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The Consequences Series Box Set

Page 93

by Aleatha Romig

  “Really? You want me to believe you still love me! After an entire night of blackmailing me into being your companion, threatening my friend’s company with disaster, and; now, learning that you… that you…” Her body trembled, tears once again flowed, and her voice broke becoming a mere whisper. “…raped me.”

  His tone was more of a plea, “No, Claire. Don’t even suggest that.” He lifted her chin and their eyes met. “You agreed to everything. You more than consented; you wanted it as much as I did.” He released her chin, allowing her face to fall against his chest.

  She remembered the day he came to the condominium. She’d been up half the night, dreaming about him—about them. She remembered telling him goodbye; she remembered wanting him. She’d convinced herself it didn’t happen. After all, who in their right mind would consent? Maybe that was it, when it came to Tony, when had she been in her right mind?

  Her knees weakened as his arms engulfed her. The sound of his heart echoed in her ear, and the familiar aroma of his cologne filled her subconscious. Claire melted into his embrace; she had no strength left from which to draw. He was right. She wanted him that day. Truthfully, even at this moment, she enjoyed the familiar touch. There was something about the continual challenge that kept her senses electrified. The range of emotions he elicited and the depth of understanding they shared, created a bond. She’d fought it all night. Closing her eyes, she conceded the current battle. There was no fight left within her.

  Tony kissed the top of her head and scooped her up into his arms.

  Her voice was soft, but determined, “No, Tony. Not tonight.”

  “I’m putting you on the sofa. You’re about to fall.”

  She nodded against the silk of his shirt. The softness against her cheek and the steady drum of his heart calmed the aching in her temples. Together, they sat on a large white sofa, facing the tall windows. With Tony’s long legs stretched out onto a matching ottoman and his arm still tenderly around her shoulders, Claire removed her high heels and curled her legs onto the plush cushions. Molding to his side, she accepted the comfort of his embrace. For the longest time, they stayed like that, silent, watching the vista before them.

  The towers of the Golden Gate Bridge glowed from the street level illumination. That same light reflected picturesquely onto the water below. The night was clear and the sky appeared a deep blue-black. There were no visible stars, yet the moon shone low over the darkened land on the other side of the suspension bridge.

  Claire felt his chest rise and fall with the inhale and exhale of a deep breath. His rich voice resonated through the silence, “Are you ready for me to call Eric?”

  When he spoke, the vibration tickled her cheek. She didn’t lift her head.

  She bravely answered, “What I really want are answers.”

  “What kind of answers.”

  “Truthful.” It was the thing he’d asked of her in the past. Some of their deepest heart-to-heart discussions occurred in a similar pose, intimate times when they couldn’t see one another’s expressions. When Tony didn’t respond, Claire pushed on, “You say you still love me. You’re a very intelligent man. Surely, you understand actions speak louder than words.”

  “You said, no.”

  “I don’t mean sex. I mean actions, like tricking me tonight and setting me up for your attempted murder.” His chest rose and fell again. She felt his warm breath blowing across her hair. “Tell me why.”

  “I told you. It was a loophole.”

  Claire shook her head. “I don’t understand your puzzles.”

  “You, too, are very intelligent. I don’t believe you’ve spent the past year and a half without suspicions.”

  “I truly didn’t understand, until I received that box of information.”

  “And what did you conclude from that?”

  She contemplated her answer as her fingers mindlessly played with the small buttons down the center of his silk shirt. Finally, she spoke, “Well, it’s hard to answer. You see, at first I thought you’d sent it, so I thought you were adding insult to injury, you know, rubbing salt in my wounds.”

  His embrace tightened. “You thought I’d do that?”

  “What else could I think? You set me up and left me.” Her emotion-ladened voice trailed into silence. Closing her eyes, she remembered him at the jail in Iowa and saw visions of her prison cell. Her body trembled as she fought to contain the sobs within her chest.

  “There are few people in this world whom I’ve cared about.” Tony’s voice had a faraway quality. “Few people whose opinion of me I value.” He lifted her chin and looked into her moist glistening emerald eyes. “I know you have reason to doubt me. Hell, reasons. But, Claire, you are one of those people.” She closed her eyes, and he continued speaking, “I need you to understand that I made promises, and I keep my word.”

  She didn’t know where the words came from. It wasn’t something she’d been consciously thinking, yet they came anyway. “You made me a promise, on December eighteenth—”

  He interrupted, each word coming slower than the one before, “Two thousand and ten, in our estate, to love you forever. I keep my word.”

  His lips found hers, and passion glued them together. It wasn’t fevered, like a wildfire roaring through the California Mountains. It was deep and painful; the kind of bond that yanks at your heart until your only desire is to remove the pumping organ with your bare hands.

  Abruptly, Claire stood, and from her quick movement the room spun.

  Tony reached up and steadied her. She heard the honest concern in his voice. “Are you all right? What happened?”

  Claire picked up her shoes and smoothed her dress. “I’m fine. I want to go now.”

  He didn’t argue, though his gaze never left hers. He reached inside his pocket and removed his phone. She waited while he spoke to Eric.

  “Eric will have the car ready in the private garage in a few minutes.” Her expression must have asked her unspoken question about the location of the car. In the past, cars were always outside. Tony replied, “If we enter the car in the garage, then we can avoid paparazzi.”

  “Oh, good idea, I need to use the restroom, and I’ll be ready to leave.” Claire turned to walk away and then turned back. “We? Tony, I don’t need you to ride with me.” She paused. “I’d prefer you didn’t.”

  “Then I’ll escort you to the car. If that’s acceptable?”

  Claire nodded and walked away; her dress swept the cool floor while her shoes dangled from her fingertips.

  Though considerably less tense than the earlier descent, the ride down the golden elevator was awkwardly quiet. Their reflections in the gold mirrored doors were much less polished than before. Claire’s eyes displayed signs of her multiple emotional breaks. Her lids were no longer painted to perfection, and her mascara was gone. While freshening up in the restroom, she cleaned the dark circles from under her eyes. If they’d planned on exiting through the lobby, then she would have needed to redo a great deal of her make-up.

  Tony’s jacket was gone, and his tie hung loosely through his unbuttoned collar. His shirt contained clues to the location of her missing mascara. Multiple dark smudges stained the now wrinkled white silk.

  When the elevator opened to the private parking area, Eric immediately opened the door to the back seat. Claire nodded to Tony’s driver and sat down. She heard Tony’s voice, “Ms. Claire would prefer to ride back to Palo Alto alone. Please call me when she’s safely to her door.”

  “Yes, Mr. Rawlings.”

  Claire heard Tony say, “I can get this.” She then saw Eric move around the front of the car to the driver’s seat. Next, Tony’s face appeared in the opening of the door. She looked into his dark, tired eyes. In his outstretched hand was her cell phone. She took it and placed it upon her lap.

  “Thank you, Tony. Goodbye.”

  “Don’t forget the news release.” His sturdy voice once again held his authoritative CEO tone, the one that gave orders and expecte
d unquestioning obedience. She’d heard that tone for years, directed both at her and at others. Instinctively, the tone heightened her defenses, causing her neck to straighten and eyes to blaze. She never liked that tone.

  “How could I?”

  “We’ll need to discuss it further.”

  “I’m discussed out.” Later, Claire would reflect on their candor in Eric’s presence. Sometime ago, Tony’s intimate staff became part of the woodwork. Claire didn’t mean to say they weren’t people, but on most occasions, she’d forget they were even present.

  “I can tell you’re tired. Go get some sleep. We can continue our discussion tomorrow, before I leave for Iowa.”

  Claire closed her eyes. The last thing she wanted was Tony in Palo Alto with Harry. “I have plans tomorrow. Call me after you’re back in Iowa.”

  “This would be better discussed in person.”

  She exhaled. “Let me meet you somewhere.”

  His eyes returned her blaze. “10:00 AM. Text me the location; Palo Alto is fine.”

  Claire nodded. She didn’t want to meet, but the concession was better than having him at Amber’s condominium. “Tomorrow,” she replied.

  “Tomorrow, Claire.” He closed the door.

  Eric eased the Mercedes C-Class out of the underground garage and around the front of the Saint Regis Hotel. Along the sidewalk, under the bright lights of the canopy, were multitudes of people. Some had cameras, while others only wanted to see the attendees of the gala, as they made their way to the line of waiting cars. Claire reclined against the soft leather seat, thankful for Tony’s discretion, and the tinted windows. No one seemed to notice the dark grey sedan as it made its way onto Highway US 101.

  Once on the road, Claire turned on her iPhone. The time appeared, 12:13 AM. Where had the night gone? The screen filled with messages: 16 missed calls, 3 voicemails, and 11 text messages. She debated. Should she listen and read, or should she just call?

  Sweeping the screen with her finger, she sought her call log and tapped Harry’s name. Her heart beat rapidly as the sound of ringing filled her ears. Glancing forward, she saw Eric’s eyes in the rearview mirror. She knew anything she said would be repeated to Tony as soon as she exited the car.

  Harry’s voice sounded strained, “Claire.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m finally on my way home. I should be there in about an hour.”

  Silence—finally, he asked, “Can you talk right now?”

  Her heart broke hearing the emotion in his voice. “Not really.”

  “Is he with you?”

  She imagined his clenched jaws and strained blue eyes. “No, I’m being driven by his driver.”

  “And he can hear you?” There seemed to be relief in the knowledge Tony wasn’t present.


  “I’ll tell Amber you’re on your way. Will you please come here first?”

  Although she was exhausted beyond belief and didn’t want any more confrontations, Claire knew she owed this to Harry. “Yes, as soon as I can.”

  “Can we work this out?”

  She thought about the news release. Had he seen it? Were there pictures of her and Tony on the internet? What did he think happened? A tear fell from her eye as she replied, “I hope so.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  She nodded into the phone as the connection ended. He didn’t say goodbye. She couldn’t remember a time in the past when he hadn’t said goodbye. Claire leaned her head against the seat and watched the lights of the highway. She thought about checking the messages and missed calls. Instead, she watched the lights.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Power resides only where men believe it resides.

  ―George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

  Sophia gripped tightly to Derek’s elbow as they walked past the crowd of onlookers. The bright lights of the hotel’s canopy illuminated the night. A gentleman wearing a black uniform opened the door of the Shedis-tics’ limousine. Gracefully, Sophia lowered herself into the spacious compartment and settled into the plush leather seat. Once Derek was beside her, the door closed and the car eased forward. It was the same car which brought them to the gala. Sophia whispered in Derek’s ear, “I like some of the perks with your new job!”

  Momentarily, closing her eyes, Sophia enjoyed the silence of the limousine. It was heaven compared to the mayhem of the gala. With the multitudes of people talking, music, people dancing, and paparazzi outside the hotel, for the past three hours noise had been constant. Suddenly, she remembered the presidential suite. Sophia struggled with her mixed emotions. She was angry she’d missed part of the gala, sad at disappointing her husband, and excited about the mystery buyer’s newest offer.

  Derek’s familiar touch warmed her hand and brought her thoughts back to the man beside her. She leaned against his sturdy shoulder. Her cheek brushed the sleeve of his new tuxedo while her fingers played with the satin lapels.

  “Are you tired?” Derek asked.

  “I am, but I enjoyed the dancing very much.”

  “Me too.” He kissed the top of her head.

  Sophia exhaled; she’d already apologized a hundred times for missing the meal and speeches. Nevertheless, she felt the need to do it again, “Derek, I’m so sorry I missed part of the gala.”

  “You don’t need to keep apologizing. I understand; it’s your job.”

  Sophia nodded. She rarely thought of herself as employed, yet Derek was right; art was her job. She reasoned that he understood job responsibilities and equating her temporary absence in that way made it easier for him to justify.

  Derek continued, “I just wish you could have met Mr. Rawlings. Roger said he doesn’t visit often.”

  “How was his speech?”

  “Excellent. I was the most surprised by our private talk. He knew all about my current projects. He even asked very specific questions. I had this strange feeling I was being quizzed.”

  Sophia grinned. “Well if you were, then I’d guess you responded appropriately and received an A+.”

  “I don’t know; I hope you’re right.”

  “Hilary sure likes to gossip,” Sophia said, stifling a yawn.

  “Yes, I noticed. She was in seventh heaven with Mr. Rawlings’ ex-wife.”

  “I think Hillary was disappointed the ex-Mrs. Rawlings didn’t sit at our table; however, I think that poor woman is lucky. Hilary would’ve eaten her alive with her relentless questions.”

  Derek replied, “Well, I only said hello to Ms. Nichols, but she seemed nice enough.”

  Sophia sighed, leaning into her husband’s arm. “I missed so much. According to Hilary, the whole thing will be all over the gossip pages, probably before we’re home. I’m usually not into that kind of thing, but I may make an exception.”

  Derek lifted his arm and placed it around his wife’s shoulders. Sophia again lowered her head to soft material of his tuxedo. His words rang clear and true, “I think people deserve privacy, no matter who they are…”

  Nodding in agreement, his voice faded away as she closed her eyes. Her mind filled with thoughts of the moving art exhibit, which she hadn’t had the chance to mention it to Derek. As the gentle vibration of the car soothed her, Sophia decided she didn’t have the energy to discuss it now. It could wait until morning.

  The next thing Sophia knew, Derek was gently shaking her. His soft voice slowly infiltrated her dreams, “Hey, sleepy head, we’re home.” Her eyes fluttered; she saw her husband’s sweet smile.

  The Shedis-tics’ driver opened the door, and the cool night air filled the limousine’s cabin. Derek thanked the kind man, and they made their way to their condominium.

  At such an early hour, the street was quiet, and a velvety dark sky concealed the stars above. With her hair pinned back, Derek had easy access to Sophia’s ear and inclined his lips to it. In a deep, sexual voice, he whispered, “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  Her gray eyes sparkled as she looked up at his
loving expression. “Yes, but I like hearing it.”

  Stepping into the foyer of their new home, Derek turned from the closed door and traced his finger from Sophia’s ear to the apex of her plunging neckline. The light touch sent chills throughout her body. Suddenly, sleep didn’t seem important, and she was very glad she’d napped. With his hands caressing the gathered waist of her evening gown, his lips once again lingered near her ear, and her breath quickened.

  “I was wondering…” His words contacted her skin in hot bursts of air. “…if perhaps. you need. help. getting out. of this. amazing dress?”

  Sophia nodded as the silk chiffon gown molded against his black tuxedo. Despite the layers of material, she could feel his intention against her hip. “I do,” she purred.

  Once within the confines of their new bedroom, the day’s disappointments and satisfactions melted away. Derek no longer remembered the frustration of sitting alone as everyone else sat in pairs, and Sophia forgot the stress of waiting for a mystery buyer who never arrived. Derek’s excitement at speaking to Mr. Rawlings faded, and Sophia’s exhilaration at the new amazing offer waned. Their joy came in each other, the ecstasy of pleasing and being pleased.

  When they finally settled into the soft satin sheets and gave into sleep, calm contentment relaxed them. They both glowed with the serenity associated with complete trust in the person by their side.

  Text message sent: May 25: 01:17 AM – To: Anthony Rawlings


  Claire didn’t need to knock on Harry’s door. When she turned the corner in the hall, she saw him leaning against the jam in his open doorway. She sighed in relief at the sight of him; his casual appearance made her cheeks rise. She saw that his customary faded jeans and black t-shirt had replaced the tailored tuxedo he’d worn earlier. His blonde hair now lay in waves, unrestrained by gel.


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