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Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play

Page 13

by Lorraine Loveit

  I heard him chuckle behind me as I headed to my room. After entering, I gestured to the bed.

  He was smiling in earnest. “How would you like me?”

  “On your back.”

  He gave a hoot of laughter, before lying on the bed as requested.

  He stared up at me. “And my hands, don’t tell me you’re going to restrain me, because that’s where I draw the line.”

  I leaned over his deliciously naked body and whispered in his ear, “There are many ways to restrain someone.”

  “Touché. So what happens next, or would you like me to decide?”

  “No, I’ve got this.”

  Without another word, I turned away and left the room. I could picture his surprised expression, wondering where I was going and if I was returning any time soon. Considering his need to dominate, I speculated if he would come after me or stay on the bed as I had instructed.

  Surprisingly, the latter proved to be correct, as a few minutes later, I re-entered the room to see him smiling in apparent relief as he saw what I was carrying.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this since the first time I saw your chest.”

  This was to apply body lotion to my favourite part of his body. As I began to gently massage his upper body, I could feel him relax beneath my fingers. He was obviously enjoying the experience as much as I was.

  I extended the massage to the rest of his body but, once again, excluded the groin area. I smiled inwardly, in the knowledge my neglect had caused his cock to continue to grow in size. I was impressed he remained still and silent, not urging me to relieve his tension.

  I finished my ministrations and while watching his face, slowly undid the top few buttons of my blouse, enough for him to see my breasts peeking out from above my bra.

  Then, without any further preamble but more importantly, without removing any further clothing, I mounted him. I didn’t need any foreplay to get me ready. I had been ready all day and touching his bare chest alone, was almost enough to make me come.

  He immediately starting moving with me and went to place his hands on my hips as I leaned towards him, giving an excellent view of my half-clothed chest.

  “No hands, or I will have to secure them.”

  At my words, he withdrew and obediently returned them to his sides.

  It was not long before I felt his body tense and on checking his facial features, I could tell he was reaching his peak. I was almost there myself, yet I sat up and came to an abrupt halt. “Do you want to come?”

  He groaned at my wicked taunt. “Yes, and so do you.” He shook his head. “Why would you deny both of us?”

  I leaned over further and whispered, “I’m not denying us, just delaying, so you can experience what I had to endure today.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “So Suzanna, you want to play games, do you?” His tone had changed and I knew he was serious. “You either finish this now or we’re done! After all, I can always use my hand. What are you going to do to relieve yourself?”

  He had me there; I was trapped by my own doing. Now I had to follow his demands or walk away unfulfilled.

  As I undid the remainder of my blouse buttons, I conceded he would always be calling the shots. Even though I felt deflated, I knew I didn’t mind him being the boss; it turned me on, without a doubt.

  Once I had removed my blouse, my bra soon followed. I did not remove my skirt, on principle.

  Again I leaned forward, this time offering my breasts to him. “Suck them!” He readily obliged, by propping himself up on his elbows and lifting his head to reach them. Due to our difference in height, it was not possible for me to lean down over his face, not without withdrawing from him. I was sure neither of us wanted to disengage at that particular moment.

  I began to move, slowly at first, as he continued his erotic assault on my nipples, first one then the other. Even after I picked up the pace, his mouth remained locked on.

  Perhaps for this reason, being joined at two points, combined with being denied all day and my current dominant position, my orgasm was mind-blowing. As he soon followed suit, I hoped his was as satisfying due to my delaying tactics.

  It was barely 30 minutes after we had showered and dressed that Brendon announced, “I hate to rush you, but there are things I need to do. Also I have an early training run in the morning.”

  “You’re kicking me out?”

  He gave me a lopsided grin. “It is a Monday after all and I didn’t make you wait until Friday, did I?”

  His previous words came back to haunt me, “You’re not my girlfriend and you never will be.” Was this because someone else was coming over? He had denied any females had stayed over sine we met, but it was a question I had been thinking about, ever since I had sneaked into that room.

  I suppressed a sigh and gathered up my bag, along with my work clothes. Before leaving, smiled up at him. “Any time you want a rematch, let me know.”

  Chapter 15

  The next couple of weeks flew by, albeit work was quiet. This generally meant something big was about to go down. It always seemed to happen that way, unfortunately.

  As far as my love life was concerned, our unusual relationship was still on track. The weekend following our Monday encounter, Brendon said he “had things to do” on the Sunday, so I had to leave on Saturday. Was it because he saw her during the week? That horrible thought had been bothering me, one I couldn’t get out of my head. Did we have a part time relationship because he was seeing someone else; someone whose clothes were hanging in the other room? No, I wouldn’t accept that – surely he couldn’t be so cruel?

  My concerns were greatly diminished during our recent weekend together. It was the best one yet and I did not want to leave, staying until late Sunday night. At some point during the weekend, I even fantasized about what it would be like to not have to leave, to live there with him.

  I recalled the first day we had spent together with my declaration, “I may never leave,” and his reply, “Would that be such a bad thing?” He wouldn’t have said that if there was another woman in the picture, would he? The worst part was I couldn’t even ask him about the clothes, because then he would know I had disobeyed him.

  As usual, it had been arranged for me to arrive at his place on Friday at 6.00 p m sharp, so I was pleasantly surprised with his phone call on Thursday night.

  After some initial small talk, he was silent. I sensed he was weighing up how to tell me something. “With what do I owe this pleasure?”

  Again a small pause. “I have a proposition for you.”

  Where was he going with this, what more could he possibly proposition me with? Unless... I dared to hope he wanted to upgrade our relationship.

  “What kind of proposition did you have in mind?”

  He sounded guarded. “I’ll explain tomorrow night, but I want you to think about it before you give me your decision. I know this doesn’t make sense at the moment, but it will when I give you my ultimatum.”

  Shit! My blood seemed to freeze at the word. It took a moment or two to summon up the courage to ask what he meant. “Is this a proposition or an ultimatum?”

  “Both. Look don’t sweat about it tonight, all will become clear tomorrow. I wanted you to be prepared to make an important decision about our future. Goodnight baby.”

  After my, “Goodnight” reply, he hung up. Wow, maybe this was about being his girlfriend for real, but what was the ultimatum? How could an ultimatum also be a proposition? Many scenarios swirled around in my head, even the distasteful one of sharing him with that other taller, thinner female.

  Friday morning dawned clear and bright, a perfect summer’s day until I realised it was also Friday the 13th. Traditionally, this superstitious day had definitely been unlucky for me. From breaking something valuable to burning myself when cooking, Friday the 13th had not been kind to me in the past and it did not bode well for the upcoming conversation with Brendon.

  I arrived at work to find Peter campe
d out at my desk. “So, did you drive in today?”

  What kind of question was that? I eyed him sceptically. “Yes, I did.”

  He dropped his head in obvious disappointment. “I was thinking today would have been the perfect opportunity for Brendon to pick you up.”

  “Ah I see now, you’re trying to orchestrate a meeting with him.”

  He smiled at my correct guess. “I’m thinking of you, especially if you’re going to have a couple of drinks, or have you forgotten about the Sundowner tonight?”

  As a matter of fact, that was indeed the case. How could I have forgotten a Sundowner? I didn’t ever remember missing one. Sundowners at CIB HQ were always well patronised, due to the fact all drinks were on the house, not just beer and wine, but the top shelf stuff as well. It was also the ambiance of the place, nice décor with chesterfield lounges and plenty of high tables with matching padded bar stools. There was generally such a hub of voices and laughter, that no music was necessary.

  But, of course, Brendon was the reason. My life had changed so dramatically since the last Sundowner. Hence, my reply to Peter came as something of a shock to both of us. “No, I’m not going.”

  The incredulous expression on his face made me laugh. “I have other plans.”

  “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to change your plans.”

  “And I’m sorry, because I’m not going.”

  “Okay, you’ve forced my hand, give me your keys,” as he held out his hand.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You know it’s an offence not to hand over your car keys when requested by a police officer?”

  On studying his face, he did not have the usual teasing expression I expected to see. “You’re not joking?”

  “No, there’s a team meeting.”

  “At the Sundowner?”

  He nodded and I continued to ignore his outstretched hand.

  “How come I don’t know about any meeting?”

  “It’s more like a thank you from the Super, for all the good work we’ve done recently. And I don’t think anyone told you because, like me, they probably assumed you’d be there with bells on.”

  I elected not to comment on my well-known eagerness for Sundowners. “I don’t really think the thank you includes me, I’m just the typist remember?”

  Peter ignored my comment and leant over towards my handbag. Annoyed at his arrogant move, I also bent to grab it, but he got there before me and held it out of my reach as he fumbled inside, until he retrieved my keys.

  “That’s it, I’m going to speak with Dave.”

  He gave me a warning as I made to push past him. “You won’t get any help from that quarter. He wants everyone there as much as the Super does and, believe it or not, you’re a big part of this team.”

  I let out a resigned sigh as I gazed up at my once close friend. “Look Peter, you don’t understand....”

  “Then enlighten me.”

  “I’m supposed to be at Brendon’s at six.”

  “Then it shouldn’t be a problem, since the meeting starts at four. You should have plenty of time.”

  “Don’t Sundowners usually start at five?”

  “Yes, but we’re having the team meeting first.”

  I considered this, as I held out my palm. “Okay, so can I have my keys back now?”

  He simply shook his head. “I’d better hold on to them, just in case.”

  I tried to keep my frustration at bay. “In case what?”

  After pocketing my keys, he put his arm around my shoulder. “In case you have too much to drink. What kind of a friend, or police officer, would I be if I let you drink and drive?”

  Later in the day, as Steve was passing I quizzed him about the after-hours meeting. He confirmed it had been arranged by the Superintendent, for everyone who worked on the Jacobs case. I mentioned I did have other plans and it probably did not include support staff. Steve appeared puzzled. “Did you work on the case?”

  “In a small way.”

  “Well, then you’re required in a small way.”

  I informed him of Peter’s overbearing manner in seizing my keys. He again appeared nonplussed. “That was a bit over the top, even for him, but I don’t see why you’re complaining – you know there’s a Sundowner following the meeting?”

  Why did everyone think it was all I was interested in?

  “Yes I know about the Sundowner but, as I said, I have plans.”

  “It must be someone special this time and not a copper, otherwise he would be there tonight.”

  He had me there, my last couple of boyfriends had been on the force. I was still close with them, especially the last one, Jason Atwell from the Bureau of Criminal Intelligence (BCI), or more specifically, The Dogs. The Dog Squad was a small group whose primary role was to dog suspects’ vehicles and/or perform surveillance on residences, as requested by other squads, most commonly Drug Squad. This was how I first came in contact with Jason.

  So at four o’clock I found myself upstairs, with a drink in my hand, at our meeting. Not that we would be discussing much, it was really just a pat-on-the-back for a job well done.

  “To the Regiment!”

  It was tradition that the first drink of the day was a toast to the Regiment, and the liquor of choice had to be port; in this instance it was an expensive one, none other than Grandfather’s Port. It was also the custom to scull the port, but today I refrained and took a sip instead. I saw Peter and a couple of the others noticed my out-of-character act, but they refrained from commenting on it.

  After Superintendent Jones, who I always addressed as Darryl, had passed on congratulatory words from both himself and the Commissioner, everyone got straight down to business; the business of knocking back the free drinks. Once again, I was hesitant of drinking too much, knowing I had to drive and would be leaving soon.

  Nevertheless, courtesy of none other than my good pal Peter, I still seemed to get through a couple of scotch and cokes prior to the Sundowner officially starting. This heralded the arrival of the other sections, including Mel, Bec and Jo from the Drug Squad Support Unit and, of course, Mandy. While catching up with the ladies, I kept an eye on the time, planning to leave at 5.30 and going straight to Brendon’s.

  After saying goodbye to my friends, I approached Peter and held out my hand. “Can I have my keys now, please?”

  He shook his head. “No sorry Suze, you’ve had too much to drive.”

  Irritated, I tried to reason with him without making a scene. “I’m fine. I’ve only had two.”

  “Uh, uh, I’ve been watching you. You just had another one with your mates; that makes three, plus the port.”

  “Give them back now or everyone will know about this.”

  Having issued the ultimatum, I assumed he would relent. Instead, he came up with an alternative. “Call Brendon to come and pick you up.”

  I gathered this had been his plan all along, including feeding me the offending drinks.

  I was initially so stunned, I couldn’t speak. How could he have been so devious and calculating? I knew the answer but, as I shook my head, I still had to ask. “So you can meet him – this is why you took my keys and made sure I drank too much?”

  He smiled, not a trace of guilt on his face. “You didn’t have to drink them.”

  I pushed him away with both hands and headed for the door. He soon caught up and grabbed my arm. “Where are you going?”

  Furious, I turned to him. “I’m going downstairs to order a taxi. Now let go!”

  “Suzie wait, I’m sorry okay? But surely it won’t hurt for him to come to you for once?”

  Startled, I looked him directly in the eye. “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing.” He released his hold on me and glanced away.

  “Oh no you don’t, you started this, now tell me what you meant by him coming to me for once?”

  “If I tell you, promise you won’t get mad, or at least wait until I explain?”

  “I already am

  He indicated to the doorway leading to the now deserted cafeteria.

  Once we were alone, he confessed, “I know you go to his house every weekend. I also know he never goes to your place, except that one time. But worse, you never go out anywhere together!”

  “I can’t believe you’ve been following me.”

  He didn’t respond and a dreadful thought occurred. “It was you, wasn’t it?”

  “No, it was Jason.”

  God, could the situation get any worse, and Jason of all people? I lashed out, punching him in the stomach. From his non-reaction it appeared as though he barely felt the blow.

  “Why did you pick Jason, knowing our history? So what, does he sit outside the house every weekend?”

  Disgusted with him I turned my back, hugging myself to stop from shaking. He touched my shoulder and I flinched, causing him to withdraw his hand. But his next words had me turning to face him, not wanting to believe them.

  “He volunteered his services and no, he mostly does drive-bys.”

  “What? And how did he know about Brendon in the first place?”

  He cleared his throat. “From me, but it wasn’t my fault. You told me about Brendon, how was I to know you hadn’t told him, knowing your history?”

  “Damn it Pete, I told you because you were hassling me on a daily basis. I had hoped you would back off, but I see things have escalated to getting Jason involved.”

  “I’m sorry, I needed to know this guy was treating you right. I bumped into Jase and we got talking. He agrees with me by the way.”

  “Agrees with what, exactly?”

  “This relationship has changed you....”

  “Is this guy bothering you?”

  Peter glanced over his shoulder. “Hey Diane.”

  “Hey yourself. Can’t you give the girl a break? You men are all the same.”

  “I’m worried about her, that’s all.”

  “Worry about your own life, namely your wife and son.”


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