“It’s Suzie.”
“I was going to call you.” He sounded almost apprehensive. “Where are you calling from?”
“I’m still at work. I’m afraid this is one of those occasions I have to work overtime.”
Another pause. “I see.”
“I rang you now so I didn’t miss you call.”
“Do you know how long you will be?”
At this point Peter arrived and sat on the corner of my desk, obviously prepared to wait out my phone call, while eavesdropping in the process.
“Um, I don’t know.” Jeez, I didn’t want to give anything away in front of him.
“Well, will you be able to come over tomorrow night?”
From experience, it was highly likely I would be required to work late on the second day of an investigation of this nature.
“I might have to work.” It irritated me to see the smug look of satisfaction on Peter’s face, confirming he knew I was talking to my mystery man.
“You’re not trying to put me off are you, Suzanna?” His words held a note of authority.
Flustered, I quickly reassured him. “No, no of course not.”
Damn it, I knew I was blushing, another telling sign I did not want Peter witnessing. Then to my horror, he stood up and held out his hand for the phone.
“Here, let me explain it to him.”
I shook my head mouthing “no” to Peter.
“Who’s there with you?”
OMG, this was like a nightmare!
I backed away from him, as far as the phone cord would allow. “One of my work colleagues. I have to go.”
I quickly put my hand down on the receiver to break the connection, just as he grabbed the phone out of my hand.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I was so angry. This time he had gone too far.
He smiled, not in the least phased at my anger. “The news is on. Steve wants everyone in the ops room.”
Not waiting for my reply, he handed back the phone and headed towards the large conference room at the end of the corridor.
It was after ten by the time I put the key in the door. I knew my flatmate Diane would be home from work soon, with her afternoon shift finishing at eleven. I was feeling guilty about hanging up on Brendon, but it was too late to call him.
Having made up my mind to send an email instead, I grabbed my laptop and, sitting in my comfy chair, opened the email program. I entered his address and typed, ‘Sorry’ into the subject line.
After informing him I had arrived home, I briefly apologised for the quick hang up, explaining I had a meeting to attend.
Then I touched on some of my doubts; the main point being forced to disappear off the radar whenever I was with him. I had always been readily contactable by my friends and family. They would all think it strange if they could not contact me; this basically amounted to having access to my mobile phone.
I also mentioned one point I had been worried about. When looking up the list words, I noticed an antonym for control was free. ‘So would that mean I would not be free, or have any freewill in your presence?’
After sending the message, I checked my Facebook account for any news on my best friend, Jeanette Wilkins, who was on an overseas holiday with her family. We had known each other since we were 19 and over the last six years we had shared everything. So it felt strange she was in the dark about my blind date and subsequent visit to his house. In hindsight, it was probably a good thing, considering the privacy agreement. I knew I would find it difficult to keep Jeanette out of the loop.
I had just posted a message to her when I saw an email flash up on the bottom of the screen. Initially I was shocked Brendon had replied so quickly, before realising he would have an iPhone and be able to see my message instantly.
The subject of his email was, ‘Thank You.’ ‘Thank you’ because he believed he had scared me off, especially as I was calling from an untraceable number. I had not known my work number was untraceable, as I never got any direct outside calls. They were all put through via the Call Centre and then I would transfer them to the squad members, as required.
I was amazed he also acknowledged that I did have a personal life and should be able to keep in contact with family and friends. So yes, I could have my mobile turned on in future.
He even addressed my concerns regarding my freedom. ‘Your current life is governed by rules and regulations, so already you’re not totally free. I’m only adding a few rules to your list. And as far as having freewill in my presence, I’m not a monster. You are free to use any of the safe words, at any time. You can say yellow for any reason, from wanting a drink or needing the bathroom, to having an itch on your nose or wanting a break or a change.’
I suppose he was right. I guess I would have to test out how much freedom he did allow me. So basically, I did want to see him again to gauge what kind of relationship we would have and how it would affect my personal life. Was our relationship going to be exclusive? It was one query I would like satisfied sooner rather than later, so I knew where I stood.
Finally, he asked when I would know if I had to work overtime the next day. He finished with, ‘Ps I watched the news – I hope they find her safe and well.’
I heard Diane come in downstairs, as I hit reply and changed the subject to, ‘5.30 pm Friday’ I typed that I usually finished at 5.00, so by 5.30 I would know one way or the other. I added, ‘My car and I would be happy staying overnight, both locked behind your security gate.’
As expected, his reply came within a minute. It was brief and to the point. ‘Will call at 5.30 – looking forward to renewing our acquaintance, Mac.’
Mac, short for his surname MacIver, was his well-known nickname, especially amongst his team mates. I had discovered that, as well as a wealth of other personal details and facts, photographs and even videos of him on the internet. His date of birth confirmed he would be 28 on the 15th of August. My initial description of Brendon being a panther had not been far from his star sign of Leo the Lion. Both were dominate animals who stalked and then devoured their prey.
Later downstairs, Diane and I had our usual catch-up over a cup of tea. Luckily she was less obtrusive than Mandy. Because we didn’t pry into each other’s lives, we made great flatmates.
By 10.00 a m the news came through that the teenager had been located. Apparently the 16 year-old had met an older guy online and had arranged to go away with him. Unfortunately she neglected to tell her family and friends, who all suspected the worst. She was spotted at a motel out of town by the cleaning staff, who called Crime Stoppers.
The rest of the day sped past as I typed more statements and reports. It was almost five and I had already locked the counter security grill, as Peter approached me.
“So, what are you doing on the weekend?”
He was still fishing. I answered with a half-truth. “I’m not sure yet.”
Not satisfied, he continued to probe. “Are you seeing what’s-his-name? By the way, I don’t believe you told me his name.”
Frustrated, I used my favourite word, “Maybe.”
He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to one side, waiting for more information.
“It’s Bob, okay? His name is Bob. Have a good weekend and say hi to Jill for me.”
I gathered up my bag as I spoke and headed out the self-locking exit door. As I waited at the elevators, I saw he had followed me.
“I don’t know why you’re not confiding in me, but the fact you’re keeping me in the dark, says there’s something not quite right with this guy.”
I put my hand up to halt him in his too-close-for-comfort assumption.
Thankfully, the middle lift opened and as I stepped into it, he promised, “I will find out you know,” and the door closed before he could say more.
It was not until that moment, that I acknowledged how much I had trusted him in the past. He had been there for me during my breakups and had correctly steered me away from the unsavoury types; the
kind of guy only another guy could spot as trouble. No wonder he was sceptical this time. I would have to be extra cautious and definitely no more calls at work.
I pressed the call button and, within 30 seconds, the security gate slid open, allowing me to drive through and park near the front door.
By the time I got out, he was there. Leaning against the open doorway, he looked good enough to eat; from his bare feet to the tight black denim jeans and soft-grey hoody.
“Hey yourself, welcome back.”
As I approached, I saw he was once again assessing me. He had not specified what I should wear. That was one point for freewill. I chose a black mid-length skirt and a green silk blouse. I also wore stockings and black strappy high heels, one because of our obvious height difference and two because I suspected he liked me wearing them.
As I reached him, he complimented me. “I like your blouse; it matches your eyes.”
My eyes were my best feature. Many people had commented on their dark jade colour. In fact, my eyes were the only part of me to ever receive compliments.
“Did you bring an overnight bag?”
I smiled demurely and held up my small clutch purse. “I have my toothbrush and my nightie.”
His eyes widened and I could not help laughing at his stunned expression.
Once inside, the distinctive aroma of Chinese food attacked my senses. As we moved towards the dining area, I saw the glass sliding door was open. The night was warm, even for November. I noticed the furniture matched that of the kitchen, white table and red chairs.
During his earlier call, he had asked what my favourite dish was. In addition to Honey Chicken, there were several vegetable meals, as well as fried and steamed rice.
“What would you like to drink?” He had seated me at the table and was heading towards the fridge.
“My favourite is scotch and coke, but anything is fine, except red wine.”
“You know, red wine is like anything else. It’s an acquired taste and if you start off with something light, then you can work your way up to the hard stuff.”
Somehow I didn’t think he was referring to wine and this gave me something to think about. It was probably his way of getting into my head, the endless possibilities of our relationship.
I sipped my white wine; it was slightly drier than last week’s. I studied his profile as he piled his plate with the various dishes.
He glanced up and saw I hadn’t touched my Honey Chicken and fried rice he had passed to me earlier. “Eat up, it will get cold.”
I managed a few bites, before returning to stare at him.
“Okay, what’s on your mind?”
I answered truthfully. “Red wine, and other things....”
His fork was halfway to his mouth as I spoke. He returned the utensil to his plate. “I have a large collection of red wine, but I assume you’re not talking about wine?”
I nodded.
“You need to let me know what you’re thinking. We have to be open with each other if this is going to work.”
I took a large gulp of wine as I considered this. Well, it looked like I would have to ask my questions. I started with a relatively trivial one. “Why didn’t you take your clothes off?”
He laughed and almost choked on his drink. “This is what’s uppermost in your mind?”
I blushed. “No, but I am curious. Do you never?”
“Of course I do, last time was about control, pure and simple. I promise next time you can undress me, okay?”
I quickly asked another question. “My shoes, why didn’t you want me to take them off?”
He shrugged his shoulders as he swallowed his food. “Would you believe I was in a hurry?” He gave a wink. “Granted, it was probably not a good idea; those things can be a safety hazard.”
Before I could form another question, he leaned forward on his elbows and gave me one of those penetrating stares. “Let’s get to what’s really bothering you.”
I steeled myself, before I spoke. “What kind of relationship would we have, I mean like, how would it work?”
He ran his fingers through his hair and took another mouthful of wine. “Look, this is new to me as well. As I said before, we can take it one step at a time and reassess things as we go. But for starters, we’ll only see each other on the weekends and....”
“What about during the football season?”
“You’re interrupting; that’s a trait I plan to rid you of.”
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” I was amazed at how quickly his demeanour could change from cordial to firm.
He shook his head, as though he didn’t believe me. “You will come here, as I don’t have a flatmate to contend with.”
“How do you know about Diane? Oh never mind, your Fone Corp buddy, right?”
“The account is in both your names.”
Soon dinner was over, signalled by Brendon as he stood and gathered up the plates. I assisted him by stacking the dishwasher, while he put the leftover food away.
He then turned to me and held out his hand. “Before we go any further, let me give you a proper tour.”
After I collected my purse he showed me the laundry and downstairs toilet, which I briefly saw last time, before heading upstairs.
The first room on the right was a large games room complete with pool table, corner bar and a balcony overlooking the front courtyard. Opposite the games room there were an additional two rooms. When we reached the first one the door had been slightly ajar, but he pulled it shut before I could peer inside.
Turning to face me, his pleasant outlook changed to one of grave seriousness. “You are not, under any circumstances, to enter this room!”
What was so special about that particular room? Why was he being so secretive? I realised there was a lot I didn’t know about this well-known athlete and began to question my decision to put myself in so vulnerable a position.
“Do you understand?” He was eying me sceptically, waiting for my assurance before we continued any further.
“Of course.”
He nodded, before continuing to the second door, which was the bedroom I had previously been in.
Brendon confirmed what I had expected. “This will be your room, where you can leave your things. Feel free to use the laptop; there is also a TV and stereo in the centre cupboard.” He pointed to the wall cupboards I had tried to sneak a peek into.
He saw my guilty look and gave me a lopsided grin. “Yes, you can look in them anytime you wish.”
I meant to deal with my questions as they arose. “Does this mean we won’t sleep together?”
“No it doesn’t. When you are here we will either be sleeping in this room, my room or another room. I’ll show you that one shortly.”
It was one thing I was really looking forward to, waking up next to him.
He gave me a wink when we arrived at his room. “Now, as you know this is the master bedroom and here is the en-suite, my en-suite.” He paused for his words to take effect. “The bathroom you went in last time is for your use and again, you can leave any of your things in there.”
I noticed his bathroom was predominately white, with a smattering of red and black tiles throughout. My eyes were drawn to the deep circular bath, which had mirror splash-backs at either end. Very nice. I could picture him in it. Another pertinent question came to mind, along with a possible answer. “Um, is having separate bathrooms about control?”
“No, it’s more about having my own personal space.”
I was still puzzled. It must have shown, as he explained, “In the past, when females have stayed overnight, they took over my room and the en-suite with their stuff. So humour me with this one, please.”
Yep I was right, he was a neat freak. I also noticed it was the first time he had said please.
Next he showed me his state-of-the-art gym. This was to be expected, given his profession. And from what I had so far seen of his body, he put it to good us
I saw a small corner sofa and matching coffee table to the right of the door, which seemed out of place in a workout room. There was also a bar fridge situated near another door. He explained this one led directly into the master bedroom’s en-suite.
“Now, there’s one more room I want to show you.”
The other room he had mentioned earlier.
He tilted my chin up. “Have you ever heard of a panic room?”
“Yes. It’s a safe room, right?”
“Right. This room had already been built on when I bought the house. Its door is secreted over here.”
He held my hand and showed me where there were built-in cupboards along the back wall. Upon opening the left cupboard, he slid the rear panel to the right, revealing a sturdy door.
He gave it a push and it opened inwards, revealing the interior of another room. Stepping through, he beckoned me to follow.
Once inside he flicked on a light, before showing me how the door could be locked from the inside. “This is the whole purpose of a panic room, being able to lock yourself in.”
The room, though not as large as the other bedrooms, was a decent size. It was furnished with a queen-sized four poster bed, side cabinets with drawers, a wooden chair and a double mirror-panelled cupboard/wardrobe. Also, to my amazement, there was a shower and toilet. In addition, there were shelves with another TV, stereo and even a CCTV unit.
Strangely, there were no windows but I supposed if there were, it would be an easy access point for someone trying to break into the panic room.
Once again, I came out with what was on my mind. “Why would we sleep in here?”
He grinned wickedly as he ambled towards the bed. “In case we’re too tired after our hot and heavy sex.”
On closer inspection, I saw there were handcuffs attached to each of the bedposts. “You mean after you discipline me? This is your discipline room!”
Chapter 6
I scanned the room but noticed that, apart from the handcuffs, there was no other equipment or implements to suggest it was a discipline room. However, like the other bedrooms, there were mirror-panelled cupboards where I guessed probably housed everything he needed to chastise someone.
Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 5