Conspiring (This #2.5)

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Conspiring (This #2.5) Page 4

by J. B. McGee

  The techno music has resumed, and everyone around us is dancing. But we’ve yet to break our embrace or speed up the pace of our dance. The words of the song keep replaying over in my head. I feel bound to him, and I just found out his name. I can’t even back away from him to put distance between us. Finally he starts to pick up our tempo and pushes my body back enough for me to have to look up into his sparkling green eyes. He grasps my chin between his thumb and finger. He’s just staring at me with those sparkling hooded eyes and the most delicious smile. His face moves forward, and his lips brush mine as I close my eyes. Just as I am about to open my mouth to give him access, he pulls away.

  Chapter 5

  I’m shocked. Usually I’m the one playing the games, but it looks like tonight I’m the one being played. The thought of pouting crosses my mind. He’s teasing me. Before I can say or do anything, his thumb is brushing my lips. His gaze is wandering between my mouth and my eyes. I can’t seem to pull my gaze away from his.

  He grunts, pulling me closer with the other arm that is still around me, but has drifted a little lower to one of my best assets. I can’t help but drag in a breath with the sudden movement. I begin to speak again, but he pushes his thumb into my lips. “Let me ask you something,” he says.

  I nod my head because my mouth is still covered with his thumb. “Do you want to stay here and continue to do this or…” He closes his eyes for a moment before they flash back open. “Do you want to get a cab and go someplace where I can make love to you all night?”

  “I met a friend here.”

  He smiles a sly smile. “Believe it or not, I’m not interested in your friend. I just want you.”

  Typical guy, I think as I chuckle, and presumptuous. I know my cheeks must be turning various shades of red. That is the last thing that was on my mind. I’m relieved to know that he’s not interested in that. I have never had the urge to participate in a three-some.

  He is serious now as he looks away from me for the first time since I laid eyes on him, “You were gonna choose the first option, weren’t you?”

  I briefly think about Bradley and how he was the last guy I left a bar with over a year ago. He never used the words make love to me. It’s never been making love to him. The way Ian has been with me tonight just solidifies what I was thinking when I got here. Shaking my head, I reply, “No, I need to tell her that I’m leaving so she’s not worried.”

  He swipes his hand across his forehead and exaggerates his exhale, “Whew.”

  I had just felt like I was regaining my bearings. The haze in my head is starting to clear, but then he leans in closer to my face. His lips are so close to mine. “I knew that you wanted me as badly as I want you. Go tell your friend, and I’ll get us a cab.

  When he releases me, I realize I am hot mess. I feel beads of sweat pouring down my legs. My thong is drenched, and I know that is because of him. The anticipation of the things he’s going to do to me has stinging zaps buzzing through my body. They shoot right to my very core.

  I glance around and see that Val has found a few of her work friends. They are at one of the high top tables munching on appetizers. Val looks up smiling at me. “There you are! We’ve been watching you with Mr. Hot Pants.”

  I laugh. “I’m gonna catch a cab home.” I nod at her. “You good?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to stay a little longer. Let the alcohol wear off and then head home.” Val pops a chip into her mouth. “Wanna call me in the morning, and I’ll help you get your car?”

  “That’d be great.” I reach down, placing my hands on top of the arms that are suddenly wrapped around my waist. I smell his woodsy scent, and inhale it as my body responds to his touch.

  “You ready?” Ian asks.

  His head is in the crook of my neck. I turn so I can see him. “Yes.”

  I look back to Val and say, “Had fun with you today. Call you in the morning?”

  All of the girls smile and tell us bye. Val nods, I assume, to affirm me calling her in the morning. Of course, she wants me to call in the morning. It’s not just so she can help me get my car. She will want every last detail of what is about to happen.

  Ian puts his hand in the small of my back as we walk outside. The cab is pulling up, and I am so relieved there is no time for awkward standing around waiting. As we’re walking to the cab, he asks, “Your place or mine?”

  “Mine,” I reply. After all, I don’t really know this guy and I don’t have my car.

  He opens the door and allows me to climb across the seat, which is a difficult task in this dress of mine. When I am situated, I tell the driver my address as Ian ducks his head and takes the seat next to me. I am off my game tonight. I’ve given way too much away in regards to the effect he has on my body. It surprises me that I’m relieved to be in the privacy of a dark car and not driving. My boldness tonight has surprised me. Usually I would wait for the guy to make the moves on me. Play hard to get. Not tonight. As soon as we’re on the road and the cab gets darker, I place my hand on his leg. I feel him shift in his seat, slouching down, and spreading his legs. He has invited me finally explore, and electricity surges through my body as I start to swirl my fingers on his solid thigh.

  Ian acts cool, like I’m not even touching him when he asks the cab driver, “Hey man, can you turn the radio on for us?” He leans his body into mine. I feel his breath on my ear. “You’re one hell of tease.”

  “Takes one to know one, Ian,” I say as I turn my head so that my lips are barely touching his. I push my tongue out to lick my top lip, knowing that I’ll inevitably touch his. I close my eyes as I softly moan, slowly moving my swirling fingers closer to my target. I anticipate that my tongue will make him finally take my mouth into his and consume me, but he continues to surprise me. He mirrors my gesture and our tongues are tip-toeing around each other’s.

  He slides his hand in between my legs. My body is writhing. The need I have for him is overwhelming me. If he’s going to do this to me in the car, then I’m going to have to use all of my self-control to contain myself. I pull away from his lips to look straight ahead before closing my eyes. I rest my head back against the head rest.

  Ian barely turns his head, whispering, “You like this, me fingering you in the back of the cab?”

  I inhale sharply and nod. I move the pace of my hand to my target faster than I had anticipated. I squeeze his hard length, turning to him and smile. “And you obviously like doing this to me in the back of a cab.”

  He is leisurely sliding two fingers in and out of me. My heart is pounding about to beat out of my chest. Coherent thoughts are no longer forming in my mind. Those two fingers do the come hither motion, hitting my g-spot, which nearly pushes me over the edge. I’m so close to my release when he withdraws his fingers. I gasp at the empty feeling he has just left and look at him confused.

  He pulls my head to his, our foreheads touching. “Soon,” he mutters.

  “But –”

  His thumb brushes my pouty lips. “When you come for me for the first time, I want to be able to hear you.” He leans in and pulls my plump bottom lip into his and sucks. He releases it, and once again I am left wanting. “Just think of the things I’m going to do to you.”

  Game playing and teasing has never felt so good. I can no longer keep my eyes open. I am wound up like a Jack-in-the-Box, waiting to unexpectedly pop open with spasms at any moment. All I can think about is finally being able to release all of this. His words make my mind go crazy with scenarios for the rest of the ride home, which thankfully doesn’t take much longer.

  Chapter 6

  Ian has tantalized me the rest of the way home with wandering fingers but refusing to give me ultimately what I want, which is them inside of me. He’s kept me right on the edge of erupting, knowing just how much to give or take to keep me there.

  When the cab comes to a stop, I open my eyes to see we have finally arrived at my house. He tosses some cash at the driver, thanking him as he opens the door and hol
ds a hand to help me scoot out of the backseat. The streetlight that is situated by my driveway illuminates his face, his lips. I want his mouth on mine. I grab his hand, pulling him to the door, as I fumble for my keys. Stupid me didn’t leave a front porch light on because I usually park in the garage, which has a light.

  Ian realizes I’m struggling to see. “You need a light?”

  I turn to look at him. Even though it’s dark, I can see his eyes, and they never leave mine as he slides his hand into his back pocket and pulls out his cell phone. He swipes it, and the screen’s sudden brightness shocks my eyes; like when you wake up in the morning and turn the light on for the first time. Having found my keys, I turn towards the door to unlock it. He leans into me and puts his arm next to mine so that his phone is beside the lock. His front is to my back; his head is resting on my shoulder. “That better?” he asks.

  I flash him an appreciative smile, nodding. I wonder for a moment if he has any idea what his low husky voice does to me? After sliding the key into the hole, there is a click as the door is unlocked. It is like flipping a switch between our calm and controlled demeanors to ravenous beasts greedy for each other’s touch. As soon as our feet cross the threshold of my foyer, he has turned me around using my body to slam the door closed. He flips the lock as his lips crush into mine. His hands are cupping my head, making a mess of my long blonde hair. I slouch into the door barely able to stand on my wanton limbs any longer, dropping my keys and purse on the floor.

  I thread my fingers through his messy hair. He breaks our kiss, which was everything and then some of what I’d imagined it would be. His tongue is on my sticky skin. He licks my neck and makes his way back to my ear lobe, the very first place his lips ever touched tonight. Something about that place makes me literally tremble. He flicks his tongue around the bottom and nibbles his way to where his lips are on the opening of my ear. “Veronica.” He slowly kisses my cheek. I feel like my body is ablaze.

  “Yeah,” I say breathlessly leaning my head back against the door.

  He moves his kisses down my neck to my exposed cleavage. “Show…” Kiss. “Me…” Kiss. “Your...” Oh God. Kiss. “Bedroom.”

  I kick off the door with my heel and give his chest a push so he’s in the hall. Grabbing his collar, I pull him closer to me, greedily kissing him. He swiftly crushes my body into his, and slams me into the wall. He cocks his head to the side and his brows furrow. “You like it rough?”

  “Maybe,” I shrug.

  His head turns to the other direction, still looking puzzled, and he grunts before his lips are swiftly back on mine. His hands are exploring my breasts, and I want to go on my own treasure hunt with his glorious body, all of it. I start to unbutton his shirt. He turns me so that I am walking backwards towards my room, taking my hands in his. He brings one of my fingers to his lips. “Bedroom,” he says as he takes it into his mouth and begins to suck. A radiating zap travels from my fingertip all the way to my frenzied core.

  I am not sure how he knew which room was mine, but he did. He stops me at the footboard of my bed, gently taking my lips into his. I can barely keep my eyes open as he blows and nibbles his way down my chin, then to my neck, then to left shoulder. He works his way over my chest to the right side. I want to touch him, so I thread my fingers through his hair. His arms go to the back of my dress. He’s feeling the middle, and I know what he’s searching for. “There’s no zipper if that’s what you’re looking for,” I whisper.

  His eyes flash up to mine briefly. He resumes planting kisses over the tight cloth cover my torso. His hands have made their way to my sides moving down with his tender kisses. I already miss his luscious lips on my bare skin.

  It doesn’t take long before he is at the lace skirt of my dress. He moves his hands under the tight fabric, and his palms skim my thighs before they make it to my hips. His fingers are exploring the small amount of fabric that make up my black lace thong. He drops to his knees, and his lips are skimming the sensitive skin moving up my thigh. When my breath hitches, I can feel his lips curve into a smile on my leg. His fingers are still playing with my thong, and I thrust my hips forward. He whispers, “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to take that off.”

  “This?” he asks as he snaps the fabric.

  I pull in a breath. “Mhmm.”

  He shakes his head from side to side. “Uh uh.” His lips are back on cloth. His fingers are no longer on the thong but start to move back up my body taking my dress. His kisses continue so slowly. Now his lips are back on my skin.

  I try to keep my eyes open to watch him because he’s so sexy. I just can’t. I throw my head back and grasp the footboard of my sleigh bed. He’s almost made it to my chest. He swiftly stands back up from his kneeling position. What a tease.

  “Mmm, you are a sexy little thing. Do you know that?” he asks me as he exposes my chest. He leaves the dress clinging to the top of my chest. One hand is grasping one of my breasts. “Mmm. No bra.” His tongue swirls my nipple. “I like.”

  My eyes roll into the back of my head. “Thought you might,” I moan.

  “Arms up.” He demands. His words only increase the flames that have engulfed me since the club. I know my skin must be growing more crimson by the second; it’s scorching. I slowly, almost hesitantly lift my arms. I don’t know what it is about him that is making me shy.

  He pulls the dress over my head and lets it fall from his fingers to the floor. He is smiling as he looks me up to down. He puts his finger on his lip and taps it, as if trying to decide where to go or what to do with me next. I feel so vulnerable, and I’m panting. Desire is seeping from my needy pores waiting for him to touch me again.

  “Ian,” I plead.

  “Hmm?” he raises his eyebrows, amused.

  My lips part as I let a moan escape. I’m having trouble finding words. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the side of the bed, gently pushing me back. My feet are dangling off the side. I’m still wearing my heels. I start to knock them off, but decide against it. That little push was just what I need. I laugh, now feeling sexy and not as exposed.

  I put my hands back behind my head. I draw my legs up to where my knees are bent, legs spread. I watch him standing over me through the opening. I run my tongue over my lips, feeling a bit more playful. “Aren’t you going to take any of that off?” I looked him up and down, begging with my eyes for him to strip for me.

  “Mhmm. What do you want off first?”


  He leans down and swirls kisses around my navel, stopping just above the only fabric still covering me. I breathe in and arch my back, wanting, needing him to go lower. Instead, he stands up and crosses his arm as he grabs the hem of his shirt. He slowly pulls it over his head and lets it fall in the same manner he had my dress.

  He starts to undo his belt but stops. “This next?”

  Oh yes. This is one hell of a show. “Yes, please.”

  He smiles as he undoes his belt. He lazily pulls it through the loops and lets it drop. His long lean fingers unbutton and then unzip his pants. All he has to do is let go of them to cause them to fall, exposing his narrow hips.

  I chew on the inside of my cheek and slowly blink, drinking in his body. He’s ripped. Washboard abs, veins and a V in his hips, teasing to what I imagine is his best asset.

  He kicks his shoes off and steps out of them, then climbs between my legs. His lips tease mine, tasting and sucking. I turn my head to give him access to my neck. “What about the rest of your clothes?”

  He continues to kiss, leaving a wet trail with his tantalizing tongue as he moves to the other side. “What about them?”

  “Lose them,” I demand as I reach around his back, sliding my hands under the elastic of his boxers, pushing them down.

  He backs up to the point to where my arms can no longer reach them anymore. “Ugh,” I whine.

  His fingers hook the sides of my thong. Every inch of fabric he moves is replaced with licks and kisses.
I buck my hips urging him to continue. When I do, he smiles and pulls back, taking them with him.

  He holds them in his hands for a moment and chuckles. “You’re so, so wet, and I’ve just gotten started with you.” He shakes his head as he tosses them to the pile on the floor. Finally, he pushes his boxers off of his hips, letting them puddle on the floor. He looks down at his erection, grasps it, and smiles back to me. “And this is what you do to me,” he says playfully.

  I sit up because I want to touch, taste, and explore him. As soon as I get close to him, he nudges me, pushing me back down. He climbs back into his earlier position. Finally his fingers find my soaked folds. They dip in and out, swirling and circling.

  I drag in a deep breath and claw the side of the bed. He slips his tongue into my mouth, deep and twirling with mine. Thrusting. He breathes into my mouth, “You like that?”

  “Yes,” I confess as I close my hooded eyes, “I want you in me.”

  “I am in you.” He grins.

  I reach down, grabbing his erection, “This.” I pull. “Inside. Me.” As I say the words, I realize I have no condoms. I am on the pill. Bradley and I don’t use them anymore. I shake my head as I dismiss him from my thoughts.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Nothin’. Hoping you have a condom.”

  “Impatient.” He shakes his head. “But so sexy.” He pushes off of me and picks his pants up, pulling his wallet from the back pocket. He yanks a condom out and holds it between his two fingers. “Of course.”

  He tosses it to me. I rip it open as he climbs back on top of me. I swirl my finger over the glistening bead on his tip before I unroll it to cover his length. I wrap my legs around his waist as he buries himself in me, filling me, and finally satisfying a craving I realize that I’ve had for days.


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