Remi's Choice: The De Luca Boys

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Remi's Choice: The De Luca Boys Page 6

by Amanda Wylde

  Kris is still giving me his pleading puppy dog eyes. He does it so well it makes me wonder why a guy like Kris would ever have to plead that he'd be this good at it.

  "What do you have in mind?" I hear myself ask and hope I won't regret it.

  His head is up immediately and he seems as surprised as I am about this. "Really?

  "Yeah, but I'm not quite twenty-one yet. So I can't go to any bars or anything if that's what you had in mind."

  "No way," he says with sly gleam in his eye. "If I'm gonna finally get to spend time with you, I want you all to myself. Not trying to talk over loud music and other people at a crowded bar. Ever gone caving?"

  My eyes go wide. "I've heard people mention it but no I haven't."

  "Well, you're in for a treat," he says standing up. "One of my Army buds mentioned it when I told him I'd just moved to Atlanta. I checked it out as soon as I got here. Been back a few times now. What time should I pick you up?"

  I glance down at the corner clock on my laptop not sure about this still. "Is it too early to go now?"

  My thinking is if we leave early, we get back early and it makes this more of a friendly thing. Not romantic. "Even better he says. We'll make a day of it."


  I have to change into proper caving attire. Good walking shoes, comfortable pants and a long sleeve shirt. So Kris drops me off at home to change and he goes back to his place to pack up the essentials.

  When he picks me up my dad warns me again about being careful. He's not thrilled that this is another De Luca boy I'm getting together with but I am twenty now and Kris is about to become a sheriff. In spite of all his tattoos and nearly bald head, how dangerous can he be?

  "Just so you know," Kris says as I get into his car. "My aunt's not feeling so hot so I may need to head home early if my mom calls me to pick up my sister if she has to go to the ER. Trips to the ER can take hours and I'd hate for Riley to be stuck there all night if that's the case."

  "What's wrong with your aunt?" I ask feeling a little worried.

  "Not sure," he says but doesn't seem too concerned. "Probably just the stomach flu. My mom said she's been throwing up all day." I'm just taking this in when he adds. "Is there anything you don't look good in?"

  I glance down at my clothes, feeling my face warm. "You said wear something I don't mind getting dirty, Kris. These clothes are old."

  "Doesn't matter. You look damn good in them."

  The twinkle in his eyes makes me nervous. Not in a bad way, I'm just still so hung up on the fact that this is Travis's cousin. Of course the question of whether his kisses would do to me what Travis's did has run through my mind many times, especially when he looks at me this way.

  I thank him and mercifully he changes the subject to tell me about the caves. He tells me which ones he's explored and then about how different life is in Atlanta as opposed to The Bronx.

  "Do you miss it?"

  "You'll always miss home," he says keeping his eyes on the road. "But I'd been gone for a couple of years already because of the Army. I used my only long leave that year to help my mom make the move here. So it's over four years now since I've been home."

  He continues to keep his eyes on the road and it gives me a chance to examine him a bit longer than I ever have. Physically, he and Travis are very different looking. From Kris's closely shaved head to Travis's sexy tousled hair he sometimes spiked and sometimes just let hang loose. Then there's Travis's dark and penetrating eyes even when he was teasing me. Kris's on the other hand are lighter and more playful. Yet, they both still exude sensuality.

  Even if it was just the one moment I had with Travis there was years leading up to it. Years of feeling his eyes on me, hearing him purr that damn nick name and driving me insane. I'd also seen the soft side of him on numerous occasions over the years. Then there's his harder side when he argued with his mother and yet he always remained so utterly loyal to his family.

  I know little about Kris except he too would likely jump in front of train for his sister or mom. The fact that he used his only leave that year just to help them move spoke volumes. He's older than Travis by almost four years and yet Travis seemed just as mature and put together when it came to taking care of his family and brothers.

  We arrive at the park where we'll be caving. "Are their bats in the caves?" I ask nervously as I walk around the car with my arms folded tightly in front of me.

  It's something that hadn't even occurred for me to ask until we drove into the state park. "Might be," he says opening the trunk and pulling out the backpack he packed. "But I've never seen any." He pulls his phone out. "Can't believe I've never asked you for your number." He glances up at me. "What is it? Just in case we get separated."

  The very thought scares the hell out of me and I rattle it off quickly. He taps his phone several times then looks up at me. My phone dings and he smiles. "Check your text and save my number. This won't be the last I'll be texting you."

  He winks as my insides do that nervous little dance and check my phone.

  Text: I lied there's LOTS of bats here.

  My expression must be as horrified as his text makes me and he laughs as I look up at him. "I'm kidding. I mean I'm sure there are but honestly I've yet to see any and I've been up here a few times now."

  I shake my head and finish adding his number to my contacts. "Come on," he says holding out his hand to me and I take it.

  His hand is big and rough. I imagine that's because of the time he spent in the hot dry Middle East. Just like with Travis, I feel tiny next to him. As soon as I think it I chide myself. I know it's because they're cousins but I've done this even when I went out with other guys. I compared everything about them to him and none ever even came close to measuring up.

  By the time we've been hiking through the caves for over an hour with Kris's flirting getting more and more forward, I'm getting nervous. For once since Travis I'm beginning to get excited about a guy. Not only is he beyond good looking, this has been so much more relaxed than I expected. Hanging out with him is actually refreshing. Maybe it's just that despite his flirting this isn't exactly a romantic outing. Maybe it's just that I'm enjoying this caving thing more than I ever imagined I would. The caves are pretty spectacular just like Kris had described them on our way here and Kris is quite the tour guide. "For someone who's only been here a few times you sure know your way around."

  "I've only been up here a few times but I spent the whole day each time."

  "Really? By yourself?"

  "Most of the times," he says. "Last time I brought Trace and Trevor. They really liked it. I'll probably bring them with me from here on."

  For some reason that hits me right in the gut. I'm beginning to get excited about a guy who might've taken Travis's place in Trace and Trevor's lives. Travis couldn't have made his feelings about me any clearer. He wants nothing to do with me. So why does this still feel so wrong?

  We stop and rest glancing down a ledge of that overlooks a giant hot spring and he pulls water bottles out of the backpack he's been carrying. "So do you plan on moving out?" The question comes out of nowhere and I stare at him as he hands me the water bottle.

  "Move out?"

  "Yeah, once you're all set up being a nurse and all?"

  "I haven't thought that far ahead. I have to pass my boards first then find a job."

  Kris scoffs shaking his head. "I'm telling you, you're in. You're brilliant and nurses are in high demand so you'll easily get a job."

  I take a sip of my water and smile peering at him. "You've called me brilliant twice now and yet you hardly know me."

  "I know you got your LVN license when you were still in high school," he says and it surprises me that he even remembers that. If I'm not mistaken it was in one of my very first letters to him over two years ago.

  "And that at twenty you're ready to take your boards to become an RN. That couldn't have been easy."

  I glance out at the hot spring and take a bitter swig o
f my water. It is when you let your studies consume your life. I may've attempted to go out and date a few times but they were feeble attempts at best. Mostly so I could say to myself I was trying. It's why I'm here now. My boards are still weeks away and I'm very confident I'll do well. Still I'll be studying my butt off until then.

  "Well, thank you but I still don't think that makes me brilliant."

  "Brilliant's just the first word that came to mind even that first day I met you."

  I turn to him surprised and confused now. "Why?"

  "Because of your bright hair but even brighter eyes." He stares into them in a way that makes me swallow hard. "Even in this dim lighting, they're brilliant, Remi."

  He's only begun to call me that recently. For a long time he was stuck on Remilynn. I'm locked in his eyes for a moment. He never asks nor do I protest but his lips are on mine before I even know what's happening. At first it's just short soft pecks. My heart's beating a mile a minute and I'm tempted to stop it but once he licks my bottom lip and his tongue is on mine, I'm instantly on fire. I couldn't stop this even if I tried.

  As maddening as it is my body trembling reminds me of the only other person who's made me quiver this way. His arms wrap around my waist and my arms around his neck as he continues to devour my mouth. I moan when he sucks my tongue and he moans back. I'm tingling all over now as his lips finally pull away and he looks me deep in the eyes, leaning his forehead against mine. "Wow," he whispers.

  "Wow," I say back because it's the only thing I can think of.

  "Do you know how long I've been waiting to do that?"

  My eyes widen as once again I'm assaulted with memories of Travis saying something similar.

  "Ever since I first laid eyes on you."

  Before I can respond to that because I'm speechless his lips are on mine again. I know I shouldn't. I don't care how many times I remind myself that Travis doesn't want me. Travis hates me now. I know this is wrong. But I need it. For the first time in over two years my body is alive with a desire and excitement I thought I'd never feel again.

  The rest of the caving trip Kris goes from being tour guide extraordinaire to wetting my panties every time we stop and make out again. As the making out gets heavier and heavier each time I start to wonder what exactly this might lead to. But I don't get too much time to ponder on that because he gets a text from his mom and we have to rush home. Not only is Travis's mom in the ER. She was rushed there by ambulance after passing out.

  Chapter 7


  I knew I'd wear her down eventually. I just have to remember to be patient. Just like getting her to agree to even spend time with me took weeks. I need to take baby steps with Remi. It doesn't matter that getting her to agree to making out took a lot less effort. I still have to be patient about everything else. If she says she needs time to grasp what's happening between us so quickly then so be it. I'll give her all the time she needs to process because after spending just one day—a day that was interrupted at the most inopportune moment—there's no turning back for me.

  I knew it the first day I saw her. There was something about her. That odd way she'd regarded me. I didn't know back then what it was. And even the years I spent away thinking about the day I'd get back I didn't know I'd ever have it this bad for anyone. Ever since we started corresponding my curiosity and fondness for her has only grown with every single letter and chat we exchanged.

  It's been a week now since our caving day. A week now that I've been with her every chance I get. Even as she processes what's happening she's allowing the physical contact and thank God for that. I can barely go a day without getting my hands and lips on her. I know because one of the days since she had to go stay at her grandmothers overnight. Her grandmother is almost two hours away and I was this close to driving out there.

  "No Travis don't come," I hear my aunt say in the front room.

  I stop before stepping out into the hallway because both her and my mother have the same annoying habit. Whenever they're talking to a relative they know I haven't spoken to in a while, if I happen to walk by, they hand me the phone. "Say hi to your uncle, aunt, cousin Vinnie." Whoever the fuck they happen to be talking to. It's annoying as hell not to mention awkward.

  Talking to Travis wouldn't be as awkward as some of the relatives I'm not even sure I've ever met. At least I've met the guy and he's a cool enough dude but I haven't talked to him in so long. It's still a little weird.

  "Move," my mom pushes me from behind. "You're blocking me. Go." She nudges me with a basket full of laundry and forces me out to the front room.

  "Your father said you two are in the middle of a big project," My aunt says as I try to rush by her but she's already flagging me down. "It was just a silly stomach bug. I don't want you spending money for no reason or neglecting your work. You're doing so good. Come another time when you're not so busy. Now here, talk to Kristiano."

  I take in a deep breath as she holds out the phone to me. I force a smile since she's smiling so big and take the phone from her. "Hey, Travis. How's it going?"

  "Good. Staying busy. She shove the phone at you?" he chuckles.

  "Yeah," I nod and continue to smile because my aunt's staring at me with this big smile.

  "She still looking at you waiting for us to chat?"

  This time I laugh. "Exactly."

  "I figured. So I hear you're starting the academy soon."

  "I'm not actually in yet, but yeah. We're close."

  "Hold on," he says. "Babe, I think this soup is ready. Should I turn it off?" I hear a girl say something in the background then he's back. "Sorry about that, man."

  "No problem," I say and nearly rolling my eyes as my mom and aunt exchange smiles because I'm still on the phone. "I didn't know you were living with someone now."

  "Yeah, it's been a few months but I've been with her longer. How 'bout you? You getting married anytime soon now that you're gonna be a sheriff?"

  "I don't know about married but I've got something going with someone," I say as my mom raises a brow so I turn around and lower my voice a little. "I'm working on it."

  "That's cool. Listen, I know she's right there. But just say yes or no. Is my mom really better? She's insisting I don't come down but if she's really sick I want to. You think she's really okay now?"

  "Yeah, I think so."

  "It was really just a bug?"

  "Yeah, I really think it was."

  "Alright. I may come down in a few weeks anyway when things settle down with work. Maybe we can hang out."

  "Sounds good."

  We end the call and as if my mom and aunt didn't hear the whole exchange and my aunt didn't just get off the phone with him they ask me how he's doing. I retell the short conversation I had with him minus the part of him asking if his mom was really okay then head to the kitchen to make the call I really want to make. "Hey, Bright Eyes, you ready for me?" I ask as soon a Remi answers.

  "Always," she murmurs and I'm already grabbing my keys.

  "Be there in five."

  I yell out that I'll be back later before heading out the kitchen back door. I jump in my car and head to Remi's. As if I hadn't just seen her yesterday and the day before my insides are wild with anticipation. I have to laugh as I pull up at her house because we're just going out for pizza. But just being around her does this to me. As soon as she's in the car I lean over and kiss her. I'd devour her mouth like I love doing but I realize we're in her driveway and she's warned me numerous times already that her mom is a window monitor. Especially when she knows Remi is with a guy. So I behave but still slip my hand in hers.

  "This place is supposed to be the shit?" I ask as I drive away.

  "So far I've heard three different people rave about it. Not just the food but the atmosphere. But they have said the pizza is supposed to be like the best. Someone said it was on that show, Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. "

  "Probably is good but let's not forget. I'm from the Bronx and Italian so I'll
be judge of that."

  Remi laughs. Even her laugh is beautiful and I squeeze her hand. She cups my hand between hers like she does often running her top hand over the back of mine. We get to the pizza joint and she's right about the atmosphere. Lots of huge state-of-the-art televisions adorn the walls. The bar in the middle of the place is also huge and there are three pool tables.

  The place isn't packed yet but then it is early on a Friday night. We take a seat on the same side of a booth and as soon as we're settled my lips are on hers again. I don't know what it is but I can't get enough of her. My big fat Italian family will likely think me crazy for falling for a redhead but once they lay eyes on her they won't be able to argue. "You are so beautiful," I say against her soft delectable lips.

  For once she doesn't tense up when I say things like that to her. I said I'd slow the fuck down doing so but I can never help myself once I get started. I'm just grateful that she seems to be getting better about grasping what's happening here. But I dare not go there and ask about it again.

  The waitress interrupts us momentarily as she brings us water and takes our order. Remi orders their specialty. What she says everyone has recommended: The Guinea Pie and Suicide Fries. The waitress confirms she's made a good choice. She lets us know someone else will be right out with our drinks.

  "Suicide fries huh?" I say as the waitress walks away.

  "Yep. They're supposed to be super spicy but to die for and the Guinea Pie doesn't sound like any pizza I've ever had because it's white but I've been told it's a must."


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