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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 28

by Nancy Lieder

  there will be no magnetic field on Earth, at the current rate?

  If the Moon were to drop into the Pacific, would a resulting wave deposit whales on mountain tops? Indeed, and more

  than that would be found in the mountains, but the evidence does not line up with such an occurrence during the last

  few thousand years. This is a whole world cataclysm, affecting all aspects of the physical world, and this is not

  addressed by the false claim that asteroid impacts have caused the evidence left by the periodic passages of Planet X.

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  ZetaTalk: NEAT V1

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  ZetaTalk: NEAT V1

  Note: written during the Feb 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Alternate explanations for the inbound and highly visible Planet X complex were predicted by us over a year ago, but

  have been slow to arrive as this would have given us, the Zetas, another Zetas RIGHT Again! posting on sci.astro.

  They are now in evidence, en mass. Comet 2002/V1, also known as NEAT V1, has been noted by many to be in the

  vicinity of our location for Planet X, as viewed from Earth, on or about May 15, 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation].

  This would seem like a remarkable coincidence, but comets are hardly likely to be mistaken for the Planet X complex,

  which will be red, primarily, and so much larger than comet bodies and tails that a misunderstanding could hardly

  exist. However, the desperate will grasp at any explanation to confuse the man on the street.

  A comet has a whitish appearance, a tail or tails that stream directly away from the Sun, in a straight line. Planet X will

  have a distinct red appearance, with a roiling tail full of moons, that are more concerned with the dance between them

  than any affect the solar wind might have upon them. Thus, they swirl, and look like a dragon approaching, not a

  straight line tail at all. Nevertheless, we anticipate NASA will explain the Planet X complex as any number of things,

  or rather their lackeys, who will natter the word on every Internet or media source that allows their nattering - asteroid

  bunch, passing comet [C2002/X5], unusual comet [C2002/V1], Mars closest pass in many eons, or whatever. The

  point to emphasize to friends and family, or when debating to counter this nonsense, is that the Planet X complex is

  exactly where we stated it would be, in 1995. It will be tracked to that location, regularly, by the imaging ongoing, so

  cannot be mistaken for something that arrived from another direction. It will have the appearance that the regular

  imaging has displayed, the size of the spread in the moons and tail, and the brightness of the corpus in the images.

  Thus, the best way to counter this type of disinformation, which will be utterly lacking in integrity as this is the

  hallmark of NASA, is to regularly point the public to the images, the long track record of this inbound complex

  following our coordinates exactly, and the appearance of this inbound complex as displayed on the images. Thus, you

  will frustrate the plans to disinform the public, to their death, to the deaths of their loved ones, the littlest among them,

  babes in arms and toddlers, as NASA and the elite would have them die, horribly, uninformed, with no qualm


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  ZetaTalk: 2MASS Denial

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  ZetaTalk: 2MASS Denial

  Note: written during the Jun 1, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  2MASS will not map the part of the sky we are pointing to, until the point where Planet X is not there, or before Planet

  X has arrived, and the like. If you read their schedule, they claim all imaging has been done, but needs time to be

  catalogued and made available. Thus, images claimed to be taken in 2001 may be taken later, to avoid the

  embarrassing Planet X spot in accordance with our coordinates.

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  ZetaTalk: 1997 XF11

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  ZetaTalk: 1997 XF11

  Note: written on Mar 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  In keeping with a policy to begin alerting the populace to the coming horrendous cataclysms that will strike the Earth

  in her near future, due to the passage of what is often called the 12th Planet, in keeping with a term made famous by

  Sitchen for the rogue planet coming back for a passage in 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], you will find a reformed government willing to point you in the right direction, so you will notice what you have up until now been directed

  away from. The asteroid 1997 XF11 is one such effort to prepare the populace for cataclysmic Earth changes and to

  start them thinking about the likelihood of such changes. 1997 XF11 did more than this, as it pointed the eyes of the

  common man toward Orion, whence comes the 12th Planet inbound for its periodic passage. If this makes you nervous,

  check out the Troubled Times content, as these folks have been preparing for your panic, and have some answers.

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  ZetaTalk: 2002-NT7

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  ZetaTalk: 2002-NT7

  Note: written during the July 27, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  As with the recent Star Wars press, and the trend in the movies where asteroids threaten Earth and volcanoes erupt in

  LA, and the recent periodic announcement that this or that Near Earth Asteroid will pass at this or that date, this recent

  announcement on a 2019 possible impact is nothing new. The US establishment, with the power of the Hubble and

  NEAT program, which they very much control, is hot to enlist the public behind efforts to deflect the possible passage

  of Planet X should it actually pass as we have predicted. They have asked for Star Wars funding, fussed about getting a

  space station up, human colony on Mars, and a missile defense system when no country is capable of sending one to

  the US except Russia, and they hardly about to start such a fight. Few in the public wonder about such trends, unless

  they are deep thinkers and read and listen well. Most see nothing more unusual about such trends than the periods of

  excess and restraint that descent upon human societies. Just cycles, just trends, just something the media has grabbed

  to report upon. Thus, this 2019 asteroid is no more likely to bash into Earth than the other false alarms announced

  recently, but the common man has no way of proving that.

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  ZetaTalk: Comet Lee

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  ZetaTalk: Comet Lee

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1999.

  Comet Lee is not the aberration that it is claimed to be, just at long last a bit of honesty from the astronomical elite -

  NASA and JPL and the IAU. They are preparing the public for more startling announcements, and preparing the public

  at the same time for their excuse for not alerting the public earlier. The excuse? That they have lately realized their

  formulas, the precious formulas they were so righteous about just a year or two ago and are still teaching the young in

  schools, are wrong. Oh, so hard to let go of precepts! But now they will hang
their heads, and wring their hands, and

  point out the many times they have noticed of late that comet behavior did not follow the precepts, exactly, as this,

  they think, will let them off the hook. Of course, they have been watching the 12th Planet's approach for over a decade,

  since it was discovered in 1983, then termed Planet X. Does it behave like a typical comet? Not at all, nor have most

  comets closely watched over the past few years with the new equipment available to NASA and JPL. But now, with

  this admission, more revelations will be forthcoming.

  Little by little the public will be pointed to that area of the sky they were pointed to when 1997 XF11 was a sudden

  and brief scare - toward Orion, the exact opposite of where the public was pointed to when any and everything in the

  sky in the other direction was claimed to be the elusive and secretive comet Hale-Bopp. View Comet Lee with an

  educated eye, looking at the behavior of NASA and JPL, rather than at the sky, and you will learn more about what is

  just around the corner for Planet Earth than you will peering at the sky. During the 1997 XF11 flap the flawless and

  never-wrong IAU announced within weeks that they had been wrong, premature, and noisy about something they

  hadn't checked out closely! This set the stage for what is to follow, and Comet Lee will not be the last admission by

  the astronomical elite that they cannot predict, with certainly, the behavior of inbound objects.

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  ZetaTalk: The Core

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  ZetaTalk: The Core

  Note: written during the August 17, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Recent movie releases in the US have had a distinct message, not lost on those watching the trends with a discerning

  eye. Unlike a decade ago, when westerns, romance, cops and robbers, and sci-fi on outer or inner space dominated the

  screen, the new releases in the past decade have had a new array.

  Deep Impact, which talked about an asteroid approaching and the difficulty of deflecting such an approach.

  Postman, which was an Aftertime of sorts, after an unnamed event that caused the US government heads in

  Washington DC to be wiped out, and civilization set back to centuries ago.

  Waterworld, which talked about the poles melting to the extent that the globe was virtually covered with water,

  implying a heated core, the only reference to cause being a type of Global Warming caused by human action.

  Volcano, wherein a volcano erupts in central LA, and life goes on.

  Signs, which implies that the increase in Crop Circles is due to something eminent, and does not hesitate to state

  this is a planned alien invasion, not unlike ID4, wherein mankind saves the globe by going mano-a-mano with

  aliens, an unlikely scenario.

  And now The Core, where terms such as pole shift and stopped rotation and periodic occurrence are thrown


  And what does all this mean? Clearly mankind, at least in the US where the movie releases are sure to get coverage, is

  supposed to subconsciously adjust to such terms and concepts. Is there not a cover-up? And does this not conflict with

  the thrust of the covers wherein no mention of these possibilities occurs? As we have mentioned before, the elite, those

  in power, are not of one mind. Some wish to keep all mention out of the news, no inference, so that the public is left to

  assume their weather or crop or quake problems are local, not global. This is the approach the Bush Administration is

  taking, all pole shift plays buried into Homeland Security. But others, who are not under the thumb of the Bush

  Administration, are of a different mind, and proceed without conferring. The Media is not utterly controlled, contrary

  to appearances, nor production of new releases.

  Who runs counter to the Bush Administration and those in close alliance? Most of the wealthy, most elite in other

  countries suspecting or aware of the coming changes, most in the US Military and thus most want the public to become

  aware, at least in theory, and prepare. What is this latest movie, The Core, and the prior movies supposed to relay?

  That these issues, these occurrences, can happen, that the powers that be are hard pressed to solve or resolve them, that

  many people die, that the elite, the government, cares and tries. In other words, don't demand perfection, don't demand

  to be saved, don't demand more from your government or caretakers than can be expected, as they are only human and

  are themselves overwhelmed. You will note that all these movies have a resolution, a happy ending, where the pole

  shift will not, and therein lies the greatest fiction. In addition, those in power stay calm, confer with each other, tell the

  public the truth in news releases, and function. In truth, as the recent rash of murders at Fort Brag, NC reveal, those

  expected to be calm and super human under stress do not function. Our advice in watching such movies is to be

  entertained, but not mislead.

  Note: Below added during the Dec 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The Core, as we have stated, is another movie to point the public indirectly to the earth changes that will soon consume

  them. Like prior moves of this ilk, Postman, Volcano, Deep Impact, this is a lightly veiled version of pole shift

  phenomena. What is causing a delay is the real increase in quakes, and the undeniable imaging of the inbound Planet

  X just where we said it would be sighted. A little close for comfort now, and second thoughts about the wisdom of

  featuring Core in the theaters.[2/5/2012 9:56:22 AM]

  ZetaTalk: The Core

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  ZetaTalk: New Game Plan

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  ZetaTalk: New Game Plan

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1998.

  NASA has a new game plan. It's called get the truth out, without admitting it directly. This can best be done by

  deliberate flubs, so the public begins to look upon these formerly staunch bastions of unquestioned scientific authority

  with new eyes. All will begin to be questioned, and the public looking at everything that is stated with new eyes, new

  scrutiny, and seeing patterns and discovering information that was formerly being aggressively hidden. The IAU points

  to an asteroid, claiming it will certainly come close to earth in 2028, and the next day the distance is corrected. Then it

  unfolds that this asteroid is not the soonest nor the closest known! Why was this done, the public must ask, and in

  combination with the myths about Orion and a rogue planet inbound from that direction, has already raised eyebrows.

  NASA reluctantly agrees to film the Face on Mars and then delivers a negative to the public, claiming a

  misunderstanding though such misunderstandings do not occur with their other publications. Why was this done, the

  public must ask, and in concert with revelations by the Pope that the church now believes that alien visitors are real

  and not demonic, will cause many to suspect there is truth to rumors of a cover-up by the government, which has

  denied the alien presence all along.

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  ZetaTalk: Comet Visible

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  ZetaTalk: Comet Visible

  Note: The Comet Visibl
e ZetaTalk piece was written in 1995, and should be read in that context. This inbound planet was visible to the IRAS team, using full

  spectrum search (including infra-red) in 1983 as a Magnitude 2 object. Due to the amount of time it spends essentially between its two foci, a search without infra-red

  capability should assume a Magnetide 10 object and require the use of an observatory grade scope until the mid-point of 2002. In early 2001, it was sighted at three

  observatories as a Magnitude 11 object. Magnitude 10 should also be used as equipment is usually calibrated for the pinpoint of light that stars emit, not the dull glow

  of a brown dwarf. See the Rogue Planet TEAM page for these sightings that started, using an observatory grade scope, in early 2001. When the Zetas state it is visible

  with the naked eye, they are referring to being visible by the eye, as aided by telescope or magnifying equipment.

  The 12th Planet is now visible to the human eye, though only the educated eye would see it. At the current time the

  12th Planet is approximately magnitude 2.0 in brightness, and appears as large as a star as viewed by the naked eye. It

  does not shine with the intensity of most stars, but has a dull, diffuse, glow. It appears to be the last gasp of a dying

  star, a faint, blurry, reddish glow. Your eye would pass over it if attuned to the pin points that are the stars. A star is

  intense in the center and rapidly diminishes in intensity toward the edges of the spot you call a star. The light from a

  star comes from a single point and fans out, the periphery a bit less than the center, increasingly, but the center very

  intense. The 12th Planet, being nearer, is giving you light rays from its entire surface, so the light has an even quality

  to it. Its distance cannot be measured, but one will notice that as time passes, no other object passes before it. Comet

  Watch can assist.

  Your nearby planets are throwing back at you a familiar light, reflected sunlight, and thus your eyes recognize them for

  what they are. Just as some insects camouflage themselves from those who would prey on them by adopting the


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