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SEALs of Honor: Swede

Page 6

by Mayer, Dale

  “Is it?” In an incredulous tone she spun to stare up at him. “Think about what you’ve been saying since you arrived?”

  “And you’ll be fine. We’re not going to let you out of our sight.”

  “And the others? The rebel training camp.” She turned to look toward Shadow. “Are you supposed to be doing something about them?”

  “We are,” he said smoothly. “As we speak.”

  She sniffed. “Then why the hell did you bring me out here in the heat,” she said in exasperation, wiping the sweat off her face. “I’d much rather be at the hacienda where it’s cool.”

  “Shh.” He dropped his arm. “There.” And he pointed to someone coming through the stand of trees from the direction of the fence.

  Chapter 11

  She couldn’t believe that Lena, the servant girl who had just handed them refreshments, was racing toward the stand of trees where Shadow waited – the man he’d taken down probably somewhere close by.

  Why would the woman be meeting a rebel? Was that what she was doing? Or was it something else? An accidental meeting? Was she just going for a stroll, but then why in this heat?

  She watched as the woman appeared to stand at the edge of the grove. Then she noticed the woman was speaking even though it was too far away to hear her words. Eva frowned. “Is Shadow pretending to be the rebel?”

  “Not sure.”

  She could never read anything from Swede’s face. He was so perfect at hiding his feelings it was impossible to know at any time what he was thinking – and that bothered her. In this instance it was fine. If they had a personal relationship – not so much.

  After ten minutes, Lena turned and headed back to the hacienda.

  The place was silent. She shook her head. “So you brought me out here to see that?”

  “No.” But he wouldn’t volunteer any other information.

  She spun around and said, “Then I need to go back. Before our absence is suspicious.”

  His lips quirked. “Not long enough yet.”

  “Long enough for what?”

  “For our interlude to be finished.”

  She didn’t get it at first then her gaze widened as she realized that was exactly what the others would be thinking after he’d used that excuse last time. Damn. She checked her cell phone. “How long do you think we need to stay?” She couldn’t help it, her voice was dry, amused. “Or do you have a set time you follow?”

  He gave a shout of laughter. “No, but if it was you and me, then we’d need days.”

  “Days?” she asked, shocked. “Surely not.”

  “Oh I promise, it will be days.”

  She spun on her heels and stalked to the other side of the trees. He was impossible. But his words had heated what his earlier innuendo had started. Her body had worked itself into a royal state. She stroked her hands up and down her crossed arms. Shit. At this point, all she wanted was to get home. Her home. Not the hacienda. Back where her own horses lived and her dogs. And of course Mia, her best friend. If Hawk and his team were here, that would mean Mia was alone too. And she now alone. Eva wished she was with her. Mia was a gentle soul.

  Eva had sworn to never date a SEAL…or any military men after hearing about some of the things her brother had gone through. Except they were something that so many other males weren’t – big, strong, capable, dominant-powerful men.

  After living with a military man, the rest just seemed so much less.

  It wasn’t fair to the other men… But she couldn’t help how she felt.

  Military men were dynamite, and the SEALs…like wow. As in seriously wow. Still, it wouldn’t do to have it go to their head. Not at this point. They had extremely healthy egos. Arrogant even.

  And so damn sexy.

  She groaned and barely held back an exclamation as Swede grabbed her arm. She turned to face him and found herself face to face with Shadow instead. “When did you get here?”

  He shook his head and pointed at her to move forward through the trees. “Let’s go.” His voice was soft as a whisper but hard and brooked no argument.

  “Fine.” She dashed forward.

  And right into the arms of her brother.

  She cried out when she saw him. He hugged her tight. “Damn it, Eva, why the hell are you in the middle of this?”

  Tears came to her eyes. There had just been the two of them for a long time. For his sake, he’d needed to leave the small town where they grew up, but she missed him every day.

  “Damn it, Eva, what are you doing in the middle of this,” she mimicked. “I came to help. That’s all. Nothing dangerous and nothing that should be cause for concern.”

  “Except…it is dangerous and it is cause for concern.”

  She threw up her hands. “But I didn’t know that.”

  “And now you do, there’s no going back,” Hawk said.

  “I’m going back to the other women, one is my friend and the other two are mother and daughter, both volunteered to help the horses. No one deserves this.”

  “We’ll help them all but we’re after the rebels and anyone connected,” her brother said.

  “Understood, but that also means Isabella and her people are in danger.”

  The men looked at each other and a heavy silence ensued.

  She looked from one to the other. “No, I don’t believe she’s involved,” Eva cried. “That’s just not normal.”

  “There are some very unnatural women,” Hawk reminded her. “And given the location of the rebel camp, she might have made a deal for protection or lose all she has.”

  “She might also not know they are there?” It was a faint hope, but she’d take what she could at this point. She didn’t want to believe a woman alone would sell out other women but when up against a wall, everyone would do what they had to save themselves.

  “I can’t leave them,” she said stubbornly.

  “We won’t. But we need to know you’re safe.”

  “Ha, that sounds like no place is safe anymore.”

  “Not here. Not at the moment. We need more intel of those that started the rebel training camp. We don’t want to just take it down or they’ll just pop it up elsewhere. That’s not the solution. We need to hit the organizers and even better the money men.”

  Eva nodded, still not convinced of Isabella’s involvement but understanding that they were leaning that way. “So the girl that came from the hacienda is her lackey?”

  “Or is involved with someone and selling Isabella out,” Shadow suggested.

  Eva brightened. “I like that idea.”

  “Maybe, but the girl is young, barely out of her teens. It takes a cold person to do something like that.”

  “No,” Swede said. “Just a desperate one. She could be protecting a younger brother or already been abused by the camp and they are going to take her back if she doesn’t find a replacement.”

  “You have a horrible mind set, you know that?”

  Swede shrugged. “We’ve seen too much to overlook human motivations. Whatever it is for whoever is involved, believe me it matters to them.”

  “From the intel we’ve received this is a trial run,” Hawk said. “And if it goes well, it will be expanded to cover more military style training.”

  “I’m sure Isabella doesn’t want that,” Eva said. “That’s not her.”

  “Maybe, but what if her brother is leading the rebel group? Or one of the men shanghaied into the camp is a son?”

  Eva winced. “Not so nice.”

  Her cell phone beeped. She pulled it out and looked at the incoming text. “It’s from April. She says it’s almost dinner time.” She deliberately refrained from reading out the last line about hanging Swede up wet for another session later. April was many things and crude at times was one of them. She tucked her phone back into her pocket. “I need to go back.”

  “I’m going with you,” Swede said instantly.

  She glared at him. “If you behave yourself.” The innocent look on h
is face didn’t fool her for a second. “I mean it.”

  “He’ll do what he needs to do to look after you,” her brother snapped. “We’ll guard the hacienda, but we need him inside.”

  A cry overhead had the men spinning around. Swede slammed her against the tree trunk and covered her with his big body. And Jesus was he huge. She was completely hidden. And that meant if there was a bullet coming her way, he’d take the full hit.

  She couldn’t have that.

  She couldn’t live with that kind of guilt for the rest of her life.

  She tried to wiggle free but it was impossible, the man was granite. And tough as hell. She tried to push him and got nowhere. She managed to find some skin and pinched but he didn’t seem to notice. Next she dug her nails into him. Nothing. Damn it. She sagged against the tree trunk and waited.

  “The damn mosquitoes in these parts,” he said from above her head, his voice heavily laced with amusement. “Crazy things.”

  That’s when she realized he was talking about her. She opened her mouth and bit him. Only to realize she’d bitten into his chest and damn close to the nipple.

  He picked her up and said in a low voice the others couldn’t hear if they were still around, “If you want to play, I’m all for it. But we’ll need to find a better location, sweetheart.”

  And he put her down beside him and started to run, dragging her along behind him.

  Startled, it took a moment to find her footing and when she did finally she was hard pressed to keep up. The man’s legs were twice as long as hers and the bunched up muscles as he ran said his power was way more than he was expending.

  They passed one grove of trees and slowed slightly as they came to the other. She studied the trees expecting him to stash her in the middle of them again only he tugged her hand and pulled her along faster. They bypassed the grove and carried on toward the hacienda. The evening temperatures had cooled somewhat but not enough for a run. She was determined to keep up though and be damned if she’d complain.

  He had a bad enough impression of her as it was. And she of him, although he’d done nothing but behave himself with the other women since he’d been here. Then again he was on a mission. That should mean abstinence – right?

  The fence line appeared almost in front of her. Swede vaulted the side as if he were doing an obstacle course without breaking stride. She on the other hand – yeah well – her tumble on the other side didn’t do much for her dignity. She sat up on her knees slowly.

  Swede picked her up, brushed her off, asked in a low voice, “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine,” she said in a brusque voice. “Just hadn’t expected it to be so high.”

  “I should have slowed for you.”

  “Why, you had no trouble.” She looked back at the fence. “At home my fences are higher so not sure why I missed this one.”

  It was galling to think she’d fallen to the ground like that.

  A call from the hacienda had her turning to see Isabella waving at her. She smiled and waved back. “Looks like we’ve been spotted.”

  “Probably been on the lookout for us for a while,” Swede said. “Remember, not a word to anyone.”


  He’d have laughed at the disgruntled look on her face. Inside he was still feeling like shit for not having helped her over the fence. She’d been doing so well at his side he never gave the fence a second thought. And that was wrong. She might be long and lean but she wasn’t used to the same physical activity he was.

  “Don’t you two look like you’ve been having fun,” Isabella said in a coy teasing voice. Swede didn’t take any offense, but as he glanced at Eva, he realized the fall over the fence had covered her in a fine layer of dust and the running had brought a film of sweat to her skin. Isabella’s comment just brought the already high color in her face to a pitch. She looked well tumbled.

  And he hadn’t had a hand in it. Damn. He’d have rather kissed her until she sagged in his arms to have made the same impression. Still, as a cover it worked.

  Although Eva, from the dirty look she shot him, didn’t have the same appreciation.

  “It’s hot out here,” Eva said. “If there’s time, could I possibly sneak in a shower?”

  “Dinner is served in thirty minutes so of course you can have a shower – if you can have a fast one.” Isabella stared at Swede speculatively. “Do you wish to have one as well?”

  The implication was clear. Swede laced his fingers with Eva’s and said, “I just might. We’ll be back down in time for dinner.” He gave her a fat smile and nudged Eva into the cool building. “Eva love, let’s move, we don’t want to miss out on dinner.”

  She stayed quiet and led the way through the cool hallway to the room he presumed she’d slept in last night. Once inside, she stood for a moment staring at him. “Do you have to make it so obvious that we are together?”

  Surprised, he turned to stare at her. “I’m sorry if it bothers you, but if it keeps you safe then I’m all for it.”

  While he watched, she ran her fingers through her hair, a tired look on her face. “What’s really the matter?”

  She opened her mouth as if to answer then closed it. “It’s nothing. I’m just being stupid.”

  Damn. He wished she’d have opened up. But it was a lot to expect when she didn’t really know him. He really liked her. And admired that she wouldn’t ditch her friends, take the “me first” attitude he’d seen in way too many people over the years. Hawk was a hell of a good man and it appeared his sister was good people too. Honorable. Then he’d known that already. She’d drawn him back to Hawk’s place more than once over the years and what he’d found had always held him enthralled a little more each time. He’d found excuses to go home with Hawk. Asking a few times more than he should about Eva. It was hard to acknowledge an interest where there shouldn’t be one.

  But what if the relationship could be something like Hawk had found for himself? Swede had watched that explode from nothing into something so perfect that the rest of the men had been left breathless with a want of their own. Now half his main team were hooked up with women Swede admired. And that was saying something. There were women everywhere. But not always ones he wanted to be with. He’d been in a bar one night where a group of women played a hand of poker – winner getting to take him home. Hawk had told him about it. Swede had gotten up and left. Like hell he was a prize for the winning hand. In fact, it wasn’t long after he’d taken a close look at his life and had made a one hundred-eighty degree turn.

  That’s not how someone treated another person.

  If Swede ever screwed up in the relationship with Eva, yeah things could get seriously ugly. But what if he found that same unique special person that Mason, Hawk and now Dane had found for themselves?

  It sucked to go to the same old bar with the guys and realize half your group had someone to go home to. The other guys had noticed too. Poor Cooper, he was still not on active duty and that had chafed him. He figured that’s how the men had found their women. And he was mostly right.

  Hell, Swede wished it were that easy. Go on a mission and return with a wife. But it wasn’t or he’d have had one by now. And he wanted what his buddies had. Hell, he’d wanted the same for himself a long time ago but had turned his back on the possibility knowing how that would go down with Hawk. He’d buried his feelings in a long line of beauties.

  That had caused him trouble too. Eva had seen his single life. And she’d not been impressed.

  He winced. If he’d seen her running through the long list of comparable men, he’d have been pissed. So much for that whole what’s good for the goose is good for the gander thing.

  He was an idiot. Still, he’d been alone for a long time now and celibacy sucked. Only Swede didn’t plan to stop until he found what he wanted.

  “Hey you?”

  With a head shake, he realized Eva stood in front of him, wrapped only in a towel. Jesus. Talk about reality lining up with hi
s thoughts perfectly. He swallowed. “What?”

  “I asked if you wanted a quick shower.”

  With you? he wanted to ask but managed to keep the thought in his head. “We don’t have time. I’ll have one later.”

  She nodded and walked to the bed. “If you won’t leave the room, do you want to go out on the deck or something?”

  Startled, he looked at her and realized she wanted to be alone so she could get dressed. He grinned. “No, I’m good right here.”

  She shot him a look, gathered up her change of clothes and walked back into the bathroom and closed the door.

  “Okay, okay you don’t have to hide,” he called. “I can stand outside.”

  “Too late. And I’m not hiding, but I don’t get dressed in front of strangers,” she added sarcastically. “No matter how honorable they are supposed to be.”

  At the honorable comment, feeling like a shit, he sighed. “You’re right, I should have walked out on the deck or at least turned my back.”

  The door opened, she came out fully dressed and grinned. “Yeah, you should have, but you didn’t, so a chance to be honorable has passed you by again.”

  “Again, what do you mean again?” he said in outrage.

  Chapter 12

  Eva laughed at the disgruntled look on his face. “Well, you did let me fall over the fence.”

  His face fell.

  And she realized she’d hit a sore spot there. “Hey, I’m kidding. I was fine. It was my fault.”

  “You might have been fine, but I should have picked you up and carried you over it with me.”

  The thought boggled her mind. Really? He could do that. What would it feel like to be carried around like a fair damsel in the arms of her knight? She’d never know. Then again, several hundred years ago where the fair damsel stuff came from, Swede would be considered a rake.

  Of course reformed rakes were the best of all.

  At the dresser she grabbed up her hairbrush and started trying to untangle the unruly mess.

  After a few seconds of ruthless tugging, the hairbrush was grabbed out of her hand. In a dark voice, Swede said, “Let me do that. Even inexperienced, I’ll do less damage than you are doing. And why are you acting this way?”


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