SEALs of Honor: Swede

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SEALs of Honor: Swede Page 4

by Mayer, Dale

  “And the rest,” Isabella asked, laughing. “Does he get a second chance?”

  The others laughed but April stared at her, eyebrows raised, her gaze confused. But then April knew nothing of Swede’s presence in Eva’s life and had to be wondering where he’d sprung from and why.

  “I guess we’ll have to wait and see tomorrow,” she said in a saccharin sweet tone.

  “Oh, she’s going to keep you on your toes,” Isabella said. “I’d be very good over the next twenty-four hours if I were you.”

  “I will be.” Swede grinned. “Besides, I do some of my best work at night.”

  The others guffawed. Eva shot him a fulminating look. “Right. Now, but there won’t be any opportunity for you to prove that as you’ll be sleeping on the hammock outside.” She turned on her heels and walked inside, still fuming at the ease he managed to have everyone eating out of his hand. And from the laughter behind her their supposed relationship woes were giving everyone something more to think about. Maybe that was good too. Lord knew they had enough to deal with right now.

  She glanced at her watch. They had to get a move on. The trailers should be gone in less than two hours. Any later and it would push the transport logistics from difficult into stupid. The flights weren’t bad, but the vets would have to keep an eye on how the horses reacted. Some horses took to planes no problems, others…well, she hoped no one would find out.

  Just as she reached the kitchen she heard April calling, “Eva, wait.”

  Shit. Now she was going to have to come up with some kind of explanation. Too bad she didn’t have one. She couldn’t tell her the truth and neither could she make up lies she’d have to remember later on. Better to stay with a variation of the truth.

  “Hey,” Eva said, brushing her hair back out of her eyes and studied her friend’s face. April was a vet but had sold her share in a practice to devote more time to rescues like this one. She had the simple all American girl look and glowed with health. “Are the horses going to be leaving soon?”

  “We’re hoping so. Likely another hour, maybe slightly longer. The guys are loading the personal gear right now. Everyone needs to have a meal before we go though so Isabella is arranging that.”

  Eva nodded. “That would be good. With any luck the group won’t need to eat again.”

  “It looks like that boyfriend of yours could eat though.”

  Eva winced. “Yeah, that he can.” And he hadn’t likely considered that.

  “Not to worry, there’s plenty here and if he pulls his weight, he’s already been a huge help, then no one will mind sharing.”

  Eva gave her a wry glance. “No, and they’ll love him all the while he’s cleaning up the leftovers.”

  “So true.” Her friend grinned at her. “So how come I haven’t heard anything about this man?”

  Eva sighed. “Because there’s nothing to tell. He’ll blow into town and my life then he’ll blow right back out again.”

  “Ouch, a traveling man.” She looked speculatively out the window where Swede was talking with one of the vets. “What does he do for a living?”

  In a soft tone, Eva said, “He’s career navy.”

  “Oh, a military man. Nice.” And from the lilt of interest in her friend’s voice, Eva could tell she had a thing for military men. Which of course many women did.

  “Yeah, nice,” she said in a dry tone. Maybe it wasn’t all Swede’s fault as women everywhere seemed to line up to fall at his feet. Could you blame a virile specimen for accepting what was so freely offered? And if he was single and unattached, whose business was it?

  Not hers.

  And she’d do better to remember that. Swede was a free man and she shouldn’t judge him. So then why did it bug her so much? Men had been acting this way since time began. Maybe…because she wanted him to be relationship material.

  Where the hell had that thought come from? Disturbed, she hurried inside to get a glass of water and to fan her suddenly scorching cheeks. She dare not let Swede see her. He was too perceptive.

  The last thing she wanted was for him to have any inkling of what was rambling around in her head.

  Sure he was big, macho, a man’s man of the world, but he wasn’t for her.

  But he could be, her heart whispered. He really could be.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Blindsided by feelings she’d stomped on, she guzzled back a large glass of water and stared out in the afternoon sun. She so didn’t need this. Especially not now. She was here for the horses. That was all.

  Sure but while here, who knows what could happen.

  No. No. No. Her mind and heart argued back and forth until she turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on her face.

  April’s anxious voice behind her asked, “Are you all right?”

  She shrugged and muttered through her fingers, “He’s making me crazy.”

  April laughed. “I can see that. He’s a man and they all do that at times. But this one looks to be a bigger catch than most.”

  Eva stiffened. What did that mean? And was April seriously interested in Swede? She shifted so she could look at her friend and watch her stare out the window. Eva hadn’t seen Swede approaching. That big body of his moving with panther-like grace. Maybe a panther was too tame. How about a lion? That suited his coloring and temperament – king of all he surveyed.

  Knowing she wasn’t being fair but hating the look in her friend’s eyes as she studied Swede, Eva turned and walked toward the door.

  She needed a distraction. The animals had always provided it before. Maybe she’d be lucky and they would again.

  God knew something needed to stop her from throwing herself at her brother’s friend and making a fool of herself.




  Swede walked into the kitchen. He’d seen Eva head there earlier and from her mad dash he’d been afraid she was upset. She wasn’t delicate and had always appeared to be more even tempered than many women he knew but had a tendency to be acerbic around him.

  He’d asked Hawk about it but his buddy had just shrugged and said she didn’t like playboys.

  At the time he’d laughed, then wondered if that was a serious issue. He didn’t consider himself a playboy. He enjoyed what life had to offer, but he didn’t go looking, and never aspired to the lifestyle. He really liked Eva, but they’d hit it off wrong and had stayed that way ever since. In truth it was because he liked her as well as he did that he’d been playing the suave playboy. She was the sister of one of his best friends. In the military that wasn’t a good idea. As a SEAL his team were brothers. They were that close. And going after one of the family was not cool.

  If he were serious then maybe but…? Still, he’d never forgotten her. The shy innocence. The natural beauty. Her soft touch and caring heart that was too big to be believed. She’d take in anything broken or hurt, and she did her best to heal them.

  The last thing he wanted was for her to see him as needing her help.

  How humiliating would that be?

  Also, she didn’t appear to notice him in any way – except irritation.

  He grinned. That could be shifted to something else too. He might just have to work on it. Then again she was Hawk’s sister. That meant she understood the danger and lifestyle they were in, and she knew about the traveling and uncertainty. And the women. He frowned. Maybe she’d seen too much of Hawk’s wild lifestyle and judged them all the same.

  Still, whether she did or not didn’t change the fact that she was Hawk’s sister.

  Only his mind whispered through his psyche, unless you’re serious.

  But was he? No. At least not yet.

  He gazed at her out of the corner of his eye and sure enough she was glaring at him. Her temper sparked the devil within. Without giving himself a chance to second guess his actions he strode to where she stood at the hallway, reached down and snatched her up into his arms and kissed her – hard.

  Then lowered her and ste
pped back, checked out the bemused look on her face and nodded. “Just in case you were wondering – I missed you.”

  And he walked through to the main part of the house.

  Leaving her spitting in his wake.

  Chapter 7

  Eva’s mouth worked but no words came out. The door slammed behind Swede. Nice exit for him.

  April’s shriek of laughter didn’t help. She glared at her friend wishing she wasn’t loving this moment quite so much. Or that there wasn’t as much admiration and feminine interest in her gaze as she watched Swede walk down the long verandah.

  Damn that man. Was she really so easily rattled that all he had to do was kiss her stupid?

  April spun back to face Eva, her grin widening.

  That’s when Eva realized she held her fingers to her own lips as if to preserve his kiss.

  “Oh my God, he’s so into you,” April said in a high swooning voice.

  “Right. So into me. That’s why he left.” God, playing this game was going to be the end of her. She needed to leave and fast before she blew his cover. Hell, before she got sucked into the fantasy and started to believe any of it was real. She didn’t want it to be real. Or rather…if she were honest she didn’t want it to be real if it wasn’t. There was a big part of her that really wanted this…him to be real.

  But he wasn’t and she had to remember that.

  Lord, she was already twisted in knots over him.

  And from April’s shout of laughter, she realized she’d said that out loud.

  “Damn it,” she muttered and walked to the open doorway.

  “Honey, I don’t know what went wrong before, but he is into you in a big way. You two look perfect together,” April said warmly. She placed a gentle hand on Eva’s shoulder. “I highly suggest you see if you can find your way into forgiving him.”

  Eva stiffened. This was so difficult.

  Just then Isabella called from the corral. “I think the first trailer load is ready to go.”

  Thankful for the distraction and even more grateful that the horses could leave, Eva and April dashed out.

  They actually had two trailers loaded and a dozen horses now ready to go to their new homes. There was a smaller trailer loading up the next horse. That would mean sixteen almost ready to go. She checked her watch. Timewise, they were still on schedule.

  Isabella came out with two other women and each carried large picnic baskets, thermos of coffee, and jugs of water for each truck. Nice way to send the troops off.

  With lots of laughter and well wishes, the remaining group stood off to one side as the convoy started up and slowly pulled out in a cloud of dust and cries of “good-byes.”

  Eva figured Swede would be delighted to see so many of their number safely off. But with her not being on the early trips, it meant he’d have to stay here longer. Being away from the team would chafe at him.

  She turned to study the miles of acreage around her. There were too many places to hide. Trees, hillocks, bushes. If someone wanted to, they’d have no problem getting into the hacienda and getting out with everything they wanted.

  And for the first time she wondered how Isabella stayed safe. Or had she made an arrangement to keep her place protected.

  Hating that suspicion, she couldn’t stop her gaze from sliding to her hostess’s face. But only joy showed on her older features as she watched the horses she’d cared for journey to a better place.

  With low water levels in the area, the more the better and as soon as possible. This area was parched. Eva stayed quiet. She wanted the rest of the horses safely gone now too. Swede had infected her with his words and warnings.

  As the trailers disappeared from sight she realized most of the men had gone in that trip, leaving mostly women behind. If Swede’s concerns were correct, they’d just made things a lot easier for the rebels to do what they wanted.


  She might just need Swede after all.

  Wouldn’t he love that?


  Shit. He hadn’t realized how the balance of the sexes were changing here and now. Six men left with the three horse trailers. That left two men, both older, and the rest were women. Unless Isabella had staff he had yet to see. He’d assumed several men who had been working around the horses lived here. Even now he didn’t quite understand who belonged and who was leaving. Were the trailers coming back for a second load? That would make the most sense if the horses were being flown out.

  That made for a long drive but more sensible maybe in the long run. Then again horses were flown around the world on a daily basis, so it depended on the handlers and the horses themselves.

  “When are the rest leaving?” Swede asked.

  “Two trailers are coming early in the morning from neighboring ranchers and we’ll load up the rest,” Isabella said. “These trailers came from Mexico City. One of the locals is doing a trip today and tomorrow to help out. We’re dependent on everyone’s good will to make this happen.”

  He understood that. It was great everyone was pitching together to save these animals. From what he’d seen they were in need of it.

  Eva was studying the one mare that had trouble earlier. The mare was back on her feet and appeared to be eating well. He wouldn’t doubt that Eva was planning on taking a couple home to her place.

  The words were on the tip of his tongue to ask when he caught sight of something wrong out the corner of his eye. Gaze narrowed, he searched the corner of the barn where he was sure he’d seen a head pop around to take a look then disappear again.

  Suspicion aroused, he sauntered over in a casual gait as if uncaring what direction he traveled.

  “When we see him…” She glanced behind her as if to make sure they were alone and added, “You should tell Shadow to move from the horse training center over here to look.”

  Swede stilled then walked on casually. “You saw him?”

  “Of course, at first just a man, but I quickly recognized it as him,” she said in exasperation. “Just because you’re all SEALs doesn’t mean you’re the only ones aware.”

  Apparently not.

  Still, he wasn’t sure he wanted her with him while he checked out the back of the barn. “You need to go back with the others,” he said quietly. “I’ll check this out. And stay together. Nothing is easier than picking you off one by one.”

  He disengaged her grasp on his arm and said, “Now.”

  With a fulminating look in his direction, she turned and hurried back to the others. Good, maybe now she’d finally realize he’d been serious. This wasn’t the time or place to argue.

  Not when there were rebels possibly looking to add to their stable of women.

  Chapter 8

  She couldn’t stop watching as Swede wandered close to the barn. It had been a subtle movement, but she’d caught sight of Shadow as he drifted around the other side of the same barn. Good. Then chances were the man wouldn’t escape, and she could rest a little easier.


  “He’s fine. Probably just exploring,” April said beside her.

  She turned to look up at her friend. “Sorry?”

  “You can’t take your eyes off him,” April said, nodding toward the barn where Swede was no longer visible. “That’s a good sign.”

  Eva couldn’t help but laugh. If her friend only knew. “He’s a good man,” she admitted.

  “There see, you’re almost ready to forgive him now.”

  “Ladies, shall we go in? The preparations for our dinner are underway.” Isabella smiled at the two of them. “Then we’ll need to do a final check on the remaining horses so everyone can leave as planned in the morning.”

  “And thank you so much for your hospitality in making this happen,” Eva said warmly. “You’ve been most generous.”

  “They are my babies. I’m both sorry and sad to see them go, but it’s good for them.” Isabella laughed and motioned inside. “Come, the sun is much too hot to be out here now.”

Laughing and talking amongst themselves, the remaining group moved into the cool hacienda. Tall drinks were passed around as they all settled into comfortable seats in the main part of the house. Eva’s quick glance surveyed her fellow volunteers.

  “Now that your fiancé is here,” Isabella’s eyebrows rose up, “and has a truck, will you be traveling with him?”

  “Maybe.” Eva nodded but she had no idea. “I’m not sure what the plan is yet.”

  “I would if I had a chance,” said Mary, Janice’s daughter, the second vet that would be traveling with the horses tomorrow.

  That comment brought a twitter of laughter from the rest of the women. April added, “He is a male in his prime.”

  The other women grinned and nodded. Eva just slunk down in her chair uncomfortable with the conversation and hoping it switched out before she had to make up more lies. Lies she’d actually like to turn into reality not fantasy.

  And that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Where is the man of the hour?” Janice asked. “I thought he was with you?”

  “He’s gone to take a look at the remaining horses.”

  “He’s got quite a way with them,” Janice admitted.

  Mary laughed. “That’s because he’s half animal.”

  “And he’s taken,” her mother warned.

  Eva wasn’t sure Mary even heard the admonishment.

  Still Mary’s reaction to Swede was understandable. Eva would like to spend time with that animal herself. It was the aftermath she wanted nothing to do with.

  She sprang to her feet. “I’m going to find him. Let him know the refreshments are here.”

  And she walked out. Whispers and laughter trailing in her path confirmed that mother was telling daughter off. She laughed to herself. Swede was on a mission, he wouldn’t be interested in either right now. Take their numbers for later, maybe.

  But while on a job? She knew enough about SEALs to recognize they’d be focused on the job at hand. Everything else was secondary.

  She wandered down the covered walkway along the outside of the main part of the house, feeling the heat after being inside the coolness. Holding a hand to her eyes, she shielded the reflection of the sun.


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