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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

  Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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  [Note: for For recent ZetaTalk on the 7 of 10 scenarios, Dark Twin and Venus looming, Wobble progress and related subjects check the

  Q&A chats.]

  The Zetas talk about cataclysmic changes described in a Zeta Vision given to Nancy; that a Sudden Impact is

  predictable but there is Millennium Denial in spite of Millennium Fever that the government will not Sound the Alarm;

  that the Earth stands witness to Past Cataclysms and Wandering Poles; how the Prior Shift during the Jewish Exodus

  and Passover relate; how flash froze Mastodons and Asteroid Traffic are proof. Why books by authors Velikovsky and

  Sitchin and many Prophets and Differing Prophecies and Future Maps seem to contradict; how there were Lost

  Records and Calendars and Clocks adjusted. The Zetas state that Emotional Adjustments to the news inevitably occur; that Resistance exists so that a Subtle Message is often best; that there will be Crop Failure for years going into the shift with Crop Adjustments and Diet Adjustments; that Threats of War and a Financial Freeze is possible, and a

  Market Crash will occur with a varied Crash Impact likely. The Zetas explain why the Mayan Calendar or a planetary alignment on May 5, 2000 are not clues, and why Precision is difficult in determining the Pole Shift Timeline; how

  New Orleans, a Preview and Disaster Movies portent. The Zetas say that in spite of Manifest Clues there will be diversionary False Alarms; and hiding the truth behind Cataclysm Masks even though Proof Existed many years before with Heralding of an approach with harbingers such as Green Meteors, Space Trash, a New Moon, Permafrost Quakes,

  Moon Halos, Black Water, a Lowered Jet Stream, and signs such as Deformed Frogs and Big Birds and increasing incidence of Deep Quakes. The Zetas talk about whether Atlantis and the Land of Mu exist; whether The Flood

  occurred and why Noah anticipated this; how Moses was guided; whether Tales such as the Red Sea Parting and Jonah

  and the whale describe Pole Shifts; why there are Submerged Roads near Bermuda; what Ancient Maps reveal; and what the Loch Ness Monster and the Yeti and Brainerd Lake have to do with Pole Shifts.

  The Zetas talk about how the Comet's Tail first sweeps the Earth with Red Dust and Tail Debris, Warning the shift is near; then the approaching comet causes the Earth to Stop Rotation for a few days due a Magnetic Grip, causing a

  Long Day/Night, while Groaning in protest; then gigantic Lightning Bolts occur in the upper atmosphere, Violent

  Winds occur, and petrochemicals formed in the skies rain down in Firestorms; then, as the core of the Earth attempts to align magnetically with the giant comet, there is a Pole Shift with Continental Rip, Mountain Building in certain

  Mountain Ranges, and Sinking and Rising land; how Pre-Existing plate alignment dictates a Scripted Drama; how gigantic Tidal Waves and Climbing Water assault the coasts in a Flood Tide, though Water Movement began when rotation stopped, and an Ocean Vortex can form; how plate shifts can result in a Sinking Atlantic floor, affecting the surrounding shorelines, and New Land near Antartica; but how the Other Planets will be little affected. The Zetas talk about how Rotation Returns within a day after the shift; how the Pole Shift will result in new poles and a new equator, a New Geography; how the Earth will undergo Climate Changes; how there will be a New Climate and fewer Deserts

  but the Prevailing Winds will re-establish themselves; how later there will be inundations from the oceans due to

  Melting Ice Caps with Rising Seas; how the Earth will experience a Rebirth as it has in the past; that the Seed of

  Rebirth are in the wilderness we are maintaining as refuges today though some species may become Endangered

  Species; that life will be on the rebound with oxygen from the Ocean Life and Inland Lakes will often prosper, and though a Nuclear Winter will not occur, but a Return to Normalcy may take several decades.

  The Zetas talk about How to Prepare, what First Steps to take, what What Mindset to have for that Most Terible Day

  and the Last Weeks Countdown and How to Identify the hour of the shift; what general Safety Measures can be taken but why the people of India should Prepare for Death; the severity of the Earthquakes and Volcanoes such as

  Yellowstone that will occur and how to Survive the Quakes and Rapid Shift and Rampaging Water and why a Shallow

  Trench works best; how long the Gloom and rise in Sea Level and Atmosphere Loss will last; how the Seasons Shift

  and when to Restart Gardens; what are Safe Places and Safe Structures; what dry lake beds like the Salt Flats offer;

  that not all water will be Safe Water; that where there is local danger from Nuclear Stockpiles that Pollutants will have dissipated; that we should prepare ahead of time to avoid a Last Minute Panic but the Level of Preparation and when[2/5/2012 9:54:43 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Vision

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  Begin Nancy's Vision

  I am looking down on the Earth, from space, but I am just far enough out to be able to see all horizons at once,

  essentially. Positioned over North America, I see a line moving from the North Pole to just off the bulge of Brazil, out

  in the Atlantic Ocean. Then the Earth turns beneath me toward the east, until I am positioned somewhere over the

  Pacific Ocean, so that I can see the end point of a line moving from the South Pole to the center of India.

  Now over India, the Earth turns so I am taking a trip in the skies back toward North America. As I pass over Southeast

  Asia, I notice that the land along the sea coasts is disappearing, being eaten away as it were, by the water. This is

  happening all along the coast line, as far as my view can record, from north of Korea to Indonesia. Indonesia

  essentially disappears in this manner. Australia has been affected even before the eating away of the coastline started,

  as the entire western half appears to be under water.

  As the western coast of North America hooves into view, I see that the entire coastline of North America from (what I

  assume to be) California up into Canada is raised sharply above the water line. Central America is under water. Where

  (I assume) San Francisco to be, there is a water fall. This coast line is not green, but appears a beige color. As I pass

  over the United States, I see the southeastern coast being eaten away in the same manner as Southeast Asia. Florida is

  gone, as is the eastern coast all the way into the Appalachian mountains. The deep south is under water.

  Now the vision changes the position of the Earth as it turns beneath me, so that I pass along familiar land masses. As I

  pass up through Canada and over the landmass of Greenland I see that Europe appears to be a series of islands.

  Moving along over the continent, I see India, or where it used to be, already frosting over. India is completely under

  water. Then I pass over a land mass I don't recognize (Antarctica?), which has no greenery whatsoever.

  Following this I am given a vision of a house in what seems to be a hot, desert like place, with a dry wind blowing. I

  am told this will occur in the late spring or early summer of the year 2003. The earth will be hot and still. I can see in

  the vision that there is a red glow over everything. I am told that there will be crop failures, worldwide, due to drought,

  for 3 years in a row at this time.

  End Nancy's Vision

  Our emissary, Nancy, has relayed the vision we gave to her regarding the cataclys
ms. The cataclysms result from the

  magnetic pull of a giant comet, which is in fact a planet of your Solar System. The body of this planet surpasses, in

  mass, that of Earth. The comet will pass, on its first swing through your Solar System, between the Earth and the Sun.

  No collision is possible, as the orbits do not intersect. However, coming in from outer space as it were, the comet is

  not magnetically aligned with the close-knit group orbiting the Sun. The comet is aligned with the larger arena, where

  it spends most of its cycle, some 3,657 years, on average. As the comet approaches your Solar System, it speeds up, so

  it retains its magnetic alignment when whizzing through. Being of greater mass than the Earth, it is not affected by

  Earth's magnetic alignment. The Earth is not so fortunate.

  The first pass will occur, by our calculations, early in the year 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation]. All the cataclysms expected will occur during this pass - tidal waves, earthquakes of a magnitude 15 Richter point, and a cloud of

  volcanic dust that will make the atmosphere dense as dusk for decades. A second pass will occur some 7 or more years

  later, approximately 2011. This second pass brings the comet outside of your Solar System, but a second set of

  cataclysms will occur at that time.[2/5/2012 9:54:46 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Zeta Vision

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:54:46 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact

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  ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact

  Note: written during the Apr 12, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  During many predictions made by ourselves regarding events to unfold, we have differentiated between geological

  changes that can be predicted and those in the hands of man. Geological changes are likewise divided, by ourselves,

  into those we can speak about and those we are not allowed to address. We are not allowed, for instance, to predict

  what city will be affected by a quake, on what date. We are not allowed to relay our awareness of what volcano might

  erupt, within the next few days. We can only relay general earth changes to occur, or would be set packing by the

  Council of Worlds, as this Earth is man's school house and such predictions interfere with the nature of this


  Those issues in the hands of man encompass false reports in the media, such as failing to report increases in quakes,

  weather irregularities, exploding factories, and rising seas. The economy fails, no good news, but chirping is done on

  the news about various predictions that all will be well soon. If the reality is withheld from the public, and what is

  reported counters our predictions, then this is an issue in the hands of man. The hands of man also control whether

  nuclear power plants will be shut down, whether bridges will be blown up to prevent cities from escaping into the

  countryside, and whether martial law will be imposed in this or that country. These issues could change in a heartbeat,

  and is always in the hands of man. That said, what is likely to unfold over the weeks before rotation stops, that has not

  already been addressed by ZetaTalk.

  We will divide this into two sections, those not in the hands of man, and those in the hands of man. What astonishes

  those who have been following ZetaTalk is that a pole shift of the ferocity we have described will affect the Earth in a

  short time, but the Earth seems to be trucking along as usual today. This is of course not true, as the slowing rotation

  has already been noted as several leap seconds per day, by those doing careful clocking, and the weather is wildly out

  of step with what it should be. Temperature swings during the seasons are so wide, world wide, and erratic, that

  sowing and reaping crops is something that farmers have come to view as a gamble. Yet, no explanation for this, and

  not treatment of this in the news. For those wondering why the Earth is not shuttering with quakes, the oceans washing

  over land, some weeks before a major pole shift, we would suggest this practice.

  Consider that your planets pass by each other, in their orbits, pass each other at closer proximity than the Planet

  X is today to Earth, with no measurable effects. Do you notice it coming, or going? You may be informed that

  this is the state, the planets lining up or some such, but the man on the street does not notice as there is no effect!

  The silly prediction made for May 5, 2000 that planets lining up in a row would cause all manner of effect on

  Earth, which we discounted as a false worry, correctly, did not cause any notice on Mother Earth whatsoever!

  So why should the approaching Planet X cause the catastrophes some demand should be occurring if it is to

  cause a pole shift soon?

  Planet X is causing effects in the slowing rotation, the magnetic diffusion and the weather irregularities only

  because it is a large magnet, where the other planets are not. Mercury is magnetic, but is closer to the Sun,

  which dominates the field with its magnetic field, so is negated. It is the influence on the Earth's core, which

  allows Planet X to affect the Earth. After pondering that the passing planets in orbit round and round the Sun do

  not affect each other during passage, do this practice.

  Nail a small magnet on the table top, so that it can turn freely, the nail in the center. Line a second magnet,

  larger, up with the smaller, so that both North Poles point in the same direction. Push the larger magnet toward

  the smaller, North Pole to South Pole, but with a very slight offset so the larger can pass the smaller. Note that

  the smaller does not notice, or seem to notice, the larger until a point of passage when it will suddenly overcome

  the friction of the table top, and turn with the larger.

  This is what we are referring to when we report that until the week or rotation stoppage, there will be little effect on[2/5/2012 9:54:46 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Sudden Impact

  Earth that can be called dramatic. The quakes will continue to be lineal as an increase, the weather will continue to be

  more erratic, on a lineal scale, and the slowing rotation will be gradual so that not an hour a day will be lost except for

  the last day before rotation stops. Thus, for those looking for trumpets from heaven, announcements loudly made, earth

  changes that are sure, they will not come. As regards matters in the hands of man, they continue to be something we

  cannot accurately predict, because they are in the hands of man.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:54:46 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Millennium Denial

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  ZetaTalk: Millennium Denial

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  The Earth will go through physical cataclysms in the near future. This is related to the millennium, but is not precisely

  what the Bible, or Nostradamus, or the various seers of this time are predicting. There is truth in the rumors of what is

  called the 12th Planet, a giant comet. There is truth in what has been reported about violent geological changes,

  renting continents apart and heaving mountains high. The deluge occurred during just such a time. Pole shifts are

  common during these times. The Earth's crust slides over the soft molten core, the crust pulled in one direction and the

  core, which is more magnetically inclined, in another. Such a time of violent geological upheaval is pendin
g for


  There will be much death. Most of the people on Earth at this time will be unaware. They may be aware of drought, of

  a reddish glow during the heat of the day, perhaps even a reddish dust coloring their water and giving a bitter taste to

  their drinking water. Most of the people on Earth have so many problems existing, day-to-day, that they will scarcely

  take notice. Even those who might take notice can scarce do anything about it. Can a man who can barely feed his

  family take flight? What would they live on, should they even manage to get to a safe place? And what would such a

  safe place be? This is an unknown experience. There is no precedence in memory. Denial is high. The authorities will

  not encourage the propagation of information, wishing calm and for the status quo to continue.

  Even where there is awareness, there will be little action. Many will look about them, and debate their lifestyle should

  they take action. Leave the home, the comforts of familiar places and people who represent a support structure? How

  would they live? Should they be forced to become beggars, they may stay in their own, familiar, surroundings. Then

  there are those who will cling to their material goods. Even with choices, where a place would be made for them in

  safer surroundings, they will find they are bonded to their material goods and unable to divorce them whatever the risk.

  They will die with their material items, clinging to these things as lovers. Most faced with these grim choices will deal

  with the situation by denial.

  Between the unaware, the unfortunate, and the reluctant, lie most of humanity. Those who survive the massive

  earthquakes, which will level cities to dust, and the massive tidal waves, which will inundate coast lines for hundreds

  of miles inland, will be either fortunate or assisted. Since the Earth is to become a home for Service-to-Other entities,

  those humans operating in this orientation will have a choice to remain in their human form or reincarnate later. If the

  human form is chosen, then these humans will be assisted during the hours of calamities. They will be unaware of the


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