Faithless Novella

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by Bri Amari

  I pulled the force of my magic in, allowing the air the settle and the surrounding area to fall silent. I watched as the male inched farther away from his mate. The female would still not look me in the eye. But that was fine, I had willed it so, so no matter how she felt the curse had been laid, now all that was left was for her to choose.

  I heard from the soil where Lochlan still was, “Thank Ye Goddess, for this secon' chance. I vow if this continues I will take ar' children and my mate will have to fend for 'erself. If she chooses wrong I will not allow her to taint my children or myself any further. Please be merciful if my vow of union is broken, please take pity on m'soul.”

  I felt some of the anger inside me subside at the my faithful sons words. “Do not worry so Lochlan.” I placed my finger under his chin and raised his face, he had nothing to be ashamed of. “I can see inside you, I do not worry over your heart. It is strong and it is pure.”

  I willed myself to my chambers, I would keep an eye on this female, she had very little time to decided. Would she take her daughter and her husband and choose the right path? Or, would she give in to the dark cravings and not only lose her family, but curse her race with three times the male children. I knew deep within what she would do and it brought my soul much sadness, my innocent children would suffer but I had to stand strong.

  That magic was the magic that was ruining the earth He ruled over.

  I would not lose faith over one child.

  Chapter 6

  750 years after creation...

  I felt the rip in the dimensions as soon as it started. I'd never felt panic before but I felt it now. There was no other word for the fluttering in my stomach and my hearts ecstatic rhythm. They had found me. He was coming. That is all it could possibly be. I could feel the traces of the earth he had created come with him into my domain.

  This could not happen yet. I wasn't ready. My children are not ready. If the God of Gods from my Pantheon had found out what I had been up to already I would be punished for too many years to fathom.

  Dissolving into the space between dimensions I meant to confront him and stand up for my creations, my world.

  Living as long as a deity did it was very seldom I was taken by surprise but for the second time in a moment of time I felt the shocking emotion.

  In the space between I did not come head to head with the others of my Pantheon but with an army of Drakon. The first creatures created on Earth. The protectors of His children.

  What could they possibly be doing here? He would follow them. He would find me.

  “Why do you abuse the protections of my world Drakon?” I stated as strongly as I could. My voice booming across the void so all the gathered would hear.

  A large black Drakon with purple eyes stomped forward and stood tall. “We request refuge, Goddess. Would you grant us leave of our Father's mistakes? Shona'lantrkai saw in a vision you had created a world worthy of protecting and we come to you offering as much.” The voice rung around the void.

  I paused. That was not the explanation I had expected. I sent my magic out and touch each of the hundreds of Drakon present, asking that it relay the truth of the Drakon's statement back to me. The results were mixed and too convoluted to sort through at the moment, what mattered is the one that seemed to lead them was honest. He intended to protect my children, my unlawful children, my blasphemous children..

  The irony of the situation did not escape me. I was aware of the up side to having the Drakon for my children but I was sure if the Drakon could find me He could too.

  “He will find you here, he will find you anywhere. You are his children.” I stated.

  “Goddess we pledge now to you. Shona'lantrkai, our elderwoman, had found a way to abolish the chains he had attached to our souls. We could not stand to live upon his earth anymore. His children have destroyed it. We cannot breathe it's air or ingest it's poisoned waters. It's game is little and far between. We will parish for sure without you. We have searched other dimensions, they are not suited for us.” The black Drakon's voice reverberated in my mind again, echoing in the void.

  “Speak plainly to me creature. Your voice causes me annoyance in this place. It is very loud.”

  “I cannot Goddess, He did not gift us the ability.” The voice rang lower.

  I approached the beast and placed my hand on his neck. “Do not move Drakon.” I connected my magic to the creature to find their maker had endowed them with much; their power was unbelievable. They would be great assets indeed and if there was no deception about their connections to Him I could easily hide them.

  I allowed my intent to flow into his magical core and I allowed him to speak in the way his Father had neglected. “Speak to me now Drakon, for you are now King of your people and will always be so long as you live. I give you this gift in return of your gift to me.”

  As I moved away from the large creature, he unfroze from the stance he had assumed when I commanded his stillness. His snout lifted and his deep, wise eyes connected with my own. Their reptilian appearance did no allow for much emotion to show through but I could see his appreciation.

  “You bless and honour me my Goddess by accepting me so. I vow myself and my people to you for I can never repay this debt.” The Drakon King's voice was controlled and level and I could hear it with this form's ears, not within my mind.

  The King's head bowed low and the rows of Drakon behind him followed suit. When I looked to the New King again on single crystalline tear ran down his snout, freezing into a heart shaped gem.

  I thought back to my time as a very minor Goddess in my old Pantheon. Once in celebration of some minor achievement His children made, He had been filled with drunkenness on ambrosia. He had been bragging that His child had received the tear of the Drakon, a stone of pure magic and respect. It was given only to those who most deserved them and held the wish for you, of the Drakon who gifted it to you.

  “What is your wish Drakon?” I asked. I could reach into him now and read it from his heart but I would test his commitment to me with this thinly veiled command.

  “That your greatest wish come true, my Goddess.” He replied vocally in respect of my wishes. Good.

  “Very well King of the Drakon. I will demand to check that the connection has been broken on every Drakon who wishes to enter my world. Be warned if you wish to enter my paradise your soul will be searched as you pass, if you are found to be dishonest your life will be immediately forfeit.” I let my voice spread throughout the mass of Drakon so all would have the knowledge.

  “Goddess if it is pleasing, I would like to stay until the last has passed through.” The King asked.

  “Granted. Shall our agreement forever be.” I announced, sealing the deal in a magical bond.

  The large creature rose to his full height on his hind legs. “Trefnik'sya'n, come.” His voice boomed. Farther down the line the group shuffled and a large reg Drakon lifted from his spot and flew to his new King. “Trefnik'sya'n, you will guide our people once through into the Goddess's world.”

  “Gaia.” I announced. “Your new home is Gaia. She is sentient. Do not disrespect her for she is my sister and I will not permit it.”

  The Drakon King turned his attention from my interruptions, back his brethren. “Trefnik'sya'n, you will guide and protect our people until I come through. I trust you brother.”

  I turned to the red Drakon myself. “Do not speak, It it is uncomfortable for me. I will open a way into forest, behind the forest are cliffs. Beyond those cliffs over the ocean is a land I have been saving. Beyond the eyes of my children that floats in the sky. You will not see it on the outside of it's barrier but once on the other side of the cloak you will find a small paradise where I reside when I am there. You will find it by following the glowing purple star in the night sky. Take your brothers and sisters there. It is large enough to house you but I hope you will chose to integrate with the people of the forest. You will recognize them as they all look much like me with silver hair an
d wispy builds. I will speak to their Voice, I am sure they will welcome and accommodate you. You are my children now, I will care for you as you need me. Call upon me in your thoughts. I will hear them.” I predicted it would be best that their strength protect my inner sanctum but I did not wish for them know that that was what it actually was.

  I turned away from the beasts and concentrated in front of me, opening a door into the Ancient Forest of the Urisk people. I layered a cover of magic over the door that would instantly kill any one were still connected to Him and locked the dimensions from further rips like the one the Drakon had made. Fool me once, but never again. It assured the same methods could not be used and that those who were still loyal to Him had no way to return to him and reveal my secret.

  Feeling confident I had taken care of all angles I turned back to the King of the Drakon. “Stay and watch as your people are judged if you wish. I must go warn my children of your arrival. Good luck, King of the Drakon. May you prosper on Gaia.” With that I dissolved away from the nervousness that clouded the creatures left behind.

  Chapter 7

  770 years after creation...

  I watched as the disagreements between the Drakon and my children continued. The Leviathans were angry at the Drakon's influx of need when it came to the creatures of the seas. They were known to dive for large fish and other sea creatures and the Leviathans found each dive an invasion and an insult against the part of Gaia they protected.

  The Succubi and Incubi were angry that I had allowed another Guardian of the skies into Gaia. They felt I had insulted them, insinuated that they were not doing their jobs as requested. It had taken much consoling but they had finally seen that I had not recruited the new members of our world, but had rescued them and recruited them for Gaia's protection all at the same time. They were not replacements, they were refugees with a debt to consider.

  Two Bajang had fallen prey to the Drakon before I was made aware of the issue but I had made sure it would never happen again. The Drakon responsible had been dealt the death card at my command by his King's own talons. The Drakon had been here long enough to know that no native cat roamed these lands. None were like the cats of prey they knew on earth and not one was to be harmed. I had proved for the first time I would no take my words int he void lightly and he had greatly offended Gaia, myself and our children. That Drakon would never be a problem again.

  The humans had lashed out in fear of the beasts in the beginning, the first five Gaian years or so but soon realized at the hands of their Urisk brethren that the Drakon meant none of the people of this world harm. I assumed these new developments would dissolve what trust had been gained that day.

  But most surprisingly now the Drakon seemed to have offended their closest allies; the Urisk.

  I watched from my domain as Ailis, the Urisk named truth, argued with his now very elderly father. The man he had ceded his right as the Voice too.

  “Fath'r, surely t'was a mistake. Th' Drakon was not but three years hatched. There was nay reason to believe he burned down th' joining clearing wit' ill intent. Ye're bein' unreasonable. How many a tree did I burn down learnin' my fire Fath'r? How many walls did I char?”

  “Boy ye give me this seat cause ye think I'm the smartest man ye know. Why question your sire now?” The elderly man asked. Offended at his sons argument. “I d'not care if t'was a mistake er not boy. That ground t'was sacred to us, the Drakon, they knew it too. They shouldn't a had their young in the area, ye ken?”

  I watched as Ailis puffed out his oddly large chest and walked angrily to the side of the room. He looked be composing himself when his fist raised and was pounded against the wall. He spun wildly around. “Fath'r I hate to say I regret anything in m'life, ye've given me a good life. Ye have. But I regret th' day I gave you that seat on th' Voices. Yer goin' ta be the start of a war! Is that what ye want Fath'r? Is it?”

  “Nay son, ye ken I don't. But this act t'was unacceptable. The people, they are outraged.”

  “Then calm them, Fath'r. The Drakon were granted life here by th' Goddess. Do ye really want to take th' path that leads t' her interference? Remember Fath'r, she justly punishes Drakon if they step out of line of her laws.” Ailis reasoned.

  He was a smart boy. His father was blinded by the offence in his heart by the error the baby Drakon had made.

  I would not punish the youngling. The Urisk could ask Gaia for help repairing the Joining clearing. It was easy for them to do, taking a life so carelessly was not so felicitous to me.

  Ailis was learning through his mistakes and would have to wait until his father passed him the title of Voice of his people or the people voted the change through. I knew it would be best for the people but I would not force Ailis upon them. The old man had gotten angry in his ageing years and was no longer the fair man he had been when elected.

  “Th' Goddess ain't going t'care about one little battle.” His father replied.

  I would give Ailis the strength to do what must be done in his dreams tonight. He will rally his people and make his father see that they do not wish to wage war.

  I will remind him that his people could rebuilt but taking a life was forever. He would do the right thing.

  I had faith.

  When Ailis left I searched out his father and made it known I would not accept this path he was choosing. Violence only begot more violence and I needed unity. Hopefully my warning and my presence would make the old man think twice about his actions and his plans against the creatures that had been dutifully protecting Gaia for twenty years.

  I knew if he exacted revenge on the youngling Drakon, it's parents would exact revenge on him and the circle would continue. I couldn't let that happen.

  I wouldn't. I would forcefully put Ailis in his place if he proceeded this way.

  I had faith in Ailis.

  Chapter 8

  850 years after creation...

  A birth was happening.

  Not just any birth, oh no. The child of my labours was being born as I hurried away from my Goddess sister of my old Pantheon. One must keep up appearances after all.

  Dissolving from her home into my own realm I made my way to my viewing room and let my form become physical. I gracefully strode to my chaise and laid back. Visiting the old followers of the God of Gods was taxing. Like trying to interact with sheep.

  Waving my hand in the air I opened a looking window into the home of Basanalla and Omino. They had found each other in time and Basanalla had found her reason to curb her selfishness. She saw the benefit of helping others. She now knew that investing in those around her would in turn have them invest in her, as a person, as their Voice.

  Omino had taken to being in a place of power easily and gracefully. It had not effected his kindness but through watching them over time I learned Omino had a rare sense of humour, and a touch of empathy, although he did no know it. The small natural born magic inside him gave him an edge in keeping Basanalla happy and understanding how she was feeling, even when she wasn't showing it.

  They were going to make great parents.

  I had missed the actual birth but as the window opened into their home I was rewarded with the view of Basanalla, unkempt and looking hectic. With the exception of the softness in her eye you would think she had been in a constant battle with a great foe.

  Omino sat beside her murmuring in her ear in the language they had developed and cooing at the bundle in Basanalla's arms. I sent my magic into the window to amplify the sound. I wanted to hear what he said.

  “Illis quos amo deserviam.” I heard. For those I love I will sacrifice.

  “Amor meus amplior quam verba est.” He continued. My love is more than words.

  “Nunc scio quid sit amor.” Now I know what love is.

  I felt a warmth spread through me that I reconciled as pride. Or, maybe love. I couldn't be sure. This form was filled with tons of emotions I could not place, some were easier to name but some I thought maybe even humans didn't understand.

  “What will you name him?” Basanalla's beautiful voice drifted through.

  “Juno. I'd like to call him Juno.” Omino answered his wife's question. His answer sent shiver of approval through me.

  Basanalla looked to her husband confused. “What does it mean? I have not heard this name, is it another language?”

  “Juno, after our Goddess's brother. She visited me not long ago in a dream. It may have been my subconscious but I like to believe she watches us, always, like she said she would. She said if we were to have a boy to name him Juno.”

  Basanalla considered this for a moment before nodding. “A son named by the Goddess. Yes I agree.” She paused for a moment laying a gentle kiss on her newborn's small head which was beautifully covered in small black sprigs that looked as if they would grow into curls. She looked back to her husband, he gold eyes containing a twinkle. “What did she say you should name it if it were a girl Omino?”

  “She said if we were to have a girl we should name it Nike.” Omino replied.

  “I am glad we had a boy Omino. I do not like that name.” Basanalla revealed.

  I laughed to myself. I never did like the bitch either. Everything seemed to be a competition and I couldn't stand hearing her one up everyone at gatherings. It was petty and she disgraced herself.

  Juno on the other hand I was on the fence about. One side of him was very likable, the beautiful face was only a mask for his other side. Juno's other side could only be tolerated half of the time. But he was always a good listener and was able to help with hard decision without knowing the whole story.

  He was the reason I pursued my dreams. He set me on the path with words of encouragement. Sometimes I wondered if he knew what I was doing but if he hadn't spoken to Him of my actions yet, I was mostly sure he would not in the future. I made sure not to cause him offence, just in case.


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