Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play

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Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 12

by Lorraine Loveit

  I wanted to explore further, but didn’t want to push my luck. Perhaps I would another time, when the opportunity arose.

  Upon checking out his well-stocked bookcase, apart from several business/commerce textbooks, I noticed a good selection of fiction, mostly with a thriller/suspense theme. I grabbed one that caught my interest and took it, along with a cold drink, outside to enjoy a leisurely read.

  An hour later being engrossed in the novel, I was startled by the sound of the security screen door opening. “Here you are. Are you hungry?”

  I gazed up and seeing his radiant smile made me stop and think a moment. Even though he had trusted me alone in his house, he did not want anyone else to know I was there. It was like I was a terrible secret he wanted to keep hidden. But I could now understand, it was his to keep and I was now a part of that secret. It was not an ideal situation but seeing him smile at me like he was, I forgot everything except wanting to be with him.

  I smiled suggestively as I looked at the spa next to the patio. “Hungry for...?”

  His eyes followed mine and he raised an eyebrow at my comment. He gave me a wicked grin. “Lunch! After the meeting, we did a training run and I’ve worked up an appetite... for food.”

  “Oh.” I pouted at this letdown.

  He shook his head. “Be careful what you wish for. So, have you been a good girl while I’ve been gone?”

  “Yes of course.” I tried to sound confident in my answer.

  He narrowed his eyes as though he wasn’t convinced. He crouched down next to my chair. “So now all of a sudden, when left alone, you’ve followed instructions and not tried to find out more about me? Is this what you want me to believe?”

  Oh no, he knew I was lying! His close scrutiny had me blushing.


  I looked him directly in the eye. “Do you honestly think I would lie to you after Friday night’s lesson?” I held my breath; waiting, hoping. I was sure he could hear my heart racing with panic.

  “Perhaps not.” He reached for my hand, pulling me to my feet. “Come, let’s eat.”

  Aiden arrived at Brendon’s earlier than was arranged. He was soon mesmerised with Brendon, more so than Diane was, but this was because he knew a lot more about football. After an initial awkward moment, they appeared to be hitting it off. Aiden seemed fascinated with Brendon’s anecdotes of both on and off field incidents he had experienced in his playing career. Brendon had remembered to make special mention of his knowledge of Ravenwood players.

  The evening went fast, as did Brendon’s homemade pizzas; they were immensely better than my usual store-bought variety. By the time they shook hands, it was like they had known each other for ages. I was impressed with the way Brendon won people over; it seemed like it was his special talent.

  It was almost 7.30 a m and I was about to leave for work. Brendon came towards me as I headed for the door.

  “I’ve got something for you.” Before I could react, he had secured my wrists with handcuffs. At my stunned look, he shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry babe, but it’s time for lesson number two.”

  “What? I don’t have time!”

  “On the contrary, you have 30 minutes of time, to pay back to me.” I shook my head in disbelief.

  “It’s time to learn about restrain, another word meaning to chastise. You didn’t think I had forgotten you deliberately kept me waiting for 30 minutes?”

  I sighed at the implications. I could see where this was going and knew without a doubt, I would be late for work. “Can I at least phone and let them know I’ll be late?”

  He reply was blunt and to the point. “I didn’t get a phone call, did I?”

  I held my manacled hands up to him. “So, you want me to wait around for half an hour?”

  He gave me his boyish grin. “Now that would be boring, wouldn’t it?”

  I searched his face to see what he was thinking. “You planned this, didn’t you? This is why you wanted me to stay the whole weekend, right?”

  “Guilty as charged.”

  So, if he had orchestrated this, what else did he propose, given it was just 30 minutes? I decided to take the initiative and possibly shock him. I reached up and put my hands behind his neck. “So, what did you have in mind?”

  He grasped me by the waist, then lifted and carried me to the lounge. Leaning close, he placed gentle kisses on my neck below my left ear, before whispering, “There are many ways to restrain someone.”

  For the next 30 minutes, without removing any of my clothing, he did everything in his power to arouse me. This was not hard, considering the first thing he did was strip off his shirt, leaving his chest bare for me to admire.

  When my penalty time was up, I was not only aroused, but feeling needy and frustrated. Obviously this was how he wanted me.

  He smiled knowingly as he undid the cuffs and pulled me to my feet. “Have a nice day at work.”


  “But what?”

  I blushed. He wanted me to spell it out. “I won’t have a nice day if you leave me... in this state.”

  He tilted my chin high and then spoke in a serious tone. “Restrain also means to withhold and prohibit. I want you to remain in this state for the rest of the day.”

  Well of course I would. He must have known from my questionnaire I would not be pleasuring myself. My problem was that we did not see each other during the week.

  “But what about the rest of the week, I can’t wait until Friday?”

  Brendon shook his head. “My, my, what a wanton you’ve become.”

  Disappointed, I turned to leave, but he grasped my arm and pulled me back to face him. “Who said you have to wait until Friday?”

  He paused to let his words take effect. “If you’re still in need by tonight, you know where to find me.” At my hopeful expression, he added, “I guess I will see you after work then?”

  I nodded eagerly. “Is 5.30 too early?”

  Suffice to say, Monday was a long day, especially so because it was busy with a lot of backlog from the weekend’s murder to catch up on. To make matters worse, in addition to being unsatisfied, I couldn’t stop wondering about the owner of those clothes. Who did they belong to and why were they still in the wardrobe?

  Peter seemed aware of my distressed state and didn’t accept my excuse of being overworked. He pulled up a chair next to me and I initially assumed it was work related, until he asked what was wrong. As usual he kept pressing, knowing I was keeping the truth from him.

  “So, what’s he done this time? It’s obviously something that did or didn’t happen on the weekend. I noticed you were in late this morning and you’re wearing high heels, now that’s a first. Come on Suzie, I’m here to help, or at least lend an ear.”

  On examining his little speech, I had to concede he was good at his job. It was about Brendon, something he had and had not done; which was also the reason I was late. But it was too delicate a subject to reveal to him, no matter how close we were.

  “I don’t want to discuss my love life with you.” I deflected his questions by changing the subject. “But what I can tell you is that Brendon met both Diane and Aiden over the weekend.”

  He look surprised. “Really, and how did it go?”

  “Quite well, they both seemed to like him.”

  “Hmm, next you’ll have to bring him in here.”

  Now it was my turn to be shocked. “You’ve got to be kidding, right?”

  “Why not, you could arrange for him to pick you up one night.”

  “But that’s not going to get him upstairs.”

  “You’re not thinking ahead. You will be busy when he arrives and someone will have to go down and bring him up.”

  I nodded, as I now understood “And of course it will be you.”

  “Naturally.” He gave me a smug self-satisfied grin.

  “This is a pleasant surprise.” I didn’t laugh at Brendon’s condescending tone, as I stood on the doorstep before him at preci
sely 5.30 p m.

  I rolled my eyes at his attempt at humour. “May I come inside?”

  He stepped back to allow me to enter. “Of course. After all it’s why you’re here, right?”

  I suppressed a sigh and walked in, then turned to face him as he closed the door. As usual, I noticed him giving me the usual once-over.

  “So, can I get you anything, a drink, something to eat, me?”

  He finished with a cheeky grin and I could not help but smile. “It’s you, it’s been you all day.”

  He took my hand and escorted me to the lounge. He sat down and motioned for me to remain standing. “This is exactly what I wanted, for you to think about me all day.”

  “You know you could have just asked me to think about you.”

  “Yes, but you have to admit, my way was more effective.”

  As he spoke, he reached out and slowly, deliberately eased down my knickers until they were at my ankles. After removing them from first one foot, then the other, he pocketed them.

  At my surprised look, he simply shrugged. “In case an unexpected visitor drops by.”

  Without breaking eye contact, he casually reached out and under my skirt to touch me. I gasped at the intimate contact, blushing as he continued to watch me.

  He nodded as though satisfied, then ceased his gentle probing and stood up. “Let’s play a game!”

  Another one, wasn’t this some kind of game he had forced me to participate in all day?

  “If you win, you get want you want.”

  “And if you win?” I was almost afraid to ask.

  He grinned broadly. “I get what I want, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  Without even knowing the details, I was certain this was a game I was destined to lose. I was therefore genuinely surprised when we entered the games room. He left me standing in the doorway, as he walked over and removed a cue from the rack. “Have you ever played pool?”

  “Once or twice.”

  I failed to admit that I had played quite a bit with my brother over the years. Even though he always beat me, I could hold my own against most players.

  I entered the room and walked towards him. “So, this is the game? Don’t you think the outcome is stacked in your favour?”

  “Would it help if I gave you a few pointers?”

  Yes it would help. I may as well get the extra guidance, to give the impression of the novice he assumed I was.

  “Yes, please.”

  I watched intently as he leaned over his cue stick and prepared to hit the white ball. He was giving me instructions and tips, but all I could focus on was how his denim-clad behind was displayed for my viewing pleasure. This gave me a delicious idea.

  I picked up another stick and asked sweetly, “Like this?” as I inaccurately attempted to copy his actions.

  Brendon shook his head and standing behind me, moved me into the correct position.

  As anticipated, my naked bottom was exposed beneath my now raised skirt and it was pressed up against his hips as he leaned over me. If he wasn’t wearing jeans, it would have been so easy for him to....

  “You need to be lower, like this, and look along the line of the cue, got it?” His instructions interrupted my carnal notions.

  I straightened and then nodded. “Why don’t we start then?”

  He eyed me a bit sceptically. “Don’t you want a practise first?”

  I paused for a moment, as if to think it over. “No, I’m good. So, do I have to tell you what I want before we play?”

  He smiled devilishly. “No you don’t, because I’m definitely not telling what I want.”

  He was so confident he would win. He didn’t know it yet, but he was in for a shock.

  I let him break, claiming I didn’t want to muck it up. He fairly quickly sunk two balls, while I purposely missed a few shots.

  Slowly, but steadily, I began to play better and soon we were even. Now not so cocky, he seemed to concentrate more and take less risky shots. I knew he wanted to win and I had to wonder what he had in mind for his reward.

  After I pocketed a particularly hard shot, he gave me a questioning look. “Didn’t you say you had only played once or twice?”

  I smiled as I re-chalked my cue. “I used to play occasionally with Aiden, but he always won.”

  “Remind me never to bet against him in a game.”

  As we continued to play, I noticed whenever I was bending over, he positioned himself so he had an uninterrupted view of my behind; giving me the distinct impression the game had begun the moment he removed my underwear.

  I was almost tempted to let him win, to see what outcome he had planned; but no, for once I wanted to be the one calling the shots.

  When I pulled ahead he began to play dirty, distracting me whenever I was having a shot. At one point, he even dared to touch me between my legs; this most definitely affected my aim.

  Well, two could play that game. I positioned myself near the pocket he was aiming for, then undid a couple of buttons on my blouse and leaned forward, giving him a perfect view of my bra and almost-visible breasts. However, he appeared unaffected as he lowered his eyes, before executing a perfect shot.

  We were now at the business end of the game, with each having one ball left, as well as the black eight ball. After sinking the previous ball, it was still his turn and I held my breath as he took the difficult shot; releasing it as the coloured ball refused to go in, stopping near the pocket. As the eight ball was positioned near the opposite pocket, it meant a certain victory for him if I failed to sink my next shot.

  He let me prepare for and take aim without hindering me, perhaps because I had not balked him on his previous shot. Maybe he wanted to win fairly? It seemed less likely, given his desire to be in control. I took the shot and as I was certain it would go in, I watched his face for his reaction.

  When the ball disappeared into the pocket, he closed his eyes briefly and shook his head. Then it was a simple matter of tapping the eight ball in, to claim victory.

  “Why do I get the feeling I’ve been shafted?”

  I opened my mouth in false shock. “Just congratulate me and ask what I want.”

  He smiled at this and held out his hand to shake mine. “I already know what you want, remember?”

  I nodded and then smiled at him appreciatively. “Oh, there is much more I want, starting with you naked.”

  Chapter 14

  I don’t know what I was expecting, but Brendon roaring with laughter was not it. He only stopped when he noticed I didn’t join in. “You’re serious?”

  Again I nodded, feeling less confident after his reaction to my request.

  He shook his head. “I don’t know what you have in mind, but I’ll play along, up to a point.”

  I gave him a questioning look, to which he responded, “You may have won the game, but it doesn’t mean you’re in charge. Besides....”


  “Don’t interrupt me again.” His words held an unmistakeable edge of authority and once again, I was amazed at how quickly his easy going mood could change.

  He continued to give me a hard stare, waiting to see if I remained quiet. Eventually he continued. “Not only did you con me, you’re once or twice line was obviously a lie, and you know how I feel about lying.”

  I swallowed nervously, as I remembered the particular form of discipline he had exacted the last time I lied to him.

  Still silent, I peered up at him, not looking forward to what was coming. He watched me closely and then gave me a quick grin. To my relief and joy, he lifted his arms and removed his white Bali tank top.

  I smiled at the view and then nodded towards his jeans. He shook his head but complied, undoing first the button, then tantalisingly slowly unzipped the fly, before finally pushing the pants off his thighs down to the floor.

  Then he placed his hands on his hips, just above his waist. “If you want to see the rest, you have to take them off yourself, without using your

  As interesting as this scenario sounded, I stated my protest. “This was supposed to be about what I wanted.”

  “You didn’t specify how I got naked. You’ll still get what you want in the end.” He finished with an intoxicating smile and I agreed.

  Despite my earlier boldness I was now feeling nervous, not wanting the act of removing his boxers to look awkward and unattractive.

  “You can start any time.”

  As I reached towards him, he instructed, “Put your hands on your head.”

  “I’m not going to use my hands, so it won’t matter where I put them.”

  “But I love seeing you like that, it makes your breasts look so inviting.” He grinned and I knew slowly, but surely, he was wresting back control confirming, despite the situation, he was still in charge.

  With hands on head, I took my time undressing him. As I went about my task, I ensured my mouth made contact with his body, everywhere except the one place he expected.

  As I glanced at his manhood, I could tell it was getting more aroused by my lack of attention. Eventually I managed to get his boxers down to his knees, then to his ankles without giving him what he wanted.

  I rose and took a step back, to maintain a safe distance from his swollen member. His countermove didn’t surprise me as he moved closer; so close that his erection pressed against me, with only the thin fabric of my skirt separating us.

  The contact heated my blood, almost making me relent and lift my skirt for him. But no, I did not want to give in to him.

  His low sexy voice broke into my musings. “You’ve got me naked, what else do you want?”

  Hmm, we both knew what I ultimately wanted, but I had waited all day and he had only waited a short time. My plan was to make him as desperate as I was.

  With this in mind, I side stepped around him and called over my shoulder. “Come.”

  Without checking to see if he was following, I headed towards the door. I knew he would not be happy with my summons. How long would he play along?


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