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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 42

by Nancy Lieder

  By gripping the Atlantic Rift, the cause of the Global Quakes that have racked the Earth for over a year, Planet X is

  creating a slow continental drift. The Atlantic Rift is held back when it faces or is in opposition to Planet X, creating

  not only a pile up in the plates following the rift, but also tearing apart the rift by the momentum to the East. This

  process continues during whiplash, but what is the effect on the plates on either side of the rift when a void is created?[2/5/2012 9:56:58 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Torque Effect

  There is a slide into the void, on the side experiencing a pileup, and thus the N American Plate is dropping into the

  void, relieving the stress of compression along its northern border in the Arctic by a torque to the side as it does so.

  During the pileup in the Pacific, the Indio-Australian Plate is being jammed under the Himalayans, causing this plate

  to drop and creating another void in the Indian Ocean. This is the cause of the African Rift, and this great continent

  once again is pulled into the void, thus the recent noticeable stress in the region of the African Rift.

  The overall effect of this drift, which will increase in speed and force as the whiplash proceeds, will be a torque. Hold

  the globe with the left hand on the N Pole, the right hand on the S Pole, and turn in opposite directions first this way,

  then back. The N Pole going in the direction of rotation with the S Pole held back, the torque forces the N American

  Plate down and into the Caribbean, East moving in the direction of SE. The S Pole pulled back by a grab on the

  Atlantic Rift in the Southern Hemisphere with the N Pole held rigid has the Indo-Australian Plate plunging under the

  Himalayas and Africa likewise plunging into the void, again East turning to SE. This does more than sink the SE

  United States and pull apart the African Rift, it pulls the entire oil rich Middle East into a skew. How is it that all that

  oil dropped into the cracks in the rock in that region, eons ago, during prior pole shifts? The rock was shattered, during

  just such torque maneuvers. Thus, where we stated that something would occur to pull victory from the jaws of the

  Bush/Blair coalition before the pole shift, something that would take the breath out of the body it would be so dramatic

  and unexpected, this region is ripe to present many surprises to those who would be kings in the Aftertime.[2/5/2012 9:56:58 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Magma Slam

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  ZetaTalk: Magma Slam

  written Dec 28, 2004

  Last year at Xmas, Iran had a quake and on the exact opposite of the globe (drawing a line thru the earth),

  we had a large earthquake, as if one side affected the other. Do you think we can expect this again? [and

  from another] Last year we had the huge quake in iran and I felt the big quake in Panama while in Costa

  Rica. Now this monster at the same time of year. [and from another] I get it now. They're going to use the

  recent 9.2 earthquake alone to explain the wobbling of the earth and the coming shortening daylight.

  We have stated that recent Weather Wobbles were caused by an increasingly violent Polar Wobble, where the N. Pole of Earth is pushed away from the emerging N. Pole of Planet X as it swings about in place. We hinted that more than

  sudden windstorms would occur, but as we are obliged by the Rule of Non-Interference not to warn mankind of

  coming earthquakes, could not be specific. Are the recent strong quakes along the Indio/Australia plate one such

  result? Most certainly, only the Russians being honest about it as the cover-up attempts to hold together and explain

  the Earth’s reactions to this strong quake. A Russian scientist reports that the quakes were the result of a change in the

  Earth’s spin, an honest admission. JPL phrases the cause and effect such that a slowing rotation will result from the

  quake. The quake caused the orbit and rotation of the Earth to change? Did such a thing happen after the Great Lisbon

  quake or the Alaskan quake in 1964? Did the leap second calculation change then? Slowing rotation, and a globe

  tipping on its axis, now to be blamed on earthquakes? The question then to be asked, is what caused the earthquake?

  Global wobbles followed both the Tasmanian quake and increased after the Sumatra quake, showing that the magma

  flow was irregular after the quakes. These wobbles also resulted after Dec 25, 2003 when the Earth halted in her orbit, encountering Planet X. Could irregular pressure in the magma also be causing these quakes? We have explained that

  the globe would be put under pressure as the N. Pole was pushed away into 3 Days of Darkness for the northern

  hemisphere, due to the rotation of the globe both wanting to remain centered between the geographic poles and

  wanting to align with the Sun’s rotation. We have described the rotation of the Earth as being driven by parts of the

  core and non-homogeneous magma pulling toward or racing away from elements in the solar system or Universe.

  Where the Earth is being jerked about by the presence of Planet X and it’s temporary magnetic alignment along the

  Sun’s magnetic flow lines, these elements remain implacable, unchanged. Thus, as with the Pole Shift itself, the

  hapless Earth is being given conflicting directives. During the Pole Shift, the core wants to align with the passing

  Planet X, but the crust, with differing alliances, resists, and this causes a separation of the crust and core, the crust

  ultimately coming to rest in a vastly different geography. In a similar manner, during these early earthquakes and

  wobbles, the core and magma close to the crust have differing directives.

  The Earth’s crust is in an equilibrium with the normal magma surges driving the rotation. Adjustments to where the

  magma hits, and the force of these hits, has been made, long ago, in earthquakes and aftershocks after the last pole

  shift. Now things have changed, and this change will accelerate. As the N. Pole of Earth is pushed away by Planet X

  with increasing violence, and the Earth rebounds in an attempt to align with the Sun with increasing fervor, the magma

  is not stable. Parts of the Earth’s crust where the magma is hitting with less than its usual force are not affected, but

  those parts that are getting a double hit, from passive magma trying to flow in the normal rotation and charged magma

  suddenly changing direction to move in the direction the core has assumed, are getting a double whammy. Add to this

  the tugging on the Atlantic Rift, which we have explained is a third magnet on the surface of the Earth, causing the

  plates to pile up and pull apart during the Face and Dark points. It should be noted that the Sumatra quake occurred at 0:58 UTC, when the Dark point is considered to be 0:00 UTC. Once again, our words, prophetic.

  And where would those double whammy points be? We have described the Weather Wobbles being caused by the

  Earth suddenly tilting under the blanket of her atmosphere, causing vertical windstorms from the North and

  predominantly from the South. Europe has experienced those, winds from the South, and on the other side of the globe[2/5/2012 9:56:58 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Magma Slam

  from there a double whammy point, Tasmania. That the larger quake occurred in Sumatra is due to the real point of

  pressure being relieved days earlier, South of Tasmania, where the Indio/Australia plate wants to lift. The US has

  experienced these vertical sudden windstorms, and on the other side of the globe lies the African Rift. Movement in the

p; Indio/Australian plate allows the large rifts in Africa room to move, and this includes sister rift faults reaching up into

  the Red Sea and Persian Gulf and through Afghanistan, which would logically follow. Japan has been assaulted by

  sudden winds from the South in Tokyo, and on the other side of the globe lies the spine of the Andes in South


  Signs of the Times #1280

  Russian Scientist: a change in Earth spin rate could be a possible cause of recent EQ [Dec 28]

  Quick translating from Italian news: ‘A change in the spin speed of the Earth could be the origin of

  the tsunami that has destroyed countries on the Indian Ocean side. This is what a Russian scientist,

  Aleksandr Ponomariov, assistant manager of the Institute of Land Physics to Moscow, says. “We

  think that the change of that speed is a possible cause of the most recent earth cataclysms”,

  Ponomariov has declared.’ [and from another source] Quake rattled Earth Orbit, Changed map of

  Asia: US geophysicist [Dec 28] ‘An earthquake that unleashed deadly tidal waves on Asia was so

  powerful it made the Earth wobble on its axis and permanently altered the regional map, US

  geophysicists said. In addition, the energy released as the two sides of the undersea fault slipped

  against each other made the Earth wobble on its axis, Hudnut said.’ [and from another source]

  Speaking on SKY TG24 TV, Enzo Boschi, the head of Italy’s National Geophysics Institute said the

  quake even disturbed the Earth’s rotation [and from another source] Drudge Report: ‘Gravity

  expert Richard Gross of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena: “Quake may have altered earth’s

  rotation, may have shortened the day by 3 microseconds”. On premise a slab slid into core, Gross

  said heś done calculations.’

  Dec 27, Albuquerque, New Mexico

  Dec 27, Kilima Mbogo, Kenya[2/5/2012 9:56:58 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

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  ZetaTalk: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

  written Jan 23, 2005

  What would cause a plate as large as the Indo/Australian plate to pop, springing from its lock of jagged rock all along

  its edges, miles deep and snagged in an infinite number of places resisting any motion at all? What force would cause

  these rock fingers to rupture along a 600 mile length along Sumatra? We have previously described the Torque the

  globe endures as the magnetic N. Pole is pushed harshly in one direction while the magnetic S. Pole is pulled in

  another. These days, months later, this stress has increased as Planet X has not only moved closer, and more centered

  between the Earth and Sun, but is swinging its N. Pole, that hose of magnetic particles, toward Earth as it maneuvers

  into the magnetic flow lines above the Sun's equator. Thus, the pull on the magnetic S Pole of Earth is stronger. Thus,

  the repelling of the Earth's magnetic N. Pole is more violent. The entire Indo/Australian plate is now loosened and on

  the move, starting with breaking rock south of Tasmania where the plate touches the magnetic S. Pole, and twisting

  this spot to the left, holding it back from rotation as the magnetic N. Pole of Planet X is loathe to release it, and

  twisting the magnetic N. Pole of Earth to the right in an accelerated rotation as the magnetic N. Pole of Planet X is

  repelling it, the plate popped from its wedge where it snugs against New Zealand. Within days, the rock along the

  curve of Sumatra gave way.

  Man looks at what he calls Continental Drift and cannot imagine what set Pangaea moving in different directions. The

  forces that would cause a rock plate to rip apart and continue to do so, as recently as 3,600 years ago, are something he

  would rather not contemplate. Why would the Indo/Australian plate plunge under the Himalayas? We have described

  the Scripted Drama as a dance that has been scripted by the positions of the plates today, but what placed them into those positions? Why does the Seaway rip, the African Rift Valley rip, the Atlantic rip, while the Pacific compresses?

  Why would this rock not simply resist, a status quo persisting throughout time? We detailed the Torque the globe was enduring when we did to go on record, as we specifically detailed the stress the Indio/Australian plate would

  experience due to this torque. Now, 8-9 months later, this description is prophetic. There is more than the

  Indo/Australian plate popping due to this torque at the magnetic S. Pole to indicate this is part of the stress the Polar

  Wobble is inducing. This wobble is where the magnetic N. Pole of Earth is pushed away, violently, when it faces the

  emerging N. Pole of Planet X. There is also the odd lack of stress along the N. American plate, presumably subject to

  the same compression stress as the rest of the Ring of Fire![2/5/2012 9:56:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

  Put your hand on the N. Pole of the globe, twisting to the right as though turning the cap off a jar. Put your other hand

  on the S. Pole of the globe, twisting to the left as you open the jar, in this case the Earth, her plates coming apart. You

  not only pop the Indio/Australian plate lose and plunge the Pacific and Philippine plates under Asia, you relieve stress

  along the entire N. American continent! This is the force of the push against the magnetic N. Pole whenever it presents

  a face to Planet X. Move on, push back, is the shove from Planet X, which is the cause of the Figure 8 wobble many

  are documenting. Why is it that Central and South America do not escape, as participants in the Ring of Fire, but the

  plate housing the magnetic N. Pole escapes? It is pushed out of the way! For those not following the Polar Wobble,

  mindlessly thinking all is right with the world as the Sun rises and sets and the world continues to turn, consider this.

  There is no other explanation for this earthquake spread. None. Once again, our words logical, precise, and consistent

  with prior messages.

  The overall effect of this drift, which will increase in speed and force as the whiplash proceeds, will be a

  torque. Hold the globe with the left hand on the N Pole, the right hand on the S Pole, and turn in opposite

  directions first this way, then back. The N Pole going in the direction of rotation with the S Pole held

  back, the torque forces the N American Plate down and into the Caribbean, East moving in the direction

  of SE. The S Pole pulled back by a grab on the Atlantic Rift in the southern hemisphere with the N Pole

  held rigid has the Indio-Australian Plate plunging under the Himalayas and Africa likewise plunging into

  the void, again East turning to SE.

  ZetaTalk: Torque Effect, written May 1, 2004[2/5/2012 9:56:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Small Plane Crashes

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  ZetaTalk: Small Plane Crashes

  written Oct 25, 2004

  Atmospheric disturbances, beyond those usually encountered and thus watched for by pilots, are

  occurring. Even prior to the year before the shift, what is called micro-bursts were being increasingly

  reported and downed planes blamed on this. If the weather is moving to extremes, this equates to hotter

  air masses, colder drafts, and sudden wind equalizing these air masses. Beyond these problems, airplanes

  use satellites to guide them, magnetic orientation to guide them, and these likewise will either fail on

  occasion or given invalid readings.

  ZetaTalk: 2002 Quickening

e have mentioned that as the pole shift approaches, the monster planetary magnet Planet X moves toward the Earth,

  twisting and turning in its own magnet dance with the Sun's Magnetic Flow lines, that the guidance systems of

  airplanes will be affected. GPS, global positioning systems, directed by satellite, are used more often than the

  increasingly unreliable compasses. How does a small plane, flying low overland as they do more often than the large

  high altitude planes they seek to avoid encountering, know where land is, in the dark. GPS allows an individual to

  know his altitude, as his exact location can be determined by his exact Lat/Long and this altitude is known, mapped,

  and in the databases the GPS satellite users access. Someone in the middle of a wilderness can enter his Lat/Long and

  receive, from GPS related databases, a map showing his surroundings. All this works until the GPS satellites are off

  their mark, themselves not in position or their moorings confused. What would occur if a small plane were informed,

  by GPS, that their location was not amidst hills, but in the open? Flying blind, the pilot would assume his altitude safe.

  Beyond confused guidance systems, small planes lack the ability to recover from electromagnetic surges increasingly

  likely to occur and more potent close to the core of the Earth. It is no accident that odd electrical fires developed in

  Sicily and India at spots where these emanations occurred from beneath the surface of the Earth, only in this past year

  or so. Not demonic, but quite natural for a swirling core driven frantically to escape the magnetic pressure the looming

  Planet X presence represents. Trains and cars can sputter or have their controls momentarily falter, and simply drift

  along until recovery can occur. Their operators conclude a checkup is in order, and drive on more conservatively. But

  what happens to a small plane when its electrical systems falter momentarily? A drift along, in a small plane, is also a

  drift down, and when the guidance systems are also faltering, mis-clueing the pilot as to the safety of his location,


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