World War C
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media reports and, 35
mortality rates, 11, 40, 52, 54
obesity as risk factor, 194–95
origins of, 5, 82
orphans of, 21
pandemic awareness, 44–47
persistent infection by, 90–93
phases of, 88–89
scientific reporting of, 60–62
spike proteins of, 100, 106, 108, 111, 113, 114, 118, 238
stickiness of, 86–87
terminology for, 11
underestimated, 26, 34
U.S. long-term-care facilities and, 228–29
COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool, 185–86
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Calculator, 186
COVID-associated blood clots, 173–74
COVID data, 35–41 casualties and population density, 39–40, 47
daily confirmed cases, 11, 37, 248, 249
economic disparities, 38–39
media reports, 35
obesity risk factor, 194
preexisting cross immunity, 40–41
response protocols and, 36, 37
COVID postmortems, 21–47 novelty of COVID, 41–44, 167
pandemic awareness, 44–47
U.S. response protocols, 27–34, 42–43, 147–48, 156–57
victims, 22–26, 27
See also Birx, Deborah; Fauci, Anthony; Redfield, Bob
COVID-related symptoms, 9
COVID relief package, 141
COVID-specific antibodies, 108, 109, 112–14
COVID vaccines booster shots, 220
development of, 46, 95–96, 109–10
disinformation for women, 184–85
immunology and, 113–14
production of, 114–17
safety of, 102
variant-specific, 111–12, 116
viral vector type, 106
See also vaccination
COVID variants COVID as RNA virus and, 92–93
definition of, 76
high-tech surveillance of, 139
nature of COVID and, 87
risk assessment and, 184
vaccine hesitancy and, 169
vaccine myths and, 121–23
vaccines specific to, 111–12, 116
cowpox virus, 98
Crimson Contagion, 31, 54
crisis scammers, 186
cruise ships, 55, 227
cystic fibrosis, 110–11
cytokine storm, 80, 196
cytomegalovirus (CMV), 110
D and C (death and complications) meetings, 27
Daszak, Peter, 42
deaths by COVID, 23, 47, 63, 67–68 See also mortality rates of COVID
deep breathing exercises, 211–12
Defoe, Daniel, 35–36
deforestation, 130
Delft School of Microbiology, 72
dendrites, 169, 170
Diamond Princess, 55, 227
dietary choices, 199–200, 201
digital epidemiology, 56
disaster financial planners, 223–24
disaster risk awareness, 159–60
disease and death tracking methods, 36
Disease Control Priorities, 154
diseases of privilege, 38, 194
disease surveillance, 112
disenfranchised grief, 21–22
disinformation. See misinformation and disinformation
Disinformation Dozen, 185
DNA, 96 in inactivated vaccines, 105
mRNA and, 110
nutrition and, 198–99
vs. RNA, 75–76
structure of, 97
vaccine safety and, 106–7, 118
vaccines based on, 113–14
DNA viruses, 180
Doctors Group, 33
Duckworth, Angela, 221–22
Duncan, Thomas Eric, 245
durable power of attorney, 225
Ebola virus, 244–45 outbreaks, 16, 77, 79, 106, 110, 135, 136, 243–44
economic disparities, 11, 28–29, 36, 38–39, 122, 194, 220
Elbaz, Alber, 192
electron transmission microscopes, 73–74
Embase, 152
empathy fatigue, 21–22
environmental conservation, 146
Epidemic Preparedness Index, 153–54
epigenetic expression, 198–99, 238–39
equitable global vaccine access, 122, 184, 246
face masks. See masks
family pandemic-proof checklist, 219–40 advance health directives, 224–26
financial cushioning, 223–24
germ association, 233–35
health insurance choices, 222–23
long-haul COVID and, 235–40
long term care decisions, 228–29
regular physician visits, 220
shifting social circles, 230–32
thriving gaps, 220–22
traveling and, 226–28
work-life balance, 232–33
Fauci, Anthony on asymptomatic spread, 42
on China’s information, 53
on COVID adaptation, 92
on COVID unknowns, 178
on developing vaccine, 95–96
as expert, 42, 63
on pandemics, 47, 242
as part of Doctors Group, 33
as part of postmortem, 28
science-based messages of, 34
federal messaging, 64–65
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 201
Feigl-Ding, Eric, 8
Figi, Charlotte, 68–69
Finlay, B. Brett, 235
First Ladies, 15
Fishburne, Laurence, 4
Fluevog, John, 135
food. See nutrition
food-mood connection, 218
Franklin, Rosalind, 74
gain-of-function research, 83
gambler’s fallacy, 13
Gao, George, 51–53
gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), 203–4
gastrointestinal tract, 206–7
germ theory, 73
Ginsberg, Ruth Bader, 233
Giroir, Brett, 57
global audience reporting, 9–10
global health security, 11–12
Global Health Security Index, 11
global pandemic realities, 2–3
global partnerships, 103
global poverty, 147
global warming, 132
Godplayer (Cook), 27
Goodrich, James T., 67–68
Graham, Barney, 172
Great Influenza, The (Barry), 29
Great Plague of London, 35
Grey’s Anatomy, 137
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 174
H1N1 (swine flu), 10, 26, 77, 242, 243
H5N1 (avian flu), 10, 26, 77, 242
H5N8 (bird flu strain), 13
H10N3 (bird flu), 13
habitat loss, 130
Hahn, Stephen, 33
hand-washing, 46
hantavirus, 84–85
“Hantavirus Outbreak Associated with Laboratory Rats in Yunnan, China” (Shi), 84–85
Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child, 217
health, optimizing. See optimizing health, 222, 223
Henry, Bonnie, 133–37
hepatitis B virus, 124
herd immunity, 121–22, 168, 184
Hernandez, Edgar, 242
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 54, 87, 88, 106
Holmes, Francis, 73
horsepox virus, 100
Hotez, Peter, 103, 147–48, 149, 150
HPV vaccine, 189
Huanan Seafood Market, 6
human brain risk assessment, 161–62
human immune system disabled adenovirus vaccination, 106
inactivated vaccines and, 105
microbiome and, 202–9
movement, 209–12
sleep, 212–13
stress, 213–14
vaccination and, 112–14
vaccines and, 107, 123–24
vitamins and supplements for, 200
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 54, 87, 88, 106
humans DNA vs. RNA, 75–76
as earth’s virus, 132
microbiome, 70, 197, 201, 202–9, 217–18, 233, 235
migration and, 130
See also human immune system
human-to-human transmission, 51, 112, 130
Hunan lab leak theory, 81–86
Hurricane Katrina, 21, 30
hydroxychloroquine, 4
hygiene hypothesis, 234–35
Immune Boosters, 202
immune system. See human immune system
inactivated vaccines, 105
Inauguration Day, 15
India’s COVID surge, 247–50, 248, 249
infection-control inspections, 228
infection prevention precautions, 121
Infectious Diseases Society of America, 171
inflammatory vascular disease, 237
influenza (Spanish flu) pandemic (1918), 7, 17, 25, 40, 144, 153, 214, 251
influenza modeling, 7, 54, 57, 58
innate immune system, 112
inoculation, 98, 119 See also vaccination
Institute of Medicine, 56
international trade and travel, 77
intestinal microbes, 206
Isaacson, Richard, 237
isolation, 157, 184
Jenner, Edward, 98, 99, 100
Jie Cui, 84
Journal of the American Medical Association, 65
Journal of the Plague Year, A (Defoe), 35
Kadlec, Robert, 29, 30, 31–32, 34, 157–58, 159
Kant, Immanuel, 182–83
Karikó, Katalin, 111
Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age (Gupta), 197, 215
Koch, Robert, 73
Koch’s postulates, 73
Konnikova, Maria, 181, 182
Kushner, Jared, 15
lab leak theory, 81–86
laboratory resilience, 59
land use changes, 77
Lawler, James, 50
Lederberg, Joshua, 1, 202
leishmaniasis, 147
lipid nanoparticles, 115, 116
live-attenuated vaccine, 105
Lives of a Cell, The: Notes of a Biology Watcher (Thomas), 127, 132
long-haul COVID, 9, 24, 80, 196, 207, 235–40
The Lost Month, 43, 49, 58
Madhav, Nita, 153, 154
M and M (morbidity and mortality) meetings, 27
Marburg virus, 79
masks distribution systems for, 157
mandates for, 33, 46, 144, 170
wearing of, 43, 121, 140, 144, 146, 170, 184
mass rapid transit, 130
Mayer, Adolf, 73
McDermott, Mike, 114, 115, 116
McDonald, Anias, 67
McDonald, Jadon, 67
McWhinnie, Scottie, 243
measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, 114
measles vaccine, 105
Mecher, Carter, 49–50
media, 35, 185, 216
medical debt, 222
medical education, 147–48
medical innovation, 116
MedLine, 152
mental resiliency, 214–18
MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), 10, 38, 41, 54, 77
Messonnier, Nancy, 45
Metabiota, 71, 153–54
metabolism, 198
Metzl, Jamie, 12, 81, 82, 83, 85
microbial hypothesis, 234–35
microbiome, 197, 201, 202–9, 217–18, 233, 235
misinformation and disinformation, 150–52 broadcast media and, 35
disinformation campaign awareness, 151
emotionally based, 151
oversight or scrutiny, 151, 152
personal biases awareness, 152
social media and, 185
source credibility, 151, 152
sources of, 185
verifying, 151
on women and COVID vaccines, 184–85
See also anti-vaccination movement
mobile phone technology, 38
molecular biologist, 96
molecular epidemiology, 88
Montagu, Mary Wortley, 98
Moral Machine experiment, 165–66
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), 60–61
mortality rates of COVID, 11, 40, 52, 54
movement, 209–12
mRNA (messenger RNA), 96, 97, 119 See also mRNA technologies; mRNA vaccines
mRNA technologies, 96–97, 106, 109, 110–11, 119
mRNA vaccines development of, 96–97, 108–9
doses for, 114
operation of, 105, 113
safety of, 106–7, 118
wider uses of, 111, 251
multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), 187–88
myths. See vaccine myths
National Cancer Institute, 173
National Guard troops, 15
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), 34
National Institutes of Health, 236–37
Native Americans, 101, 141
navigating risk, 13–14, 175–76
Nelms, Sarah, 99
neurological deficits, 9
neurotransmitters, 203
New England Journal of Medicine, 91, 100
19 and Me calculator, 186
9/11 Commission, 43–44
9/11 terrorist attacks, 15, 21, 30, 43, 150
Nipah and Hendra viruses, 79
novel coronavirus, 5, 6, 9, 36, 81, 167 See also COVID
novelty of COVID, 41–44
novel virus. See novel coronavirus
nursing homes, 228, 229
nutrition, 197–99, 204–5, 218
Obama, Barack, 50
obesity COVID risk, 194–95
O’Brien, Robert, 7, 50
Offit, Paul, 97
Operation Warp Speed, 108, 110
Oppenheim, Ben, 154
optimism bias, 176–77
optimizing health, 191–218 mental resiliency, 214–18
microbiome nurturing, 202–9
movement, 209–12
remaking metabolism, 197–201
sleep, 212–13
stress and, 213–14
underlying conditions, 193–97
victim stories, 191–92
Orman, Suze, 224
OurCare, 225
Outbreak (Cook), 27
PACS (post-acute COVID syndrome) (long-haul), 9, 24, 26, 80, 196, 207, 235–40
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 3–4
Pandemic (Cook), 27
pandemic amnesia, 26
pandemic burnout, 142
pandemic denialism, 35
pandemic futures hope, 250–51
India’s surge, 184, 247–50, 248, 249
our responsibilities, 241–46
pandemic preparation, 133–60 awareness markers, 156–60
building sophisticated monitoring systems, 138–39
gaining perspective, 141–47
mass messaging frameworks, 139–41
readiness example, 133–38
risk perceptions, 152–55
seeking valuable and trustworthy information, 147–52
pandemic prep kit, 155–56
pandemic-proof brain, 215
pandemic-proofing habits, 170
pandemic-proof plan, 131–251 P: plan ahead, 133–60
R: rethink and rewire risk, 161–89
O: optimize health, 191–218
O: organize family, 219–40
F: fight for future, 241–51
pandemic risk response evaluations, 161–89 brain rewiring, 169–70
children and risk, 187–89
disinformation on women, 184–85
emotional assessments, 176–78
new invisible risk assessments, 161–63
personal risk tolerances, 163–65, 166
preconceived notions, 167–69
randomness, 178–79
risk equations, 180–84
risk relativity, 172–76
societal valuations, 165–67
technology uses, 185–87
pandemics amnesia of, 26
casualties and population density, 39–40, 47
children’s education and, 220–22
definition of, 44–45
denialism, 35
digital literacy, 151–52
era of, 17, 78
flu (1957, 1968), 40
global realities of, 2–3
H1N1 (2009), 26, 242
HIV, 87
modeling, 153
mourning after, 67–69
origins in nondomestic animals, 77–79
phases of, 143–44
response protocols, 36
risk perceptions of, 129–30
Russian flu (1889, 1892), 25
Spanish flu (1918), 7, 17, 25, 40, 144, 153, 214, 251
pandemic security, 131
pandemic smarter vacations, 226–27
pathogenic coronaviruses, 80
Pence, Mike, 33
People’s Republic of China. See China
personal protective equipment (PPE), 2–3, 31, 53, 96
personal risk profile, 172
personal risk tolerances, 163–65
Pfizer, 110, 114–15
Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine, 109
Phelps, Michael, 217
Phipps, James, 99
physical distancing, 43, 46, 134, 140, 144, 146, 154, 170
Physiology of Taste, The: Or, Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy (Brillat-Savarin), 204
Pithovirus sibericum, 124–25
Plague, The (Camus), 148
Plutarch, 220
polio, 97
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 90
population growth, 77
positivity rates, 179–80
post-acute COVID syndrome (PACS) (long-haul), 9, 24, 26, 80, 196, 207, 235–40
post-pandemic decisions, 169
post-pandemic era, 189
posttraumatic stress (PTS), 142
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 215
Pottinger, Matthew, 50
pox viruses, 98–99, 100
PPE (personal protective equipment), 2–3, 31, 53, 96
prebiotics, 209
predictive data analysis, 59
preexisting immunity, 38–39, 40–41
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program (PEPFAR), 53