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Super Mega (Heroes & Harems Book 2)

Page 4

by Nolan Fury

  After a few moments, she was ready for the real deal. She straddled me and slid her slickness up my shaft. We ground our hips against each other for a moment, building the anticipation. Then she crested the tip and took my length inside. She screamed with ecstasy as her lips wrapped around me, sliding down to the base.

  I cupped her ass and rocked her hips. She slammed down, her sweet ass slapping against my skin. I moved my hands up her rib cage and caressed her breasts, gently tweaking her nipples.

  She moaned again.

  She rode me like a mechanical bull in a western bar. And I liked it. Her body arched and her head tilted back as she bucked and writhed.

  Having already shot once, I had a lot more stamina. Glow got the better end of the deal, compared to Ruby.

  We continued our passionate undulations until I spewed my nectar inside her with pulsing throbs. Glow tightened, and a rush of orgasmic energy washed through her. I felt her warmth flow over me.

  She collapsed on top of me and kissed me.

  Ruby tried to suppress the jealousy in her eyes, but she wasn’t doing a very good job of it. She said it in a joking tone, but there was a hint of seriousness in it, “Next time. Come in her first.”


  It should have been one of the greatest moments of my life. I had two of the hottest girls in the galaxy on either side of me. They were both gorgeous, had perfect bodies, were incredible in the sack, and were somehow attracted to me. I felt like a king. I had never been with two women at the same time before. It had always been a fantasy, but I could never seem to make it work out. All of my relationship experience had been limited to one woman at a time. And that was difficult enough. An inkling of concern entered my mind about how I was going to keep three women happy. I had failed miserably at hanging onto one.

  I was attracted to each of the girls for different reasons. Zoe was feisty, bold, and dangerous. Glow was innocent, naughty, carefree, and energetic. Ruby had a mix of strength and vulnerability, and a deep emotional capacity. I connected with each one on a different level.

  There was no sense in focusing on anything other than the current moment. It was a great moment. I didn’t know what the future was going to bring, but I figured I’d roll with it.

  I drifted to sleep in a blissful post-sex coma. My luscious dreams quickly turned to nightmares. I was drowning. I couldn’t breathe. My lungs burned. I kept swimming for the surface, but it was an unreachable destination. No matter how hard I pulled, I couldn’t escape the depths.

  Finally I broke out of my dream. Reality was worse. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t suck in a breath. The elephant was back on my chest again. Ruby snuggled up next to me, and Glow was gone. Without her, Ruby drained my energy as she slept. She had no intention of doing it, I’m sure.

  Where the hell did Glow go?

  I summoned my strength and rolled aside, sliding out from underneath Ruby’s arm. I flopped out of bed and crashed on the floor.

  I tried to suck in another breath of air and this time was moderately successful. I wheezed as I gasped for breath. Hunched on all fours, I slowly staggered to my feet.

  Ruby sat up, awakened by the commotion.

  Glow marched back into the room.

  “What happened?” Ruby asked, her eyes filled with horror.

  “Oh, my God! I’m so sorry” Glow said. “I needed to use the bathroom. I wasn’t thinking.”

  My chest heaved. “It’s okay. I can breathe now."

  Sadness washed over Ruby’s face. Her tortured eyes gazed at me.

  Glow rushed to my side and wrapped her arms around me, filling me with her essence. Her presence felt warm and comforting. “How’s that?”


  I could see that Ruby was even more distraught watching Glow comfort me. It was something she was never going to be able to do alone.

  “I’m going to go sleep in one of the spare bedrooms. You guys can have this room to yourself tonight.”

  “I don’t want you to go,” I said.

  “It’s too dangerous for you otherwise," Ruby said. "You almost died in your sleep.”

  “It’s my fault,” Glow said.

  “No. It’s not. It’s mine.” Ruby climbed out of bed and marched toward the door.

  I held onto Glow as I reached out for Ruby’s arm, stopping her. “Stay. I’ll be fine. Glow is going to be right here, and if she needs to get up in the middle of the night, she'll wake me up. Won’t you?” I said, turning my gaze to her.

  “I will. I don’t want anything to happen to you either.”

  Ruby’s conflicted eyes gazed at me, considering this. She took a breath and steeled her resolve. “I think we shouldn’t do this anymore.” Her eyes brimmed with tears. “It’s too dangerous. It’s never going to work between us. I can’t constantly be in fear of hurting you.”

  My stomach twisted in knots at the sound of her words. The thought of losing her made me feel hollow. “Where is your sense of adventure? You can’t quit on me at the first sign of trouble.”

  “This is more than a sign of trouble,” Ruby said with a solemn face. “This is a recipe for disaster.”

  I pulled her close and wrapped one arm around her and the other around Glow. “You can’t make decisions about what risk level I’m willing to take. And I think you’re worth the risk.”

  She smiled, and a happy tear trickled down her cheek. She threw her arms around me and hugged both Glow and me tight. “You guys are the best.”

  We group hugged for a moment, then I slid my hand down their curvaceous spines and goosed their asses—my hands full with their pert cheeks.

  They both giggled.

  I lightly smacked their bottoms and said, “Now let’s go back to bed.”

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned for my well-being, but I really did think Ruby was worth the risk.

  I climbed into bed and the two girls nuzzled on either side of me, my arms wrapped around them. Their soft breasts pressed against my chest. The sweet smell of their smooth skin and hair filled my nostrils. My eyes gazed over their curvaceous forms, still in disbelief that this was really happening. This was a life fit for a king, if I could make it work. And I was determined to make it work.

  It was a nice moment, holding the two girls in my arms as we drifted off. But the jackass that burst through the door spoiled everything.


  Fuck this guy! Who the hell did he think he was?

  “You said, ex-boyfriend, right?” I grumbled.

  Rage boiled on Ruby’s face. “What the hell are you doing here, Severin? Get out of my home! You don’t own me.”

  “Yes, I do!” he replied. “I’ve claimed you. You belong to me.”

  This guy had douche-bag written all over him. Square jaw, chiseled features, flowing black hair, narrow dark eyes, pale skin. Yeah, yeah, he was good looking, so that made me hate him even more. He was dressed in black, and his leather trench-coat flowed behind him like a cape as he stormed in.

  I clenched my jaw and tightened my fists. The veins in my neck bulged. Ruby and I had just met, but I felt incredibly protective of her and the girls. I sprang from the bed, ready to kick the douche-canoe’s ass. With my junk swinging, I was in a compromised position. I had never fought anybody naked before, but there was a first time for everything.

  I scowled at the jerk. “The lady wants you to leave. I suggest you do so!”

  Severin chuckled. He had an annoying, cocky laugh. He thrust his hand forward, and a brilliant bolt of energy arced from his palm. It rocketed across the room like lightning, crackling and popping. The sharp smell of charged ions filled the air.

  The molten plasma struck me in the chest, launching me back onto the bed. Blinding white light filled my vision. Air escaped my lungs. Pain rifled through my body, jolting every nerve.

  Then everything went dark.

  I woke the next morning with sunlight beaming in through the windows.

  Tyler hovered over me with a concerned face.<
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  My scorched chest ached. I winced with pain as I tried to sit up. My skin was red like a lobster. Worse than any sunburn I’d ever had before.

  “Thank goodness you’re alive! It’s lucky you still had residual power from Glow, or you’d be dead. Some of the bolt’s energy transferred from you to Ruby.”

  My eyes widened with worry. “Is she okay?”

  “Severin has taken her and the others. I cannot speak to her condition. She was unconscious after the bolt arced from you to her.”

  The muscles in my jaw flexed. My hands balled into fists. “We’ve got to get her back!”

  “I concur.”

  “Where has he taken her?”

  “Cygnus Reticuli 3, most likely. That’s where he lives.”

  I climbed out of bed, fumbled for my clothes, and got dressed. It hurt just to breathe.

  “Where are you going?” Tyler asked.

  “To get my girls back.”

  Tyler followed me as I stormed out of the bedroom. “While I think that’s an excellent idea, any attempt to rescue Ruby and the others will be futile in your condition. You are no match for Severin's strength and ability.”

  “Then I’ll die trying.”

  “That would result in an outcome that is unsatisfactory.”

  “You got a better idea?”

  “Yes, in fact, I do,” the robot said. “But it is not without its dangers.”

  “I like danger. I eat danger for breakfast.”

  Tyler rolled his eyes. “You’re a normal person. Severin is a powerful super. He is immortal and wields dark magic.”

  “Nobody’s immortal. Everything that lives has to die at some point.”

  “That’s why you need to meet with the Oracle,” Tyler said. “She will know the way to defeat Severin.”

  “Where can I find this Oracle?”

  “Gamma Hydra 9.”

  A command popped up in my field of view

  [Quest: Repair warbird, Meet with Oracle.]

  My face twisted with confusion. “Why did I just see a quest prompt? Are we in some type of game or simulation?”

  “You have to understand, the Ultraverse is a living entity that we are all a part of. I do not know what the Ultraverse is, or who created it. But unlike your dimension, where people often wander aimlessly lacking purpose, the Ultraverse is actively involved in your destiny. You can choose to ignore the quests you are given, but you will not progress.”

  “Sort of like a roadmap for life. That’s handy.”


  “Then let’s get to work!”

  Tyler fixed breakfast. Then we spent the rest of the day in the Warbird, replacing modulators and reconnecting faulty wiring. My skin burned to the touch. A full day in a cramped, hot crawlspace exacerbated the problem.

  By nightfall, I had finished most of the repairs. I climbed into the cockpit and slipped into the pilot’s seat. The Warbird wasn’t all that different from an aircraft back on Earth. It had a control column, airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator, altimeter, navigation indicator, artificial horizon gauge, thruster controls, and foot pedals for rudder control.

  I concentrated on the dash and a pop-up menu appeared, describing functions. I powered up the craft and ran a system diagnostic. Gauges and screens flickered to life. Holographic indicators projected around me. The amber glow illuminated my face. To my surprise, most of the systems came back green. Though, there was an area of the hull that was compromised.

  I crawled out of the cockpit and found some hull patches in engineering. The patch was a roll of metallic tape—an advanced blended polymer that was moldable and self adhesive. Once it was in position, a simple activation would harden it. The material would bond and become part of the original hull. At least that’s what my stat screen indicated.

  I climbed through a hatch on the roof deck and marched to the damaged area. I placed the tape over the breached sections, then used the activator tool to harden it. The wand had a glowing tip and sent a small pulse through the material.

  The soft material stiffened.

  I rapped my knuckles on the hardshell to test it out. Clink. Clink. Clink. Damn, the stuff worked pretty good!

  My chest still ached, and I was exhausted from the repairs. I figured I’d run a hull integrity test in the morning, then we'd head out to meet the Oracle. But the more Tyler told me about her, the less inclined I was to meet with her. The things he said made me cringe.


  I woke the next morning without the sound of the girls' laughter. Ruby’s palace felt hollow and empty. I was surprised how quickly I had grown accustomed to the vibrant energy the girls emitted. It was terrible without them.

  I crawled out of bed and did not want to put my fatigues back on. I had been wearing them for several days straight, and they were pretty ripe.

  I took a shower, grabbed a robe, and strolled down to the kitchen. Tyler fixed bacon and eggs and had them waiting for me.

  “Tyler, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “It is my humble pleasure to serve you. I just hope you are able to save Ruby and the girls. My life is incomplete without them.”

  “I’ll bring them back. Don’t worry.”

  “I have the utmost faith in you.”

  I liked the little robot. He was always eager to please and had a positive attitude.

  “You know what I need? Clothes!”

  “Yes, I agree. Your wardrobe is severely lacking.” Tyler said. “I’m sure we can find something on the UltraNet.”

  Tyler took a moment to scan the network. Then he projected a holographic screen in front of me. “This is a popular men’s clothing store. You can scroll through the selections and make a purchase on Ruby’s account. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

  “How long does it take to deliver?”

  “Instantly. Your order will be created in the fabricator.”

  My brow lifted, I was impressed. I swiped through the holographic display, looking at shirts, pants, coats, and boots. I made several selections and a 3D figure modeled the clothing and spun around from all angles. I had to admit, this was a pretty cool way to shop.

  “What about sizing? There aren’t any options.”

  “Not necessary. Garments in the Ultraverse are made of smart materials that size to fit.”

  I pressed purchase and completed my order.

  “Excellent choice!” Tyler said. “I’ll grab your clothes from the fabricator.”

  He flew out of the room and returned a few moments later with my outfit. Clothes hangers dangled from his hands.

  I put on the sleek black bodysuit. It had advanced soft armor plating in the chest, abdomen, arms and legs. I figured I would need all the help I could get if I was going to be doing battle with supers. I purchased boots and a long black trench coat, just because it looked cool. The garment adjusted to fit perfectly. The boots fit snug against my feet, but weren’t cramped in the toes.

  “Does Ruby have any weapons around here?”

  “There’s a plasma pistol in the nightstand by her bed.”

  I ran upstairs and pulled open the nightstand drawer. The plasma pistol sat snug in a magnetic holster next to a dildo. I chuckled and picked up the weapon. It was similar to my 9mm back home, but it was slightly larger. I pressed the mag release button and dropped the magazine into my palm. There were hundreds of small rounds that looked slightly larger than toothpicks. Underneath the barrel was a vented plasma charge core. Blue light spilled from the vent slats. I didn’t know how the hell this thing worked. I figured the charge core super-heated the metallic spikes.

  I stared at the object for moment and my stat screen appeared.

  [Krüger PP7 Plasma Pistol.]

  [Projectiles: Trivantium Carbide.]

  [Magazine Capacity: 250.]

  [Plasma Charge Capacity: 1,000,000 est.]

  I holstered the weapon and attached it to my waist. I figured the trench-coat would come in handy to conceal the weapon an
d any long guns that I might acquire. I really wanted to fire off some test shots with this bad boy, but that was going to have to wait for later.

  Tyler stocked the Warbird with food and supplies. I was probably out of my mind going on this crazy adventure. I could take the ship and go anywhere I wanted in this strange and wondrous universe. But I couldn’t get Ruby and the girls out of my mind. I couldn't leave them to fend for themselves. It would have been a shitty thing to do. Besides, she had saved my ass. Saving hers was the least that I could do.

  I slid into the pilot seat and powered up the Warbird. The gauges and screens flickered to life. I went through a series of preflight checks and everything came back green. The bulkheads rattled as I spun up the engines for the first time. They choked and sputtered, then settled into a smooth high-pitched rumble. From the control panel, I sealed all the hatches and ran an integrity test. The ship didn’t appear to be leaking atmosphere anywhere.

  Tyler buzzed into the cockpit and hovered over the pilot’s chair. He fumbled with the safety harness, but there was no way for him to secure himself in the traditional sense. Instead, he clung onto the straps.

  “What’s the matter, you don’t trust my flying?” I asked.

  “I have yet to see a demonstration of your abilities.”

  I scowled at him playfully. I engaged the vertical thrusters, and the craft lifted from the ground. The Warbird pitched and rolled at first as I tried to get a feel for the controls. We drifted too far port-side and almost slammed into the palace. A last-minute correction spared the structure, and the hull.

  There was a little play in the control column, but it wasn’t bad. I figured I might be able to tighten it up with a little tinkering. The ship was bigger than the helicopter I was used to, and it took a moment to adjust to the size and weight.

  I finally leveled the craft out and brought her to a steady hover. I wanted to sit there for a few minutes and make sure nothing was going to break. If we had a malfunction, I figured it was best for that to happen now as opposed to being deep in space.


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