Family Christmas Miracle: A Dragons' House Story (Dragons' House 5.5)

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Family Christmas Miracle: A Dragons' House Story (Dragons' House 5.5) Page 4

by H. M. Wolfe

  Right then, Russel was coming down the stairs, using his rescuer's arm as support. ''Oh, big bro. Are you already leaving?” Raven asked Ramsay, who was heading to the front door. ''Wait a sec, for me to get kiddo here installed, and I'll come to give you a big hug.''

  He gently guided the teen to one of the comfy armchairs, then went to his brother, hugging and patting him on the back. He hung on him so tight, clinging to his coat so desperately as if that was the last time the two of them would see each other. And maybe it was, Raven thought because there was one thing he'd kept secret from his older brother.

  From where he stood, Roderick saw the expression on his youngest son's face, the same note of finality he detected earlier in his voice. This time, the man could swear that not even Ramsay was aware of his brother's intentions. He sighed at the thought that Raven would become reserved again, once they were alone, but he couldn't be more wrong.

  ''I'm leaving for New York, and I'm going to take Rusty with me. Take care of yourself and the others, dad. I love you. I never stopped. Ever. Not even after...''

  ''I never wanted to hurt you, son. On the contrary,'' Roderick started, and his voice was warm and passionate. ''But then, I found the goddamn drugs and thought the worst. Breaking into your room was...''

  ''Dad, it was your right, your house. End of story.'' Raven's voice was categoric, harsh even. ''I'm a big boy. There's no point in crying over spilled milk. Stay safe and healthy until next time.''

  With those words, the young man headed to his second-hand, battered car, followed by Russell, who gave Roderick a warm hug, kissing him on both cheeks. He smiled reassuringly, running his fingers once again through the boy's thick, red, medium-long hair, resembling a fox's fur. The car finally took off, leaving Roderick's soul emptier than when his wife died.

  ''Hey, guys, did you hear the news?'' Julien asked his brothers, and, judging by the enthusiasm in his voice, the subject was going to be of great interest for Lochlin, Emery, and the whole gang of cousins and friends.

  ''What news?'' Aidan asked, his eyes shining with interest.

  ''Nana Zoe and great-uncle Alastair are organizing this huge Christmas party at the mansion, bigger than all the others. There will be special guests, too!''

  ''What special guests?'' Lorcan turned his head to Julien, abandoning the construction game he was playing with the Brentano triplets.

  ''Some mystery ones. I heard Great-uncle talking to Uncle Mallory. I was in the library, laying down on a couch, and they thought I was sleeping. Some of them are adults, but there are also kids, two of them.''

  ''Yay for Christmas parties and mystery guests!'' Kieran did a fist pump in the air. ''When I was little, mom used to organize Christmas parties for her business partners. There were no kids around, except me, but it was cool because I was the center of attention. Then the bad man took everything from mom, and the parties were gone, too.''

  ''You know what, I'm happy he did.'' Natalina intervened, noticing the sadness in Kieran's voice, ''because otherwise, our parents wouldn't have met, and we wouldn't have had such a cool little brother.'' she hugged the eight-year-old, kissing him on both cheeks.

  ''Hey, Lazarus, ever been to a Christmas party? You know, before being captured by those horrible people?'' Gavin asked the boy, who sat next to him, listening to the others' conversation, a dreamy expression on his face.

  ''No, but I've heard a lot of things about this holiday. That it's all about love, family, happiness, and the joy of giving, I would like to be invited to one once.'' the hybrid let out a soft sigh.

  ''But of course, you are going to be invited, you are part of the family, now.'' Lorcan offered him a wide smile. ''Pater and Spitfire are also going, and, if it snows, we'll have you on our team.'' he winked.

  The kids continued the conversation for a while longer, amused at Colin's description of Christmas dinner. The boy turned everything into a feast of epic proportions, describing pyramids of fruits, massive plates filled with mashed potatoes, veggies, and other mouth-watering side dishes, glorious salads, and piles of roasted or baked meat.

  The others laughed at the imagery, holding their bellies, tears springing from their eyes. Colin earned himself the temporary nickname of Benji's son, his mouth, watering during the detailed description of that copious meal. However, in the end, all the kids had to admit his enthusiasm was justified because Zoe, Willa, Helena, and Nicky were in charge of the kitchen, with the younger women of the clan as trusted helpers.

  From his office down the hall, Godfrey MacNamara was smiling. The sound of kids' laughter had reached him. Dunstan's twins were temporarily camped at his place until the renovation of the house his nephew had bought was completed. The boy Ardan had recently rescued, Lazarus, also lived with him, at Lothier's suggestion.

  Although initially, he intended to take care of the shy, skinny teen himself, the chief of the guards at the base realized that the kid needed more attention than he could give him. Placing the boy in Godfrey's care was an inspired decision because he was thriving, both physically and mentally. However, Lazarus visited the base every day, spending long hours in the company of the bewitched boy, as everybody called Gaspard.

  Like many Scotsmen, Godfrey was superstitious, believing in the existence of the fae, ghosts, vampires, and all kinds of mythical creatures. The man had witnessed the incubus' powers firsthand several times over the months since he was brought to the base. And there was no trace of doubt in his heart that Gaspard was from another world.

  ''I'm going to the base, with Lorcan, Gavin, and Natalina, and I wanted you to know.'' Lazarus peeked inside the office, smiling shyly. ''See you later, Mister MacNamara.''

  ''Alright, son, have fun.'' Godfrey winked, making the kid blush. ''Will you be back in time for dinner?''

  The hybrid detected the pleading note in the man's voice and nodded, his smile even warmer than before. ''Of course, you can count on me. I'll bring my hunger home.'' Then, Lazarus went over to the office chair, hugging Godfrey tightly. ''See you, grandfather.'' the hybrid smiled, stepping out the room.

  About an hour later, he met Gaspard in the base's inner yard. He was pushing at a stroller, the two little angels, as everyone called his babies, sleeping peacefully inside. ''Hey, what a shining aura you have this morning!'' Lazarus said, heading toward him.

  ''My Masters used me for their pleasure...and mine.'' a delicate blush colored the incubus's cheeks. ''Sorry to drag you here, but the link was so busy, I couldn't hear myself thinking.'' Gaspard continued in an apologetic voice.

  ''No need for that. I love coming here. There's a lot of friendly faces around, not to mention the kids in need of affection.'' Lazarus waved his hand. ''So, what's the stage of our plan?''

  ''Those poor people needed this, their life is falling apart.'' the incubus shook his head, a tinge of sadness in his voice. ''However, they will have to suffer a bit more. It's the only way for them to get rid of the negative things that are keeping them from being happy.''

  ''If you say so.'' the hybrid said, scratching the back of his head, like any fifteen-year-old. ''However, I hope it won't be too painful.''

  ''Not at all.'' Gaston put a hand on the boy's shoulder. ''In the end, they will be relieved, happy even, for how things will turn out. What about your department? How are things going there?''

  ''Well, you know Mister Stark's heart by now.'' Lazarus started, ''he will welcome the guests with open arms. However, he is a bit frustrated that his mother keeps things hidden from him. Parents are so complicated at times.'' he huffed.

  ''This pent up frustration won't do anyone any good.'' Gaspard approved. ''Maybe it's time to do something about it,'' he said in a determined voice.

  In her room at the mansion, Zoe Stark lay in her bed, on her back, eyes closed, but sleep avoided her. The woman huffed in frustration, trying to identify the source of restlessness that had kept her awake the last few nights. Alastair had noticed too, and, in a worried, pleading voice, asked her to rest more and work
less. The woman sighed again, thinking about her son. He'd never stopped worrying about her since the age of seven.

  Suddenly, Zoe realized that she was wrong about the whole Lady Cecilia situation from the start. The woman mentally cursed her tendency to keep things secret from the ones she loved, especially her son. Alastair was just like her, the matriarch thought, holding everything inside him, not wanting to hurt others.

  But this secret, Zoe decided to get out of bed, should be revealed before it was too late. Otherwise, things could take an ugly turn, and that was the last thing she wanted. Putting on a thick robe, she headed to the library, where Alastair and Mallory retreated after putting the girls to bed. The woman let out a long sigh of relief, seeing the light coming from under the door.

  ''My boys! I'm so happy you haven't gone to bed yet.'' she stepped inside the library, after discreetly knocking three times in a row. ''I have to talk to both of you.'' the matriarch wrapped Mallory in a warm look, sitting comfortably in her favorite wing-chair.

  ''Sure, mother.'' Alastair tried to mask the worry in his voice, ''we're listening. Should I brew you a cup of tea first?''

  ''Thank you, son, but no. Once I'm free of the secret I've kept for so many years, I'll be able to sleep again.'' Zoe said in an emotion-filled voice. ''It's about Lady Cecilia's child, or rather about you and them, son. The two of you share the same blood. You are siblings.''


  hat?! How?!'' Alastair's shoulders were tense, a slightly pained expression in his eyes. ''Did father cheat on you...with your best friend? How could he?''

  ''They had an affair, yes, but with my blessing. Cecilia's husband, the Earl, also knew. He looked up to your father, who was fifteen years older than him, and the feeling was mutual. We were their guests every time we visited England. Which was quite a lot, because many of your father's companies were located there at that time.''

  ''I get that you had a close relationship with that couple, but I don't understand how and why you allowed that? Did father treated you like a doormat, too?'' Alastair's eyes darkened, becoming almost black, pain, and revolt dripping from his voice.

  ''No, not at all. On the contrary, my husband didn't want to hear about our little plan at first, although he couldn't deny his attraction to my younger friend. But, when we told him the whole story, he gave up and promised to help us. Your father was a faithful husband who loved me second only to you.''

  ''I believe you.'' Alastair relaxed a bit, ''But what could make him agree to that crazy plan of yours?''

  ''You see, Lady Cecilia and the Earl were in pretty much the same situation as your father and I. He was the firstborn, who was to inherit the entire family's fortune, much to his brothers' displeasure. She was the only child of a British aristocrat who married an enormously rich American heiress. But, three years into their marriage, the couple was still childless because the Earl was sterile.''

  ''Let me guess: if the brothers had found out, they would have done everything in their power to secure the family's fortune for themselves. Greedy vultures, just like the older branch of our family...or even the youngest, for that matter.'' Alastair bitterly said. ''Now I'm starting to understand.'' he continued in a much gentler tone.

  ''No, they couldn't do anything while the Earl was alive. But after his death, poor Lady Cecilia would have been in danger herself, especially in the absence of a direct heir. Her husband's relatives were cruel and unscrupulous bastards, who wouldn't have hesitated to use the dirtiest means to get rid of the widow.''

  Zoe went silent and closing her eyes; she recalled the evening when Lady Cecilia invited her into the Earl's study. There, the young man knelt before her. Overwhelmed by the shame of not being able to give his wife the child she so much wanted. He begged and cried like a little boy, imploring her to agree to their request.

  She'd already agreed, after the discussion between her and the Countess. But even if her decision were the opposite, the sight of the tears staining the young man's cheek would've been enough for Zoe to change her mind. The matriarch didn't doubt for a second that, no matter if the child were a boy or a girl, the Earl would have loved them with all his heart.

  ''I have a brother.'' Alastair's whispered words brought his mother back into the present. ''His name is Roderick. He's a widower and has three children, Ramsay, Mattie, and Raven. Also, he's the grandfather of three, all of them Ramsay's children.''

  ''How did you...'' Zoe's eyes were widened in surprise, but they also had a unique shine in them. ''Oh, silly me. I keep forgetting that you were the CIA's big bad boss.'' she smiled. ''You must still have a lot of connections there, in spite of not running the place.''

  ''Actually, it was Tarquin who located them.'' Alastair grinned. ''Usually, I don't ask for personal favors from any of the Special Team's members, but it seemed important for you, so...''

  ''Thank you from the bottom of my heart!'' Zoe said in a thick voice, and the two men pretended not to notice how hard she was trying not to cry. ''You are such a loving, dutiful son, always have been!''

  ''And you were, are, and will be the best mother in the world, no matter what.'' Alastair left his place, kneeling next to the matriarch's armchair, taking her hand and kissing it.

  ''There's more, do you want to hear it? Only good things, I assure you.''

  ''Go on, then. What are you waiting for?'' Zoe frowned playfully, making herself more comfortable.

  ''Well, apparently, I'm not the only one from the family who became a father at sixteen. Ramsay, Roderick's firstborn, followed in my footsteps, so to say. His son Duncan came into the world a few weeks before his sixteenth birthday. The second child, also a boy, Tarann, was born almost three years later, and the girl, Tessa, three years and a half after her brother.''

  ''Do the children have the same mother? And if yes, how on Earth did they manage to keep up with three children and school, not to mention college and jobs? Or did the couple live off of their parents' money?'' the matriarch's brows furrowed in confusion.

  ''Well, Mama Zoe, you'd better ask him and then tell us, too,'' Mallory winked, ''because the guy must have a deliciously kept secret, and we are interested in finding it out. Ramsay graduated Harvard Law School at twenty, and was hired on the spot by one of the largest law offices in New Jersey.''

  ''That's...Lady Cecilia would have been so proud of him!'' Zoe discreetly wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. ''What about the other two children?''

  ''Mattie is a jewelry designer. She's working for the biggest company in the New Jersey area. An extraordinarily talented one, even. But, according to the information Tarquin got, she is discriminated against because she's transgender. The youngest, Raven, is an FBI undercover agent, the best in his field.''

  Alastair fell silent, giving his mother time to assimilate the impressive amount of information he'd fed her over the last twenty minutes. By all the gods in the universe, the man thought he needed time himself to process what Zoe told him earlier. He had a younger brother, the result of an affair his father had not behind his wife's back, but with her blessing.

  For decades, the only representation of the word brother Alastair had was the image of his father's son from his first marriage, his great-uncles' favorite. Fifteen years older than him, the man always huffed in contempt at the sight of the Greek woman's bastard, his lips curled in an ugly rictus that scared the little boy he was back then.

  Alastair couldn't stop to wonder what kind of younger brother Roderick would be if he would accept him or would reject them all as a family. The former CIA director also wondered if the other man knew about the secret of his paternity, if... Realizing that he was starting to overthink everything, the man relaxed, deciding to let the Fates decide for him. Soon, it would be Christmas, a time of miracles, when nothing could go wrong.

  It was the last day at the office for Ramsay. And, in a way, he was feeling relieved. Lately, the atmosphere had become oppressive. And many of the employees he respected and had an excellent collaboration with
had already quit, or they'd been fired. Like he'd been, a week earlier. The man sighed because he hadn't informed his wife and their children about the most recent changes in his life.

  Of course, Miranda would be shocked at first. Ramsay continued to imagine the scenario. But she would pull it all back together quickly, supporting his efforts to find another job. Not that it was complicated. On the contrary, multiple offers abound. He just had to choose the most advantageous one.

  There was a law firm that had been chasing him even before Thanksgiving. But it was located in New York City, and Ramsay had no intention of leaving this city. His whole family was here. Maybe, he smiled to himself; they will open a subsidiary in New Jersey. There were a lot of excellent corporate lawyers who would want to join them.


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