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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 24

by Nancy Lieder

  them life and credence, so ignoring the warnings and refusing to take action is a type of denial. Those who have

  been warned, but refused to take action, will suddenly leap into a frenzy of activity, grabbing any survival gear

  or food stores they can lay their hands upon and attempting a mad dash to a safe place, if not already there. Wild

  eyed and determined, they will run over anything in their path, as though trying to escape from a burning

  building. This type of preparation suffers doubly, in that it was inadequate due to delays, and will call attention

  to itself due to noisy activity at the end, so is likely to be more self defeating than successful.

  Where an individual has taken the warnings seriously, or listened to their own counsel during the months and weeks

  leading up to the shift, their will be a grim enactment of a plan.

  Those who have determined they will likely die, or who are choosing this option, will say their good-byes, much

  like someone on a deathbed or on a sinking ship. If those around them are refusing to acknowledge the pole shift

  precursors, these individuals will be treated as though insane, so may be driven to find each other for company

  and understanding, a type of suicide club.

  If an escape plan has been put into place, and well rehearsed at least mentally, this will in all likelihood succeed.

  Travel is possible, weeks before the shift, especially where alternative routes have been identified and

  researched. Traveling light, so as not to attract attention, likewise makes for fast travel which can be disguised

  under many excuses. Perhaps the family is going to visit relatives, going on vacation, has experienced a death in

  the family and must attend a funeral, or is simply considering a job or location change and doing some


  Where already in residence near a survival site, an almost staged and artificial dance will ensue. Leaving too

  early for a shelter which will provide safety during earthquakes and wind and possible fire storms would alert

  neighbors or undesirables, so a casual indifference is enacted. This in and of itself can be a giveaway, but in

  most cases, and unless the acting is so poorly done as to be a red flag, the neighbors will not notice clues that an

  act is in process because of their own level of panic.

  Stable communities in a safe place, in essence a survival community in and of itself, will be guarded against a flood of

  desperate and poorly prepared additions to their headcount. There may be perimeter guards in place, to discourage or

  re-direct a throng of newcomers. Outside of obvious routes, as in heading for the hills or out into the countryside from[2/5/2012 9:56:03 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Level of Preparation

  a city, such throngs are unlikely to occur. Those who have not prepared ahead of time will be in a state of panic,

  running in all directions, so that those trying to exit a city will find a press trying to move into the city in their path,

  and those trying to leave a coastline will find a crowd trying to reach the coast. Any change, in the minds of those in

  the grip of panic, is better than no change, so action is taken regardless of logic.

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  ZetaTalk: Friends and Family

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  ZetaTalk: Friends and Family

  Note: written on Nov 15, 2001

  If you make mention to those friends and neighbors that you are concerned, without demanding anything from them

  such as agreement, they will come to you when the time comes. They will see you as someone alert, intuitive, and

  when they start to be concerned, you will have no problem talking to them, a receptive audience. Each human will be

  different in their response to earth and sociological changes about them. Some will increase their resistance as the shift

  approaches, some suddenly break and become aware and oriented. Some will seem to be solid partners, planning, and

  then become distant and trivial as the time approaches. Some will get hysterical, to the point of disrupting all about

  them, if allowed to. The hysteric may be someone expected to be the rock, and the flaky person become the rock, to

  everyone's surprise. Thus, how to approach those friends and family members one hopes to form a survival group with

  is not an easy answer, as the variables are as large as the population under question! Our advice is to not put all eggs in

  one basket, maintain as much flexibility as possible, and be surprised at nothing a human could present you with!

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  ZetaTalk: Countdown Signs

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  ZetaTalk: Countdown Signs

  Note: written on Jan 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Many humans will read our warnings and wish to heed them, but be unable to take leave of their station in life for

  many valid reasons. Perhaps they care for those sick and injured, or oversee projects important to the welfare of man,

  or have children in school or whatever. We are not speaking here of those who will not leave their luxuries and

  conveniences, or who enjoy a station in life that feeds their sense of power. We are speaking of those who must wait

  until the last minute before moving to safety, as their absence would affect those dependent on them, or a move would

  harm, in the short term, those dependent on activities or services best provided in their present locale. Many humans

  operating fully in the Service-to- Other orientation, whom we are here speaking to, are found in just such a catch-22,

  as they often dedicate their lives to others.

  The pole shift will not take anyone by surprise, given the plethora of Undeniable Signs that something momentous is around the corner, such as increasing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, intractable droughts and inexplicable

  downpours, and most telling of all, an increasing slowing of the Earth's rotation. Nevertheless, the exact moment, day,

  or week to disrupt everyone's schedule and head for the hills or farm seems difficult to determine. Are there

  countdown signs that can be used as a guide? There are indeed.

  The most dramatic sign will be a slowing rotation. Where at the present time, this rate is enough to cause an

  occasional fraction of a second, per year, of adjustment to the world clock, this will soon change. This

  increasing slowdown will get diminishing press coverage, as clocks are quietly adjusted behind the scenes and

  the public allowed to believe their clocks must be running fast. But there will be a point in time, a few days

  ahead of when rotation stops, when this will get blatantly obvious. When one wakes up in the morning, finding it

  to be dark outside rather than a breaking dawn, yet the clocks in the house and the entire neighborhood confirm

  that it is indeed the morning hour - this is a countdown sign. Rotation will completely stop in a day or so, with

  such a dawn followed by an evening where the Sun seems reluctant to set, setting hours later than usual, and

  then rotation stops completely.

  A second countdown sign is a fine red dust, unmistakable as it cannot be confused with any other natural

  occurrence. Ponds and rivers turn red, the blood color mentioned in the Bible's book of Revelations, with this

  iron ore dust giving the water a brackish taste. This countdown sign comes almost in step with the rapid slowing

  in rotation, as
the 12th Planet must be between the Earth and the Sun for the trash in its tail to be sweeping the

  Earth. Again, this occurs a day or so before rotation stops, and travel will become difficult if not impossible

  once it does.

  Where coming late, for primitive peoples without mechanical clocks there is a third countdown sign that can be

  scarcely ignored. The Earth moans, during her rotation slowing and stoppage, a sound not heard by humans

  except during earthquakes. Here, the moaning is chronic, essentially continuous, as though under a stress it

  cannot relieve with an earthquake, yet cannot bear in silence. For those who question the accuracy of their

  mechanical clocks, and who may have missed the presence of red dust due to living indoors, this moaning of the

  Earth is equivalent to the clanging of the fire marshal's bell. Here it comes, ready or not!

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  ZetaTalk: Hour of the Shift

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  ZetaTalk: Hour of the Shift

  Note: written on Nov 15, 2001

  We have withheld the exact hour of passage from our ZetaTalk for several reasons: 1. The establishment and those

  groups who would take advantage of good hearted folk would use this knowledge to better entrap and enslave and

  ensure their own survival at the expense of the good hearted. 2. The timing of this can change slightly due to matters

  in the solar system, such that a mis-calculation could see us, in horror, watching good hearted folks trying to save

  those dependent upon them too late, by days or hours, a matter we would prefer to avoid for a later announcement,

  more precise. 3. Earth changes, and the exact position of the Earth in relationship to the passing planet, will change

  slightly as the time approaches, so warnings for this or that part of the world may change at the last minute, or last

  week in any case. Best to leave this for then, so no misunderstandings can occur.

  Thus, as we approach the shift, our messages will get more precise, and the messages today are as precise as general

  information can be. Stay tuned, in this regard. The date of May 15th has often been referred to as an early date, to

  some degree. This is early to some degree, the number of days or weeks not specified. Anyone who has severed their

  life elsewhere and is in a safe place by May 15th [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] will not find this distressing, or have any regrets. This is as close as we can come to specifying the anticipated day of the shift, now. By May 15th, it will be

  utterly clear that earth changes are in process, most humans walking about in shock, numb. There will be no debate

  about a mistake. We have stated that the rotation will stop for approximately a week.

  The best advice is to not watch your clocks, but to watch the skies. Do you see the Moon or stars on the move?

  It has started! Have a watcher in your group, or more than one, at all times. You have minutes to get safe before

  the stoppage, when great quakes happen. Less than an hour.

  The passing planet will be visible to all on that part of the Earth facing the Sun, not on the dark side except that

  they can see tail matter perhaps, to the side, like a comet tail but redish. To those viewing the passage, the

  passing planet seems to be a red cross, not larger than the Moon, and drifting slowly.

  Should the hour of the shift be confused where clouds obscure the night sky or viewing of the Moon or Sun,

  there are other clues that the crust is shifting. There will be sounds from the Earth, different from the moaning

  that occurs the week of stoppage, where the crust is in tension as regards the motion of the core turning under it,

  while the crust is stopped. The moaning, where only the utterly weary can sleep, will stop, replaced by a tearing

  sound, jerking motions as the crust separates, and this in combination with the point the Sun is viewed or any

  stars on the night side of the globe are viewed, is the clue.

  During the week of rotation stoppage, humans are advised to stay within a few minutes of the trench or bermed shelter,

  at all times. This will in fact not be difficult to maintain, as all will be hovered about, clinging to each other, no other

  news or focus distracting them. Children can be entertained if this is planned for, and not stray far. For those needing

  to sleep, have them sleep in the shelters, for instance. Plan to minimize the steps needed when the alarm goes off, and

  tolerate a few false alarms with good humor!

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  ZetaTalk: Certainty

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  ZetaTalk: Certainty

  Note: written during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Many who are well aware that our predictions on the weather changes, and how they would affect crops, are utterly

  true, still point to a grocery store with food stocks and claim them all false. The weather affect on crops clicked in

  during the year predicted, 2000, and were reported in the media, then hushed, and only now leaking out as to the

  extent of this as the establishment is busy with their own worries. Did we predict that all humans everywhere would be

  starving, not a crumb to eat? Hardly, but this is the criteria placed on those who cling to denial. As long as a cracker is

  available to be eaten, somewhere on Earth, our predictions is false. Likewise, our prediction that quakes would increase

  in both Richter and frequency, in a linear manner, has been proven true only recently, as the quake increase has been

  large enough to come to notice. We also predicted that under reporting would occur, and quakes in remote places

  simply not reported, which has also come to light very recently. As long as the establishment dropped quakes from the

  database, or under reported, or gave overview statistics not supported by the actual quakes, we were accused of having

  given false predictions by those desperate to deny.

  And in like manner, even though we have reported that this inbound planet will approach during the last months, that

  quake increases will continue to be linear, not exponential, and tides higher than normal, not flooding inland in

  towering waves, the desperate to deny want certainty and drama. The effects of the pole shift are magnetic, and occur

  during passage. Prior to the passage, the effect of the inbound planet is like one bug tugging in a spider web, to another

  bug caught elsewhere in the web. There is reaction, even if the two bugs are remote, and if the one bug were to be able

  to crawl about, closer to the trapped bug, the vibrations and effect on the trapped bug would be felt more strongly. But

  nonetheless, we are talking, in the bug/web analogy, about twitching in the web, vibrations, unless and until the

  traveling bug arrives at the trapped bug. Then the drama begins! Flailing legs! Buzzing wings! Both bugs injuring each

  other in their frantic interaction, perhaps.

  Thus, it is at the moment of passage that the Earth most reacts, and prior to this, it is twitching, so to speak. The

  earthquake plates locked down, as the Earth compressed, due to a mechanism mankind does not understand. This was

  demonstrated in the increase in deep quake, in prior decades. Once the plates were locked down, surface quakes

  ricochet to other surface plates, the domino effect that manifested in 1999, per our predictions. Now the increase in

  quakes is manifesting to public notice. What does all this indicate about the Earth's reaction to the inbound plan
et? The

  core is responsible for this, as the changes in patterns in the swirling core are manifested in increased volcano activity,

  and increased quakes as the plates, as we have recently described, are showing the shift pattern now, not just a domino

  effect. The stress on the plates during the shift will be such that the Pacific will shorten, the Atlantic widen, and earth

  changes on the surface are now showing this in stretched earth along the Atlantic, quake reverberations along the

  Pacific. How will this change, in the next months?

  More, and stronger, such that cities will become problematic to live in, and obsessed with cleaning up the last quake

  damage and horrifically worried about the next. The increased core swirling, by a core most responsive to the approach

  of a magnetic giant into the neighborhood, also is heating the earth's plates, causing melting poles, melting glaciers,

  and rising seas. This is occurring, but under reported at present, but like the under reported quakes will burst into the

  public eye when cities along coastlines are inundated by several feet of water, their streets awash. How will this

  change in the months going into the shift? Higher tides, more inundation, and more frantic city managers. Until the

  planet hoves into view, is approaching so rapidly that the earth is slowing by minutes and then hours a day, and then

  stops in rotation, there will not be any more than linear increases in what we have described.

  Those who want a horn to blow, certainty, and are demanding this, are simply not processing information. They are

  children, wanting black and white and unable to be comfortable when having to think for themselves. They are lost,

  during the shift, in any case, and will be found wandering around, lost, afterwards, demanding of some stranger that[2/5/2012 9:56:06 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Certainty

  certainly be brought into their lives.

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