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Lewd Kingdoms: Shadow's Edge: A High Fantasy Digital Adventure

Page 11

by Eden Redd

  The dust began to settle and Edric found himself wandering his own district. Mystical craftsmen set up shops. Books were donated to the libraries and a safe joy touched the smiles of citizens.

  It didn’t take long for the summoner to end up in a gem crafting shop. The owner was beside himself with Lord Temple in his very shop. Edric asked if the shop keeper could create a special crystal and he quickly agreed. They worked together for a few hours at the spell forge. Edric pulled out a small sack of coins once the crystal was finished. The shop keeper pushed it away, speaking from the heart that the lord’s coin was no good there. Edric made a mental note to send the gold anyway through a courier. The city needed to begin stabilizing its economy and his gold needed to be part of it.

  Edric placed the clear rhombus shaped crystal into his inventory and bid the shop keeper farewell. Walking back to the keep, he breathed in the new life surrounding him. The sun had set and lanterns glowed along the streets. In the distance, the keep rose up like a white dagger into the night sky.

  Edric thought back to Faye, Rayna and Claudia. The four of them had short meetings to connect and update one another. They all agreed to change the gray stone of the keep to a welcoming color. The stone was re-colored to a white, gray and black marble. During the day, it reflected the light of the sun, creating a focal point for the city. Rayna was the one to suggest the name ‘Gray Haven Keep’ seeing as she had saved everyone, and it did have gray veins through the white stone. Everyone else groaned but no other name seemed to fit. Even though they all said it would be something they had to come back to later, it seemed to settle in their minds.

  The guards stood at attention as Edric walked in through the northern entrance of the keep. Stepping along, he moved through corridors, passing servants and guards until he reached the city core chamber. The large crystal floated, turning slowly like a celestial body.

  Edric reached into his satchel, and with one hand pulled out the small clear crystal he had forged with the shopkeeper. The summoner’s other hand brought up a 2D screen and tapped at it a few times. He pulled a picture from his image library and tapped at the screen a few more times before it faded from view. The summoner lifted the crystal up and held it a foot away from the city core. Fingers releasing, the crystal floated up and took orbit around the core like a glass moon.

  “Time to give you a body,” Edric said with a heavy heart.

  Stepping back, the player watched as an image flicked and then glowed into existence. A woman in a white robe stood, kind eyes on the summoner and welcoming smile. Edric stared, the strings of his heart being pulled. Fingers trembled for a moment as he resisted the urge to hug the woman before him. Long brown hair flowed over shoulders as deep purple eyes stared into his soul.

  You have achieved “Putting a face to the voice”. +1 to Wisdom.

  “Elora….,” Edric whispered.

  The woman bowed her head, “Thank you for giving me a form. I now can assist throughout the city by your commands.”

  Edric felt a strange hollowness even though the city core now had a form. “You’re name is Elora. Everyone will call you by that name.”

  The woman nodded, “It is a beautiful name. How can I help you Lord Temple?”

  Edric’s shoulders sagged. He had held a glimmer of hope that the new form constructed using the picture of Elora would possibly give her some depth like the real Elora. Instead it simply looked to him, awaiting instructions. The player wanted to see her again but this was an empty shell standing before him. A strange sadness coiled around his heart. He knew it was odd to wish such a thing as bringing an NPC back to life but he couldn’t deny the desire. It whispered to him at times and he could not silence it. He pined for a dead NPC, but the way she looked at him when she tried to protect him in the end, haunted the back of his mind like a ghost on a winter’s night.

  Faye stepped from a corridor, almond shaped eyes looking to Edric and the woman in the white robe. When the wood elf walked in Edric stood straighter, ignoring the sadness in his heart.

  “I thought it would be easier to access the city core with a form upgrade. Elora now has a form that can appear anywhere in the city. She can deliver information and handle commands better than us having to travel back and stand in front of the core.”

  Faye nodded and stepped to Edric’s side. The wood elf monk kept her gaze on Edric, the darkness under his eyes betraying how he actually felt.

  “I’m sure it will be a great help,” Faye said in a soft tone. “You never told us why you settled on the name Elora for the city. Was it someone you knew?”

  Edric looked away, “I just thought it was nice name.”

  Faye watched the summoner for a long moment before changing the subject, “The farms seem to be doing well and the citizens are settling in. We might have earned a day or two off.”

  Edric nodded without looking to the monk, “That’s good. Maybe we can now focus on the next steps.”

  “What are the next steps? We have been so busy settling and organizing the people that I’m not sure what would be next for all of us.”

  The summoner looked up, the darkness bleeding away from his eyes and a small light taking their place. “Ensuring the people’s safety and pushing back the troll and dread lord threat.”

  Faye crossed her arms and closed her eyes. “Many guilds, heroes and kingdoms have tried to fight the masters and the dread lords. I have been on the front lines more times than I care to remember. I have confidence in the plan and our resources, but we will be competing with some pretty tough armies.”

  Edric sighed, his heart breaking but his face a cold stone mask. “When Lythor fell, I had a front row seat to the carnage. The look of fear on the citizens as they were hacked to pieces stuck with me. It all seemed too real. The city is the first step before we take Lukken back from the trolls and the dead.”

  Faye opened her eyes. “Have you heard of the awakened?”

  Edric’s face did not change. He had heard the rumors during his research before playing the game. Some players told stories of their NPC lovers or loved ones in Lewd Saga. How they seemed almost like they were actually alive. The word “Awakened” was used a lot. Edric didn’t believe it, thinking players were getting a little too involved in the game. He would have continued to dismiss it until that night when Elora died trying to protect him. She didn’t say a word but the look of love, strength and fear spoke more than anything he ever experienced in his life. It clawed at his being and deep down, an urge to fight the monsters stormed on, calling for justice in a rapidly chaotic digital world.

  “The awakened are NPC’s that are becoming or are self-aware,” Edric said simply.

  Faye’s expression remained the same, “Claudia, myself and a few others in the guild have encountered the awakened from time to time. Some of the awakened are confused and others are afraid. There could be some awakened down in the city right now. They wake up from their programming and many players out there are trying to help them. Claudia wants to help them. I want to help them.”

  Edric nodded, “Does Rayna know?”

  The wood elf shook her head slightly, “We don’t know. We haven’t spoken to her about it. She just seems to be looking out for herself. She is a traveler, a nomad. She has been part of the guild but never really a part of it. She has helped in some battles but she tries to find out what she can get from it, even if it’s just a night with some player she wants.

  “I can’t pretend to know what she wants, but I do want to know what you want. Claudia was going to ask but….I reached you first.”

  “I want to help them,” Edric said. The words cemented in his heart what he had been afraid to admit to himself.

  Faye’s expression softened. The monk stepped to the summoner and hugged him. Edric wrapped his arms around her waist, drinking in her scent. The two stayed in their embrace for long moments before the elf let go and stepped back.

  “We must keep this between the three of us until we know Rayna can be
trusted,” Faye stated.

  “I agree,” Edric said.

  The elf reached up and touched Edric’s cheek, “You should rest.”

  The summoner closed his eyes, enjoying the warm touch of the wood elf. When she pulled away, the player watched as she left the room, barely giving a glance back and disappearing into the corridor.

  “Elora, update me if there are any conflicts with the citizens,” Edric said softly.

  Elora bowed, “I will update you of any conflicts and events.”

  The woman in white faded from view and was gone. Edric turned and walked to the corridor. Mind floating away on tired clouds, the player didn’t notice where he was going until he stepped onto the floor of the master quarters. Opening the door to his room, he stepped inside and closed it behind him. Eyes turned to the balcony, half expecting a black figure to be standing by the railing but there was nothing.

  The summoner stepped in to the middle of the room when there was a knock at his door. Edric turned but before he could say anything, the door opened and Claudia slipped inside. The green haired lancer eyed him as she closed the door and locked it. Edric noticed the sheer white dress hugging her lithe body. Slits ran on each side of the dress up to her hips and the top hugged her plump breasts and exposed cleavage.

  “Faye and I spoke….” Edric started.

  “I know,” Claudia said in a low, shy voice.

  The lancer stepped closer, body stiff as if she was uncomfortable but her eyes held a fire he hadn’t seen before. When she stood before him, she looked down as if she was ashamed.

  “Are you okay?” Edric asked with a concerned edge.

  “No……I’m not. What you said to me when I wasn’t sure what to do with my district has….been on my mind. I think of you every time I pass that statue. The last week has been busy but…I can’t stop how I feel.”

  Claudia tried to raise her gaze to meet Edric’s but instead looked away. “I want to know you…..”

  Edric felt a flash of heat touch his chest and neck, “I want to know you too.”

  Claudia gathered the courage and stared into Edric’s eyes, “Then don’t say anything else.”

  Claudia took a step forward and pressed her plump lips to his. A stress filled the space around them but as lips parted and tongues slipped in, the stress faded to the background. Edric’s body burned as his hands grabbed at her waist. Claudia’s body leaned into his, firm breasts pushing against his chest. The connection blazed between them and the player could feel the tension slipping away. Thoughts of the kingdom, monsters, wars and threats fell away like dying leaves. A basic but human need took over and the player could not deny its siren call.

  Claudia broke their embrace, gasping for a breath as she leaned her forehead against his. Eyes closed, she savored his taste. Edric looked to her with half closed eyes, primal needs causing his hands to run down her smooth back. Fingers took hold of her firm ass and he pressed her hips to his. Claudia let out another gasp, something hard straining against the fabric separating them.

  The lancer reached up and pulled down the shoulder straps to her white dress. The top fell but her breasts barely held the dress up. Edric helped her along, taking hold of the fabric and pulling it down. Once it slipped past her pert nipples, the sheer dress puddled at her feet. Stepping out of it, she took hold of the summoner’s robe and nearly ripped it open. Edric took a step back as she forced it open. The lancer gazed down on his body, taking in his wide shoulders, strong chest and hardening manhood.

  Holding Edric’s robe in her hands, she lowered to her knees, pulling the robe down and then letting go. The mystic robe fell away as she knelt before him. Edric was silent, eyes watching as the lancer kissed the tip of his erect member. Tongue snaking out, she licked the throbbing head into her mouth and gently began to suck.

  Edric ran fingers through her emerald green hair as her head bobbed. Thoughts of exploring her body made his cock harden like steel. The lancer continued her masterful work, tongue exploring every vein along his shaft. Where Rayna used her mouth as a power move, Claudia used her lips and tongue to please. Bodies warming with each passing moment, Edric savored her wet mouth as it moved with gentle sensual motions.

  A drop of pre-come touched Claudia’s tongue and she licked it, sucking it down and a moan rising up. Head bobbing, she upped the tempo. Edric let out a groan and Claudia pulled away, a gasp filling the room. Standing up, she took the summoner’s hand and led him to the wide bed. Sitting down, the lancer looked up with innocent eyes.

  No words were spoken as she reached up and stroked his shaft. Edric cupped a firm breast in his hand, thumb running over a nipple. Claudia gasped again, eyes and voice betraying her sensitivity. Edric ran a thumb over it again and a tremble filled the lancer. A whimper fell from her lips as she tried to keep it together. Claudia tried to focus, stroking the impressive summoner.

  Edric wanted to speak, to tell her she was beautiful and wanting to drown between her legs but the words never came. She was trying to please him and all he wanted to do was please her. Letting go of her breast, the summoner placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle push.

  Claudia fell back, hands and legs pushing her further onto the bed. Edric studied her body. Arms propped herself up as long legs parted slightly. The lancer looked to him with equal parts excitement and fear. Edric could see she liked to be dominated, at least in private. The look in her eyes was one of a lustful fear, needing him to take her and use her as he wanted.

  Edric crawled into bed, his gaze moving along her alabaster skin and centering on her green valley. The hair between her legs was small curls of emerald green, just like her hair. It barely covered her sensual valley, pink lips budding and wetness gleaming in the lantern light. On the right and left thigh, runic symbols were inked into her pale skin. Edric ran fingers along the mystic runes, admiring them before his fingers touched her valley. The simple touch caused the lancer to whimper, her thighs parting another inch.

  The player ignored her whimpers, settling down between creamy thighs. Tongue slipping out, he licked at her line slowly until he touched her throbbing clit. A moan fell from Claudia’s lips as her head fell back into the comfortable bed. Fingers grabbed at thick blankets as Edric explored her tight valley. Wetness spilled and Edric licked it up, enjoying her taste before probing deeper. Claudia’s thighs trembled as she resisted clamping down on the sides of his head. As time flowed, so did Claudia’s honey. Resistance weakening, the lancer gasped as she could barely hold on. Edric licked her clit once again and all control was lost.

  Claudia clamped her thighs to the side of Edric’s head, keeping him in place as he lashed at her clit. Whimpers and moans floated up as she clutched at the blankets. Biting her lip prevented her from screaming in lustful bliss.

  With thighs clamped over Edric’s ears, the pulse of his own heart beat was the only sound he could hear. After a few more moments, he caught the sound of Claudia’s pulse from her thighs. The summoner wrapped his arms around her thighs and pried them open while whipping her clit and valley with his tongue. Claudia struggled but the summoner took control once again. Another tremble filled her body, nerves and toes curling. The lancer’s breathing changed, growing faster and heated as she struggled against the summoner. Edric licked at her until her chest heaved up and her entire body shuddered.

  The only sound filling the bed chamber was Claudia hissing her delight. Body shuddering once again; arms were tight as hands clutched at the thick blankets. An explosion of inner light blasted coiled nerves. Edric licked and suckled at her clit as her hips pushed it against him. Teeth gently pressed down and wetness bloomed. The summoner noticed her taste and scent changed and he lapped at her a little more.

  Claudia’s body lost its tension as she sank down into the bed. Edric lifted his head to see the lancer’s eyes rolling into her head. She seemed like she was faraway, touching the shores of paradise. The summoner crawled over her, his cock standing on its own power. The lancer didn’t
seem to notice Edric until the tip of his spear touched her wet opening. Eyes rolling back into place, she became coherent when his cock head rubbed against her wetness and then pushed in.

  Inner walls spread to accommodate the summoner. Claudia looked down between their bodies, seeing the summoner invade her one inch at a time. Hands reached up and grabbed at Edric’s shoulders. Mouth and eyes widened as her inner walls were pushed to their limit. When he reached the hilt, long legs clamped over his firm ass, keeping him deep within her.

  Eyes half closed, she whimpered as she tried to contain him. Edric let her try but soon his hips betrayed him. Moving against her legs, Claudia whimpered. The summoner thrust and pulled back, smiling as her womanhood tried to clamp down on his thick member. The play between them sang on but it was Edric who upped the tempo. The sounds of bodies filled the room as Claudia’s body shook with each strong thrust.

  The summoner buried his face between her breasts, hips forcing her down. Claudia struggled to control his tempo but Edric could feel his need burning to be released. Claudia’s moans rose up and soon, Edric’s moans sang with hers. The sound of summoner, enjoying the lancer’s snug womanhood pushed her over the edge. Claudia could not fight back the exploding orgasm and moaned her surrender.

  Feeling the surge of wetness between them, Edric could not hold back his primal needs. Driving himself deep, his cock thickened. The two lovers grunted and moaned as Edric’s cock bulged and molten come spurted. Claudia cried out as he pushed her to the breaking point, come filling her tight space and surging out over her pink lips.

  Edric looked up from her creamy breasts, hips continuing to push out every drop of come from his loins. The two stared into each other’s eyes as bodies moved of their own accord. Once the last bit of come dripped from his spent cock, the summoner rolled onto his back, breathing in every drop of precious oxygen.

  Claudia draped her body onto his, eyes closed and lost to a sea of bliss. Edric held her close, the curves of her body fitting against him like a perfect puzzle. Senses tingled as they basked in each other’s warmth. Despite no words being spoken, the two felt like they knew each other deeper than any words could properly describe.


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