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Family Christmas Miracle: A Dragons' House Story (Dragons' House 5.5)

Page 13

by H. M. Wolfe

  ''I love you, Peyton Hunter. My innocent angel, my guiding light.'' Ezra said in a thick, raspy voice.

  ''I love you, Ezra Bloom. My silent, strong warrior. My safe haven, my blue sky in the middle of the storm.'' Peyton softly spoke, almost whispering the words.

  ''You may kiss each other to seal your vows.'' the celebrant said, smiling benevolently at the two, who were still lost in one another's eyes.

  ''Come on, guys! People are waiting to see some action there.'' Alastair dragged out the words, just like Liam did when he wanted to hide his emotions.

  ''Let's give them something to see,'' Ezra smirked, gently cupping Peyton's face and barely brushing his lips over their plump, sweet-tasting ones. ''Sorry, folks, the sample ends here.'' he faced the audience, flashing an irresistible cute grin.

  ''Party pooper.'' Alasdair pouted, much to the others' amusement. ''It's your wedding day! I was expecting a more spectacular kiss than that. At least one that would be remembered many years from now. Something extraordinary, something...''

  ''Shut up, Spitfire! And come here.'' Ardan smirked. ''Why living vicariously through them when I can give you what you want, any time you want it?''

  ''Your fiancee is right, dear boy.'' Alastair patted his grandson on the back, then headed straight to the newlyweds. ''Congratulations are in order, let me hug both of you,'' he said, eyes shining with unshed tears. ''I'm immensely happy that I lived to see the day another of my intelligent, strong, courageous grand-nephews united his destiny with his soulmate.''

  As Rayne was patiently waiting for his turn to congratulate the happy couple, he was also thinking of a way to sweeten the pill about Kevin Neville, who was coming with Doctor Saunders. Seeing his father hugging Peyton gave the redheaded doctor an idea about how to bring up the subject, and he headed to the patriarch, praying for the strategy to work.

  The man had made great effort to chase away the joy in his eyes, replacing it with a grim expression. Rayne hated himself for that, but it was the only way of getting Alastair's attention and making him listen to what he had to say. As expected, the patriarch noticed right away that his second born wasn't acting like his usual self.

  ''Is something wrong, son?'' he asked worriedly. ''This is supposed to be a day of joy and celebration, but you don't seem very happy.''

  ''Sorry, father. I didn't think it was so obvious.'' Rayne smiled apologetically. ''Spoiling the atmosphere with my not-so-happy mood is the last thing I want. I'll just go upstairs and...never mind.'' he waved a hand in a dismissive gesture.

  ''You are an adult. Do what you want, but not before talking to me about what's bothering you.'' Alastair frowned. ''Let's sit down.'' he gestured to a small couch in a corner.

  ''I don't think you know this, but Peyton is Conroy's biological son. Of course, it's too late now to do anything about it, but I can't pretend to be happy at the thought that that bastard's flesh and blood are part of our family.''

  ''What are you trying to say? That you resent the idea of your nephew being united with the one he loves, just because the wrong guy fathered them? Look at what a wonderful person they are!''

  ''Yes, you are right there.'' Rayne agreed, the sincerity and passion in his father"s voice while defending Peyton, an indication that the doctor had won the game. ''You are always a source of wisdom and good advice, father. Talking to you always helps me see things differently.'' he hugged the patriarch, sighing relieved.

  ''You know I'm here anytime you have a weight on your soul or just want to chat.'' Alastair hugged his son back, lightly stroking his wavy, red hair. ''I'm so proud of you, son. Proud of the man and the professional you are!''

  ''I know, and I thank you for supporting me all the way. Oh, I almost forgot.'' Rayne lightly slapped his forehead. ''I invited Doctor Saunders here, to discuss poor Russell's case, and he's being accompanied by that young cop who saved your life by risking his, Kevin Neville. Unfortunately, I've found out he's related to those horrible Nevilles from Sussex.''

  Rayne fell silent, giving his father time to process the information. He needed to filter it before making a decision. Suddenly, he wasn't so sure about the success of his little strategy. He was afraid that the bad memories would overwhelm Alastair, making him react adversely even if he agreed to let Kevin into the mansion.

  Indeed, all his tormented, austere childhood, and the humiliations he and Zoe were subjected to by the Nevilles flashed before the patriarch's eyes, filling them with tears. However, it only took one second, and the former Supreme Dragon started to smile, tentatively at first, but then it grew brighter with every second that passed.

  Even if the Nevilles had mistreated him, that young man, almost a kid, hadn't hesitated to jump in front of the bullet, saving his life. He wasn't responsible in any way of his relatives' mistakes. Neither did he have to carry the burden of their sins. With that thought in mind, Alastair turned to his son, when he realized the obvious. Rayne didn't have any negative feelings for Peyton; it was all part of a carefully thought strategy.

  ''You know, son,'' he said, grinning, ''I was almost fooled by your indignation at the thought that Ezra had married your depraved ex's flesh and blood. You are a hell of a good actor.''

  ''Father, look. I think they've arrived.'' Rayne smirked, ignoring the patriarch. ''I'm going to go and greet them. Would you like to accompany me?''

  ''Of course. It would be a great honor for me to meet the one who saved my life and thank him personally.'' Alastair answered, harboring his trademark paternal smile.

  ''Doctor Nathan Saunders, Officer Kevin Neville. This is my father, Alastair Stark.'' Rayne made the introductions, as two minutes later, they were greeting their guests at the base of the stairs.

  ''Welcome to my humble abode, gentlemen.'' the former Supreme Dragon opened his arms. ''Merry Christmas, and thank you from the bottom of a grateful heart for saving my life. And that includes you, too, Kevin Neville.''


  lease, sit down.'' Zoe indicated a small comfy armchair near the arched window. ''You're probably asking yourself why I called you here, to this old, widowed woman's bedroom.'' she gestured around. ''I did it because your present is here, and because this place is quieter than downstairs.''

  ''You don't have to justify your choices or decisions.'' Roderick took the matriarch's hand in his, lightly rubbing the back of it with the pad of his thumb. ''Not to me, anyway. I owe you my very existence.''

  ''And I owe mine to your mother,'' Zoe whispered thickly, a thin veil of tears clouding her vision. '' She was the only friend I had, closer than a sister and a second mother to my poor, little Alastair. He was the favorite target of his great-uncles' meanness.''

  ''There's nothing uglier than to unleash hell on a child in order to take revenge against their parents. Or to punish them for something they are or are not.'' Roderick whispered in a sad voice. ''The witch Ramsay was married to, and her evil spawn reduced my poor grandson Tarann to almost nothing. It was simply because he is gay. They chased the poor soul from his room. Drove away the few friends he'd had and even destroyed his art.''

  ''Oh, no!'' Zoe covered her mouth, an expression of total shock on her face. ''I hope Ramsay is no longer with that evil woman. I wouldn't forgive her if I were him!'' she continued in a considerable colder voice.

  ''He won't. Don't worry about that!'' Roderick assured the matriarch, gently touching her hand again. ''My son is divorcing the bloodsucking witch and leaving her with almost no means of subsistence. That is the worse punishment for someone like her.''

  ''Good!'' the woman's voice was filled with satisfaction. ''And now, it's time for you to get your present.'' she left her seat, going to the nightstand next to the bed. ''Here it is.'' she returned, holding a large box.

  ''Thank you.'' Roderick bowed his head, accepting the present with shaky hands. ''I...I don't know what to say. You should give it to one of your family members. Someone who...''

  ''Oh, but you are my family.'' Zoe warmly smiled, cupping the man's
face with both her hands and kissing him on the forehead. ''You and my Alastair share the same blood. And, just as your mother loved him like he was her son, I care about you as if I carried you in my womb. Come on, child, open your present.''

  Carefully, taking care not to damage the fragile pages, Roderick started to browse the big album inside the box. He was looking at the yellow photos and pages covered in the writings of people who no longer walked the face of the Earth. He looked at the images showing the mansion in different stages of its existence and at the pictures of the people inhabiting it.

  Then, just when the man was about to close the album, he saw it. Laying on the bottom of the box, the letter attracted Roderick like a magnet. He stared fascinated at it for several seconds before finally taking it out of the box. Even then, he didn't open the envelope right away. He examined it all around and checked the date written on it first. It was dated seven months before his birth. That was a few days after the one on Zoe and Alastair's funeral steles that had been erected on his mother's orders.

  Tears went down Roderick's cheeks while he was reading the letter Lady Cecilia wrote to her best friend. It was an expression of her gratitude and affection for the other woman. He understood the dimension of the sacrifice Zoe had made. And of the risks, she'd taken when agreeing to the things that led to his birth.

  ''I have no words to thank you.'' Roderick took the woman's hands, kissing them both. ''I feel my mother's presence in you. It's almost like she's miraculously come back to life and is solving all my problems.''

  ''I only did what Lady Cecilia would have done, had the situation been different. And I'm sure she would have shown my dear Alastair the same affection a mother has for the child she carried nine months inside her. Now that we've set the things straight let's go downstairs. I bet the others have already started to gossip about us.'' Zoe smiled mischievously, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  ''What are you doing there?'' Kellin Braginsky softly spoke, taking a seat next to Tarann, who didn't hear or feel him, as busy as he was filling the pad with sketches. ''Wow, that's awesome!'' the blond teen exclaimed, his jaw hitting the floor.

  ''Oh, these are mere doodles. Nothing more than lines on the paper.'' the redhead smiled a little. ''I used to draw pretty well. My art class teacher said I had potential. You can help yourself if there is something that catches your attention.'' he gestured to the pad. ''Consider it a Christmas present from me.''

  ''Thank you.'' Kellin lowered his gaze, picking up the pad and started to browse through it. ''But all your sketches are fantastic! I don't know which one to pick. You really are very talented. Why did you quit drawing? Sorry for being so nosy, maybe I shouldn't have asked...'' the blond shyly backed down, seeing how sadness was shadowing the other kid's face.

  ''No, it's ok,'' Tarann whispered. ''Now that everything's over, there's no longer a secret. Some cruel voices kept telling me that I'm worthless, and my work is trash. Then my studio was destroyed, and all my paintings were torn up. There was nothing left, so I just gave up.''

  ''I know the feeling. I've been there.'' Kellin tucked a rebel, fire-red strand behind Tarann's ear. ''It was a really, really dark period, and I almost lost my father's affection because I couldn't tell him what was happening. Things are cool now, thanks to Miss Nicky and this crazy bunch, namely your cousins and friends.''

  ''I couldn't tell dad, either.'' Tarann sighed heavily. ''But then, all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and everything turned out perfect. We found a new family and new friends. Which I'm very happy for.''

  ''Likewise.'' Kellin smiled shyly, lowering his head a little so his petal-like lips could brush over Tarann's soft, tempting ones. The other teen reacted to the tentative kiss by deepening it a little.

  ''Merry Christmas.'' the redhead grinned, blushing. While above them, Dargon was holding a mistletoe garland in his claws.

  ''I'm so full, I don't think I'll need to eat for at least another week.'' Peyton rubbed their flat belly, bringing warm, affectionate smiles on the faces of the ladies gathered around them and Ezra.

  ''Hush, cousin.'' Ariana lightly nudged them, ''You need to eat more. So you can gain strength and win all the pillow fights against your husband here.''

  ''Pillow fights? Is that how heated, passionate sex is referred to where you come from?'' Liam grinned from ear to ear. ''The only pillow thing I know about is the pillow talk, but that comes after the interesting part.''

  ''Cousin, can you keep your thoughts from wandering down that dirty path, just for once?'' Regina asked, cradling her baby girl to her chest. ''Especially in the presence of the children.'' she suggestively gestured to her little bundle of joy. One who was sleeping peacefully in a blessed, milk-drunk state.

  ''Sorry, princess,'' Liam smiled apologetically, ''and you, too, little gent.'' he turned to baby Christopher, who'd been brought by Gaspard to greet his parents for the first time as spouses.

  ''Look how sweet he is.'' Selma cooed, taking the little boy from the incubus. '' He's just like Peyton here. You looked like an angel from heaven standing next to my son, all dressed in white.'' she gently touched their hair.

  ''Go on and praise them. I'm not even here.'' Ezra pouted, wrapping an arm around his spouse's shoulders. ''Sorry, everyone, but it's time for a kiss.'' he hungrily devoured the other's mouth, to the entire group's delight.

  ''Poor Alasdair, doesn't know what he just lost,” Liam went back to his old self, once Gaspard took the two adorable babies back to the nursery. ''That boy is chased by bad luck, it seems.'' he shrugged, to everyone's amusement.

  ''I don't know where to start.'' the young Kevin Neville hung his head low in shame. ''So, I thank you for your generosity, for letting me in your house after everything the English side of my family put you through.''

  ''You don't have to be sorry for things you are not responsible for.'' Alastair calmly replied, making the police officer look into his dark-green eyes. ''All those things happened more than half a century ago. And they seem so insignificant now, even to me, who'd experienced them firsthand.''

  ''Still,'' Kevin started, ''my family caused you a lot of pain and suffering. I can't leave things like that.''

  ''You've already paid for another one's sins in that courtroom when you saved my life.'' Alastair gave the young man a sad smile. ''You know, it may sound strange, but by keeping mother and me as their prisoners and not revealing our existence to my grandfather, your relatives protected us from the Starks' greed.''

  ''Thank you once again for understanding and your forgiveness. It's the greatest present you could ever give me. Merry Christmas, sir.'' Kevin said wholeheartedly.

  ''Merry Christmas, dear boy.'' Alastair hugged him. ''I'm afraid a sour old man like me is not the best company for someone as young and full of life as you.'' he smiled. ''But I bet that bunch of young people over there can't wait to know you better.'' the patriarch pointed to a little group formed of Royal, Brianna, Willem, Gaheris, Avery, Caleb, Erling, Luca, Justin, and Marcus.

  ''Helloooo, officer! Are you coming to arrest us? Put those cuffs on me; I'm your sexy criminal.'' Avery greeted him with a grin.

  ''Nah, the boy is only bragging.'' Caleb waved his hand in a dismissive gesture, ''He only kills rabid dogs. And anyway, I taught him everything he knows.''

  ''Don't listen to that desperate boy.'' Royal intervened, grinning, ''He's seeking a long-term jail sentence. Anything is better than being bossed around by the girl he is with. I know what I'm saying. Cause she's my twin sister.'' he continued in a mockingly sympathetic voice.

  Kevin looked at all the teens, and young men in their early twenties gathered there, laughing and joking at one another's expense. None of them seem to be offended by it. Some of the boys who were sitting next to each other were holding hands. He assumed they were boyfriends or even engaged to each other. At a certain point, two of them, Justin and Marcus, lightly kissed each other on the lips, making the others sigh dreamily or coo at the sight.

was a completely different atmosphere than the stern puritanism in his house. That was where any manifestations of the kind he just witnessed would have been condemned as immoral and unnatural. Growing up there, surrounded by intolerant, cruel, homophobic people, was a nightmare for the young police officer. He'd only come out after being shot, almost four months earlier.


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