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Super Mega (Heroes & Harems Book 2)

Page 14

by Nolan Fury

  “A vampire?”

  “A psychic vampire. He feeds off the energy of other living souls.” Tyler paused. “But you will be able to counteract that ability with the stone.”

  “Show me where his building is,” I said, stone-faced.


  Severin's building towered into the sky. It was a sleek, sexy architectural masterpiece. Clean lines with a minimalist design. The top two floors had high ceilings and wall-to-wall windows, along with a spacious terrace.

  I stood across the street, gazing at the structure, formulating a game plan.

  The building had a doorman, and there was no way in or out without passing biometric scanners and meeting with the doorman’s approval. Getting into the building wasn’t going to be easy. But I was about to catch a lucky break.

  A moving van rolled to the curb in front of the building, stopping in a temporary parking zone. Yellow hazard lights flicked on, and two guys hopped out of the cab. They marched to the back of the van and rolled up the cargo door. High-tech moving boxes filled the inside of the storage area. Each box had a sensor that cataloged the items within and listed them on a display panel on the outside. It made packing and unpacking and sorting a hell of a lot easier.

  The two guys grabbed a hover-dolly and started loading containers atop it. They pushed the load to the front door, and the doorman held it open for them. He locked the door in the open position so he wouldn’t have to keep holding the door for them.

  It was a perfect opportunity.

  “Tyler, I need you to run a recon mission.”

  His eyes perked up with purpose, and he gave me a mock salute. “Yes, sir!”

  “Can you float up to the penthouse and surveil the area from outside?”

  “The wind gusts are likely to be strong up there, but I think I can manage.”

  “Get to it! Stay on comms.”

  Tyler elevated into the sky.

  “What about me?” Quinn asked.

  “You’re going to stay here.”

  She glared at me. “I’m not letting you go in there by yourself.”

  “I’m not putting you in harm’s way again.”

  “You’ll need me close by to draw my power.”

  “I’ll draw power from Severin and the other supers.”

  “It may not be enough.” She stared at me with imploring eyes. “You’re not strong enough to do this on your own. You need me.”

  “You’re not taking no for an answer, are you?”

  Quinn shook her head.

  “Okay,” I sighed.

  I darted across the street and grabbed a box from the back of the moving van. Quinn did the same. We strolled in through the front door and nobody paid us any attention. I set the box down by the bank of elevators and pressed the call button. A moment later, the elevator doors slid open and Quinn and I stepped inside. I pressed the button for the top floor and the elevator launched us up the shaft. We sped skyward so fast I almost felt lightheaded.

  We stepped off the lift on the top floor and strolled down the hallway. There were only three apartments on this level—one at the end of the hallway, and two on either side.

  I figured Severin’s was the biggest one.

  “What are you going to do? Just ring the bell?” Quinn asked.

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  The door to the apartment on the right side of the hall was open, and a man painted the walls. The apartment was empty, and it appeared they were preparing it for the next tenant.

  I stopped in the doorway and looked into the apartment. Stark white walls, marble floors, and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a panoramic view of the city. The heavy smell of fresh paint filled my nostrils.

  Paint cans, brushes, and trays littered the area. An extra pair of painting overalls were strewn over the counter.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I’m the new tenant.” I lied. “I just wanted to show my wife the apartment.”

  “Sure. Come on in,” the painter said. “I’m just about to break for lunch.”

  He climbed off the ladder and moved to the sink. He ran the water and washed his brush out then set it in a tray to dry. “Take your time. I’ll be back to finish up in an hour.”

  I gave him a courteous nod as he strolled out of the apartment. I heard his footsteps clack down the hall. A few moments later, the elevator dinged, the doors slid open, and he slipped inside.

  Quinn flashed me an optimistic glance. “So, we’re married now, are we?”

  I swallowed hard.

  “Don’t look so terrified. I was only kidding.”

  I grabbed the overalls from the counter and put them on.

  Quinn eyed me lasciviously. “Stylish.”

  “Stay here.”

  She scowled at me. “We had a deal.”

  “And the deal was you were going to stay close by. This is close by.”

  She huffed and folded her arms. “How many girls do you know that would travel across the galaxy with you to rescue your other girlfriends?”

  “Uh, not many.”

  “Exactly. So, you better start appreciating me.”

  “I do appreciate you.”

  “Then stop being over-protective and let me help you.”

  “I’m sorry. I feel terrible for not being able to protect Ruby and the girls. It would kill me if anything happened to you too.”

  She tried to hide a smile. “Well, at least you care.”

  “Yes. I think it’s fair to say that I do.”

  “What if Ruby and the girls don’t like me?” Quinn asked.

  “They’re going to love you.”

  “I don’t get along with most girls. I have way more guy friends than girlfriends.” She paused solemnly. “I would never ask you to choose between us. I mean, if they don’t like me, I’ll understand if—”

  “Hey, let’s not go there,” I said softly. “We’re going to go in there, kick some ass, rescue the girls, and everything’s going to be fine.”

  She smiled again. “Let’s do this.”

  I tapped my earbud. “Tyler, do you copy?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “What do you see?”


  I knocked on Severin’s door. Tyler gave me a general description of the layout and the number of people he saw inside the apartment. Footsteps clacked down the hall and a voice boomed through the door. “Who is it?”

  Just as I had felt Quinn’s energy, the stone leached the super’s power on the other side of the door. Again, the stone warmed in my pocket.

  “Maintenance. A pipe burst in 6702. I need to check and see if it extended into your apartment.”

  “I haven’t noticed any leaks.”

  “Just because you haven’t seen them, doesn’t mean they’re not there. Right now, you could have water gushing into a wall-well, ruining sheet-rock and insulation. If you don’t catch it, you could have a mold problem. The building wouldn’t be responsible because you refused service.”

  I heard the guy sigh, then the lock unlatched. He pulled the door open, and I charged inside. The door smacked him in the face, cracking his nose. Before he could react, I pierced the dagger into his heart.

  It wasn’t Severin.

  Perhaps a bodyguard or an underling?

  His eyes widened, and he clutched his chest. He gasped for breath, and blood splattered out of his mouth. The warm liquid flowed out of his chest and over my hands.

  I pulled the dagger free, and the goon collapsed to the tile.

  Another one of Severin’s minions rounded the corner and stood at the end of the entrance foyer. He formed a ball of glowing energy in his palm and hurled it at me.

  This was the moment of truth. Doubt crept in my mind. Maybe I should have listened to Quinn? Maybe I should have practiced more? It all happened in a flash. I thrust my hand forward and focused my mind. I felt the goon’s power transfer to me, weakening him in the process.

  I created an ene
rgy shield to block the flickering ball that streaked toward me. It collided with my shield, making a brilliant flash. The impact knocked me to the ground, but it didn’t kill me.

  I staggered to my feet and formed an energy ball in my palm and hurled it like a fastball down the foyer.

  The goon blocked it with ease.

  Quinn was right. I wasn’t nearly as powerful as this super.

  I gripped my dagger by the blade and hurled it end over end down the hallway. The blade tumbled, slicing through the air. It pierced his energy shield and stabbed into the goon’s chest with a thunk.

  He clutched his chest, and his eyes bulged. He dropped to his knees and fell face first on the ground, driving the dagger deeper into his heart.

  I raced to the end of the hallway and yanked the blade from his flesh. I wiped the crimson blood on my pant’s leg.

  My eyes scanned the area, looking for more of Severin’s goons.

  The living room was huge. The ceiling was two stories high. Daylight filtered in through the panoramic windows. Towering skyscrapers glistened in the light. There was an infinity pool on the terrace.

  Severin had style. I’ll give him that. The place was the ultimate bachelor pad. Sleek furniture, tasteful art, all the latest technology. Large-screen display. A killer sound system. The open floor plan allowed me to see into the kitchen. It looked like it had every modern culinary device. There was a fully stocked bar. Stairs led up to the second floor, and multiple hallways led to a variety of rooms.

  Tyler hovered on the terrace. I slid open the glass door and let him inside.

  As soon as he entered, two bolts arced across the room.

  The brilliant flashes slammed into Tyler and Quinn. My eyes widened with fear as the bolts knocked them across the room. Quinn hit the floor and slid into a wall. The impact rendered her unconscious. Tyler clattered to the ground, charred and smoking.

  My heart leapt into my throat. I was so angry I was on the verge of tears. My entire body tensed. I clenched my fists and scowled at Severin who stood across the living room.

  His evil eyes narrowed at me. It took a moment for him to recognize me. “I assumed you were dead. And now you've come to steal my harem."

  “They don't belong to you."

  Severin growled. "Ruby is mine. I claimed her."

  "I think she has something different to say about that.”

  “What Ruby wants is of no concern to me. In time, she will come to see that we are meant to be together." His eyes surveyed me with disdain.

  Energy formed in his palms, then he hurled two more bolts at me. I channeled his energy and created a shield, deflecting the blasts. But again, the impact sent me flying across the room.

  My back slammed into the wall, shattering the sheet rock. The wall came down around me, and bits of dust and gypsum billowed into the air. I winced as pain rifled through my back and jolted down my spine. With the wind knocked from my lungs, I could barely breathe.

  Severin kept pummeling me with blasts. It took all of my focus and strength to keep my energy shield up.

  Energy swirled the air, sparking and crackling. The hairs on my neck stood tall from the charged atmosphere. Each strike felt like a punch from a heavyweight champ. I didn’t know how long I could defend against such an attack.


  Severin continued his merciless onslaught. My energy shield began to flicker and fade. With Quinn unconscious, I no longer had any of her power. But my energy was tied to Severin’s.

  As my shield evaporated, Severin threw his last bolt. It crackled across the room and struck me in the chest. It sent me back into the wall and down to the ground.

  My chest burned, but the bolt was weak. Severin tried to form another energy ball in his palm, but it just fizzled.

  He clenched his jaw and scowled at me.

  I staggered to my feet and squared off against him, gripping the hilt of the dagger. I could see in his eyes that he had a newfound respect for my ability. Though, he was riddled with confusion by my power to withstand his onslaught.

  “You are not a super,” he surmised. “What magic do you possess?”

  I said nothing.

  He carefully regarded my blade. An inkling of fear sparkled in his dark eyes. “So, you think you can harm me with that?”

  I glared at him as we circled each other, looking for an opportunity to strike.

  Quinn stirred, and I felt a surge of power from her as she regained consciousness. I used her speed to attack Severin. My form blurred across the living room as I struck, stabbing the blade toward his heart.

  Despite my speed, Severin evaded my attack. With the speed of a cobra, Severin grabbed my arm and bent my wrist to the point of pain. My grip went slack, and he snatched the dagger from my grasp.

  Severin flung me to the ground and eyed the blade curiously. “Impressive. You’ve recovered the Dagger of Adynio. A feat worthy of a super.” His foul gaze turned from the blade to me.

  He lunged for my throat and gripped my trachea. He lifted me in the air, my feet dangling above the tile. He slammed me against the wall and angled the blade at my chest.

  I gasped for breath. My lungs wheezed as I tried to suck in oxygen. My round eyes gazed at the blade that I had fought so hard to secure. Now it was going to kill me.

  Severin plunged the blade into my belly. Sharp pain filled my abdomen, and the tinny metallic taste of blood crept into the back of my throat.

  My eyes bulged.

  Crimson blood spewed from my mouth.

  Quinn screamed. She staggered to her feet, still in no condition to fight.

  Severin pulled the blade from my gut, and it felt like my insides had been stripped out. He wound his arm back to stab again.

  Tyler had resurrected himself. His faceplate was cracked, and his display flashed wonky lights, but he was still functioning. He careened across the living room and smacked Severin in the head.

  The impact knocked Severin to the tile. The blade clattered against the marble floor.

  Tyler bounced away and slammed into the wall, putting a round hole in the sheet rock.

  I knelt down, grabbed the blade, and heaved it over my head. I stabbed down, plunging the tip into Severin’s heart. His face filled with a mix of shock and disbelief. His life-force drained, and his skin shriveled. Within moments, he looked like a mummified corpse.

  I collapsed on the tile beside him writhing in agony. My hands clutched my belly, and the escaping blood seeped through my fingers. The wound burned as stomach acid mixed with blood.

  Quinn hovered over me, her face crinkled with worry.

  “Find the girls,” I said, barely able to choke the words out.

  “We need to find a healer,” Quinn said.

  “Find Glow. She can save me.”

  Quinn sprang to her feet and raced up the staircase, searching the apartment.

  Tyler followed. He sparked and cracked, and smoke wafted from his shell. His erratic flight pattern indicated severe internal damage.

  My face grew pale, and my skin felt cold and clammy. A chill ran through me. My heartbeat thudded in my ears, growing ever weaker. With each pump of my heart, I felt blood leave my veins.

  I lay on the floor staring at the ceiling as the corners of my vision began to fade. My extremities went numb, and I began to tremble. The sharp burning pain gave way to a deep discomfort. My body was shutting down. Each breath seemed more difficult than the one before.

  Then a wave of peace and calm washed over me. I stopped worrying. Perhaps it was a release of endorphins—a final rush of chemicals to ease the pain of death. Even as my vision faded, colors seemed more vibrant. I was dying, and I was strangely okay with it.

  I heard Ruby’s voice as Quinn freed them from their prison. I knew she was going to be okay. I had accomplished my mission. I could leave the universe now. She was safe.


  Death was nothing like I expected. I had always envisioned a bright light and a comforting voice at the end of the
tunnel. I imagined I would be surrounded by white pillowy clouds and angelic figures that looked like they belonged in a Renaissance painting. But it was nothing like that.

  Perhaps it was because I was in the Ultraverse. I felt as though I had no form. A mere spirit, traveling through time and space. But instead of drifting through the cosmos, I drifted through computer code. A strange swirl of letters and numbers and characters I couldn’t understand.

  The sensation only lasted a few moments. Then the blinding light that I had been anticipating filled my eyes. Suddenly, I had form again. I took a breath and filled my lungs. The blinding light faded and my vision returned to normal. I was back in Severin’s living room. Glow hovered over me, her warm hands hovering over my wound. Her worried frown turned into a smile.

  The pain in my stomach vanished. I felt for my wound, but it wasn’t there. I sat up and Glow flung her arms around me. “I’m so glad you are okay. You saved us.”

  “I think you saved me.” For the first time in a long time, I felt whole again. These people were my family now. And we were all together again.

  My eyes found Zoe, then Ruby. They all threw their arms around me and held me tight. I gave them each a little individual attention. When I got to Ruby, she planted a firm kiss on my lips and melted into me. Her green eyes stared into mine. In a soft, dedicated voice she said, “I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “We all are,” Glow said with a smirk.

  “Looks like we’re stuck with each other for a long time,” I said.

  Quinn gazed at us, and I could tell she felt like an outsider.

  “You’ve met Quinn,” I said. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without her.”

  Ruby and the girls gave her warm smiles and welcomed her.

  I climbed to my feet and pulled the dagger from Severin’s chest. I didn’t know when it would come in handy again. Something told me he wasn’t the last super that I was going to have to kill in the Ultraverse.

  As I pulled the bloody blade from his heart, his eyes opened and he reached his shriveled hand out. With his last breath he scowled and said, “You will never have Ruby!”


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