I just nodded, knowing that to argue to point would get me nowhere.
“Now get your gear and make it two lots, so we won’t have to do this again.”
It was early afternoon and we had not spoken about his definitive statement. He had made his position plain and I knew I had crossed some invisible line. At the moment, I was more concerned with what was to come.
He had completed a workout in the gym, while I had sat on the small sofa and watched in awe of his straining muscles. He slowly walked towards me, a towel over one shoulder. As he squatted down in front of the lounge, he gave me a commanding look. “I’m going to have a shower. I want you to go to the training room and wait for me.”
I did not speak; certain he had more instructions for me.
He continued in the same even tone, “Leave your clothes in a neat pile, then stand next to the bed with your arms by your side, head bowed. Unless I state otherwise, this is how I want you to wait whenever I send you to the training room.”
Without waiting to see if I complied, he stood and exited by the side door; the one leading to the master bedroom en-suite. I didn’t immediately obey, instead sat and contemplated this latest development. He wanted me naked in the training room, yet he was expecting a male visitor shortly. I did not like where this was going.
As I made my way through the concealed door, I resolved not to relent on this one. I thought ahead of the possible scenarios. I would not let him blindfold me, in case he was planning on substituting this other guy. But I was sure I would know if it was Brendon; his hands, his lips, his body.
I didn’t have long to wait until I saw his bare feet before me. This time I didn’t feel embarrassed about being naked. He was right; I was starting to think my body belonged to him. But him alone, not someone else!
I didn’t move or make a sound as his hands cupped my breasts. Inwardly, I gasped and quivered with delight. I closed my eyes briefly and prayed I could trust him.
I saw him reach behind, probably to his jeans pocket and then he was holding some shiny handcuffs, similar to those already attached to the bed. He grabbed one hand and secured it, then the other, so my hands were shackled in front.
With a finger under my chin, he tipped my head back and then leaned in for a deep, savage kiss. I loved the way his mouth possessed mine, whether it was quick and chaste, or a full-on assault like now. My heart was beating wildly; the anticipation was building within me, anticipation mixed with an element of fear.
Chapter 12
“Sit on the edge of the bed with your legs apart.”
He didn’t speak loudly or severely, but it was definitely a command, not a request and I readily complied. As I sat, I glanced up and tried to read his expression, to give me a clue as to what he was planning. Once again he went to the bedside cabinet but, unlike last time, it was something designed for pleasure not pain.
“You answered don’t know to this. Obviously you’ve never tried one before, am I correct?”
I blushed as I studied the implement in his hand. It was a vibrator or a dildo, I was not sure which.
“Yes,” I admitted softly.
I felt a little naive at my confession. The fact was that I did not even masturbate, not liking the whole idea of touching myself. My hands never ventured downstairs, except in a non-gratifying way when washing. So inserting a foreign object inside me was not something I had ever contemplated.
Not sure how I was going to manage this, my mind queried why he would want me to use a vibrator, if I had the real thing. Maybe it did feel like the real thing and I would enjoy it? After all, look at everything he had introduced me to in just two weeks.
He was no doubt mindful of my inexperience, as he held my hand. “I want you to try this. You can stop it at any time, let me show you.”
He gave me a brief lesson on how to operate the dildo-shaped vibrator, explaining about the different settings on the remote control.
“Lie on the bed with your legs open, wide.”
Once I had complied he reached for a tube containing a gel substance and applied enough to the vibrator until it was well lubricated. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s me inside you.”
So I did as instructed. I held my breath as it entered me and then inch by inch, filled me.
I opened my eyes and saw he was watching me carefully. He gave me a minute to adjust to the sensation. “That’s not so bad, is it?”
I shook my head.
“Now, do you want to try having it on the lowest setting?”
What would it feel like, like him moving inside me, would it make me come?
I smiled shyly. “Can I turn it off if I don’t like it?”
“Of course, but I think you’ll be surprised.”
Once again, he was right and although it did not really turn me on, it relaxed me and made me feel calm and peaceful.
I was lying on my back looking up at him, again wondering why he was doing this.
“Stay still, I’m going to the gym for a second.”
While he was gone I pondered whether his visitor was waiting in the gym. But no, he came back straight away, carrying a bottle of water and my phone; I had left it on the coffee table in the gym. This was an unexpected twist, why would he bring me my phone?
Brendon placed both items on the side cabinet and walked to the TV mounted on the wall. He pressed a button on a remote control and a panel slid out, revealing it was a combination TV/DVD. After inserting a disc from the shelf, he returned to the bed.
Before he could speak, a buzzer sounded.
“Right on time.” He grinned as he walked to over to a control panel near the door. “Come in, I’m upstairs. I’ll be down in a minute.”
“No worries.” The visitor’s voice sounded distinctly masculine.
As he turned to face me, I eyed him warily. “So, what happens next?”
He came to stand beside the bed. “I’m going downstairs to see someone, who or why is not your concern. But I promised I would find a way to keep you occupied if I had visitors, correct?”
I nodded, as I began to piece together his intent.
“So while I’m busy, this will keep you happy and content, instead of irate and abusive. In addition, for your viewing pleasure, I have cued a movie; all you have to do is hit the play button. If you need to contact me you can text me, but I would prefer if you wait until I return. Any questions?”
“So I can do what I want, if I want to take it out, I can?”
“You can do whatever you like, just don’t leave this room.”
He had been gone a good five minutes, before I played the movie. It was a classic and to my delight, one of my favourites. Starring Mickey Rouke, Nine and a Half Weeks when released was a movie ahead of its time and although I had already seen it, I still enjoyed it again.
As I watched the movie, combined with the vibrator gently massaging me, I was becoming aroused. The joint stimulation continued to wreak havoc with my body; the longer the movie went, the more I needed to come.
Finally, I could stand it no longer and reached for the remote just as my phone rang. From the ringtone it was work or, more specifically, Peter.
“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
Oh boy, if only he knew. I grabbed both remotes, turning one off and pausing the other.
“No, Pete, what’s wrong?”
“You sound a bit strange, is he there with you?”
I took a deep breath. “No, I’m alone. Now tell me.”
“An old lady has been stabbed to death in her bedroom. They found her about an hour ago.”
“Are there any suspects?”
“No, but at first glance it looks like a burglary gone wrong. Everyone’s at the scene and Steve has asked if you could come in.”
Oh crap! I didn’t immediately reply.
“Suzie, are you still there?”
“Yes, I’m here.”
“Oh I see; this will upset your plans with Bob.”
d with both Peter and my current unfulfilled state, made me snap at him. “You know bloody well its Brendon, not Bob.”
“Whoa, I was stirring you up; you used to be able to take it. You’ve changed since you’ve been with this guy.”
He was not wrong there. I had changed in many unexpected ways, but I knew he was referring to me keeping secrets. I steered the conversation back to work. “When do you need me and for how long?”
As I spoke the words, Brendon walked through the door and by his frown, I knew he had heard. After getting the details I quickly ended the call, before looking up into his now serious face.
“Who were you talking to?” He seemed angry at my phone conversation. Why was he mad? He said I could do what I wanted except leave the room, right?
“It was work, I have to go in.”
“Oh, so what time do you need to leave?”
“Well that’s not possible at the moment, is it?”
I tried not to laugh at his joke. “Brendon, I really do need to get ready.”
“Speaking of ready, did my experiment work? Are you now fine with being left alone up here?”
“I don’t think fine is exactly how I feel at the moment.”
He gave me a concerned look. “Didn’t you come?”
“No please, I don’t want to come this way.”
“Shh its okay, you don’t have to.” He then gently removed it.
Brendon glanced up at the screen and saw the movie was paused at a particularly delicious scene. He proceeded to get naked and restarted the movie, before pulling my arms above my head and taking me in a similar fashion to what was happening on the screen. We came simultaneously with a burst of pleasure. Then kissing me gently, he pulled me to my feet and took me out of the room and into his en-suite.
I arrived at the security gate at the back of the building some 30 minutes later. This car park was usually reserved for Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) vehicles but, due to the lateness of the hour, it would be safer than the pit. Unlike the police vehicles, my car did not have a sensor to open the gate automatically, so I had to buzz the security guard on duty. There was also a camera and I showed my ID card.
Luckily, I was on a first name basis with the three guards who did rotating shifts, so I didn’t have a problem gaining entry. Most people all but ignored building security staff, but I made a point of stopping to talk to them whenever I had the time.
When I arrived upstairs the news had already started, so I watched from the doorway of the conference room. A short update ensued, with various details being written on one of several whiteboards.
Following the meeting, Dave came over to me. “Thanks for coming in, Chicken,” using his pet nickname for me.
“No worries, if you’re all working I might as well be here. How can I help, do you want me for database work or typing?”
“Check with Steve, but I think he wants you to guide the others with the inputting.”
The squad would usually call in additional personnel to input the data into the system and often these officers needed some training and assistance on the correct procedure.
As expected, following the news, a flood of information came through, keeping everyone busy. There were a couple of statements to type from the victim’s neighbours, who provided valuable information about two possible POIs seen in the vicinity. From their descriptions they appeared to be youths, maybe as young as sixteen.
I didn’t realise how much time had passed until I yawned and, on checking the time, was surprised it was almost ten o’clock. I went to my bag and saw I had two new messages; both from Brendon.
The first, ‘How late do you expect to be?’ was sent at 9.00 p m. The most recent one, 15 minutes ago, showed he was getting anxious. ‘R u still @ work? If you’ve gone home Im comin to get u’
I hoped to pacify him with my reply. ‘Still @ work shouldnt b much longer’
At 10.40 I stopped in front of the gate, but before I could announce my arrival it slid open, revealing Brendon had been watching for me. Once inside, he presented me with a scotch and coke; it was just what I needed.
When the glass was empty, he took my hand in his. “Come, I’ve got a surprise for you.” He was steering towards the stairs as he spoke.
Wearily, I shook my head. “I don’t think I can handle any more surprises today, can it wait until morning?”
He gave me a telling look. “If you weren’t so tired, I would censure you for forgetting I decide when and where.”
On seeing my contrite expression, he smiled. “And you also have to learn to trust me.”
Still sceptical, I allowed him to escort me to his room where, without any preamble, he undressed me and took me through the en-suite door.
A multitude of fragrances teased my senses. The deep oval bath was filled with bubbles and surrounded by candles that gave off a low, sensuous glow.
I sighed in appreciation and gave him an apologetic grin. “In future, in case I forget, please remind me to trust you in all things.”
What a joy it was waking up in his arms. We were facing each other, his outer leg and arm holding me captive, exactly how I wanted to be.
My face was almost touching his chest. I breathed in deeply, loving his purely masculine smell. I stayed still, not wanting to wake him, as I recalled the previous night’s bath. He had given me the option of bathing alone, but one look at his hopeful face had me agreeing to share.
I sat on his lap with my back to him while he tenderly washed my body. I could see our reflection in the mirror splash-back facing us. I watched, fascinated, as his hands worked their magic. His soothing attention, combined with the warmth of the water, relaxed me to the point where I almost fell asleep. Almost; the one thing keeping me lucid was the feel of his hardness beneath me.
Then he had kissed the back of my neck and I was lost. Gently, but steadily, he eased into me, cupping my breasts, effectively holding me in place. The lovemaking to follow was pure joy, long and slow; all the while he continued to kiss and bite my neck, alternating between pleasure and pain.
My mind came back to the present, as I felt him stir from his sleep and then he kissed the top of my head. “Good morning, baby.”
“Good morning.” I smiled up at him.
Then to my surprise, he was up and out of bed. I sat up but he raised his hands. “No, stay in bed. I need to go to a team meeting.”
“How long will you be; should I go home?”
“Of course not, I won’t be too long.” He then disappeared into the en-suite for a shower.
Prior to leaving the house, he sat on the bed and gave me one of his piercing looks. “While I’m gone, I hope I can trust you alone in my house.”
“Of course.”
“Because I will know if you’ve been snooping and will have to teach you about the second chastise word. In case you need to refresh your memory, the file is in the desk drawer in your room. Finally, do not answer the phone or touch the security panels. Don’t text me unless it’s an emergency, is that clear?”
As I showered, I idly pondered what the second word was. In hindsight, it probably was not such a good idea listing the chastise words. I still had nine to learn about. As I distinctly remembered the last four – flog, whip, lash and beat, it helped me resist the temptation of prying into his personal life. After all, I already knew his biggest secret, what else could he possibly be hiding?
After discovering the next word was castigate, I researched it on the internet. The dictionary definition was to rebuke or criticize in a severe manner with rebuke meaning to scold or reprimand. The most alarming word was severe.
Well it didn’t matter anyway, because I wasn’t planning on looking behind closed doors. Well, perhaps one particular door.
After a light breakfast, I spent some time on Facebook and then gave Jeanette a call. I told her Brendon had met Diane the previous day and also that Aiden was coming over later.
p; “So when am I going to meet him, over dinner perhaps?” I told her it would be soon.
I decided to grab a book to pass the time, but on my way downstairs I paused outside the closed door of the only room in the house I had not ventured into. Should I? I wouldn’t get caught because he wasn’t here. But what if he asked me about it; could I successfully lie without looking guilty? As my mind weighed up the pros and cons, I decided to take the plunge and deal with any consequences later. After all, I had an inquisitive nature and it piqued my curiosity every time I passed that god-damn door.
Gingerly, I tried the handle and to my surprise, it opened. I had assumed he would have locked it, but then again he was trusting me. Bad move, Brendon.
It was a bedroom almost identical to mine, except it was a mirror image, in that the door and wardrobes were on the opposite sides of the room. There were no personal touches or visible possessions, making it appear as though it was simply a guest or spare room. If that was indeed the case, then why did Brendon deem it necessary to ban me? There had to be more to it.
Glancing again at the mirrored panels of the wardrobe, I recalled with a smile how, on that first day in his house, I had sought to find out more about Brendon by looking into the wardrobes in what was now my room.
I slide open the nearest door and was stunned at what I saw.
Chapter 13
As I looked at the extensive assortment of women’s clothes, the first thought that struck me was how glamorous they were. Surely this wasn’t where he was procuring my outfits from? He had said he purchased them online and I assumed it had been recently. Were they recycled from his last conquest?
I shuddered at the coldness of his actions, in not letting her keep them after he had cast her out. Or maybe it was a bad breakup and she hadn’t wanted anything to do with him or his clothes?
On closer inspection, I saw they were all a size smaller than I wore and, from their length, were obviously for someone much taller than my modest height.
Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 11