Page 15
The silence between Kapono and Ashbel was blissful. Though they weren’t speaking from their mouths, their bodies were communicating through the mutual simmering heat between them. Ashbel was standing in between Kapono’s legs as he sat on a stool in the bunker. In front of a mirror, she was shaving and trimming his beard, returning it back to what it had been two years ago. While she gave him a trim, she continuously caressed his face. His hands rested on each thigh, holding her tenderly. After their love making, she didn’t say a word about the tears he’d cried. She’d simply let him shed the tears he needed to before they righted themselves and entered the bunker. They were in Ashbel’s small room, away from the curious eyes of the rest of the Drakaina’s.
Kapono’s eyes kept lingering on her bare stomach. She was wearing a short skirt made of white cloth and a bralette the same color. The scars on her stomach were slowly disappearing, but they were still evident.
“I’m sorry,” Ashbel finally spoke, wiping his face down with a warm towel.
“What do you apologize for little flame?” he questioned, gazing at her curiously with those violet eyes.
“I didn’t protect our babe. Jessop told me that I was in danger. He told me about the plot he helped format and how he was so damned sorry. I was so angry I lost myself. I hit him and I wanted to kill him. I heard Mara and Sera fighting someone and I remembered what you told me about running. But one of the attackers came up from the hidden staircase and blocked my way. I tried to run out of the suite from the front door. I was blocked with that too. Mara and Sera laid down their life to protect me. And I could do nothing to save our babe,” Ashbel explained. Kapono’s hand crawled up her thighs until he was holding her waist. He pulled her forward and pressed his warm face against her stomach. Ashbel couldn’t help but sigh as he kissed the scars on her stomach.
“The only person to blame is the sad soul who attacked you. I am deeply saddened at the loss of our child little flame but knowing that you’ve come back to me gives me a sense of healing. Having a baby was for the kingdom’s sake, but now, if we want to have another babe, we will do that for our own sake and no one else’s,” Kapono told her. Ashbel held the back of his head, keeping his face pressed into her stomach.
A soft knock at the door broke their intimacy. Firya entered slowly. She smiled at the pair of them as she stood by the door.
“We have supper ready. After your journey I’m sure you’re hungry,” she said, nodding at Kapono.
“Thank you,” Kapono returned the nod. He stood, keeping Ashbel in front of him. She began to lead the way out of the small room. Firya winked at them as they walked by.
“You weren’t watching, were you?” Ashbel whispered to Firya. She had no idea if the woman had spied on their lovemaking and Ashbel and Kapono weren’t necessarily concerned about who was watching.
“You’ll never know,” Firya winked. Ashbel’s cheeks warmed tremendously. Kapono put his arm around Ashbel’s waist and continued to usher her out of the room.
At their long wooden dining table, the rest of the females were already sitting down, waiting for them. Food was steaming on top of the table. Kapono felt his stomach growl. The food he’d consumed for the past two years was good enough for his survival, but he couldn’t call it gourmet.
“It’s not much, but it’s satisfying,” Firya said.
“I’m grateful for anything lady Firya,” Kapono bowed. Firya gasped and fanned herself.
“Lady Firya. I like the sound of that,” she smiled.
“Settle down,” Ashbel groaned. Firya laughed and casually touched Kapono’s shoulder.
Don’t touch us! Wrath’s screeching voice raked across Kapono’s brain. He winced, almost forgetting the demon resided within him because the damn thing had been quiet. It was funny. When Ashbel touched him, the beast was quiet. Still, he hated for Kapono to be touched.
Crush her goddamn wrist, Wrath demanded. With quick reflexes, Kapono grabbed onto Firya’s wrist. He clutched onto her delicate wrist, squeezing slightly. Firya grunted uncomfortably.
“Kapono, you’re hurting me,” she whispered. Kapono closed his eyes, trying to force his hand to unclench. He’d gotten so used to giving into his sin, trying to hold back proved a difficult task. Despite how hard he tried; he couldn’t seem to stop pressing weight on Firya’s hand. He could hear her bones beginning to give way. Wrath was cackling in his head again, eager for the moment Firya’s wrist would completely shatter.
“Plum dragon,” Ashbel said firmly. She placed her hand on his forearm, grabbing hold of him tightly. Wrath immediately stopped laughing.
“Let her go,” Ashbel ordered. Kapono grit his teeth as he forced his hand to open. The moment there was a little give, Ashbel quickly snatched Firya’s wrist away from Kapono. Breathing heavily, Kapono backed away from both women, letting Ashbel’s hand fall away from him. Wrath began snarling in his head again. Pain was a slow thump throughout his body as if he was getting electrocuted slowly. With Ashbel holding onto him, Wrath had gone completely silent again. Was the demon incapable of handling Ashbel? He found it strange that Wrath would react that way to Ashbel.
“My deepest apologies. I do not mean to hurt you Firya.” Firya just blinked at him, standing close to Ashbel and holding onto her wrist.
“It’s true what they say then. About the punishment Vuur cast upon you?” Firya asked. Kapono nodded.
“There are some things that I just cannot fight. I hurt things. I hurt people. That’s just who I am now. However, you will be safe as long as you do not touch me. No one can.”
“That’s not true. Ashbel just touched you and you didn’t grab at her,” Firya objected. Kapono looked at Ashbel.
“Well—Ashbel is—different,” Kapono mumbled.
“I won’t hold it against you Kapono. Not for something out of your control. Come and eat. I know you’re hungry I can hear your stomach growling,” Firya said.
Kapono didn’t realize how much regret he was feeling until Firya forgave him. Not holding his actions against him gave Kapono deep relief, settling the turmoil bubbling in his gut. Wrath was beginning to get uneasy and Kapono didn’t need to feel any excess emotions at the moment.
Around the dinner table, the stares Kapono received from the females weren’t stares of fright or disdain. They were looking at him with glassy eyes of hope and intrigue. At first Kapono was too hungry to take notice, but as he filled his gut with red beans and soft rice, the stares only became more noticeable.
“What is the meaning of the stares?” Kapono asked, gulping down the mug of beer Firya put in front of him.
“Well, we’ve not seen your majesty up close before. Only from the distance of the courtyard while we looked up at the balcony when you and Ashbel were married.”
“Please, that title is not necessary. Simply call me Kapono,” he insisted. The female sitting across from him leaned across the table, gazing into his eyes.
“Your eyes. So violet. So beautiful. Can we see your fire? We’ve only heard of the power of your dragon blood, but have not seen it. Please indulge us.”
Wrath hissed like a wild feline. Kapono hadn’t been this close to anyone for a long time, and anytime he gave into his sin by helping others he never stuck around. The demon had always been calm and collected, issuing his orders for destruction within Kapono’s head. Now, Kapono was witnessing what made the demon lose his cool. Throwing a tantrum like a child, Wrath was screaming and banging against Kapono’s body. The action sending tendrils of pain across Kapono’s body, leaving no part of him untouched. The tiny shots of electrocution on ramped up.
“I assure you. My fire is nothing of beauty,” Kapono said.
“Ladies, please keep some decency.” Ashbel waved the female that was leaning into Kapono away, making sure she kept her distance from Kapono.
“Ashbel, have you told him about the king?”
“No. Not yet,” Ashbel murmured. She wanted to tell Kapono about the king, but when she looked at her husband, sh
e knew something was wrong. The squinting of his eyes was the telltale sign that he was in pain.
“Pardon me,” he grunted out, standing from the table. It shook slightly from the speed at which he stood. Walking with sturdy strides, Kapono held his head as he hurried out of the bunker. He found solace in the back of the warehouse, under the cloak of nighttime.
“Calm down,” Kapono gritted at Wrath. “You’re hurting me.” Over the years, Wrath had shown restraint in hurting Kapono because Kapono was actually giving into the destructive urges. Now, the demon was just out of control.
Too many people near us! I can’t take it! Wrath growled.
“I’m alone now. Please calm down.”
That woman! Who is that woman! Wrath screamed. The heavy voice laced with anger made Kapono’s body tremble with pain.
“Plum dragon?” Ashbel’s soft voice sliced through his pain like butter. He felt the slight ease of Wrath’s pain, allowing him to take a deep breath.
“What is the matter? I can tell you’re in pain,” Ashbel said.
“I—things have changed Ashbel. I’m not the same man you knew,” Kapono whispered.
“So then, introduce me to this new man,” Ashbel insisted.
“I live with a demon inside of me now Ashbel. I’ll probably never be rid of him. That’s just the punishment I’ve been dealt,” Kapono shrugged.
“Demons don’t scare me,” she rebutted.
“They should,” Kapono said gruffly.
Kapono. Who is this woman?! What does she mean to you? Must mean something for you to outlandishly fuck out in the open, for you to allow her to touch us. We never touch people Kapono. Much less fuck women. Now who is she? Kapono growled at his sin and clutched his head. He turned away from Ashbel.
“She’s my wife. What? Are you afraid of her?” Kapono asked.
“Who are you talking to plum dragon?” she questioned. Kapono looked back at her.
“One of the seven deadly sins. The demon of Wrath. He’s what lives inside of me. We can communicate. I don’t think he likes you very much.”
“Well if I was named Wrath, I wouldn’t like anyone,” Ashbel shrugged. Kapono nodded.
“I suppose that’s true. Though it’s odd. Wrath can’t bear the feeling of anyone touching me. Just look at what I nearly did to Firya. Almost any time someone does touch me I have to cause them harm. However, when you touch me, he goes silent. He doesn’t force me to give into his sin and hurt you for touching me. And he wants to know what you mean to me. Clearly something about our relationship nullifies his need for destruction and wrath,” Kapono explained.
“So then maybe he likes me,” Ashbel said hopefully.
Don’t get your hopes up you wretch. Wrath snarled.
“Mind your tongue Wrath. That’s my wife,” Kapono snapped.
“What did he say?” Ashbel asked.
“Never mind little flame,” Kapono waved her off. He crossed his arms and began to pace slowly.
I think I need to feel the heat of destructive fire. Hear screams of pain and panic. Give in to wrath. Kapono’s body jolted. His heart pumped as if it was ready to jump out of his chest. Grabbing his chest, Kapono growled mildly.
“Later! Not now! Just please wait,” Kapono begged. For a moment, Wrath kept pounding at his head, drawing at Kapono’s life force, clutching at his organs. Kapono didn’t believe that Wrath would listen to him this time, but eventually the pain began to subside. Kapono’s breathing evened out as relief took over. At least the demon was still listening to him.
“Can I touch you?” Ashbel asked softly. Kapono nodded hastily. He needed her touch desperately. She placed her warm hand against his back. The trembles rolling off his body shuddered to a stop. Breathing became an easy task, the air easing in and out of his lungs.
“Will you be okay?” she questioned. Kapono didn’t know the right answer. Would he be okay? Could he ever be okay with the life he was dealt? He did have Ashbel at his side now. He could make his life better simply because he had Ashbel.
“How long do you plan on staying here, Ashbel?” he questioned her. He turned around slowly to look down at her.
“Well I—I’m not sure,” she replied. Kapono just gazed at her.
“What are you not sure about?”
“Ashbel can’t leave us yet! We have to deal with the king,” Firya burst out from the back door. The rest of the females were behind her as if they were listening from inside. They rushed towards Kapono and Ashbel.
“What about the king?” Kapono grunted.
“Tell him Ashbel!” Firya insisted. Ashbel inhaled, preparing herself to be brave enough to tell Kapono what she’d planned these past few years.
“King Mage Bourbon is going to ruin Emberdom and then he’s going to ruin Fireland. The harsh taxes, his harsh punishments and rulings, the way his guards treat the townspeople and especially the way he forced people to work jobs that only suit for his wellbeing. The only problem is that there’s no one left in Fireland that’s strong enough to take him down. Well. No one but you,” Ashbel explained. Kapono’s eyes widened. He backed away and shook his head.
“Ashbel—what are you saying? That all of you are hoping that I what? Throw the king out and take my place as the king?” Kapono asked.
“You are the rightful heir to the throne! If you beat Mage then there’s no question about it!” Firya exclaimed. Kapono shook his head harshly.
“I cannot be the king. I’ve been gone for two years before I went fucking nuts! My entire family was killed and I destroyed most of Emberdom in my rage! Not only that, but I killed innocent women and children because they were simply in my way. That kind of blind rage is dangerous. Too dangerous to sit in a position of power. I told you that I am not the same man Ashbel. I was the heir to the throne. Now, I’m just a walking time bomb of destruction. I can’t be the king!”
“But Kapono, we need a savior. And I’m sure that the people would forgive those sins if you were their savior now!” Ashbel pleaded with him.
“Ashbel. I just told you what I live with. How do you expect me to run a kingdom? And surely if I even made that notion there would be riots in the damn kingdom because I know people will refuse to be ruled by someone who let anger consume them in a way that took innocent lives.”
“So, you’re just going to live your life as this sin and nothing else? You’re not going to try to take your life back?” Ashbel asked. Kapono rubbed his eyes. He took Ashbel’s hands and held them tightly.
“You’re the only life I need Ashbel. I don’t have much, but we can build a home for ourselves near the canyons in Fireland and we can raise a family and live our lives. We don’t have to stay in Emberdom. This kingdom may need someone but it doesn’t need me,” he said.
“What are you saying then? That you won’t help us?” Firya asked lowly.
“I’m saying that I can’t. I only came here because someone told me that I would find Ashbel alive. That she needed me to come and get her. After tonight I was hoping that we would leave this place,” Kapono answered. Ashbel looked down at their joined hands. She slowly pulled her hands out of his grasp and backed away. Wrapping her arms around herself, Ashbel shook her head.
“I’m not leaving these women with a bounty on their heads and skipping off into the sunset simply because the husband I longed for after all this time finally came back. I can’t just leave them,” Ashbel whispered.
“Ashbel, you said yourself you’re not strong enough. That king will kill you. I’m not letting you lay your life on the line like that. The way I see it; you still carry my firebrand. Which means we’re still married and a wife’s duty is to follow her husband. So, we’re leaving this place Ashbel.” Kapono said that more harshly than he meant to, but he couldn’t help it. The thought of sticking around and trying to become king to people whom he’d hurt agitated him. Not only that, but he refused to lose Ashbel again. Not because of a fight they could easily avoid. Kapono should have known well that his statement would
come back with fire. Ashbel glared at him. Her orange eyes began to glow.
“Just who do you think you are Kapono? I’ve been waiting to have you back in my arms for so long, but I will not be spoken to that way. You should know better than to speak to me like that! You know the kind of woman you married. And for what it’s worth, I’m not following a weak man anywhere!” she snapped.
Weak?! We are not weak! You teach her a lesson Kapono! Right now! Wrath growled. Shards of pain poked at his head. It was painful but it was nothing that Kapono couldn’t bear.
“Weak?” he asked her.
“Yes. That is what I said. You’re running from a fight! I find that incredibly weak! For a man that was supposed to be the rightful king, what do you have to say for yourself?!” Ashbel asked.
“I don’t have to say anything Ashbel. This kingdom wasn’t patting my back and comforting me after what went down. No one could understand the turmoil I went through. Yes. Nothing could justify what I did but I heard the gossip about how I was a maniac and I planned to kill you and my family and make it just look like I was crazy. How do you think those same people are going to react to me all of a sudden trying to be the king again? That’s what you’re not understanding. How dare you call me weak, yet you’ve had no idea what these two years have been for me?”
“You will never know what your life can be if you continue to run and hide. This is the place of my birth. I was once going to be queen. I refuse to leave these people at the mercy of this corrupt king and I thought that my husband would be ready to fight by my side and protect us all. Instead, my husband is just a coward.” Ashbel’s words were fiery and they speared Kapono straight through the heart.
“Maybe if you saved the kingdom, they would forgive your sins! But you don’t want to see that! You only care about how much you’ve changed!”
I told you to teach her a lesson! I don’t like the way she talks to us! I may let her touch us but I will not stand for that disrespectful tone! Wrath banged against Kapono’s head. For once, he and the sin were thinking with one mind. When he first met Ashbel she was a fireball with a loose tongue. He’d never want to change someone but when it came to respecting him, Kapono was very strict with her. Apparently, their time apart had relinquished some of his teachings.