The Inhumanoids
Page 55
Then one night shortly afterwards, while my wife and son were staying over at her sister’s house, I was rudely awakened from sleep by something attempting to jerk the bedcover off me. There was a tremendously frightening air about the entity and I knew immediately that it was evil. I didn’t want to see it, to be quite honest. I lay there with my eyes shut tightly, and held onto the cover with all my might as the thing violently yanked it over and over again. At first I thought that I was in the midst of a bad dream, but each time that it tugged on the blanket I could feel the force it was exerting so strongly that I was nearly pulled completely off the couch. It didn’t speak, or make any sound at all, but it was very strong; for a dream.
Thankfully, my prayers were stronger and, after about a minute which seemed like an hour, the other end of the cover dropped to the floor and I opened my eyes. I was covered in sweat and shaking with alarm, but otherwise unharmed. I kept telling myself that it must have been a case of ‘sleep paralysis,’ which I’d often read about as a possible explanation for such bizarre events, even though I knew better.
I had never suffered from akinesia before, even though I have lived a life fraught with many perils. Sleep had never come easy for me but, when it came, it had always been free of nightmares or night terrors of any type. I knew, even then, in the back of my mind, that I was being warned not to speak out to people about these entities. And one cannot speak of them without their knowing it. The simple truth is that these entities are “as gods” and can plainly see our every secret, even our innermost thoughts.
Another woman who had contacted me was a well-known bigfoot researcher from a western state. She believed the Bigfoot creatures were an ancient race of flesh and blood primates who had somehow learned to live apart from man. She had accumulated a vast collection of examples of these creatures in ancient literature and art. She was an extremely intelligent and pleasant person, but her conclusions regarding the nature of Bigfoot puzzled me.
She had told me a story about how, years earlier, she had observed one of these creatures standing outside her rural home in Washington. When she stepped outside, the creature abruptly walked a short distance into the woods, lay down on the ground and, in full view, turned into a log. She dragged the log back into her home, she told me, and has used it as a coffee table for years.
She also felt these things were able to achieve an invisible state, but chose not to consider the evidence that her own eyes afforded her and instead chose to champion the cause, so to speak, that these things were a race of hidden flesh and blood hominoids. Then other unexplainable events began to occur around her house, culminating in a ‘black helicopter’ buzzing her isolated mountain farmhouse, flying very low, twice a day.
It had even stopped and hovered over her home, she told me in near panic shortly afterwards. Her and her children had ran outside and saw the aerial vehicle and, moreover, claimed to have observed a man in the back aiming what looked like a camera at them and apparently taking pictures of the family. She was very frightened by the event, especially for the safety of her children. “What should I do, Bart?” she had asked me.
It was nearly midnight when we had finished our talk. It was late and I was weary. Again my wife and son were staying overnight at her sister’s, so I lay down in bed alone to begin my nightly ritual of tossing and turning for around two hours before finally drifting off to sleep. I didn’t know that I was in for the most frightening night of my life. I had lain there on my back fidgeting, trying to get comfortable, for only a couple of minutes when the most powerful wave of pure evil hatred filled the room.
The event is hard to describe in mere words. It’s hard to convey how a mere notion such as evil could actually be felt in such a way. This wave of unbridled hatred was so overpowering and so evil that I became instantly paralyzed. Worse still, I knew that the object of this thing’s hatred was me. As I lay there struggling to move, or even open my mouth to cry out, I felt the impressions of something heavy crawling into bed with me. It had come to kill me I knew, this entity so monstrously evil that just to be in its presence was to be struck dumb. Its hatred of me was so pure and so palpable, so indescribable, that I felt as if I was in the presence of the Devil himself.
I could do nothing but lie there, struggling to move with all my might, and praying for deliverance just as I had done before. I could feel the entity as it crawled up and lay down beside me, eager to take me away or kill me on the spot from sheer fright. Incredibly, my prayers were answered once again and, after a few extremely terrifying moments, the entity arose angrily from the bed in a rush and, much like a light switch is flipped on and off, the paralysis was over. I jumped up from the bed and turned on every light in the house, then went outside to clear my head.
These were the most frightening few moments of my life. Beside this every other terrifying event paled in comparison; my families eleven month stay in Spottsville in 1975, the time when I was swept away by flood water and nearly drowned when I was ten, the night time ordeal experienced by my brother and myself at Burbank’s lake, car wrecks, near brushes with death, fighting off burglars empty handed and in the nude, the cover-pulling incident; all were as trifles compared to what I had just experienced. Yet, in the end, the demonic invaders, whomever they were, had been unable to harm me and I had escaped their clutches not once, but twice. This time sleep-paralysis never even crossed my mind, as I was nowhere near the point of falling asleep, but wide awake and fully conscious.
This series of events laid bare, at least to me, the true nature of all inhumanoids. Why should demonic entities care about what a simple, uneducated ‘good old boy’ from the river bottoms of Kentucky has to say concerning the Bigfoot subject, or any other subject for that matter, unless they are somehow related? But they do care. They do not want to be exposed for what they are, but want us to go on thinking what they want us to think, right up until the very last moment. They have carefully cultivated their seeds of confusion for thousands of years; indeed, since the very dawn of mankind.
Perhaps it is already too late for many to open their eyes and see the truth regarding these things. Nearly all the inhumanoids have, at some point, been witnessed in the company of the ‘ufonauts’ and their craft. But they are not really ‘aliens,’ you see. They are not really Bigfoot, fairies, giants, dwarfs, lizardmen or goatmen, but ancient intelligences which feed off our fear and struggle every moment to bring about the destruction of as many human beings as possible.
As this book has attempted to make clear, for some reason these intelligences especially want our children to believe in them, perhaps to ensure that their legacy of human belief is already well established on Earth when the time comes in which it will be most useful. If testimony is any judge, the children of the 1960s and 1970s seemed to be of particular interest to these entities, as that is when they apparently ‘stepped up their game’ considerably; and they haven’t let up since.
These things hate us. It’s that simple, really. I hope that you, the reader, will never feel this hatred directed toward you but, speaking as one who has, I assure you that no matter what these entities say to us; no matter how many small truths they reveal to get us to believe that one important lie; these things want to destroy us all. They hate us in a way so powerful, so all consuming, that I could scarcely have imagined possible just a few short years ago.
Ask yourself, then, if these inexplicable entities are in no way related to each other, how could they all have the same supernatural powers? Nearly all the inhumanoids, including the ufonauts, have been described at some point as having the profoundly unnatural abilities of mind control including complete or partial paralysis of witnesses, telepathy, superhuman swiftness and strength, self-illuminating or glowing eyes, levitation and the ability to vanish into thin air or become invisible; not to even mention the fact that they all seem to be immune to human weapons, everything from cast stones to gunfire.
The ufonauts, regardless of how they choose to act or look, seem
remarkably akin in their abilities for so many ‘different’ races all claiming to have originated from vastly distant regions of ‘outer space.’ In fact, the biggest misconception regarding these inhumanoids entities involves the ‘ufonauts as extraterrestrials’ hypothesis. Hundreds of different ‘alien’ entities have been described by tens of thousands of eyewitnesses. As we have seen, the descriptions of these ‘aliens’ vary to such an enormous degree that every planet in the galaxy must seemingly be the cradle of humanoid life forms.
This just isn’t the case. If we are truly being visited by the products from marvelously-advanced alien races, ‘super-civilizations’ from the sky, then why do the occupants of these anomalous aerial craft often act like simplistic idiots, animals and brainless robots? If these beings are truly benevolent, as popular culture insists they are; waiting only for the right moment to ‘step in’ and save us from ourselves, then why do they rob, rape, torture, brainwash; and even kill; the helpless citizens they abduct?
For ages untold, these entities have apparently been harvesting raw biological material, especially blood, from both animal and human victims from all over the world. As any UFO buff could tell you, there have been thousands of credible reports of the mutilation and/or disappearances of livestock, to which the general consensus has always been that the “flying-saucers” are to blame. The mutilation reports are always gruesome, with only certain parts of the bodies removed with “surgical precision,” and always exsanguinated, or drained of blood.
One of these objects even tried to ‘abduct’ an entire Red Cross Bloodmobile, laden with freshly collected human blood, from Highway 2 in Huntington, West Virginia in March 1967. Why would enlightened, super-advanced beings from another world need so much blood, when all along blood has been the main ingredient used in occult rituals and black magic here on Earth? What are they doing with all this stuff? Are they using this genetic material to create life here, perhaps even the many forms of inhumanoid man-beasts that are constantly being encountered as puppets to do their bidding; or are the man-beasts themselves merely different manifestations of the same diabolical source?
So many questions, but it interesting to note that it has been estimated that as many as 100,000 people go missing without trace every year. If only a fraction of one percent of these cannot be attributed to runaways, victims of natural accidents or foul play, then we have a very real ‘mystery’ that’s claiming a lot of lives; and nearly all the inhumanoids include kidnaping in their repertoire of offenses against mankind. These are the ‘powers and principalities’ of the Earth, to use the scriptural term, and they are led by none other than Lucifer, the original ‘fallen angel,’ the ‘Morning Star.’ He is called by another name in scripture as well, one which it might be well to consider here; the ‘Prince of the Air.’
Zechariah was a biblical prophet who was granted a series of visions by an angel of God. He wrote down what he saw circa 520 B.C. In the Book of Zecharia (5:1-3), we read:
“Then I raised my eyes again and saw a scroll flying. “What do you see?” he asked me. I answered, “I see a scroll flying; it is twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide (30’ by 15’),” Then he said to me; “This is the curse which is to go forth over the whole Earth; in accordance with it shall every sinner be swept away.”
According to theologians, this flying ‘scroll’ contained a written record of all the punishments meted out to sinners. The symbolism is quite obvious, as these ‘flying scrolls’ are still being seen by the thousands today.
In closing I will leave you with a hypothetical scenario that involves an event foretold in scripture which modern-day theologians like to call the ‘Rapture.’
One day or night (no one knows exactly when save for God Himself), millions of His people will be instantly transformed and taken up into the sky to be with their Creator without knowing ‘the pain of death.’ This global event will set off the ‘Great Tribulations’ period of seven years as spoken of in the Book of Revelations and cause worldwide chaos because most people won’t recognize it for what it really is.
Imagine the panic those left behind will feel when they suddenly see their children, brothers, fathers, mothers and friends instantly vanish right before their eyes. Cars will crash, planes will go down, people will jump off buildings; and then the flying saucers will fill the skies. “Of course!” everyone will exclaim, “It was the aliens. After all, they’ve been doing it all along!” Now the ‘aliens’ must take on a role as the evil abductors of our loved ones, which is no stretch at all, right? Once the entire world is fooled, even the ‘very elect of God,’ the world becomes united under a false assumption and the stage is set for one ruler instead of many.
Under these circumstances it would be all too easy for us to follow the man who promises war with the alien threat to regain the ‘hostages.’ This man will rule the entire world and eventually be revealed as the ‘Antichrist’ of Biblical infamy. Perhaps even the hairy inhumanoids will step forth as well, as they seem to be intimating that they will, and assume the role of ‘opponents’ to these ‘invaders’ whose minions they have been all along. Regardless of whose side you pick now; you lose.
It is just a theory, after all, to be accepted or rejected as is your own personal inclinations; but one which explains much; if not everything; about the nature and purpose of these mystifying inhumanoid creatures that haunt our mysterious world. We need to take a hard look at these beings and ask some hard questions regarding them; especially the Bigfoot entities, which many feel will one day turn out to be the long sought for ‘missing link’ between apes and men, validating Darwin’s ‘Theory of Evolution’ and casting into doubt forever the notion of ‘Divine Creation.’
Hardly a year passes now, it seems, in which someone doesn’t claim to have killed one of these Bigfoot creatures, and yet not a single one of these self-proclaimed ‘Sasquatch slayers’ has ever provided so much as a single finger bone to substantiate their sensational claims. I once asked the Chief of the Southern Cherokee Nation, a man called ‘Man Fox’ by his people, what he thought the Bigfoot creatures actually were; natural flesh and blood creatures like ourselves, or something else. He had encountered them all his life and even found what he thought to be a Bigfoot tooth that had washed out of an ancient Cherokee burial ground in western Kentucky. He told me that, in his own opinion, these were flesh and blood animals with a mystical, or supernatural, element to them. They weren’t native to our world, he said, but came from “somewhere else.”
So, the next time you are traveling down a lonely highway late at night, and see a furtive shadow ambling toward the road from the woods, have a care. Do not linger, or you may come face to face with a bestial inhumanoid that knows your name; on a mission to change your life and your view of human existence, forever.
Books and Magazines:
1. Neil Arnold – ‘Monster! The A-Z of Zooform Phenomena,’ CFZ Press, 2007.
2. Rosemary Ellen Guilley – ‘The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves and Other Monsters,’ Checkmark Books, 2004.
3. Troy Taylor – ‘Haunted Illinois,’ Stackpole, 2008.
4. Jerome Clark – ‘Unexplained!’ Visible Ink, 1999.
5. Janet, and Colin Bord – ‘Alien Animals,’ Stackpole Books, 1981.
6. Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman – ‘Creatures of the Outer Edge,’ Warner Books, 1978.
7. Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman – ‘The Unidentified,’ Anomalist, 2006.
8. Keel, John A. – ‘The Mothman Prophecies,’ New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1975.
9. Keel, John A. – ‘Strange Creatures from Time and Space,’ (Fawcett Gold Medal, 1970.
10. Flying Saucer Review.
11. Fate Magazine.
12. Montague Summers, ‘The Werewolf,’ New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1934.
13. Jerome Clark, Loren Coleman – ‘Creatures of the Goblin World’ Clark Publ. Co., 1978.
14. Brad Steige
r – ‘The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings,’ Visible Ink Press, 1999.
15. Ivan T. Sanderson – ‘Abominable Snowmen, Legend Come to Life,’ Cosimo Classics, 2007.
16. Berthold Eric Schwarz – ‘Berserk: A UFO-Creature Encounter,’ Flying Saucer Review, vol.20, No.1, 1974
17. B. Ann Slate – ‘Gods From Inner Space,’ UFO Report, April 1976.
18. Fortean Times Magazine.
19. Allen V. Noe – ‘And Still the Reports Roll In,’ Pursuit, January, 1974.
20. Linda Godfrey – ‘Strange Wisconsin, More Badger State Weirdness’ Trails Books, 2007.
21. John Keel – ‘The Complete Guide To Mysterious Beings.’ Tor, 2002.
22. Michael Paul Hensen - Tragedy at Devil’s Hollow and other Ky. Ghost Stories, Cockrel Corp. Publishers, 1985.
23. Ancient American Magazine.
24. B. M. Nunnelly – ‘Mysterious Kentucky’ Whitechapel Press, 2007, 2nd Ed. Triangulum Publishing 2017.
25. Jerome Clark – ‘The UFO Encyclopedia Project,’ Omnigraphics, 1990.
26. Brad Steiger – ‘Mysteries of Time and Space,’ Prentice-Hall, 1974.
27. Loren Coleman – ‘Mothman and Other Curious Encounters,’ Paraview Press, 2002.
28. Loren Coleman – ‘Mysterious America,’ Paraview Press, 2001.
30. Peter Guttilla – ‘The Bigfoot Files,’ Timeless Voyager Press, 2003.
31. Ivan T. Sanderson – ‘More Things,’ Pyramid Books, 1969.
32. Linda Godfrey – ‘Lake and Sea Monsters,’ Chelsea House, 2008.
33. Strange Magazine.
34. Linda Godfrey – ‘The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin’s Werewolf,’ Prairie Oak Press, 2003.
35. ‘Mysteries of the Unknown : Mysterious Creatures,’ Time-Life Books, 1991.
36. ‘Strange Stories, Amazing Facts,’ Reader’s Digest, 1976.