“I prefer to call it my training room; after all, it is an extension of the gym.”
As I studied the handcuffs I asked warily, “How long have these been here?”
“A week.”
“This is really new for you as well?”
“So now you believe me?”
He shook his head and again took my hand to steer me towards the door.
We were soon back in my room. He stopped by the bed then stood back, his eyes locked on mine. “Take off your clothes.”
“You first,” I challenged.
“Okay, a promise is a promise.” He sat on the bed and held out his arms for me to undress him.
Tentatively, I reached down and pulled the hoody up and over his head, revealing he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His hair was slightly ruffled from my efforts.
Before I had time to yet again drool over his chest, he stood and faced me, motioning for me to remove his jeans. Happy to comply, I leaned over and undid the button and then deliberately, deliciously unzipped his fly. I could feel his eyes on me as I crouched down in front of him and carefully tugged at the denim until the jeans were down to his ankles.
I held my breath and slowly pulled down his boxers. Oh, my, god! I was not quite prepared for the largeness of his member hovering mere inches from my face. I blushed deeply, as I quickly stood and took a step back.
He grinned as he stepped out of the clothes and kicked them away. “Now, I want you to strip for me, very slowly.”
I tried not to appear too self-conscious as I undid my blouse, button by button, at a leisurely pace, before pushing it back off my shoulders. I pulled down the zip and slid my skirt over my hips and down to the floor.
“Your panties next.”
I glanced up and saw his nod to continue. I eased off my knickers, bending forward to pull them slowly down until they reached my ankles, before removing my shoes. When I straightened and reached for my bra, he shook his head. “Leave it.” I side-stepped my clothes and he moved forward so my breasts were touching him, with his erection caressing my belly.
Apart from my bra, I was still wearing suspenders and stockings. “Put your hands on your head and spread your legs.”
When I had complied, he issued another order. “Don’t move or make a sound.”
He gave one of his sinful smiles and then startled me by going down on his knees. My legs wobbled as I understood his intent.
I had envisaged Brendon with his head between my legs, but the reality far exceeded the fantasy. He grasped me by the hips to steady me, then began to methodically lick, kiss and suck me. It felt exquisite; his technique was flawless and if I was marking it, I’d definitely give him an A+.
It was near on impossible to remain in my position, my arms were beginning to feel like lead. My breathing became erratic and my mind foggy, as he literally consumed me. As my time neared, I wondered about the sex to follow and whether he had the skills to give me two orgasms; a feat that no man had ever managed to date.
When I was almost at that point, my whole body began to shake, signalling I was about to come. Brendon must have also knew this, as he abruptly stood and, cupping my face with his hands, bent his head to devour my mouth in the deep penetrating way as only he could. I couldn’t help thinking how erotic this was, being able to taste my own scent on his lips.
Finally he came up for air and pulled my arms down to my sides. I could see the desire in his eyes as they locked on mine, while he undid my bra with one hand and eased the straps off my shoulders, letting them fall to my elbows.
As he held my upper arms he again bent his head, this time to my breasts. He sucked each one in turn and then bit them, gently at first before tugging them harder. In my already aroused state, I fought hard to keep silent as the pleasure/pain coursed through my hot body.
He finished with this particular torment and gave me a mischief look. “Now it’s my turn.
After dropping my bra to the floor, he gripped my shoulders. Then slowly but firmly, pushed me down, until I was forced to kneel.
Before I could contemplate how to go about my task, he grabbed a handful of hair and pulled me towards him, so I had no choice but to take him in my mouth. Strangely, because it was baser, it seemed to turn me on more than if I had pleasured him without his added encouragement.
Despite seeing his obvious need for relief, I began tentatively as I explored his manhood. I was fascinated by the feel of him inside me, which was saying something, as generally this was not a task I relished undertaking. But with Brendon, it didn’t feel like a chore, in fact the opposite was the case, leaving me with a feeling of satisfaction that I was able to give him the gratification he was seeking.
I wasn’t allowed to make a sound, but he seemed to be exempt, as he groaned while I continued to service him. Even though I was willing, he continued to grip the back of my head, forcing himself to the back of my throat, almost gagging me with his size.
All too soon, he eased his grasp on my hair and pulled back from me. I stared up at him from my kneeling position and he smiled.
“Good girl. Now lay on the bed with your hands above your head.”
Obediently I did as he bid, wanting fulfilment even more than last time. He held onto my ankles and pushed my legs up and out, so they were apart with my feet flat on the bed.
He left me for a moment and I saw him retrieve something from his jeans pocket. By the time I realised it was a condom, he had it on.
Then, as he hovered over me, his face above mine, he kissed me while simultaneously entering me. Once again, I was unprepared for his vigorous penetration, especially as I was only expecting a kiss. While my mind was unprepared, my body seemed to have no trouble accepting the width and length of him. Like the previous week it was rough and, for some reason, having my body assaulted in different degrees, one loving and tender, the other almost brutal, was thrilling beyond words.
Every so often his mouth would leave mine so we could both take a breath, but the steady rhythm of his lovemaking continued at a fast frenetic pace, as he withdrew almost to the point of pulling out, before coming crashing back inside me, jolting my entire body with each forceful thrust.
I felt like I was soaring, as the pattern replayed over and over, kiss, breath, kiss, breath, while his insatiable cock took me higher and higher towards fulfilment.
As my time neared, he growled, “Wait for me!”
This was the hardest thing he asked me to do so far, but somehow I managed to hold on until he gasped, “Now!”
We reached our peak together and I was glad he had made me wait, as I enjoyed the satisfying feeling that we were as one, sharing the ultimate pleasure.
My first coherent thought was we had made love without bondage or discipline. The surprising fact was last week’s episode was still better. So what did that say for my sexual preferences?
As I was still coming to terms with what that meant, I felt his breath on my neck as he kissed me on the delicate spot that had always made me melt. He was still on top of me, with the bulk of his weight supported by his forearms.
Then he was whispering in my ear, in his deep sexy voice. “So, when can I see this nightie?”
His comment made me giggle. The doorbell buzzer sounded before I could answer.
He was immediately on his feet. “There’s someone here. Wait here.” He quickly donned his clothes and left, shutting the door behind him.
I also hurriedly dressed and looking in the mirrored panels, tried to make myself look decent instead of having that just-fucked look. Even though he had told me to wait, I wanted to be prepared for any eventuality.
I could soon hear the sound of laughter from below and even through the closed door, I heard both male and female voices. Was he inviting them to stay or trying to get rid of them? It was most likely the latter, since he had asked me to stay in the room.
As the time lengthened, I began to think his visitors were indeed staying and he wanted me out of the way so he would
n’t have to introduce me. My self-esteem plummeted.
In my depressed state, I slumped down on the floor leaning against the bed, with my head in my hands. For the umpteenth time, I looked at the clock on the side table; almost an hour.
I was leaving as soon as I was ‘free’ to leave. I had better things to do with my time than sit there on my own. Come to think of it, I had spent almost as much time alone in this room as I had with Brendon.
Because I was on the floor next to the far side of the bed, I didn’t think he had seen me. I raised my head and glared at him as he came towards me.
“You’ve been crying?”
I felt so incensed I was unable to form an immediate response.
I stood up and picked up my purse, then turned to face him. “I’m out of here, if I have your permission to finally leave this room.”
I attempted to brush past him, but he easily halted me with a strong grip on my arm.
I laughed harshly at his comment. “That’s all I’ve been doing for the last hour and I’m tired of it.” As I spoke, I tried to wrest my arm free of his hold.
I could tell he was angry. But then so was I and was not about to let him off the hook.
He then forcibly swung me around and into a sitting position on the bed.
I couldn’t help but point out, “Beds are for fucking or sleeping and I don’t want to do either, thank you.”
He stood over me, his tone serious. “You are going to listen to what I have to say and then you can leave.”
This silenced me. So he didn’t really care if I left or not? Fine, let him have the last word, so long as I could still leave.
“If you were my girlfriend, I would have introduced you. But you are not my girlfriend and never will be. The fact is, I do not want a girlfriend. If I did, do you think I would have to advertise for one?”
No, of course he wouldn’t. Mr High and Mighty MacIver probably had females lining up to be his girlfriend.
“You asked earlier how it would work, Suzanna. Well, this is a sample of how it will be. You knew we wouldn’t have a normal relationship.”
I nodded and again rose, then tipped my head back so I could look him in the eye. I could not stop myself from lashing out, my anger causing me to speak in a vulgar manner. “I do now. I’m just your weekend fuck-buddy.”
“Watch your language!” At this point, I didn’t give two figs for his stern warning.
“I’m leaving! Your threats no longer hold any weight.”
He answered me in actions rather than words, by grabbing my arms as he sat on the bed and then put me across his lap. As I comprehended his intent, I struggled to free myself. He ignored my efforts as he put one of his legs over mine and leaned his forearm on my back, effectively holding me in place.
“You can’t do this, I want to leave!” If I was mad at him before, now I was furious.
He flipped up my skirt and pulled my undies down to my knees. “You’re still in my house, so my rules still apply. I promised you this is what would happen if you swore, and I’m a man of my word.”
He immediately began spanking me, hard! He kept up his relentless rhythm, until eventually I stopped struggling.
He then rubbed my behind, before moving his hand lower to between my thighs. As he inserted a finger I gasped, but then renewed my efforts to break free.
Still holding me firmly, he continued to pleasure me until I became aroused. Then once again he smacked my bottom, before massaging my cheeks, to again pleasuring me. The cycle went on and on, driving me to the brink of ecstasy, without the ultimate release.
“Tell me what you want!”
I didn’t want to play his game anymore. I shook my head, as I refused to answer him.
Resolutely, he redoubled his efforts until I could stand it no longer.
“Please what?” He continued to spank me as he spoke.
Oh god, I couldn’t believe he had reduced me to this.
“Please, Sir.” I could picture the smug look on his face, knowing he had broken me.
“What do you want?”
Another blow landed on my tender cheeks.
“I want to come.” Smack.
“Where are your manners?” Smack.
“I want to come, please!” Smack.
He stopped abruptly and again caressed by bottom, then finally his busy fingers pleasured me until I climaxed. I was overwhelmed as waves of pure bliss washed over. I was vaguely aware that his fingers were still inside me, touching my quivering clit. I went limp, my body totally spent. I felt him pull up my pants and reposition my skirt. Then he was lifting me and placing me on my feet.
He stepped back and waved his hand towards the door. “You’re free to leave now, if you still want to.”
Chapter 7
Momentarily stunned, I stood there not knowing what to do. So much for not playing his game; I had played right into his hands, literally.
I gathered my wits and bent to pick up my purse, which had fallen to the ground. It was at that moment he also knelt to retrieve it. We came face to face, with my hand on the purse and his hand on mine. As we looked at each other, time seemed to freeze.
Then he was helping me to my feet and still holding my hands, leaned down and whispered against my lips, “I’m sorry,” before tenderly kissing me.
All the anger and pain seemed to melt away during his gentle embrace. I knew I was a fool, but I couldn’t stop myself from returning his kiss.
Eventually he released both my mouth and hands. Puzzled, I saw him bend down to pick up the purse; it had again dropped to the floor. Instead of handing it back, he undid the clasp and pulled out my nightie.
My nightie, for want of a better word, had shoestring straps with a plunging neckline. It laced up at the sides and was tied with bows at the hips leaving the remaining sides open, its short length would barely cover me.
He held up the silky satin material and winked. “Its red, my favourite colour. It’s a pity I didn’t get to see you wearing it for me.”
No Suzie, don’t give in! If you do he will walk all over you. Images of our time together flashed through my mind. It was not lost on me the pleasure I had experienced, had been when under his control. Even on the occasions where there had been no discipline, he had still been in charge, directing me or holding me in place.
Seeing my uncertainty, he handed back the nightie. “It’s late, stay the night, no strings. We can sleep in separate rooms, whatever you like. You can still leave in the morning if you wish.”
I briefly closed my eyes. It was all too much for me and once again, I responded with the first thing that came into my head. “I would like to take a shower, please.”
“Of course.”
I put my nightie back in the purse.
“Do you happen to have a change of clothes in there?”
I smiled tentatively. “No, but I do in my car... perhaps I should shower at home?”
He shook his head at this. “I don’t think it’s such a good idea and besides, at home you wouldn’t get a personal body wash.”
His invitation was obvious and I felt like I was once again succumbing to his will. I tried not to image him washing me. “What happened to no strings?”
“No strings means no sex.”
“And the shower, what’s that?”
His smile was irresistible. “Incentive for you to stay.”
I took a step back. “So showering together tonight is a one-off right, because last week you didn’t want to?”
He stepped closer. “Last week I wanted to set boundaries.”
I shook my head. “No, no it wasn’t only last week. Earlier tonight, you made it clear which was my bathroom. You said you needed your personal space.”
Brendon let out a frustrated oath. “Come with me!” Before I could say no, he was pulling me through the door towards his room, then into the en-suite.
As soon as he let go of my hand, he turned on the shower and within a few seconds had removed his clothes. Dumfounded, I stood there as he took my purse and stripped me bare. He didn’t even bother undoing my buttons; instead just pulled the blouse over my head.
I could have stopped him, well maybe not but I could have at least resisted. The reasons I didn’t were simple. I desperately needed a shower and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of showering with him, even if it was for this one time; my anticipation rising at the thought.
I could barely hear the voice telling me not to give in to him, as he took my hand in his. The water felt divine as it cascaded over my body.
Then he had cornered me, putting his hands against the wall on either side of my body, trapping me.
“Now, as you can see, I’m not too worried about my personal space.”
“Let me finish. You can share my shower any time you wish, as long as you bring your body and nothing else, no accessories cluttering up my bathroom, got it?”
As he spoke he had moved closer, if that was possible, and I could only nod a reply, due to the distraction of his swollen erection pressing against me.
He was breathing hard and apart from his obvious arousal, I could see the desire in his eyes as he spoke.
I swallowed convulsively, as I tried to regain control of the situation. “Um, I don’t think all of your body knows about this no strings arrangement.” As I spoke, I glanced down at his offending body part.
With a grin, he leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. “I never said my cock and I didn’t want sex.”
He eased back and reached for the body gel. “So, the ball’s in your court, is it just a body wash or do you want the whole package?”
As I looked down at his package, I felt like I was being pressured into accepting everything he was offering.
Not waiting for my response, he squirted some lotion into his hands and then palmed my breasts. I inhaled sharply at the contact. It felt so good, with his fingers gently kneading my globes, as his thumbs brushed over the nipples. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, as his hands worked their magic, the pressure increasing from gentle to firm, with his fingers pinching my now-sensitive nipples.
Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 6