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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 31

by Nancy Lieder

  assuming a 5 year forward publication to be the most broadly accessed after a yearly calendar, and adding that extra

  year for publication preparation, and considering that 5 year forward publications for 2002 would start at the first of the

  year, they calculated that changes to their stats needed to be done by the end of 1994. These manipulations did two

  very obvious things to their stats:

  1. the actual phases of the Moon were out of sync with their stats during 1995 and for the immediate years

  following. However, since the public in general refers to printed matter that had been printed much earlier, and

  was based on Navy stats gathered prior to the manipulation, this would likely not be noticed by the public.

  2. the Navy stats related to the rotation of the Earth (the phases of the Moon and Earth Seasons), would be out of

  sync with past data, should someone run these numbers.

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  ZetaTalk: Slowing Rotation[2/5/2012 9:56:28 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Trend Data

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  ZetaTalk: Trend Data

  Note: written on Jun 15, 2001.

  To understand trends that show up on charts reflecting the date and time of Full Moons and the Equinox, bear in mind

  that you are analyzing Navy data and not just the actual progress of the moon and earth. Look at this from the

  standpoint of the Navy, and what they were tasked with. Indeed, it has taken a slight amount of time more for the

  slowing earth to arrive lined up for the Equinox. This is a sync point taken at midnight and thus not easily fudged, so

  reflects the actual slowdown, unannounced, to date. This is the trend line for Equinox, taking more time to arrive, and

  is the more obvious as it has only one factor to consider, the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The Equinox is computed,

  by the Navy, and only actually measured every 4 years (in accordance with leap year syncing). This is because during

  the 4 years that it takes to complete a leap year cycle, the Equinox per definition is around the globe, probably 1/4 turn

  each turn or so each year for a given Spring or Fall Equinox. Why don't they do an actual measure as it goes around

  the globe? Because most of the equator, or a good part of it, is over ocean. To measure the exact split second that the

  sun tips over the equator would require more stability than a ship can provide. Wave bobble, and the ship to be certain

  it is at the exact coordinates must use guidance systems that could be off a hair, etc. So they rely on a computated

  Equinox for 3 out of 4 years. But then they do measure the Equinox from a set physical land position, every four years,

  and this is what is late to arrive (at that physical point!).

  The Full Moon operates differently, as this has two factors to consider, the moon's orbit around the Earth as well as the

  turning of the Earth, and thus is more varied and less easy for the general public to follow. We have mentioned that to

  pre-set the data to make the Earth's slowing less obvious, the Navy shortened the Full Moon periods in their data

  charts, and this began shortly after the confirmed existence of Planet X in 1983. This pre-setting was done so that the

  slowing Earth took fewer days between Full Moons, in their charts, so that the eventual actual slowdown of the Earth

  would hopefully match their charts during a time of greater curiosity and scrutiny. But prior to this decision to pre-set

  the data in anticipation of a significantly slowing Earth, the Navy dealt with a gradually slowing Earth. A Full Moon,

  to be visible from Earth, must line up the Sun, Earth, and Moon so that the Moon has full sun and is visible as such

  from the Earth. This puts the Moon to the back half of the Earth, for such a view. During the slowing rotation of the

  Earth, the Sun and Moon truck along as usual, not slowing. Thus, the Moon is positioned to present itself as full on

  time, but the spot on Earth predicted to be able to view a Full Moon may not be in position, if the Earth is rotating

  more slowly. The Earth thus seems to take longer, in a very gradual slowdown, for a given spot on Earth to arrive

  where it can view the Full Moon. The added time is only allowing the Earth to position itself for a view. But at a

  certain point in this slowing process, those looking to view the full moon will not be in position on the proper night. At

  first, the moon is viewed on this horizon, then overhead, then on the other horizon, but still able to be viewed on the

  proper date. The Full Moon is almost always sought or noticed at night, when it is dramatic. During the day, the degree

  of fullness can be confused by sunlight disbursing through the atmosphere. Thus it was in anticipation of a literal day

  difference between viewing Full Moons, with the Full Moon seeming to arrive that much early, that the chart data was


  Until the actual discovery of Planet X in 1983, there was great reluctance, due to the possibility of discovery, to change

  the predicated date/time charts. The astronomical community is exacting, and should the tampered data be discovered,

  the evidence could not be retracted or lost. But panic reigned, during the days when the cover-up over Planet X was

  being hatched, and steps were taken that give evidence of this panic.

  1. the predicated Full Moon and Equinox data were altered to allow for a slowing earth and to put the charts in

  sync with the actual placement of the Earth and Moon - not evident unless one tracks the trends.

  2. leap seconds or fractions thereof were inserted into the master clock, to appear to keep the Earth on a 24 hour

  day - not obvious unless one is a meticulous clock-watcher.

  3. an explanation of why the search for Planet X was undertaken in the first place was proffered, as a nebulous[2/5/2012 9:56:29 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Trend Data

  mathematical adjustment of various perturbation factors - none of which makes sense to a thinking man since

  the perturbations still exist, as before.

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  ZetaTalk: Not Obvious

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  ZetaTalk: Not Obvious

  Note: written during the Jan 7, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Slowing of the Earth, for the common man, is not an easy affair to register. First, the Navy, as the Master Clock

  holders of the world, control networks which computers synch to during the night, quickly bringing all networks into

  sync with the Master Clock while the public sleeps. Businesses, finding their manual clocks out of sync, adjust to

  match, as do employees noticing their watches are off. Even so-called atomic watches are watches that sync to the

  Master Clock. The argument has been made that the true massive atomic clocks are not under the control of the US

  Navy, but this is a fallacy as they are few, and in the hands of institutions that are under the thumb of the

  establishment, as are those employed by major observatories. Few people need to be leaned on, and these people are

  allowed into their positions based on their signed agreements not to threaten what might be called national or world

  security issues, in other words, don't cause panic until we tell you it is OK to make an announcement. Enter the

  common man, with his clocks and watches and PC's. A minute off here or there, and he adjusts without thinking. Who

  remembers i
f the last time they tweaked their watch it was to set it a minute forward or backward? The common movie

  line "synchronize watches" when going out on a closely coordinated operation indicates how often individual watches

  might be off a bit. Thus, the common man will be accused of making it up, looking for attention, being confused, or

  whatever should he assert that clocks and watches are too fast, by a minute or two, and increasingly so.

  We have stated that the phases of the Moon will be one way to determine a slowdown. Where the Earth has a

  magnetic core, and react to the approach of Planet X by a slowdown, the Moon has no magnetized liquid core and

  cares not. Its slow turn, every 28 days, around the Earth is steady, but not so easy to anticipate that the common man

  can determine just where to look for the Moon. First, the Moon has a 3 year cycle, and is further away or closer, faster

  or slower, in going around the Earth based on this. This cycle, as noted by the Navy in their graphs, was adjusted in

  1994 to pre-account for the slowdown now being experienced, so Moon phases would not be that quickly noticed.

  Thus, from 1994 to about 2000, the Moon was late in arriving at the published phase, a point noted by someone

  writing to Troubled Times with this information. But most among the common man, looking at their calendar for the

  date of the Full Moon, will find the Full Moon pretty much on target, or appearing full, and the issue at this time is

  whether it is coming later in the evening or earlier, and this is information not on the calendars.

  But at some point, and we estimate this to come on or about April 1 (no April Fool's Joke intended) the Full Moon will

  come a full day early, as the Earth's rotation since 1994, a lost minute here and there, will have caught up with the

  Moon phases. These calendars have been republished, the dates given by the Navy long ago, so any attempt to change

  them will be noted and can be compared against previously published calendars. However, in truth, by April 1, 2003

  [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] or thereabouts, matters will be so anxious, so extreme, so insecure, for most of mankind, and the Red Star visible in the daytime sky, that mankind will scarcely be looking at the Moon for evidence. Thus, the

  Navy effectively changed the Moon phases, on the calendars to be printed, in 1994. However, as noted on the Troubled

  Times page re Slowing, the fact that they modified their graphics was palpable, evident, obvious. They did not think

  that the public would notice, but they did, among Troubled Times members, and posted on sci.astro, and Nancy

  included all in these pages, and there it is! The 3 year cycles of the Moon, wobbling askew, taking short dips, cutting

  corners, and illogically so as the 50 year graphs show no such variations! Check it out! If you are looking for proof that

  the establishment has been lying to you, there it is!.

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  ZetaTalk: Countdown Minutes

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  ZetaTalk: Countdown Minutes

  written June 13, 2003

  Last evening I drove out to the Bay here on the West Coast of Florida to observe the Sunset from my car. For awhile

  it seemed as though the Sun was lingering above the ecliptic but then suddenly went below. However, the timing for

  the sunset was not correct. Sunset is suppose to be at 8:40 PM according to the weather charts here but the Sun

  actually broke the ecliptic at 8:21 PM or a difference of 19 minutes. On another note of interest it did not get totally

  dark until 9:20 PM EST. Just a few days ago it was getting totally dark at around 9:00 PM so a differenc of 20

  minutes there. Also the sunrise is later then it is suppose to be this time of year. The charts say 6:00 AM EST but the

  actual time of Sunrise was at 6:18 AM or a difference of 18 minutes there. It seems rather strange to see such a

  similarity in the differences of timing if in fact something out of the ordinary is occuring.

  Given our refusal to give an exacting date for rotation

  slowing or stopping, or the hour of the shift itself, many

  have taken to anxiously checking the rising and setting

  sun to determine if a few minutes of slowing has begun.

  In this, confused results occur. During these last weeks,

  Planet X is simultaneously.

  1. coming in from the right of the Sun in a

  retrograde orbit, about from the position of the

  last coordinates given for early May, between the

  constellations of Orion and Taurus,

  2. coming up suddenly from a 32 degree drop under

  the Ecliptic, which it made also in the last weeks,

  3. moving toward the Earth for a close passage of 14 million miles.

  What does this do to the light coming from the Sun to Earth? As we have mentioned repeatedly, light bends, is subject

  to the influence of gravity or other particles flows, and exemplified by where your feet are when you stand in water

  and look down upon them. The Auroras are not magnetic, they are light spreading into color spectrums based on their

  sensitivity to gravity, a show that would normally be visible all over the world if the intense sunlight near the Equator

  were not drowning this out. That the Auroras moved south during a time when human scientists were scratching their

  heads over why the Earth seemed to have a fatter middle, per gravity analysis done by their probes, when no shape

  change had occurred, proves this. Gravity flow intensified at the Equator, and the Auroras moved south.

  The spreading orange of the sunrise and sunset likewise has zero to do with light scattering off dust, a ridiculous

  human explanation as why would the dust be present only at those times? Orange is a predominance of a type or red

  light spectrum wave that bends readily, and continues to bend when other light has moved on out into space, so

  reaches your eye predominantly. Planet X, as we have stated, is predominantly in the red light spectrum, appeared

  orange in early photos, and thus presented two personas during early imaging, one bending to gravity more than the

  other, though both are in the red spectrum. But the propensity of light to bend for many reasons has affected more than

  where Planet X is appearing, it has and is affecting where the Sun is appearing, particularly during the dawn and dusk

  when orange or other red light spectrum rays predominate.

  During the last few weeks, when Planet X is coming up between the Earth and Sun, it affects light traveling from the

  Sun to Earth. The Repulsion Force, as we have explained, is like a fire hose of gravity particles escaping from a large

  body such as a planet or sun. When two such large bodies come close, these fire hoses are pointed at each other and

  stop the approach, thus large bodies keep their distance from each other. They likewise have a gravity draw upon each

  other, each having gravity particles floating back toward their surfaces like a fine net that reaches far into space, so[2/5/2012 9:56:30 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Countdown Minutes

  each is trying to draw the other in. There is a push and a pull, between large bodies. During the sunset and sunrise,

  where predominately red light spectrum light is arriving at the human viewer, this red light has been subject to gravity

  bending, and thus the sunset and sunrise can be an inaccurate gauge of rotation stoppage. What effects might occur?

  When Planet X is coming up from its deep 32 degree dive below

  the Ecliptic, it delivers a broadside to those li
ght rays in the red

  light spectrum with the Repulsion Force fire hose, pushing those

  away such that they arrive at Earth as though the Sun were

  further distant. These rays arrive later, and seem to arrive from a

  point away from Planet X, almost as though Planet X has pushed

  the Sun which is of course not the case, Planet X, with its gravity

  fire hose broadside, has pushed the red light rays. Many noticed that the sunset seemed to linger, the evening sky not

  darkening for hours after the sunset, and this was the reason. Many noticed that the Sun seemed to rise or set too far

  north, a similar phenomena where the Sun only appeared to be there.

  When Planet X arrives close to the Ecliptic and starts moving

  between the Earth and Sun, a second phenomenon occurs. Red

  light bends toward Planet X as a gravity draw, such that for those

  in the Northern Hemisphere the light affecting the sunrise and

  sunset must come up over more the Earth’s fat middle, making the sunrise later and the sunset earlier, a shorter day,

  the reverse of where it should be going into the Summer Solstice. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite

  effect would occur, as they are dealing with less of Earth’s Fat middle, and have a longer day potential. Where this

  phenomena depends upon the time of day and the location of the viewer, who may or may not experience this

  confusion, it can confuse the issue of determining just when rotation slowing has started, those days when minutes are

  lost, clearly, and then hours lost.

  How to best measure then, if rotation slowing has started? Use the direct overhead light during high noon, as this light

  is primarily outside of those spectrums that bend, and thus will be true. Use a manual clock, as the atomic clocks are

  automatically set back to obscure the slowing process that has been seconds per day until lately. The slowing process

  will be minutes only at first, rapidly building to hours during a day, then rapidly moving to a stoppage. On the day that

  hours a day are presenting, the crust and core will be fighting, and this will translate to moaning and heavy earthquake


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