SEALs of Honor: Swede

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SEALs of Honor: Swede Page 3

by Mayer, Dale

  “And if I don’t?” she whispered in a spirited voice, but she kept it low, private.

  “Then I’ll throw you over my shoulder and drag you the hell away from here regardless of your feelings in the matter.”

  “But that’s kidnapping.”

  “Like I care.” He stared at her calmly, coolly, but giving her no way to misunderstand. He’d do what he needed to do and she could holler all she wanted, but she was not going to change his mind or stop him from doing what he felt was the right thing.

  And finally she got the message. She slowly nodded. “Fine. But remember, you came to apologize, to make up for being such an asshole to me,” she snapped. “And I’m not convinced. So you’d better make it good.”

  She spun and flounced out of the way.

  Leaving him staring, flummoxed behind her.

  Somehow she’d turned the tables on him and instead of making him mad, he was…fascinated.

  Chapter 4

  She didn’t know how to feel. There was so much heat coursing through her veins it was amazing she’d been able to speak at all. Hopefully she hadn’t given her reaction away. She groaned at that. He couldn’t have missed her response to his kiss. Holy shit. Was he for real? What had she missed out on all her life? She’d had relationships, lovers. Almost made it to the altar right out of high school but looking back she realized that “almost” was a good thing now. She wasn’t the same person she’d been back then. A lot of time and experience had passed. She wanted different things now. Different people.

  And damn, apparently she wanted different kisses.

  She’d always had a different view of Swede. She’d put her attraction to him down to the fact that he reminded her of her brother. Big, capable, determined. Like her brother.

  So she’d done her best to ignore him. Or jab at him to hide her anger at his life choices. Because she couldn’t be a part of that. Unfortunately, Hawk had noticed and had commented a time or two. She’d brushed him off saying Swede irritated the hell out of her, but he was Hawk’s friend so as long as he behaved around her then he was welcome.

  She was an idiot.

  It was only now that she’d been kissed by him – a fake kiss at that – she realized the women had been right to hang on his arm. She’d do the same in different circumstances. But she didn’t have different circumstances. She was here and now and his suggestion was ludicrous.

  But her twist on it worked.

  She grinned. The onus was on him to make things right. Which gave her a chance to appear more natural. She’d damn near failed drama class in school because she couldn’t pretend.

  She was all about reality.

  And often reality was a bitch.

  “Hey, Eva, who is that guy? I didn’t know you were in a relationship?” April looked behind Eva at Swede, her attention caught, her eyes assessing. Eva studied her friend and realized that for the intensity of her gaze and the interest therein, it wasn’t personal interest. More as in she was concerned for Eva.

  “I didn’t say anything,” Eva muttered, “as we got engaged then had a fight.” She glanced behind her at Swede. “Now he wants to make up.”

  April nodded slowly. In a low voice she said, “He looks like he gets what he wants.”

  “To a certain extent,” Eva said. “But I’m a little different than his stream of ex-girlfriends.” She directed her glare at Swede who gave her a hot melting look that damn near made her stutter. He quickly approached.

  When he turned on the heat, the man was lethal.

  And she’d better watch out that she didn’t fall under his spell.

  She couldn’t afford to believe the fantasy was real.

  “I wouldn’t have you any other way,” Swede said easily, placing an arm around her shoulders and tugging her up close, his words letting her know he’d overheard her comment. He reached out his right hand to April and said, “Nice to meet you. I’m Swede.”

  April shook his hand, her own disappearing into the big mitt. “Nice to meet you.” She slid a sideways look at Eva. “I can’t believe you didn’t mention him.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Eva said, refusing to let Swede outmaneuver her. “As the things I’d have said recently wouldn’t have been very nice.”

  Swede’s hand on her shoulder gripped her gently. “And that’s why I’m here. Misunderstandings require some reassessment. However, I know what’s important.”

  He beamed at her, a devilish twinkle in his eyes. “And you’re it.”

  She wanted to roll her eyes at him because she knew better but damn if the weak female in her didn’t want to believe. In a low voices, she said, “I bet you say that to all the women.”

  “Only you, honey, only you.”

  His voice was so serious, so caring, so real, she was shaken. She didn’t dare look at him. She wanted to see the sincerity for her in his eyes and not for this ludicrous scenario they’d fallen into.

  That he could make her want him so fast, to yearn for something other than what she thought she wanted, said a lot for her confused state of mind.

  This had to change. He was here for a reason. To that end, she smiled at April. “I’m going to show him around the place, we’ll be back in a few moments.”

  April nodded, the tilt of her lips saying so much more than her words. “Have fun.”

  This time Eva did roll her eyes.


  Swede gently tugged her toward the horses milling at the other side of the pasture. They should be able to talk there. And make it look like a lover’s conversation without too much effort. He hoped. Depended if she was planning on cooperating. It looked more like was she planning on making him pay for melting her bones.

  If that was the case that was fine with him. He’d had little choice but could understand her position. And honestly, he was damn glad he’d kissed her.

  Who knew Eva was the hottest thing around?


  Even now he couldn’t get the feel of her lips out of his mind. The taste of her. The feel of her slight frame tucked up against his chest. She’d felt…right. And that was bad news. Because right with her meant not right without her.

  And he wasn’t ready for that.

  Not with her. No matter what his mind had been wondering earlier. It wasn’t possible.

  She was Hawk’s sister and out of bounds.

  He slid a sideways glance her way and frowned. She also wasn’t his usual type. Black hair with creamy white alabaster skin was all good, slim and light was also good. Yet she was shyer, quieter than he was used to. He played with party girls who knew the score.

  Eva was anything but.

  And yet, she had something he couldn’t quite let go of – including packing a punch in that kiss. He’d gone for gold deliberately, and what he’d found blew him away. And kept him wanting more.

  “Why so quiet,” she asked suddenly. “Are we in danger?”

  “You could be.” He wrapped an arm around her, intent on getting her farther away from the others, but she pulled back and turned to confront him. “What the hell is going on?”

  He motioned to the others and said in a low voice, “I’ll tell you but I want you to come with me quietly.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she snapped. “Not until you tell me what the hell is wrong.”

  “I can’t tell you much.” He narrowed his gaze and wondered what he could say that would gain her cooperation without telling her too much.

  “The truth, Swede,” she said in an ominous voice. “Now.”

  He glared at her then turned around studying those around them. Maybe they were alone enough. He shrugged. “You saw us this morning so you know we’re in for a reason. And that reason is very dangerously close to this ranch.” He lowered his voice even more. “And the hacienda, horses mentioned as a possible terrorist training exercise.”

  “What?” She stared at him, her eyes huge endless orbs of horror. “We have to do something.”

�� he said, motioning to the ranch and her presence here. “I’m trying to.”

  “Not just for me. What about the others? There are several good people here who volunteered their time to help these animals. And April is here.”

  “We know. We’re monitoring the situation and will do our best to keep it under control, but you need to know how bad this is. And we need to know if anyone from the ranch is involved.”


  Chapter 5

  She couldn’t keep the shock and indignation from her voice. “Isabella couldn’t be involved this. She’s helping the horses the same as she’s probably helped hundreds of others over the years.”

  “Which makes a perfect front for the rest.”

  “What’s the rest? You’re not saying anything, you’re just implying. And none of it makes sense.”

  “We have to consider all options, and with this ranch here as it is, she must know about a rebel training camp only a few minutes away.”

  She stared at him, wordless. Then shook her head. “Not possible.”

  “Eva, are you okay?” Isabella asked from behind her. “I don’t know this man.”

  Her voice was harsh, cold, and Eva understood. She was a guest in Isabella’s house and her fiancé had arrived without warning and was now walking the place as if he had the right. And of course he didn’t.

  Apologetically, Eva turned to Isabella. “I’m so sorry. I should have come to you right away.” And damn Swede and her brother for not giving her some warning to set something plausible up to explain Swede’s presence. “Before I came down, Swede and I had a terrible fight,” she said. “He came to make up.”

  Eva quickly made the introductions. Isabella shook Swede’s hand but her gaze didn’t release him. It was as if she was trying to see into the very soul inside.

  Then she smiled. “I’m glad he has romance of the heart. It is always better to not stay angry at each other. Better for you to stay together and eventually get married.”

  “Thanks for letting me on your place. It’s pretty spectacular,” Swede said easily, his smile very much in evidence.

  Eva envied him. He seemed to believe everyone loved him and of course they did. Maybe they did because he believed it. She’d heard that logic a time or two. Not sure she believed it yet though. And she never felt the same easy camaraderie on first meeting someone. She always held back, waited to see who was who before jumping in. She was cautious. Her brother would say overly cautious.

  “You are welcome. If you are here to help save the horses then you are doubly welcome. We need more people to care.”

  “I do love horses. If I can be of assistance, then point the way.”

  Swede’s voice was so smooth and friendly, so damn natural Eva could only stare at him in envy.

  “Is that okay with you, Eva?”

  Eva turned, startled to hear Isabella’s apologetic voice. And realized they were both waiting for her to respond. Like she had a choice.

  She slipped her arm through Swede’s and smiled at Isabella. “I’m fine with it. Work might make him appreciate what he has.”

  She gave Swede a hard look, but he gave her a wide innocent look in return. Isabella laughed. “Now that sounds like an idea. If he’s in the doghouse, then this is a good way for him to get back into your graces.”

  Swede wrapped an arm around Eva and smiled at Isabella. “Lead the way.”

  With a gentle eye roll, Eva allowed herself to be led forward to the barns. The horses were all well cared for and not in need of any other assistance so she wasn’t sure what Swede was going to do. Besides, didn’t he have his own agenda to follow here? Like catch bad guys? Terrorist training camp. Really? That was so bizarre. And yet in a way almost normal. And that in itself was wrong. But being Mexico, it was as if so many things out of the ordinary were okay. And that in itself wasn’t okay.

  She watched the horses being brushed and the vet checking that their hooves were in shape for traveling. It wasn’t long before the animals were sorted out. She watched it all in a daze. There’d been dozens of smirks and sly looks in her direction. The women were checking out Swede, and the men looked at her as if they hadn’t seen her before. She put it down to the fact that they hadn’t considered her as an eligible female until now. And with a man beside her, her desirability had apparently gone up. Odd.

  And amusing. She straightened her back and tilted her chin. So be it.

  “That’s my girl.” Swede tucked her up close, his voice low and quiet against her ear.

  She glared at him. “I’m not your girl.”

  That white smile flashed her way. And damn if she didn’t want to believe she really could be his girl. At least for a moment. And that was dangerous as all hell.

  “I’m thinking there’s a hint of regret in your comment about not being my girl. Do you want to be?” he said in a wicked tone.

  Outraged, she spun on him, ready to blast him. At the last minute she caught sight of his big grin and came to a spluttering stop.

  While she was still trying to figure out what to say, there was a loud cry.

  She spun to see one of the horses rearing on his back legs. The gelding, startled and possibly hurt, the whites of his eyes showing as they wheeled in panic, was uncontrollable. He lunged backward and broke the lead the one vet had been holding.

  He spun and raced around the small corral, his chest heaving and head down in a panic.

  There were shouts from the others as they reached to control the animal before he hurt himself in the small space.

  Stunned, she watched Swede vault the high corral fence and stand in front of the now rearing animal.

  A voice called over the din, “Quiet…let him work.”

  Silence fell.

  Swede stood calm and stalwart in front of the animal. If he was speaking, it wasn’t loud enough for anyone else to hear, but waves of compassion and gentleness rolled off his shoulders. And the huge animal knew it. He finally stood, trembling and blowing hard in front of Swede. Swede never moved. Finally the animal walked forward and gently butted him in the chest.

  Swede stroked the animal then turned and asked, “Do you have a towel I can rub him down with?”

  Immediately one of several was tossed over the top rail toward him. He walked along the side of the horse and wiped it down, this time his voice, gentle and calm, could be heard in the silence.

  “Easy, boy. It’s all good. No one here is going to hurt you.”

  The horse kept nudging him, looking for more attention, which he gave. By the time the horse had been thoroughly wiped down, he’d also been well loved by Swede, the big man seemingly unfazed by the scrutiny he was getting from his audience.

  Eva didn’t know what to say. Or think. He’d soothed that animal so easily and confidently that he’d instantly become an asset to the group. Talk about finding acceptance without trying. She’d have a hard time getting him to leave now. The others were going to urge her to keep him here even if only until they got the animals on the road. And maybe for the horses’ sake she could.

  But it would only be for their sake – right?

  Shivers ran over her at the memory of his sure strong strokes soothing and calming the terrified horse. The animal had responded to that confidence and sure touch. Hell, so had the people watching him.

  Damn him.


  Swede didn’t know if he’d helped or hurt his cover here, but the animal had been in need and he’d never been able to walk away from one of those. Even people.

  From the corner of his eye, he could see Eva standing and watching. Animals responded to him easily. He’d volunteered at the local animal shelter as a youth, helping the animals through the traumatic changes in their lives. They were innocent victims.

  He could see why Eva took in the animals that she did, but it was financially draining. Thankfully her land was paid for, but animals this size had to cost a lot in just maintenance. Then there were the vet bills…

t she was adamant about taking in as many as she could and helping those she couldn’t as much as possible.

  He admired that.

  But wished she were anywhere but here.

  With a quick glance at his watch, he realized time was wasting. He led the big raw-boned animal over to the others. “He should be good now,” he said.

  “Thank you. You know your way around horses,” April said. “Glad to have the help.”

  “Ha, and here I was hoping to spirit Eva away,” he said with a warm loving gaze in Eva’s direction. He grinned as hot color washed over her neck and cheeks and her glare…well he’d be paying for this charade for a long time if she had her way. Too bad. It didn’t even feel like he was faking it.

  “Besides,” Isabella said, “we could use your magic touch until we get the animals loaded and on their way. Surely you can put off the intimate reunion until later tomorrow. The horses will be on the road by then.”

  The low amused tone of her voice was picked up by the others, and with much grinning and sideways looks at the pair, Swede conceded, “I’m trying to get back on her good side. If this will do it, then I’m all for it. We can leave later tomorrow if that’s the best option.”

  Inside he was thinking like hell. He’d spirit her out of here in a few hours if he could. Hawk was going to have a shit fit if he didn’t.

  “So, Eva, does that work for you? May I stay and help out, then take you away so I can convince you to give me another chance?”

  Chapter 6

  Somehow Swede managed to get everyone alongside in five minutes flat. Not only did they like him, they respected his ability with horses and now they were rooting for him to not only stay and help them in their efforts but in her giving him a second chance.

  Damn he was good.

  “Certainly your help will be welcome here,” she said in a smooth no nonsense tone of voice. “After all, we need all the help we can get until the animals are on the road.” She deliberately stopped there.


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