized about this, the reality may be more than I could handle.
“I’ve never done anything like this before and don’t tell me you haven’t either, because you seemed quite the expert at tying me up.”
He reached over to grasp both my hands in his. “Let me give you what you came here for, what you want, okay?”
All I could do was nod. I was scared yet excited at the same time. It was an unnerving feeling.
His voice became serious as he instructed, “Lay on the bed with your hands above your head.”
My first thought was for my high heels. “What about my shoes?”
His tone became sterner. “Leave them. Don’t speak unless I ask you a direct question or you use a safe word, understood?”
“Yes,” came my prompt response. Surprisingly, the change in his tone made me feel more comfortable.
After I laid on the bed he leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. It was such a brief yet sweet kiss and quite unexpected. Next he reached up and secured my hands to the base of the headboard. Once he was done he walked to the end of the bed and with arms folded, stood for a minute or so staring, looking me up and down. I knew I was blushing from his intense gaze.
“You will finish every sentence with Sir. If you forget, I will discipline you. But I will never discipline you without a reason, is this clear?”
“Yes… Sir.” It felt strange saying the word, almost like I was back in school. In a way I was, having to obey the rules or be punished. But I was sure Brendon’s type of punishment would be far different than writing lines in detention.
“Do you know what I love about your dress?” His deep voice sounded so sexy.
“The colour, Sir?”
“Yes the colour, but also because it’s strapless. I can undress you without untying you.”
He smiled wolfishly down at me as he kneeled on the bed and, crawling his way above me, reached behind my back and undid the zip he seemed to know was there.
He pushed the silky material lower, revealing my black strapless bra. My breath hitched as he continued to undress me, slowly pulling the garment off inch by inch until I was bare except for my underwear.
His eyes never left my face as he stripped me, but now I was fully exposed he was openly admiring my body. At least I hoped he was admiring it! It certainly didn’t look like the perfect model bodies he would have been used to. I was self-conscious of my body shape; not entirely happy with it because of my height. I knew I needed to lose a little weight and tone up in certain areas, like my tummy and upper thighs.
“Firstly, I want to see how responsive you are. Don’t move.”
I closed my eyes, mentally preparing for whatever he had planned. I hoped I could keep still for him.
“Open your eyes! I want you to see what I’m doing to you. If I don’t want you to watch then I will blindfold you.”
Mesmerised, I watched him lower his head to my stomach where he began to lick then kiss my navel. I held my breath while he continued up the length of my torso. When he reached my breast bone he raised his head.
I did as instructed and took a much needed gulp of air as he drew down my bra, just enough to expose my hardened nipples.
He grinned and murmured, “Very nice.”
He gave my breasts his full attention, gently licking them before kissing, then sucking them. He glanced up again and smiled, then bent down to nip at the flesh surrounding my nipples. His bites became firmer, almost bordering on painful.
As he took one of my aching nipples in his mouth I closed my eyes briefly, savouring the intense feeling pulsing through my body. Then all too soon his mouth was gone.
“Open your eyes. Don’t disobey me again!”
I wanted to say I was sorry but I knew to speak would be disobeying as well. I forced myself to look at him as he once again bent his head, this time sucking and biting my other nipple. I couldn’t believe how intoxicating it was being restrained, unable to stop him doing what he liked with my body, whether it be pleasurable or painful.
When I could take the sweet agony no longer he thankfully raised his head and crawling closer, gripped my face with his hands. He held me firmly so I couldn’t move my head as he whispered against my lips, “Do you want me to kiss you here now?”
My voice sounded hoarse as I begged, “Yes please, Sir.”
He forced my lips apart and as he thrust his tongue deep, I vaguely wondered how it would feel between my legs. The power of his savage assault momentarily stunned me, before I was caught up in the passionate embrace and returned his deep, mind-blowing kiss. I had never experienced a kiss like that before. In fact, kiss was too mild a word for what we were doing.
I felt light headed and questioned how long I could go without breathing. Brendon must have also reached his limit, as he soon broke contact and hauled in a ragged breath. I stared into his eyes and noticed their colour had changed to a darker blue, almost like the ocean.
I had enough time to take another breath before he claimed my mouth once more. I knew my lips would be bruised and swollen, but I didn’t care. I wanted to savour whatever attention he chose to give me.
Eventually he relented and resting his forehead against mine, closed his eyes as he took another breath. My own breathing was shallow and rapid, like I had been running. On opening his eyes he held my gaze for a long moment, as though he was contemplating his next move.
The last thing I expected him to do was to leave me. He got to his feet and picked up my homework sheets. I watched as he leafed through them, before stopping and studying one particular page. I could only imagine which one it was.
He turned to face me and then slowly, deliberately began to undo the buttons of his shirt. I watched fascinated as he peeled it off, revealing a snug-fitting white T-shirt; the material clung to his abs. He was so hot! Up to this point I had been disappointed because, apart from his bare feet, he had been fully clothed while I was almost naked.
My mouth began to water in anticipation of seeing his broad chest. But instead of continuing to undress, he reached into a drawer and withdrew a small whip, a flogger I think; even though I had never seen one before.
He sat on the bed next to me and held it up. “You answered maybe to this. I want to show you the flogger can deliver pleasure or pain. Do you want me
to use this on you now?”
I took a deep breath, held it for a moment and released it. “Maybe, Sir.”
He gave me a half smile and again reached behind me, expertly undoing my bra with one hand. He leaned over me and gently trailed the leather strands lightly over my bare breasts. Already sensitised from his prior ministrations, my nipples once again stood to attention and by his satisfied expression, this pleased him.
He continued to drag the strips up and down my body, until eventually they came to rest just above my black lace knickers. He glanced at my underwear and raised his eyebrows. “I think these are in the way.”
Within moments all I was wearing were my shoes. Now I was the only naked person in the room. I would have felt less embarrassed if he had removed his clothing. He was so different to my previous partners, who generally had their gear off from the word go.
“Spread your legs for me.”
If I was embarrassed before, it was nothing to how I was now feeling. It was as though my whole body felt flooded with heat. This was way different than when we were in the car. While I was not some blushing-virgin, the current circumstances made me feel vulnerable, more so than I had ever felt in all my past sexual encounters. I did not think I could do this, not under his penetrating glare.
“I’m waiting, Suzanna.”
I was like a deer caught in the headlights, I couldn’t move!
Impatiently he grabbed my upper thighs and pushed them apart. I gasped at his aggressive act and he gave me a warning look that stopped me from complaining.
He picked up the flogger and stood at the foot of the bed. I tried to remain calm, bracing myself for the pain. I really wanted to close my eyes, I didn’t want to watch but closing my eyes was forbidden. It took all my effort to keep my legs open. I flinched as I saw him raise his arm. With a smug grin he slowly lowered the flogger to my stomach and gradually dragged it down until it was between my legs. He continued to move it up and down, over my belly, my thighs, my sex.
I had been expecting pain, not this sweet torture. Oh, this was heaven! The feel of the leather touching my aching bud was enthralling. I couldn’t help thinking how many sensations I had never experienced before and wondered how many more he could evoke.
Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 3