ZetaTalk: Pole Shift
Page 40
were formed, mountain ridges were torn apart, new gulfs were cut out, ancient heights were overturned
and new ones sprang up. The few survivors of the ruined world were enveloped in darkness, 'the sun in
some way did not exist.'
Worlds in Collision, p.106
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ZetaTalk: Twirling into Darkness
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ZetaTalk: Twirling into Darkness
written Nov 27, 2004
Forsooth, the land turns
I will cause the Sun to go
One whole day went
round as does a potter’s
down at noon and I will
without the sun. But the
darken the Earth in the
burning world gave light.
Papyrus: 2:8
midst of daytime.
Worlds in Collision:
Amos 8 : 8-9
The polar wobble that began in November is the first sign of the Earth’s participation in the slow 270° Roll that Planet
X does to position itself, magnetically, above the Ecliptic rather than below the Ecliptic. It is caused, as we explained,
by the magnetic N. Pole of Earth avoiding any exposure to the emerging N. Pole of Planet X. As the Earth normally
rotates around its geographic N. Pole, the magnetic N. Pole is exposed for half the day, and then hidden for the other
half of the day. This initially results in a Drunken Lurch to push the magnetic N. Pole out of view, a twice a day polar wobble, but rapidly evolves into twirl. This is due to the magnetic N. Pole being either to the right or left of the
geographic N. Pole as the globe turns, responding to the emerging hose of magnetic particles from the N. Pole of
Planet X as it turns about, in place.
It turns in place in a clockwise manner to face it’s N. Pole away from the Sun. This presents two magnetic situations
for the Earth, in this poised position where the N. Pole of Planet X is toward the East and the S. Pole toward the West.
Since the hose of magnetic particles is coming from the East side, when Europe faces Planet X there is a strong
attraction between the highly magnetized southern Atlantic Rift and this emerging N. Pole. This portion of the Earth’s
crust, the southern portion of the Atlantic Rift, is pulled as Europe is emerging into dawn, creating the European tilt
where the Sun seems to be too far to the NW. As the magnetic N. Pole of Earth comes into view for dawn in the
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ZetaTalk: Twirling into Darkness
America’s, this N. Pole is repulsed by the N. Pole of Planet X in the East, causing a tip away of the Earth’s magnetic
N. Pole, the America’s tilt, where the Sun seems to be too far to the SW. As the globe turns and the magnetic N. Pole
of Earth escapes out of view, this tilt is relaxed to assume a simple severe tilt of both the magnetic and geographic N.
Poles of the Earth away from Planet X, giving the Pacific tilt, where the Sun is simply too far to the South. Moving to
the last quarter of the day, when the magnetic N. Pole of Earth is hidden, the Earth can assume a more normal Winter
posture, the India posture.
Where does this twirl place the Earth, as she moves into the time predicted in the Bible and reported in folklore,
known as the 3 Days of Darkness? This twirl becomes more extreme, as the hose of magnetic particles from the N.
Pole of Planet X is turned more directly at the Earth. While twirling, the Earth finds it can expose its magnetic N. Pole
less and less, and the northern hemisphere finds itself twirling in darkness, eventually. This does more than affect the
degree of sunlight the northern and southern hemisphere’s receive, but that is another day’s ZetaTalk on this subject.
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ZetaTalk: Potter's Wheel
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ZetaTalk: Potter's Wheel
written Dec 18, 2004
The earth shall reel to and fro like a
Forsooth, the land turns round as does a
potter’s wheel.
Isaiah 24:20
Egyptian Papyrus: 2:8
Where previously in accord with the polar wobble in November and early December, with the N Pole forming a Figure 8 during the day, creating a Sunrise too far North in Europe then moving to a sunset too
far South over the Americas, by mid December this seems to have changed. Erratic movements, contrary
to what is expected are reported, with things switching about from day to day. Is this the drunken lurch
the Bible predicts will occur?
Humans are familiar with spinning tops, the child’s toy, a ball set to twirling around on a needle point. Given a strong
rotational impetus, they hold upright, and do not tip over until drag causes the toy to slow down, but while slowing to
a stop and falling to one side, the top develops a distinct wobble. The reasons for this can hardly be in dispute. The top
is not evenly balanced, even when appearing to be upright and poised on a needle point. It is the rotation that
maintains this appearance, as any lopsided weight or drag on the ball portion of the top is distributed evenly and
quickly on all sides. When the top starts to slow down, this distribution is delayed, and leaning to the side starts. The
heavy part of the ball is slung to the side but as the rotation of the top brings this to the opposite side of the ball, there
is a lurch of the top to that direction. The top is seen, while still spinning, lurching from one side to the other, until this
lean is accentuated enough, and the rotation of the top slow enough, that the top simply falls over on its side.
The analogy, of the death of a spinning top, equates to the description of what an Egyptian scribe recorded during the
last pole shift, during the time of the Jewish Exodus. Clay on a potter’s wheel is lopsided from the start, and as the
potter starts to molds it, it is seen reeling around from one side of the wheel to the other. What was that scribe seeing,
for this description to apply? He was not seeing the Sun too far to South on a regular basis, morning and night. That
would have inspired a statement akin to ‘Forsooth, the Sun hides in the South’. He was not seeing the Sun crossing at
an odd angle on a regular basis, from morning to night. That would have inspired a statement akin to ‘Forsooth, the
Sun retires early as it has risen early’. For the Earth to be predicted, in the Bible, to reel like a drunkard, this is a
noticeable effect, during a short period of time, the passage of hours.
Would the Earth develop such an extraordinary wobble that it would sling its N. Pole from one side to the other, in the
course of a day? Consider the Earth as a top, rotating as a top does. Consider the part of the globe having heaviness or
drag to be the N. Pole, as this is the part of the globe pushed to the side. In our analogy to the top, this part travels
with the rotation such that it is slung in the opposite direction, especially as the force of the push is increased. Where
the top develops this lurching from side to side as it slows due to the drag of gravity on the heavy portion of the ball of
the top, the Earth is not reacting to gravity during its lurch. It is reacting to the dominant magnetic orientation of the
Sun. The sling of the N Pole is thus an over compensation, momentum involved, producing an opposite effect of what
is expected by those closely watching the polar wobble, the Figure 8 formed by the N. Pole as it starts to evad
e the hose of magnetic particles coming from the N. Pole of Planet X, slowly tuning in place as it passes through the
Ecliptic. The polar wobble, and at times an over compensation, to and fro like a drunk.
Dec 5: Sunrise barely East of direct South. Wife and I looked out East facing window which always
lets in some Sun year round. Wife says, "Where's the Sun?" No direct sunlight coming in the
window. Went outside to see the Sunrise barely East of direct South. All shadows almost directly
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Dec 6: The Sunrise was normal in the East again. People thought I was nuts when I spoke of it.
Dec 10: This past December 10th I measured the deviation of sunset from West and I measured 34°
to South, which, corrected with the declination of geographic North from magnetic North for my
area is a 31º South of West. I measured a sunset 6 degrees more southern than it should be in 6 days
from now!
Dec 16: And now I am really baffled. To my total astonishment, I measured just 20° south of West,
which is a bit less 17° when corrected with geographical north declination. Compared to the 31° of
just 6 days ago, it is not only northern than it should, but also a very fast change!
Dec 6: Sunrise high by 19° North, early.
Dec 17: Sunrise here was 17 minutes late, and the sun came up SE instead of ESE as it should.
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ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch
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ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch
written Nov 19, 2004
We have previously explained an Earth Wobble which became evident in early 2004 and accentuated during the
Summer as Planet X leaned along the Sun’s magnetic flow lines, pulling the Earth into magnetic compliance with its
tilt. This then eased in the Fall as Planet X aligned almost horizontally along the tight magnetic flow lines emanating
from the Sun’s middle, since the S. Pole pointed outward toward the Earth is only an intake for magnetic particles
flows. The Earth, at that time, eased its wobble as it aligned once again with the dominant Sun’s influence, ignoring
Planet X. But as we hinted in the Timeline Clues given last July, things were going to change in November, and they have. Planet X is simultaneously:
moving toward the Earth in a virtual straight line from where it entered the solar system from the direction of
creeping past the Sun which it headed for in a rapid gravitational plunge until stopped by the Repulsion Force
last December, 2003;
rising from beneath the Ecliptic and fighting the backwash of particle flows at the Ecliptic to rise above the
aligning with the magnetic flow lines representing the intake of the Sun’s S. Pole while preparing to switch to
align with the magnetic flow lines representing the outflow from the Sun’s N. Pole.
The Earth wobble carefully documented by those allowing themselves to notice that the Sun and Moon and
constellations are not where expected is now back, with a difference. The previous wobble had the lower portion of the
highly magnetized Atlantic Rift grabbed twice a day, at the day and dark points when the Atlantic Rift was either
facing Planet X or in opposition on the other side of the globe. The grab was essentially forcing the Earth into magnetic
alignment with the tilt of Planet X. This eased at the dusk and dawn points when the Atlantic Rift was shifted to the
side of the globe, creating a 4 times daily wobble which had Spain and Japan seeing the Sun high with warmer weather
while N. America and Siberia found the Sun low and their temps cooler. We now have a twice a day wobble, a polar
The Earth is known to be rotating around geographic poles, which are offset from the magnetic poles by approximately
15 degrees, for the sake of this discussion loosely up from the S. Pole toward Tasmania and down from the N. Pole
toward the center of the Canadian NW Territories. An aspect of the Crop Circles much analyzed on ZetaTalk last
Summer was the Juxtapositioned arrangement representing the complicated magnetic dance that the Earth and Planet X
are to engage in before this drama is done, wherein we noted a temporary end-to-end alignment during the 270° Roll
that Planet X takes as it crosses the Ecliptic. During this roll, it swings its N. Pole toward Earth, pushing the N. Pole of
Earth away, causing the prophesied 3 Days of Darkness during this temporary end-to-end alignment. Leading into this
Planet X revolves in place such that its N. Pole no longer points almost directly at the Sun but points away, swinging
toward the Earth, but this change does not happen suddenly, it is progressive. Leading into this, when Planet X slowly
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ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch
swings its N. Pole round in a clockwise direction, whither the Earth?
The magnetic poles of Earth present themselves to the Sun each once a day, at diametrically opposing times. When N.
America faces the Sun and Planet X, the N. Pole is exposed in its location just above the Canadian NW Territories. As
the N. Pole of Planet X is coming into play during the slow revolution of Planet X in place, the N. Pole of Earth leans
away from this hose of magnetic particles, causing the Sun to seem too far to the South. This effect lingers until the S.
Pole of Earth comes into view, dawn just South of Tasmania, at which point the N. Pole of Earth is out of view and
negated. The Earth now attempts to move back into alignment with the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system,
overcompensating in this wobble back to place the Sun temporarily too far to the North for Siberia and Europe. The
drunken lurch back and forth will become more accentuated as the slow 270° Roll of Planet X continues, with the tilt
of the Earth’s N. Pole steadily moving away from the Sun, until the 3 Days of Darkness is evident. Is this drunken
lurch not already evident?
Italy Nov 16: At 13 :18 o’clock I noted a stronger deviation to West of the Sun, then I checked with digital
compass and was surprised : azimuth was 210°, too much for the natural 197° in that hour.
Maryland Nov 13: I don’t remember ever seeing the sun setting in the SW. Seems like just the other day, it
was back around slightly North of due West.
Australia Nov 13: The Sun appeared to set 5 degrees farther south yesterday in the southern hemisphere.
Often this can be confirmed by a later observation of the position of the South Celestial Pole(SCP). A 9:00
PM observation in the evening skies placed the SCP about 7 degrees further left of a terrestrial target and
5 degrees lower to the horizon according to my reckoning.
Seattle Nov 17: For the Seattle latitude, the sun should set at 235 degrees on Dec. 22, the winter solsitice.
Today is November 17. Tonight, as I do every night, I took another reading of the sunset - 235.8. In other
words, the sun is already farther south now than it should be 5 weeks from now. The ongoing Sunrise is
within the parameter of where it is supposed to be. It is the sunset that exhibits this recent deviation. It's
similiar to an off balanced top. And it's not good news.
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ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble
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ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble
written July 17, 2004
The key to the Earth wobble many are now beginning to Notice, and the odd cold spot that lingers
over Hudson Bay and in the waters off Nova Scotia, lies in the shape of the Atlantic Rift. We have
stated that Planet X is skewed at least 45° along the Sun's magnetic flow lines, pointing its S. Pole
away from the S. Pole of the Sun as it rounds this pole, thus putting a tug on the Earth's N. Pole
which is attracted and tempted to align with Planet X in an end-to-end arrangement. The tilt of the
Earth's N. Pole, leaning somewhat to the right to the side of the Sun Planet X is rounding, has
created a false season simulating Summer in the northern hemisphere, were it not for the
Constellations being out of place, an almost perfect mask for the approaching monster about to upset
life on Earth as its current inhabitants know it. For those with keen eyes and clear eyes, for at least
half the world from Japan to Ontario, an Earth wobble has become a reality.
The Atlantic Rift is skewed to the West in the northern hemisphere, and then to the East in the
southern hemisphere, following the deepest cleft between the continents as they rip apart during what is commonly called the Continental
Drift. As we have stated, this Atlantic Rift is itself a magnet as the tearing occurred during prior pole shifts and cooling magma was quickly aligned with the reforming poles, and thus becomes a third magnet encouraged to align with the Earth's core and Planet X during their
encounters. At the point where the Atlantic Rift either faces or is in opposition to Planet X, this tugging to align occurs, creating the Global
Quakes noted on live seismographs only during this past year, for the Earth, when Planet X has been in the vicinity. Why has an Earth wobble developed?
1. When the Atlantic Rift is facing Planet X, high noon over the Atlantic, the tilt and lean of the Earth are tending to align side-by-side
with Planet X where it rides on the Sun's magnetic flow lines, rather than the Sun, as the combined pull on the Earth core and the
Atlantic Rift is a strong magnetic resonance. Due to the 'S' shape of the rift, leading with its southern edge more toward the East, this