Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play

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Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 4

by Lorraine Loveit

  Eventually I became so aroused I could not prevent a moaning, “Yes,” escape my lips.

  “Yes what?”

  Oh no, I had forgotten not one, but two rules.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He dropped the whip and pinned me with an intense regard, the one I found hard to resist. “Do you want me to fuck you now?” His voice sounded husky, almost guttural.

  Why did he finish all his questions with now; kiss you now, whip you now, fuck you now? I didn’t need time to consider my answer; I wanted him like I had never wanted anyone before.

  “Yes, I want you to fuck me now, Sir.”

  He frowned at my answer which I didn’t initially understand. “I don’t want you to swear. Even if I do, it doesn’t mean you can.” He paused, as if to emphasis his meaning, before he added, “If I ever hear you swear again, you’ll be over my knee so fast your head will spin, got it?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I would definitely remember that one; don’t swear when he was around.

  “Turn over.”

  “But my hands...?”

  “Do it!”

  With some effort, I manoeuvred myself so I was resting on my forearms with my legs straight and feet together.

  “Get on your knees with your legs apart!”

  The arousal I was feeling spiked when told to get into my favourite position. I obediently drew my legs up to a kneeling position while still resting on my forearms, due to my hands being restrained. This effectively left my hips and buttocks raised.

  Well at least I could now close my eyes without him noticing.

  His hand delivered a stinging blow to my right check. I flinched at the unexpected slap, but surprised myself that I didn’t cry out.

  “When I tell you to do something you comply immediately, not question my instructions.” He spanked me with continuous steady strokes as he spoke. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I hissed, as I tried to absorb the pain without complaint. Far out, all I could think about was the next blow; not too sure how much more physical punishment I could endure. Maybe I wasn’t cut out for this after all? I could use one of my safe words, yellow maybe, but no, it would only delay things and I could imagine how disappointed he would be if I said red. Fuck, I was going to have to grin and bear it.

  Without warning, he turned his attention to the other cheek, smacking me as he explained, “And this is for speaking out of turn and forgetting to address me as Sir.”

  Boy, was it my imagination or were they getting harder? Several more hard swats landed on my left cheek as I felt tears forming from the pain and because I felt humiliated.

  Then thankfully, instead of hitting me he began to rub my tender cheeks. It was gentle and soothing but I couldn’t help tensing my body, waiting for the pleasure to again turn to pain.

  His voice was low and sexy. “Did you like it when I massaged you here with the flogger?”

  As he said the word ‘here’ he inserted a finger inside me. I inhaled sharply at the jolt of desire it gave me. How much longer could I hold out? I belatedly recalled he had asked a question and I was required to answer.

  “Yes... I... liked... it... Sir.” My words were punctuated by the little breaths I took as he continued to finger me. It was so exciting having him pleasure me like this. If he kept this up I would be coming all over his hand.

  All too soon he withdrew his digit, leaving me hanging, wanting more.

  “Suzanna, tell me why you didn’t want to open your legs for me.”

  I hated to admit the truth but was now glad he could not see my face. “I was embarrassed… Sir.”

  I heard him move and then he was next to me, grasping my chin and turning my head towards him.

  “Why would you be embarrassed? Your body is more exposed in this position; you’re not embarrassed now, are you?”

  “Maybe, Sir.”

  “Don’t worry; you will soon learn that when we are together, your body belongs to me.”

  He moved back out of my line of vision, presumably to once more stand at the end of the bed. What was he planning next? In the short time we had been in his room he had really taken charge, both giving orders and instructing me every step of the way.

  Anticipating the flogger, I was surprised as he again gently rubbed my sore bottom. He then gripped my hips and plunged deeply inside me. I gasped at the vigour of his initial thrust. He was big and even though I was more than ready, I still felt myself being stretched to the limit.

  That was another first for me, my previous conquests had always been considerate enough to ease into me slowly, before then picking up the pace. Surprisingly though, he savage invasion turned me on, to the point that a deep feeling of fulfilment came over me as he continued to relentlessly pound into me with a force that had me gasping for breath. It was not long before I moaned and my body started to quiver.

  “That’s right, come for me baby.”

  Oh god, his words tipped me over the edge and I climaxed, on command. At the crest of my ecstasy I felt a biting pain on my upper thigh, followed by another in quick succession and knew he had used the flogger. I felt him stiffen and then he grunted as, still holding me firmly in place, he took his own release.

  Damn, he was good! Despite the pain, or maybe because of it, I had never experienced such an intense orgasm before.

  Chapter 4

  It seemed like a long time had passed before I was lucid again. I had fallen forward and he was half lying on me. With my hands still bound, I was unable to move. I tried to turn my head to see him and we came face to face, nose to nose.

  He gave me a sweet boy-next-door smile, even though we both knew he was anything but. He eased up so he was leaning on his elbow to reach over to untie me. Then he was up and pulling me into a sitting position beside him.

  “You are an amazing woman, Suzanna.”

  Finally able to look at him, I was sorry to see he was still wearing his clothes, with only his jeans open at the front. My disappointment must have shown on my face. “What’s wrong?”

  I lowered my eyes as I spoke what was on my mind. “I didn’t even get to see your chest.” I knew it was a childish thing to say but it was how I felt, like a child who had missed out on a treat.

  Oh no, I forgot to say Sir again. I peered up hesitantly. The last thing I expected to see was him grinning. “If that’s all you’re upset about, then here.” He stripped off his T-shirt, revealing his muscular upper body which was beaded with perspiration. Wow, he looked sexy.

  He let me drink in his bare chest a little longer before he rose and pulled me to my feet. As I was a little unsteady in my high heels, he held onto me until I regained my balance. He bent to pick up my discarded dress and underwear, before steering me through the door. He ushered me towards the white bathroom, where he handed over my clothes.

  “Have a shower. You should find whatever you need to freshen up. I will see you downstairs.”

  “Aren’t you...?” I stopped mid-sentence, as I already knew the answer. He was not going to join me in the shower.

  He completely ignored my question, instead merely repeated, “I will see you downstairs,” and left without a backward glance.

  Later, as I made my way along the corridor, many questions whirled around in my head. Did he always wear clothes during sex, why couldn’t I take my shoes off, why the separate showers afterwards and would he still discipline me if I did everything right? The last one was uppermost in my mind as I descended the stairs to see him on the lounge, looking resplendent and relaxed.

  He smiled and patted the spot next to him, indicating for me to sit. He gave me a knowing look as I gingerly sat down on my still tender flesh. Once again in close proximity to him I felt shy, even considering what we had just experienced together.

  “So, have I scared you off or are you willing to come back next weekend?”

  Well, what a surprise? He was satisfied with me, but could I say the same about him, even taking into consideration my best ever orga

  “I have one question.”

  He raised an eyebrow in amusement, “Only one?”

  “One main one, it’s really more of a clarification.”

  He nodded and gave me his full attention. “Sure, what would you like clarified?”

  “If I come back next time and if I did everything you ask of me, would it mean you won’t discipline me?”

  His guilty expression gave me my answer. “Well, not exactly.”

  I digested this, before continuing, “But isn’t that what you said?”

  He held my gaze before he reiterated his earlier statement. “I said I would not discipline you without a reason. Disobeying me is one reason.”

  Multiple reasons? That was an important detail to leave out. What did he want of me now?

  “So, another reason for disciplining me would be...?”

  “For my pleasure.” His voice was low, almost a whisper.

  I shook my head, as the implications of his words became clear and opened my mouth to speak. Before I could mention my concerns, he added, “I know it sounds a bit autocratic, even to my ears, but it wouldn’t mean I would discipline you whenever I wanted.”

  “It would if it gave you pleasure.”

  He took my hands in his. “Look, all it means is, in addition to the three D’s, disobedience, disrespect and dishonesty, occasionally I would like to discipline you simply because I want to. But going by today’s result, it would be followed by hot and heavy sex.”

  I felt my face heating, knowing he had again made me blush.

  Brendon checked his watch. “You know it’s gone five. Of course you’re welcome to stay the night if you wish; no pressure.”

  I was still a bit wary of the whole situation and wanted to process everything, without the distraction his presence was causing. Plus my periods were due, but I was too embarrassed to tell him this was one of the reasons.

  “I really should be going. I have to call Mandy and besides, I’m afraid if I stay I may never leave.”

  He seemed surprised, yet pleased at my comment. “And would that be such a bad thing?”

  I peeked at him shyly from beneath my lowered lashes and whispered, “Maybe.”

  “I know you have a lot to think about and decide, but you do realise you cannot tell anyone about any of this, including my name?” His tone had lost some of its warmth, confirming he was serious.

  “Yes I know; you have my signature on that document.” I gave him a questioning look as if to say what more do you want, my signature in blood?

  “Yes I do, which reminds me….” He reached over to the pile of papers. “Here, this is your copy.”

  After placing it in my bag, I moved to stand and offering me his hand, he helped me to my feet. He could be quite the gentleman at times. Standing toe to toe, he lifted my chin so I was no longer staring at his chest.

  “I will call you on Thursday at 6.00 p m and if you agree, you will come here on Friday.”

  As usual, he was clear and concise with his words, stating his intention instead of asking.

  “If you have any questions or concerns that can’t wait until then, you can call or email me.”

  He handed me a business card with his contact details. I was now allowed this information, since I was barred from divulging it. He had handwritten his home address on the card. This confirmed his aversion to giving it out. I felt honoured to be one of the privileged few.

  He walked me to the side door, into the garage and then hit the door remote button. Instead of getting into the Mazda, he escorted me out to the front courtyard where, to my astonishment, I saw my royal blue Nissan Micra parked on the circular drive waiting for me.

  “But how...?”

  “What did you think I was doing all the time you were upstairs? I got a lift to the car park and drove it back here. It’s quite zippy, isn’t it?”

  I was stunned! “My keys...?”

  “Are back in your purse where you left them.”

  I was about to say he had overstepped the mark, before he confessed, “I thought it may be risky leaving your car there... overnight.” He had the grace to look sheepish at his overbearing comment.

  I smiled and shook my head at the boldness of his actions. “It seems this time, at least, you were a little too confident.”

  “Ouch.” He put his hand over his heart as though I had wounded him. “Next time, and I truly believe there will be a next time, you and your car will be staying overnight; both locked behind my security gate.”

  Once again, I answered with what was fast becoming my favourite word, “Maybe.” It was a word which could mean whatever I wanted, yes, no, or truly maybe.

  Chapter 5

  As I drove to work Monday morning, it almost felt as though my fantasy weekend had never existed, with the possible exception of the cat-that-ate-the-cream smile on my face.

  I had better be careful at work and not let anything slip. Working with detectives when keeping a secret was difficult, as it was their job to read people; especially any changes in demeanour or expression. In the past, I found it quite annoying they had always been able to tell when I had boyfriend issues.

  It was a fairly easy day. I was catching up on some typing, mainly statements and transcriptions for presentation in court. Like myself, the police staff also caught up with paperwork when it was quiet; hence everyone was in the office.

  Mandy came up to have a cuppa at morning tea, as she often did when my workload allowed. Naturally, the first topic she brought up was my blind date. Apparently she was not satisfied with my brief limited account of my encounter with Brendon.

  After firing off several unanswered questions, she finished with, “So, when are you seeing him again?”

  It was at this point my good friend and co-worker, Detective Peter Hampson (Hammer to his mates), came into view from behind an office screen at the rear of my reception area. From his expression, it was obvious he had at least heard her last question.

  This was confirmed as he repeated, “Yes Suze, do tell?”

  I rolled my eyes at him and his naturally inquisitive nature. Peter was that typical male friend most girls had. He was always looking out for you, someone to seek advice from and to share the highs and lows with. Admittedly he was quite handsome, well over six feet tall with short cropped sandy brown hair, light-brown eyes and a wicked smile. The reason our relationship worked so well, was we were friends of the opposite sex with no interference of any sexual tension. This was especially true in our case, as Peter was happily married and had recently become a father.

  “Mind your own business Pete and Mandy was just leaving, weren’t you?”

  They both looked stunned. It was not like me to keep secrets from them. But as I was uncomfortable making up a cover story, they would have to quell their curiosity this time.

  In hindsight, this was probably the worse course of action to take, as police officers, especially Detectives, were experts when it came to getting the information they wanted. It was their job to get to the truth of the matter and they were relentless in their endeavours; especially if it was gossip about one of their own. I knew I had not heard the end of this.

  I soon saw my folly in not giving Peter any details whatsoever as, over the next few days, one by one he and his mates cornered me, pumping me for information on my hot date. As they all knew I blushed easily they asked probing questions, which would be answered by my traitorous flushed features. It was times like this I wished I had a job with normal office workers.

  I had a smile on my face as I drove to work on Thursday morning, knowing Brendon was going to call me later. It seemed like weeks since I had spoken to him. I did have questions and doubts, loads of them. I knew I could have rang him during the week, but like our first phone call, I found it hard to talk about what I wanted.

  My smile faded as I heard the newsflash on the radio. A teenage girl had gone missing the previous night and the circumstances were suspicious. It looked like a hectic day ahea

  As expected, on arrival I was the only one in the office. Everyone else would have first attended a situation report (sit-rep) meeting, along with staff seconded from other squads, before hitting the streets. This was the norm when we had a job – all available police personnel would be out gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses, in order to establish a timeline leading up to and immediately following the disappearance.

  As the day continued, the various teams returned and I typed several witness statements, in between inputting data into our high tech database system; the same one used by Scotland Yard.

  At five o’clock I packed up my things in readiness to go home. The Squad Senior Sergeant, Steve Jacobs, saw my intention to leave. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Steve was easy going most of the time, but if there was a job on, he was extremely professional. He was a family man in his late thirties and was approximately six feet tall, slightly shorter than Peter. He had thinning brown hair and sparkling hazel eyes; eyes that made people wonder what he was thinking.

  I smiled up at him. “No-one has asked me to work back.”

  “Nice try. We will need you to stay. They are going to cover it on all the news channels, so we expect Crime Stoppers to receive lots of calls.”

  This equated to having to input all the details from those calls. I would have other staff to help but, as in all major cases, the first 24 hours was the most crucial and the quicker the evidence was collated, the more valuable it was.

  At 5.50 I took a five minute break before the flood of information from the six o’clock news came through. Back at my regular desk, I fished out Brendon’s card and dialled his mobile number from the office phone.

  I was about to hang up, when he finally answered with a wary, “Yes?”


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