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Dirty Money

Page 2

by Denise Grover Swank

  Somehow, I didn’t think we’d get off that easy.

  Chapter 2

  Rose and I continued working until a little after noon, when I announced we needed to get lunch at Merilee’s, just like we used to. I’d expected her to protest, but she reached for her purse and said, “That sounds good.”

  We walked across the courtyard square to the diner and were lucky enough to grab the last table by the front window.

  Rose was quiet and I knew she wasn’t feeling like herself when she picked up the laminated menu and looked it over. It may have been a while since we’d been here, but she knew the menu by heart.

  I reached over and placed my hand over hers. “I know we’re behind at the office, but after our meeting at Mr. Gilliam’s office, how about we drive up to Magnolia and get mani/pedis?” I gave her an ornery grin. “I don’t know about you, but my feet could be mistaken for troll feet.”

  She released a short laugh. “I saw your feet just the other day, and they didn’t come anywhere close, but I like that idea. A lot.” Tears swam in her eyes, but she quickly blinked them back and glanced down at the menu again.

  The waitress came and took our order. Rose tried to get by with ordering a house salad, but I added an order of chicken fingers and gravy to my club sandwich with fries.

  We sat in a comfortable silence while we waited, Rose staring out the window, lost in thought, while I racked my brain for a way to help her with her grief, just like she’d helped me work through mine after I’d lost my babies and then my husband. But that experience had taught me that sometimes the only healing salve was time. The best thing I could do was simply be with her.

  The waitress brought out our food, and I was pleased when Rose picked up a chicken strip instead of picking at her salad. But only a few bites in, I heard a voice from behind me that set my nerves on edge.

  “I can’t believe you have the nerve to show your face in public,” Dena Breene snarled.

  Rose may have been distraught before, but Dena’s snide comment lit a fire in her. She dropped her chicken strip onto the plate and looked up at Joe’s ex-girlfriend with narrowed eyes. “And why would we be hidin’? Last I heard mournin’ family members weren’t required to walk around in black after the funeral and hide in their houses.”

  I’d shifted in my seat to look at Dena. Her flushed cheeks proved her comment hadn’t gone down as planned. She’d likely forgotten all about Violet in her haste to shame Rose about her pregnancy.

  Dena quickly recovered. “You couldn’t stand the fact that he’d moved on and forgotten you, but I still can’t believe you’d stoop to the oldest trick on the book—gettin’ pregnant to chain him to your side.”

  Rose held her gaze, without any sign of guilt or embarrassment. “He must not have forgotten me at all if he moved into my house less than twenty-four hours after breakin’ up with you.”

  Rose’s retaliation caught me by surprise, but I recognized it for what it was—she and Joe were selling their pretend relationship with gusto.

  “You’re disgustin’, Rose Gardner,” Dena said, her voice breaking. “A monster.”

  “Have you no shame, Dena?” I asked in disgust of my own. “Rose buried her sister less than forty-eight hours ago. Who’s the monster now?”

  “I’ll show you,” Dena said, taking a step backward. “I’ll win Mason Deveraux over, just you see, and he won’t take you back.”

  Rose gave her an expressionless gaze. “I have no intention of trying to win Mason Deveraux back. Not while I’m carryin’ Joe Simmons’ baby.”

  Dena sputtered and was about to say something else, but I gave her my best condescending look. “Dena, Joe broke up with you over two months ago after datin’ you for four weeks. You need to let it go. You’re startin’ to look like a stalker.”

  Her face reddened and she spun around and raced out the door.

  Rose pushed out a heavy sigh, then shoved her plate away. “That went horribly.”

  “She’ll get over it,” I reassured her.

  “I swore I wouldn’t let anyone besmirch my baby, and I was quick to jump on her, but she wasn’t insultin’ my baby. Not really. I was just plain ugly.”

  “Rose,” I said insistently. “She’s been ugly to you time and time again, and you’ve let her get away with it, and here she is, months later, still ventin’.” I paused. “For what it’s worth, I think you did the right thing. You gave her the benefit of the doubt for long enough. You were far more gracious than most people would be.” I pushed her plate back toward her. “Now eat.”

  She picked up her half-eaten chicken strip and took another bite, staring at the plate like it held the secret of life. After she’d eaten half her food, she said, “I need to go to the restroom.”

  “You’re not feelin’ sick, are you?”

  “No,” she said with a soft smile. “But I need to pee something fierce.”

  I popped a fry in my mouth as she headed to the back, then nearly choked on it when I heard Mason Deveraux say, “Do you mind if I take a seat for a moment?”

  Was it Drag all the Villains out of the Closet Day?

  “You sure as Pete better be talkin’ to someone else,” I said in a dry tone, refusing to turn around to face him. “You’d think my reflexes would be better given the number of times people have tried to snatch me.”

  He came into view as he moved to the edge of our table, wearing a suit and tie. “I assure you this isn’t a kidnapping attempt. I’ll only take a moment of your time.”

  “Rose is in the restroom, and you don’t want to be over here when she comes out. After your stunt last week, you need to haul your booty someplace else.” I narrowed my eyes. “And the day before her sister died, no less.”

  Contrition washed over his face. “I had no idea Violet was that ill or I would have postponed her appearance.”

  To be fair, none of us had expected her to go so quickly, but I wasn’t about to admit that. “You knew she was dyin’,” I said. “So perhaps you should have checked.”

  “You’re right,” he said, shifting his weight, “and I feel horribly. But it’s not Rose I want to speak to you about.”

  I held my breath, trying to hide my fear. Was he here about Jed? Although he’d officially left the crime world three months ago, he’d worked for Skeeter for years. The statute of limitations was far longer than that for some of the crimes that I was sure Jed had committed. “Then what do you want?”

  “I need to speak to you about Ronnie.”

  He couldn’t have caught me more by surprise if he’d announced I’d won the lottery and he was here to hand me a ten-million-dollar check. After a couple of seconds, I pulled myself together enough to say, “You’re barkin’ up the wrong tree. I don’t have anything to tell you about Ronnie.”

  “No, Neely Kate,” he said. “I have information to give you.”

  Chapter 3

  My heart sputtered from the shock, but I shot a glance to the short hall that led to the bathrooms. “I don’t want to discuss this here. Rose will be back any minute. She’s dealin’ with enough right now without pilin’ this on the heap.”

  He nodded with a grim look. “I hadn’t planned on discussing it here. I think it’s prudent that we speak in private. Do you want to come to my office?”

  I didn’t, but I would have walked across burning coals if he had information about my wayward husband so I could serve him divorce papers. Joe and Jed excelled at finding people who didn’t want to be found, but they had neither seen nor heard anything about him for months. “Rose and I have an appointment at two. I’ll come around one.” I made a face. “I guess if you have time then.”

  “I’ll make time,” he said, sounding like he meant it.

  A war waged in my heart. Mason had been a good friend when he was with Rose, and I’d even tried to give him the benefit of the doubt when he’d come back to Fenton County with the purpose of cleaning out corruption…until this whole grand jury mess had exploded… A small part of me
recognized that if Rose weren’t involved I’d probably be cheering him on. The county was full of corruption. But she was my best friend and she’d stuck with me through loads of crap. I owed her unflinching loyalty.

  Was I breaking that loyalty if I met with Mason?

  She’d be the first to tell me to go, but to be careful.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’ll meet you then, but Rose can’t see us talking to each other now.”

  He nodded. “I’m here picking up my lunch. I’ll head over to the counter now.”

  When Rose emerged from the bathroom a few moments later, Mason was paying for his food at the takeout counter. She didn’t catch sight of him until she sat back down. Her eyes widened as he turned around with a to-go box.

  “Rose,” Mason said, approaching our table as I silently cursed him. “I know things are tense between us, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you how sorry I am about the loss of your sister. Violet and I didn’t always see eye to eye, but she loved you fiercely and I know she’ll be missed by many, including my mother.”

  Rose’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you.”

  He looked almost wistful as he studied her, and I couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking. Did he wish he’d handled things differently so the baby she was carrying was his? Or was he just sad that things had gotten to this point between them? Whatever he was thinking, he abruptly turned and walked out of the restaurant.

  Rose was silent again, staring at her plate while lost in thought, and I wondered what she needed from me. Did she need me to rake Mason over the coals for daring to speak to her? It would have helped if I knew how I felt about it myself.

  She reached for her wallet. “I want to get back to the office before we encounter any more surprises.” Pulling out some cash, she set it on the table, then looked me square in the eye. “Would I be a terrible friend if I leave and let you settle the bill?”

  “No, Rose,” I said, my voice thick with emotion. “You go. I’ll deal with this.” I slid the money back to her. “I’ve got lunch today. My treat. Use this to buy something for the baby.”

  Surprise filled her eyes, followed by joy. “Okay, but only if you’ll come with me.”

  “I like that idea,” I said, with a smile. “You head back, and I’ll be along in a short bit. I have some errands to run around the square.”

  I was prepared for her to ask questions, but she simply nodded and then left.

  I took a few moments to pull myself together. Did Mason really have information about Ronnie or was he tricking me to his office in an attempt to get information out of me? I considered calling Jed, but I suspected he’d tell me not to go. I definitely couldn’t take him with me. While Jed and I were becoming bolder about being seen together, if Mason knew I was living with Skeeter Malcolm’s former right-hand man, he’d grill me mercilessly. No, I had to do this alone.

  I paid the bill then left the café, wondering how to fill the next fifteen minutes before my appointment with Mason. It struck me that he’d just picked up his lunch. I’d bet my favorite knock-off Kate Spade wallet that he had time to meet with me. Rather than wait, I decided to march right on in and get the upper hand.

  Once I got through the courthouse security, I realized I didn’t know where to find Mason’s new office. He was here in the capacity of his new role as the state special prosecutor, not the Fenton County assistant DA, but I headed to the second floor anyway. The staff in Mason’s old office would likely know where to find him.

  After a long ride on the notoriously slow elevators, I walked into the DA’s office and stopped at Mason’s old receptionist’s desk. She’d been his personal assistant back in the day, so I figured she was my best bet. “I’m lookin’ for Mason.”

  “Mr. Deveraux is eating his lunch,” she said with plenty of attitude. “And I don’t recall you havin’ an appointment.”

  So she remembered me from the few times I’d stopped by to see Mason when he was with Rose, and apparently those memories weren’t warm and fuzzy. Still, she’d all but confirmed she was working for him again.

  “He knows I’m comin’,” I said. “Just tell him I’m here early and let him decide if he wants to see me.”

  Reluctantly, she picked up her phone and placed a call. After a short exchange, she hung up and said, “You can go on back.”

  “I’m not sure which office.”

  Her mouth pursed. “Three doors down on the right.”

  Sure enough, Mason was sitting at a desk, eating a sandwich while absorbed in something on his computer screen. He glanced up when he saw me and put the sandwich down. “I thought you were coming at one.”

  “I was free now, so…”

  He gave me a weak smile as he stood. “Why don’t you close the door? We don’t want people overhearing our conversation.”

  I did as he asked, worried when he picked up a folder and walked around the edge of the desk. What was in that folder?

  He gestured to a round table with four chairs. “Why don’t we sit at the table?”

  My hand shook as I reached for the closest chair, but Mason pulled it out for me, giving me a sympathetic look as we both sat down. My eyes were on that folder as he set it on the table, crossing his forearm on top of it.

  “Before I show you this,” he said, “I need you to promise me something.”

  My brow shot up. “After what you did to Rose, you expect me to give you something?” I was starting to have second thoughts. Was I betraying Rose just by being here?

  Pushing out a soft sigh, he sat back in his chair. “Do you want to discuss my situation with Rose first, or would you rather skip to what I know about Ronnie?”

  I lifted my chin in defiance. “Who says I’m gonna tell you anything about Rose?”

  “Neely Kate, we seem to be getting off on the wrong foot.”

  “You think?” I snapped.

  He gave me a look of frustration, then a hint of a smile lifted his lips. “I’m not here to entrap you or Rose. If anything, I’m the one who could end up in trouble, which is what the promise is about.”

  My gaze landed on the folder again. Was he inadvertently resting his arm on it or was it some kind of subliminal message?

  I pierced his eyes with my own. “I’m not talkin’ about Rose, so you might as well get to what you know about Ronnie.”

  He was silent for a moment. “I’m not sure what Rose told you about her grand jury testimony and I’m not allowed to talk about it, but it wasn’t personal, Neely Kate.”

  I shot him a glare.

  “Someone paid for a police department, and those rogue officers nearly killed Rose,” he said. “Whoever did that is still out there.” He shook his head in exasperation. “Why would you not want them put away?”

  When he put it that way, it made sense, but I knew there was more to it. “You and I both know part of it was personal. You made the whole thing stressful for both her and Violet.”

  Regret filled his eyes. “Like I said, I didn’t realize Violet was so close to the end. How’s Rose handlin’ her death?”

  “How do you think?” I asked in a hateful tone.

  His face softened. “If she needs anything…”

  “Then Joe can handle it,” I said to shut him down.

  His eyes shuttered. “Joe.”

  “He is the father of her baby.”

  All expression left his face.

  If he really did have information about Ronnie, I wasn’t sure antagonizing him was a bright idea, but my loyalty to Rose trumped my own need for information after all.

  “So it’s true,” he said.

  It wasn’t true, but I sure as Pete couldn’t let him know who the real father was. “Joe’s been living with her since August. It’s not hard to figure out.”

  Mason nodded absently, looking deep in thought, then quietly asked, “When’s she due?”

  “She’s not really tellin’ people yet,” I said, the sharp edges on my voice fading. “Dena and that nurse at the clini
c forced her to tell people before she was ready, so she’s keepin’ as much to herself as she can as she gets used to the idea.”

  I expected Mason to make a snarky comment, but instead he crossed his arms over his chest and nodded with a frown.

  “Is there anything else?” I asked as I shifted in my seat. “I confess, I want to know if you really know anything about Ronnie.”

  Disappointment filled his eyes, although I wasn’t sure why. What else had he hoped to glean from me? He reached for the folder but didn’t open it. His gaze found mine and held it. “What I’m about to tell you is confidential and belongs to the state attorney general’s office.” When I started to say something, he continued. “I wasn’t investigating Ronnie, but his name came up and I know you’ve been stuck in limbo after he took off.” He hesitated and his eyes pleaded with me. “No one can know I gave you this information, Neely Kate. Not even Rose. I could lose my job.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “You know you’re not my favorite person right now, so why would you trust me to keep your secret?”

  “Because I still consider you a friend, even if I’ve been a bad one. I had a goal when I arrived here, and it’s fair to say I’ve taken a few missteps tryin’ to reach it. I’d like to apologize about that too.”

  “A few missteps?”

  “Okay,” he admitted, “quite a few missteps, but there was a time when we all wanted the same thing, Neely Kate. When did that change?”

  “When Rose became entwined in the criminal world and she realized things weren’t so crisply black and white. They turned a muddy gray the day she put on that hat, to save your sorry ass I might add.”

  “Not the first time,” he said, bitterness creeping into his voice. “The first time was to save her business.”

  I released a groan. “I’m not rehashin’ this with you, Mason. You’re not changin’ your mind and neither am I. This is pointless.”

  He glanced down at the folder. For a moment I thought he was about to reconsider sharing what was inside with me before he said, “Is what I’m about to do gray? Or is it black?”


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