Faithless Novella

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Faithless Novella Page 4

by Bri Amari

  I watched as both Basanalla and Omino looked towards the window in their room.With the sounds still amplified I was able to hear the voices of the Succubi and Incubi people outside joined together in a song of new life and rejoicing over the birth of a child between the two people they looked to for guidance.

  Basanalla looked to her son. “Do you hear that Juno. They love you already. Those are your people Juno, treat them well and they will always take care of you.” She kissed his head again before passing him to his father.

  Omino took his son in his arms and cradled him closely. His nose rubbing against the newborn's head and smelling him deeply. “Son one day you will have a family of your own, it is my greatest wish for you, to find what your mother and I have as rare as it is for our kind.” He also kissed his sons forehead.

  I decided then I would find or create the perfect soul for Juno as I had for his mother, when the time was right his soulmate would be there. The least I could do is grant Omino's greatest wish for his son, when Omino granted my greatest wish for Basanalla. This would be his reward.

  I closed my eyes and searched out a Succubus that was pregnant with a female child. Finding a small soul budding within it's mother I used my right as Goddess of this world to connect their souls and their hearts. One day, when they were ready they would find each other and they would feel this connection. What they did with it was up to them.

  I searched the mind of the Mother and found she was going to name her child Diam, male or female.

  Going back to my viewing window into the home of the Succubus Voice I sent my magic through to the child and instilled the name of his chosen in his heart. If he heard her name it would trigger his need to settle with the one woman that could give him what he grew up watching his parents have.

  I closed the viewing window and allowed the family their personal peace in this most momentous occasion. I was filled with positive emotions and floating on the high they gave me.

  Chapter 9

  860 years after creation...

  Little Juno turned ten Gaian years today. He was one third of the way to his ascension where his Incubus would take over his genetics and he would begin the search for his new needs.

  Time was going by so fast, even for one as used to the passage of time as I. I had to admit, I had taking a shining to this bloodline and checked in on them often.

  There were a few other Succubi and Incubi family that looked like they were going to be large building blocks in the future but they still had yet to surpass Juno for my interest.

  The young boy was growing up strong and proud. He had the hard work ethic of his father and the natural leadership of his mother. Unlike either however his biggest fascination was with the creatures in the forests that surrounded his parents homelands.

  Juno wanted to study the animals of the seas and lands. He wasn't interested in politics or trade, he didn't want to learn about being the Voice. He didn't want his mothers position.

  I had witnessed many times Juno, even as young as ten, had went against his parents and refused to follow in their footsteps. He announced at his last birthday he would be a scholar and I was disappointed to see his parents reactions. There was nothing wrong with wanting to expand your knowledge instead of your battle prowess. Gaia would never improve if it's inhabitants did not search for answers beyond their understanding.

  The people who supported the family seemed to accept Juno's chosen path much easier than his parents. The people looked to Juno as the future, a peaceful future full of learning. And they were right. Juno was going to lead them to something great. I felt it in my Goddesses core.

  The boy was a year older now and he still had the same aspirations, his parents still disapproved and I was going to change that. Basanalla wanted Juno to take her place as the Voice of the people and Omino insisted if Juno did not want that he could work in the mines with him.

  Juno had made me realize something I hadn't thought of before, however. I knew my children would learn along the way but my main concerns when I created them were strength, the ability to protect themselves and to provide for one another. Juno's life had made me see that we needed those with strength of mind to progress in the way I wanted Gaia to progress.

  I didn't bother to open up a viewing window, I simply closed my eyes and told my magic it was time to take me to the boy. It was time to bestow a gift.

  As I took form in the northern plains of Gaia, where most of the sky guardians had settled, I heard joyous laughter and rambunctious shouting from the gathering of my children that stood around celebrating Juno's life.

  To add a show to the special boys day I let my magic bust out from me in a spectral ray of lights, white pink and green. The sounds around me hushed and most of my children fell to their knees upon seeing me among them.

  “Stand my children!” I bellowed. “I am not here to be worshipped, or to punish a deed but to commend a very special little boy for standing up for who he is.”

  The crowds stood and their heads ceremonially spun in Juno's direction. The people parted from where he stood and a clearing was made around him. His parents both stood dutifully by his shoulders.

  I walked the cleared path to one of my favourite little Incubi and shocking the crowds I knelt to him. With my knees in the grass I reached out my hand to the boy and waited.

  Juno looked to his father who nodded down at him and gave him a small push on his shoulder, telling him it was okay. Juno approached me slowly, his bright golden eyes gleaming in the sun.

  When the boy reached me I took his hand and asked, “Juno, do you know who I am?”

  The boy looked back at his smiling parents and then back to me. “No ma'am I do not. But you must be important, the people do not kneel even for mumma like that and she's important.”

  I chuckled and was surprised by the heart I could hear in the sound. “I think you do know me Juno. I know you. Very well, actually. We talk every night before you go to bed.” I explained and watched as the boy's eyes grew large and his hands shook. He started to drop to his knees beside me but I shook my head no. “There is no need to bow to me today Juno. I am here to celebrate and honour you.”

  The young Incubus looked around to the faces of those gathered. I didn't have to look to know what they were feeling. Some were in awe of their first encounter with me, others were jealous of the praise I was dealing to a child. But most were proud of Juno, proud that he had caught my eye, proud that an Incubus had warranted the visit of the Goddess for a good reason, not to be punished.

  I looked into the boys eyes and made sure his parents could hear me as I told Juno my thoughts.

  “Juno, you're different.” I started. “You are the first of your kind to wish to pursue knowledge instead of territories or political allies. You want to understand the creatures my sister Gaia has created and the world around them. This is very commendable.”

  The smiled on Basanalla's and Omino's faces were starting to fade away with the direction of my praise. Good for them. They should have realized that because my main objective was to have a world of cooperation and growth, their child was on the right path, and encouraged his curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

  “Because you are the first of your kind to walk this path Juno I am going to give you a very, very special gift.” I announced.

  The boys face had started to light up with excitement.

  I stood but did not let go of Juno's hand. I announced to all gathered, “Juno, son of Basaballa and Omino Libidine, Quester of Knowledge, I hereby gift you with the ability to speak with those you wish to understand!” As my words finished my magic engulfed both myself and Juno in a shield that no one could see or hear through.

  “Juno, will you make me promise?” I asked.

  “Yes my Goddess! I can keep promises. Daddy said you made him promise something once too.”

  I nodded. “I need you to promise me you will always protect the creatures of this world like they are your family, okay? My sister Gai
a poured her heart into these creatures, they are a part of this world as much as you and I. Can you do this for me?”

  “Yes Ma'am.” Juno replied.

  “Now after I bring down this shield you will be able to talk to the animals like your talking to me. You will be able to learn anything you want if you can only convince the to talk to you, is that okay?” I asked Juno.

  As I expected he took this responsibility easily and was excited for his new found ability.

  I dropped the magic and looked to his parents.

  “Knowledge is power” I said before I disappeared back into my own paradise to watch over them.

  Chapter 10

  860 years after creation...

  I had been visiting my patron Pantheon for a mandatory rejoicing of some petty thing He felt needed to be celebrated when the feeling struck. A feeling deep within me that seared my insides. A great injustice had been committed and I was unable to leave and fix it. Or, even worse; I may not be in time to save someone.

  They were all precious to me, as was the world they lived in. I would be equally as angry if either were damaged. And with the feeling persisting I knew for sure damage was unavoidable.

  I'd made excuses and gifted compliments; paid my dues. After too much of my time had been wasted I'd finally made my way into my own little secret, kept from them all. But with time turning differently in one than the other there was no way to know how much time had passed on Gaia, or how late I was to help.

  Almost before I was materialized in my viewing room I sent my magic out to open a window to the area that was setting off my internal alarms. A vision of the coast came into view. I discerned from the foliage on the horizon it was to the west of the river where the Bajang had felt the most comfortable.

  I encouraged my magic to zoom into the injustice that was staining my land but it stayed where it was. I looked as closely as I could for any detail that would explain what had hapened but there was nothing to be seen.

  I searched the past for the incident and allowed it to play out in front of me.

  As I had suspected. I had been too late.

  Three days had passed. There now crystal clear in the image was a man sitting over the small frame of a woman under the night sky, the moonlight illuminating his actions.

  The small blond woman was clearly human and barely alive, although I sent my magic out for the information that would confirm it.

  I did not need to do the same for the man. His eyes were a bright violet and his fangs were deep within her throat. He was Bajang I knew then the woman had not consented to this

  I closed my eyes. How could these kinds of things be happening after all my hard work? Did my children not value the gifts I'd given them? Did they not care about their freedom? Their future? I knew they knew I could take it all away with a thought. Why would they continue breaking my one rule? Was one so hard to follow?

  I fast forwarded a bit and watched as the humans found the lifeless body of the young wispy woman on the sandy beach of the shore outside the jungle terrain.

  I was sure something had become of this.

  I searched for controversy and found it easily, the humans were on the war path.

  The son of the Human Voice is heading out on the hunt for the Bajang that killed his sister's daughter. I could see the rage in his eyes. The death that emanated from his very pores. This was not going to be good.

  He charged through the low shrubbery and hanging vines, well ahead of the rest of his hunting party. He did not seem to be tracking anything, just wandering aimlessly. Hoping he would come upon someone or something to help sate his anger.

  I searched the area to see what unfortunate soul would come in contact with this hurricane of vengeance.

  I was content to find the area empty at the moment and widened my search just to be reassured that this hunt would not be fruitful.

  Just outside of the man's weapons reach, perched behind the large ferns with voluptuous flowers half the size of a man's body, was my favourite of all the sat-shifters.

  Nia stared down the man from afar, watching his every move with her keen eye. I felt like I needed to go to her, I needed to preserve this child. But then when my magic relayed her intent I knew I could not interfere. Although I was almost sure her plan would fail, I would do Nia an injustice by coming to her aid. She was on a mission of peace and I would only get in the way.

  I murmured to myself, wishes really, hoping Nia would turn away. Hoping she would smell the anger, feel the rage in the man. She may be the alpha female but I had doubts she would be able to make this man submit in this state.

  Regardless of my pleas Nia crept forward strategically, keeping herself hidden even with her large body frame. Venn charged the opposite way, unknowingly giving his back to the cat-shifter. Taking the advantage she crept along with him silently mimicking his ever step. Never coming any closer but not falling any farther behind.

  Seeming overly confident or maybe growing bored with the lack of skill the man was showing Nia stepped out into the open and into the path that was littered with dried flower heads and leaves from the last season.

  Venn spun in place and came face to face with the Liger that had been hunting him. Raising his bow gracefully showed that behind his angry stomping and noisy travelling, the man did have some skill.

  Before he could take the shot Nia changed into her humanoid form, stark naked and beautiful from head to toe. Her ebony skin was soft and her onyx black hair hung to her hips. She sauntered forward towards Venn with purpose and unafraid.

  Seeing the beast turn into a beautiful woman took the wind out of Venn's sails. I was sure he understood it was a man that had killed the human woman by the way she had been ravaged. I hoped he also understood that Nia was not the cat he was looking for.

  “Why you hunt here human man?” Nia's beautiful deep voice floated on the winds towards Venn. Her broken English was still hanging on but I felt it gave her charm and a distinction that was hers alone.

  “Because one of your people has broken the law. We intend to take our revenge.” Venn answered. His dark, sharp features focusing on Nia.

  “Does the Goddess not be punishin'?” She replied calmly walking closer to the man. She reached close and closed her hand over Venn's on his bow. “We no need for violence. Violence makes violence. Never ending circle.”

  Venn looked down at Nia, a small amount of his rage fading away. He tilted his head to the side as if Nia was a puzzle he needed to understand. His chocolate brown eyes bled curiosity.

  “Who are you human man?” Nia asked.

  “My name is Venn. Yours?”

  “I am Nia. Voice of Bajang peoples.” She said as she stood proud, her hand no letting go of the weapon. “I know your people, Venn.”

  “My people?”

  “ Reid, son of Wren, son of Solomon. He was Voice when Nia first start Voices.” She explained.

  “Reid was my grandfather.” Venn said, visibly softening. His hands loosened on the bow and Nia took it completely into her control.

  Never taking her eyes off of Venn, Nia broke the bow over her knee. “No need this, Venn. We fix this. You and Nia.”

  “We can fix this? But how? My people are outraged Nia. The young woman he killed was to be married to the most wealthy of the humans. She was going to cement trust between the two bloodlines.” Venn argued.

  “Nia prayed and I got answer. Venn is son of Human Voice, yes? Nia is Voice for Bajang. We fix this this. Together.” Nia said. I understood her point but I wasn't sure the human was going to understand her meaning. He had not been listening to her as long as I.

  “I believe I missed your meaning my lady. How do you fix this?”

  Nia huffed in frustration. “Nia not great at talking your talk.” she spun so that the man had her back for a moment before throwing up her hand in the air. When she turned back around she took Venn around the neck and kissed him with a passion that could cause children.

  I was so proud of
her. She said she had prayed and received an answer but I had not been here to hear her call. I cursed Him and his need for spotlight and undeserved praise.

  Venn took a moment before his arms wrapped tightly around Nia and he returned her kiss like a man starved. Lifting her from the ground he made his way further into the jungle and away from his hunting party.

  I closed the viewing window. I would give them this time but I would be keeping a close eye on how this progressed.

  Chapter 11

  910 years after creation...

  Fifty years had passed and Nia had been right. Marrying Venn had stopped the dispute and helped the peace. For awhile anyway.

  Today I watched on as fifty years of love and partnership ended. I watched as one of the children I cherished so deeply mourned her soul dry. I could not stop her tears. I could not take back the past. This would make her stronger, no matter how hard it was to watch.

  Nia stood now in front of a ceremonial burial pyre, her eight children surrounding her. The eldest holding the last child Venn had given her.

  Nia and Venn had be fortunate in the ways of child bearing. Most of the races besides the humans had found troubles reproducing. Less conceiving and more failed pregnancies than their human counterparts. But Nia had conceived every time she had wished for a child, regardless of Venn's age.

  Now that Venn was gone I was able to breath freer knowing my other children would not get suspicious of my favouring the couple but I was broken a little inside to see the tale of their love come to an end. For the past fifty years I had encouraged their fertility and stalled his ageing as best I could.

  No one could stop father time but in all of my millennium I'd learned a trick or two about boosting one's health beyond their years, effectively preserving the appearance of their skin, their features and their muscle build, which adds years to one's life.

  I had wanted their children to travel beyond their home and spread their hybrid genes, preferably outside of the Bajang. I wondered if without their father they would still be the children I had pictured as I watched them grow.


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