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Saving Sadie

Page 19

by Joal Derse Dauer

I’ve also had the chance to experience the kindness and generosity of people, often total strangers, firsthand. I have met literally thousands of people that I couldn’t have met any other way. Many of these people give me goose bumps, their stories touch me right down to my soul, especially when I see people from so many different walks of life being so kind and gentle with Sadie. Often the poorer someone is, the more he or she wants to help Sadie. I’ll never forget the lady who cleaned college dorm rooms for a living and had three kids to feed and still she gave five dollars for Sadie’s care.

  I’ve witnessed grown men and women start to weep when I tell them Sadie’s story, and then I have also seen those tears of sorrow turn into tears of joy when I explain that Sadie’s story isn’t ultimately a sad story, it’s a story of triumph, it’s a story of pure love and second chances.

  At a time in my life when I least expected it, when I thought I was winding down and that life’s greatest joys were likely behind me, Sadie gave me a new and unexpected purpose in life. Suddenly I had a mission to accomplish, a mission that would introduce me to people I never would have met and take me to places I never could have imagined.

  Ultimately, what I am left with is that Sadie has taught me a different way to love, a way that is simpler, more basic, more holy; it is more sacred and more spiritual than ordinary, everyday love can ever be. She has taught me to love without expectation, without condition, to love in uncertainty, and with no promise of return. In other words, Sadie has shown me the purest and most perfect love there is.

  Thank you, Sadie, for choosing me to be your mom. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey. The rest of the world mistakenly believes that I saved you, but really, the reverse is true. You saved me, and I love you more than you can ever imagine. I can’t wait to see what the next part of our journey will bring.


  Of all the countless individuals who helped make this book happen, the authors would especially like to thank Marnette Bowen for all her connections and her help with photos, details, and documents; Valerie Alba for help with photos and her social media expertise; and Jeff Ziglinski for taking expert care of Sadie, Sparky, Miss Kitty, and Kitty Kat while Mommy was busy writing. Thanks to our agent, Barbara Ellis of Scribes Literary & Editorial, and our editor, Michaela Hamilton at Kensington, for taking a chance on us and believing in Sadie’s story.

  Elizabeth would especially like to thank her feline housemates, Claudius and Calpurnia, for granting her permission to work on a “dog book.” She looks forward to earning back their love sometime in the near future.

  Joal would like to give special thanks to Sparky, Miss Kitty, and Kit Kat, for welcoming Sadie into the family and for their understanding and realizing Sadie needed extra care. Thank you, Sadie, for saving me, and for choosing me as your mother.

  The authors would also like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their support of Sadie and for their assistance in making this book happen.

  Beth Abyss, Deanna Adam, Mary Albanesi, Joseph Amato, Gary Antol, Dianna Armstrong-Bickett, Nadia Aronson, Michele Artascos, Brigit Asilnejad, James Atten, Joseph and Christine Aufiero

  Dr. Diane Baehr, Lucinda Bain, Sharon Baines, Deborah Baldwin, Tamas Balint, William Ball, Melanie Balzer, Andy & Stephan Bandy, Alison Barratt, Charlene Batson, Tracy Beck, Kim Becker, Martina Bernini, Jim Berscheid, Haly Besaw, Peter Best, Susan Bett, Cheri Beverly, Susan Biglovsky, Neil Bissex, Basha Blades, Shannon Blankenship, Lauren Bloom, John and Janis Bolskar, Kathy Bonek, Chandra Bonfiglio, Garrett and Michelle Borden, Kerah Botham, Mari Bowman, Melissa Boxx, Donna Bradley, Terrill Brandon, Dean Bravo, Helen Briner, Christopher Brown, Kevin Brown, Steve Brown, W.H. Brown, Meredith Bruder, Matthew Bruno, Mr. and Mrs. Bruning, Carol Budney, Breanna Bukowski, Audrey Burch, Margaret Burke, Linda Burkhead, Thomas Burnett, Lynn Busch, Tana Buss, Rondi Bussey, Gerald Buster

  Haley Caddell, Cynthia Callewaert, John Cameron, Kathie Carestia, James and Holly Carlini, Debbie and Begley Carls, Barbara Cappelli, Jay Carr, Sharon Carrier, Priscilla Carton, Shelia Casey, Robert and Dianne Castellini, Fatima Catena, Dr. Adam Chaifetz, Cece Chavez, Kathy Chiavola, Jenica Childs, Joseph Chin, Carol Ciana, Joan Ciapas, Julie Ciapas, Frances Cimino, Doc Clark, Susan Clayton, Heather Cobban, Bobbie Cohen, Kathleen Colbert, Zoraida Colon, Steve Comeau, Joyce Conner, Jewel Conover, Burt Constable, Karin Conway, Carole Cook, Jackie Cook, Brogna Cordasco Giovanna, Shelley Corley Grubbs, Barbara Corn, John Cook, Nancy Correa, Karen Cox, Lisa Craycraft, Jenefer Creamer, Jill Cresko, Ann Crosby, M.P. Cupentino, Daniel and Michelle Czerwinski

  Patty DaPonte, Ingrid Davidson, Cynthia Davis, Keri Davis, Timothy Davis, Margaret Davison, Rosemary Day, James Dean, Jennifer Deangelo, Brooke Dehart, Clairone Delaney, Kara DeLarco, Kristin Deluca, Dr. Jami Derse, Steven Destrampe, Janet Dewitt, Geraldine Dierks, Queade Di Ilio, David Dodenhoff, Debbie Theodore Dogstuff, Bob and Dona Doig, Kathryn Doig, Maria Donnelly, Janet Dorak, Joanne Douglas, Helen Dowzall, Jessica Dragan, Joe Drantz, Gregg Dries

  William Eaves, Joan Eberhardt, Carol Edwards, Sarah Egea, Cheryl Eggar, Daniela Eguizabal, Gabriella Eguizabal, Bill Eisner, Linda Ellerton, Mary Ellis, Cate Elsten, Lorraine Emerick, Janice Erickson, Susan Estright, Cathy Evans, Shannon Evans, Dr. Leslie Evelo

  Stephanie Falcone, Terri Fancher, Brittany Farina, Steve Fawthrop, Dorothy Fegan, Judith Felsmann, Deborah Finke, Robb Fischer, Paula Forassiepi, Marilynn Ford,Alice Forest, John Fox, Louise Foxe, Caroline Farquhar, Frank Fredenburg, Angel Free, Paula and Harry Frey, Andrea Friedland, Deb Fries, Kathie Fritzen, Cynthia Fusco

  Jone Gagnon, Tara Gamblen, Stockton Garver, Cathy Gault, Lauren Gauthier, Jason George, Eric Gerber, Cynthia Doucette Giacomini, Kathy Gibbons, Christopher Gibson, Alison Gilbert, Kati Gingras, Lou Ann Giunta, Cynthia Goehring, Lynn Goldberg, Mary Gordon, Charlie Gorney, Philip Goodwin, Stephanie Graham, Barbara Green, Linda Green, Anita Gregorian, Jon Grider, Kathleen Groeger, Michelle Gulliver

  Marian Hailey-Moss, Terry Haire, Susan Haisty, Rita Hale, Claudia Hall, Charmaine Hammond, Judith Hansell, Pamela Hansen, Sherry Hanson, Karyn Harden, Tricia Harrington, Rita Hale, Jacquelyn Hawley, Elizabeth Haynes, Alice Hecht-Soliman, Alan Hefter, Andrew and Kerry Heistad, Sonia Heller Schulthess, Rhonda Hemming, Gm Hendershot, Linda Hendrickson, Carolyn Hennesy, Jack Herbert, Tom Heron, Donna Hess, Maximillian Hess, Dianna Higgins, Robert Hill, Sharon Hite, Sarah Hoff, Linda Hoffpauir, Maxine Hollfelder, Cara Hoppen, Steve and Sandra Horowitz, Patricia Hubbard, Deni Huffman, Craig Hunkins, Bethany Hunt, Jo Hupperich

  Dee Ilyas, Barbara Ingle, Victoria Ivashkova, Kathy Iverson

  Kathryn Jablonsky, Linda Jackson, Sharylla Jackson, Shannon Jacobs, Doris Jacomet, Sara Janey, Daisy Jassar, Douglas Javier, Judith Jerominski, Doug Jimenez, Kent Johansen, Judy Johnsen, Callia Johnson, Dave Johnson, David N. Johnson, Marty Johnson, Judith Johnson, K. Johnson, Laura Johnson, Dave and Pat Johnson-Dorow, Lloyd Johnston, Carol S. Jones

  Christine Kaahui-Estrada, Cliff and Elaine Kaclow, Amy Kamedulski, Joi Kamper, Jo and Miranda Kapfhammer, Elaine Karasch, Mike Kass, Stan Kass, Sandra Kassulke, Inga Katelari, Meridena Kauffman, Antoinette Kean, Kathleen Kearns, Nancy Kelley, Robi Kelly, Beatrice Kemp, Brandt Kennedy, Rebecca Kimsey, Sharon Klein, Jennifer Kolesar, Fran Kolpack, Denise Konkol, Elaine Konitzer, Christine Koss, Alice Kotsakis, Jennifer Kovacich, Larry & Nancy Kremer, Ann Marie Krok, Jennifer Krouchick, Dr. Tammy Krukowski, Thomas and Janet Krumplitsch, Stacy Krygier, Renee Kryston, Amanda Kryzanowski

  Brad & Cindy Laatsch, Michele Lail, Marilynn Lalobas, David Land, Debbie Landers, Julie Lane, Desmond & Jeanne LaPlace, Karenlu Lapolice, Judith Larsen, Mary Laub, Tammy Laub, Brenda Lauer, Selena Lauterer, Julie Lawell, Phil and Andi LeBoy, Linda Lee, Brian Leitzke, Jessie Lendennie, Carole Leonard, Craig Lesser, Judy Levshakoff, Mark Liccione, Widge Liccione, Carol and Robert Linville, Carolyn Lombardi, Carolyn Long, Randy Lorenz, Marilyn Loveless, Lyn D. Loven, Maureen Lughart, Susan Lygo, Nancy Lyon-Gray

  Denise MacLeod, Christine Magri, Lee Mallatratt, David Maller, Marisa
Malone, Deborah Mann, Arthur March, Dr. Paddy Mark, Colleen Marko, Bruce Marks, Caitlin Marmion, Caitlin Marms, Mary Marshall, Christine Martello, Susan Mathis, Mary Martorana, Lorraine Matarese, Veronica Mather, John Matsis, Cody Matthews, Dobie Maxwell, Deane Mazur, Victoria Mazzotta, Patricia McCaffrey, Claire McDougal, Sherry McKinney, Molly McKnight, Scott McLeod, Tina McNeil, Lisa and Tom McNeill, Lorraine Mechem, Marilyn Mee, Grace Melby, Sue Meng, David Meros, Donna Mersing, Janice Meyer, Andera Meyers, Jodee Michell, Martine Michelle, Mm. Mielke, Dan Mikulecky, Regina Milano, Pat and Mike Milkowski, Diane Millard, Sarah Millard, Bernadette Miller, Elaine Mills, Denise Mitchell, Tracie Mitchum, Melissa Moericke, Shane Morris, Shelia Moulder, Martha Munoz, Vicki Murley, Anne Murphy, Brenda Musson, Sheila Moulder, Senara Mulitalo Agnes Nelson, Sandy Nichols, William Nicholson, Irene Niles, Cynthia Novitsky, Sharon Norber, Mercedes Nunez Mendez

  Cathe Odom, Todd Oilschlager, Margaret O’Kelley, Lydia Oliver, Leslie O’Loughlin, James and Megan Olszewski, Raundi O’Neil-Jones, John Opsitnick, Colleen Oreskovich, Jay Ormsby, Harry Osborne

  Toni Pabon, Robert Page, Debra Parkes Devlin, Laura Patterson, Randy Pauls, Mary Pearce, Laura Peirano, Pat Peterson, Donald Petzold, Jaclyn Phillips, Melonie Plimpton, Christina Ponder, Peter Pope, J. M. Prasczewicz, Kathleen Prazenka, Nan Preussler, Jeanni Price, Melissa Price, Raine Prinzivalle, I. Pronker-Haveman, Patricia Pruss

  Sandra Quelch, Amalia Quinlan

  Robert Rach, Janet Raede Witt, Whitney Rainero, Noreen Rapp, Amy Rasmussen, Elizabeth Ratke, Barbara Rawson, Diane Rector, Frances Redick, Nicole Redmann, Jane Reeves, Manuela Ribeiro, Diane Richards, Basha Richey, Rhonda Ricker, Jane Rider, Chief Joe Rieder, Cheri Riehle, Robert Ritholz, Ann Roberts, the Robinials, Carolyn Robinson, Joyce Robinson, Susan Robinson, Trai Rochon, Joette Rockow, Jessica Rodriguez, Charlene Romer, Todd Rongstad, Tedford Rose, Ellen Rosoff, Marsha Ross, Pauline Rossen, Wanda Roth, Marilyn Rothfelder, Pam Rouda, Mike Rozumalski, Elke Rudloff DVM, DAC, VECC, Shelly Runte, Kitty Russell, Anne Rutger Neafie, Arleen Rutten, Mary Rynders

  Sasha Sabbeth, Nancie Sailor, Aja Saler, Virginia Savio, Joseph Sawicki, Marcia Scattergood, Tracy Scheinoha, Arlene Schmidt, Karen Schmocker, Jay Schroeder, Mary Schultz, Joan Schweickert, Jenny Schwiner, David and Christine Seidman, Jeanne Sexton, the Shaffers, Melinda Shaw, Robert and Roberta Shaw, Kama Sherpa, Tedarat Shufflebarger, Pat Sidello, Karen Siegel, Olivia Silensky, Charlotte Simkins, Laura Simpson, Linda Sipek, Angela Slawny, Stuart Slom, Carol Smetts, Jenny Smiley, Annetta Smith, Kent and Dorothy Smith, Margaret Soden, Maria Solis, Scott Solomon, Shirley Sonnichsen, Jami Sotonoff, Dr. Joel Spatt, Robin Spencer, Cathy Spyres, Natalia Stadelbauer, Bob Stankus, Mary Stanley, Becky Starr, Carol Lynn Stempler, Marcy Stephens, RN, Anne Stephenson, Timothy and Lori Stern, Judith Stevely, David Stewart, Jean Stewart, Melanie Stillfried, Sue Stirzaker, Suan Strawman, Glenn and Kristina Strozewski, Lori Strunk, Webster Strunk, Keith Sudano, Manussawee Sukunta, Joe Sullivan, Mariana Suman, Bryan Summers, Gregg and Sally Sustache, Dennis Sutton, Brendan Sweeney, Jonathan Synovic, Jim and Lynda Szczepanik

  Kathryn Tacadena, Olivia Tan, Jessica Taske, David Tauke, David and Judy Taylor, Jack Taylor, Barbara Techel, Debbie Theodore, Karen Thomas, Marsha Thompson, Susan Tillman, William Tilton, Lori Tkach, Robert Tollemeo, Jane Toth-Barton, Patricia Towers, Diana Traegler, Jaclyn Trevillian, Patti Triola, Anita Tully, Barbara Tunick

  Amy & Juliana Udoni

  Mark Van Vehel, Debra Velie, Rui Viegas, Doreen Virtue,Asia Voight, Deborah Voves

  Deb Wadkins, Sarah Wages, Rosemary Wagley, Patricia Wagner, Louise Walsh, Jeanne Walters, Stephanie Warren, Mary Watkins, Lynda Wawryk, Lisa Weaver, Dr. Barbara Weber, Louis Weisberg, Bonnie Welch, Kenneth Wentland, Vickie West, Richard Westlein, Derek Wharton, Joe Wiggins, Joanie Wilcox, Terry Wilde, Kathy Wilson, Laura Wilson, William and Diane Wilson, Linda Winfrey, Chuck Wiseman, William Witherup, Donna Wolden, Lori Wolff, Beth Woolsey, Linda Worrell, Gypsy Wulff

  Sheryl Young, Marianne Young Bowman

  Mary Lynn Zahn, Gwen and Allen Zajac, Sarah Zaug, Gregory & Marlene Zautke, Alissa Zea, Dustin Zick


  Acres of Hope and Aspirations,

  Action Graphics

  Alta Reserve

  Animal Doctor Holistic Veterinary Complex,

  The Animal Medical Care Foundation,

  Animal Wellness Center,

  Animal Wellness magazine,

  Asia Voight,

  Attitude Sports,

  Author Gypsy Wulff,

  Bark ’n Scratch Outpost,

  Best Friends,

  Bosco’s Social Club,

  Bottles ’n Brushes,


  Clear Channel,

  Charmaine Hammond,

  Core Expression

  Creatures Covers,

  Crystal Carolina Canine Rehabilitation,

  Daily Herald,

  Dawgs in Motion,

  Dobie Maxwell,

  Dogster magazine,

  Doig Corporation,

  Earthborn Holistic,

  Eddie’s Wheels,

  Epic Web Design

  Feline Freedom Coalition,

  Fox6 News,

  GAB: Generations Against Bullying,

  GEO Investment Group LLC


  Hamburger Mary’s Bar & Grille,

  The Harmony Fund/The Great Animal Rescue,

  Heritage Ballet

  The Horizon Group

  Horny Goat Brewing Company,

  iPAW: Integrating People for Animal Wellness,

  Joyful Paws,

  Kayla’s Krew,

  Kim’s Costumes,

  Kountry Krafts

  Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists,

  Landmark Credit Union,

  The Lovin’ Oven Pet Bakery,

  LSR Technology LLC,

  Marquette University,

  Milwaukee County Office of the Sheriff,

  Moose Mountain Lodge

  City of Muskego Police Department,

  Mystic Ireland, LLC,

  Noah’s Arks Rescue,


  Pam’s Paws,

  Pawz Dog Boots,

  Paws to Embrace,Therapy Dogs,

  Pet Helpers,

  Petlicious Dog Bakery & Pet Spa,

  Pet Supplies ‘N’ More,

  Pet World Warehouse,

  Pewaukee Veterinary Service, pewaukeeveterinary

  Redstone Media Group,

  Rita Hale, Bemer Group,

  Rustico Pizza

  Sacred Kinship,

  Save Our Stra

  Source 1,

  Speed Staffing LLC,


  Spiral Café

  Spiral I

  SpiritWings Publications,

  Starfish Animal Rescue,

  Stubby’s Gastrogrub & Beer Bar,

  Studio 951

  Synergy Works

  Team Toby,

  Think Pawsitive,

  Today’s TMJ4,

  TOPS Veterinary Rehabilitation,

  Treasures A-Z,

  Trees of Hope, WI,

  Turning Points in Compassion, turningpointsin

  Urban Ecology Center,

  Valerie L. Alba Virtual Assistance LLC,

  Veterinary Housecall Care, LLC, veterinaryhouse


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