Holly's Awakening

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Holly's Awakening Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I love that colour on you,” Kade said, walking into the room. He wore a towel around his waist, and he was drying his hair on another.

  “You bought it to look at.”

  “No, I bought it to take it off my woman. Come here.” He stood at the bottom of the bed, and she crawled to him. There was nothing dignified in her movements, but Kade seemed to like her. “Fuck, I love you crawling toward me. You’re so fucking sexy.”

  His fingers sank into the length of her hair, bringing her close for a kiss.

  She moaned as his lips consumed hers. He set a fire in her veins that could only be settled with his heat against her. His other hand caressed down and under the silk to cup her ass.

  Kade raised his hand and brought it down on her flesh. She gasped, crying out as the sting combined with the pleasure of her kiss.

  “Now that is sexy,” Steven said, walking in the room naked. His cock was already thick and ready. He moved next to Kade. She wrapped her fingers around his rod, pumping the length.

  “I’m ready to have you. Please, no more teasing.”

  “You’ve created a monster, Kade. How are you going to deal with her?”

  “I’ll punish her when I see fit and reward her for being good.” Kade’s fingers moved around her hip, down to sink into her pussy.

  She cried out, thrusting down on his hand.

  “And our girl is dripping wet. We have left her a couple of weeks with only our mouths or fingers to keep her company.”

  Kade withdrew his fingers, presenting them to Steven.

  Holly groaned as Steven sucked her cream off Kade’s fingers.

  “So juicy and ripe.”

  “Please, please, please,” she said, begging them both to put this fire out inside her.

  They had turned her into a sex-starved maniac.

  “Get on your back,” Kade said.

  Steven didn’t wait for Kade. He crawled up the bed, settling between her spread thighs. She opened her thighs wide for him to see how desperate she was. Turning her head to the side she watched Kade throw a couple tubes of lube, a butt plug, and several condoms onto the bed.

  She wasn’t on the pill yet, and they’d all agreed a child now wasn’t what they wanted. Holly wasn’t ready to have children of her own. She wanted to enjoy her newfound freedom.

  Her thoughts left her as Steven licked her clit. The sudden onslaught of pleasure was too much. She sat up off the bed, but he kept sucking.

  Kade went onto the bed, holding her down.

  “You let him suck you, baby. I’m going to watch him bring you off.”

  She really was doomed. Kade and Steven were going to kill her with pleasure.

  Holly couldn’t wait. In the short time she’d been with them, they’d awakened her.


  Her flavour exploded on his tongue. Steven moaned, licking more of her. Using two fingers he plunged them deep inside her cunt feeling her walls tighten around him. To have her close the last couple of weeks and not touch her had been a nightmare. All he wanted to do was make her his woman. He loved her so damn much. Steven couldn’t imagine life without her.

  Pressing on her thigh, he kept her open to him as he flicked her clit with her tongue.

  “You can bring her off this first time, Steven. I want her so turned on as I get her ass ready for the plug.”

  Steven moaned, thrusting against the bedding. He couldn’t wait to see her with the plug. Kade was a mastermind of pleasure, and Steven kept forgetting how good he was.

  Within minutes he brought Holly off. Her cunt squeezed the life out of his fingers as she came. Steven sucked her cream off his fingers as Kade turned her over, presenting her ass to the air.


  Holly screamed as Kade spanked her ass.

  “You’ve earned this, baby. The last couple of weeks have been a nightmare refusing you. It’s never going to happen again. You’re going to do as you’re told.”



  She whimpered and pressed against Kade’s hand.

  Steven shook his head. They truly had awakened a beast. The light fell over her pussy, and he saw the copious amounts of cream covering her lips. Kade’s domination turned her on.

  Flicking the cap on the tube of lube, he handed it to Kade.

  Steven crawled to the head of the bed, presenting his cock to her waiting lips. Over the last few days he’d been showing her how he liked his cock to be sucked. She wasn’t as hard as Kade liked to be, but he loved her mouth.

  She opened for him, taking him deep into her mouth. Holly could only take so much of him. Wrapping her hair around his fist, Steven pumped his hips in and out.

  “So fucking sexy,” Kade said.

  “He’s putting plenty of lube over your ass and his fingers,” Steven said, talking her through it. Concentrating on what Kade was doing and not losing control took every ounce of willpower Steven possessed. He did it though. “He’s pressing the tip of his middle finger against your ass. Suck my cock and relax, baby. This will go easier if you relax.”

  Her eyes were trained on him.

  Steven swapped his gaze from Holly to Kade.

  “That’s it, baby. You’ve taken one finger. Now relax and let in a second finger. The more you take it the quicker you can have both of us inside your tight ass and cunt.”

  He waited for her to relax, then watched Kade insert a second finger, sawing them together. Kade opened her ass and then reached for the butt plug. Once the plug was covered with lube, he inserted it into her anus.

  Holly released his cock, letting out a moan. “Feels so good.”

  “It’s only going to get better. Steven’s going to fuck your sweet pussy, and I’m taking his ass.”

  Steven pulled away from her face, flipped her onto her back and grabbed a condom. “I can’t wait until I stop using these. I want to feel your sweet pussy wrapped around me more than these fucking things.” He placed the latex over his saliva-covered cock and pressed the tip to her entrance.

  In one smooth thrust he plunged deep inside her tight heat.

  Their cries of pleasure mingled in the air. Steven rested his head against hers. Pulling out of her tight heat, he slammed inside her, going deeper still.

  “You both look so fucking beautiful,” Kade said, returning to the room with a towel in his hands.

  “She feels amazing.”

  “Nicest pussy I’ve had. The best.” Kade went to her side and claimed her lips.

  “How does he feel inside you, baby?”

  “He’s big, like you.” She wrapped her hand around Kade’s erection, pumping the shaft. “You’re going to take him?”

  “I’m going to fuck him, baby.” Kade pumped into her hand and then moved away. Steven glanced in the mirror to see Kade place on a condom.

  His lover watched him as he smeared plenty of lube over his cock.

  He felt the bed dip, and then Kade was behind him probing his ass.

  Steven tensed, and Holly caressed his arms. Her cunt squeezed him much like she had his hands.

  “What’s he doing?” she asked.

  “He’s preparing me. We always use condoms and lube. We’re safe with each other,” Steven said, shuddering. He loved feeling Kade’s fingers in his ass.

  “Like you both are with me.”

  “We love you, Holly. We’d never risk your safety even during sex. We can be as kinky as we want providing it’s safe, sane, and consensual,” Steven dropped down to take her lips. He needed to do something otherwise he’d come too soon.

  He wanted to enjoy the feel of being inside Holly as Kade was inside him. All three of them connected together, and soon all three of them would be connected inside her body.

  Steven couldn’t wait to claim her ass. She’d be so snug and tight.

  Letting out a moan, he plunged his tongue into her mouth as Kade did the same with his fingers.

  “He’s finger-fucking you, isn’t he?” she asked.

, he is. Kade knows what to do to drive me crazy.”

  “You’re not a submissive though?”

  “No,” Steven said, smiling. He knew what she was doing. She was distracting him, giving him time to come to his senses. “I love you so damn much. I won’t give in to Kade. You’re the submissive, baby. Our awakened submissive.”

  She smiled. “I like that. I like being what you both need.”

  “You’re more than what we need. You’re a part of us. That’s never going to change.”

  He kissed her as Kade pressed the tip of his cock to his ass. Steven forced himself to relax as Kade forged inside.

  There was no patience, and it was how Steven liked it.

  Pure heaven.


  Kade slammed deep inside Steven, feeling his ass tighten around him. Gripping his lover’s waist, he held on and basked in the feel of being inside Steven once again.

  He gazed down seeing Holly’s sweet smile. In the mirror he saw him and Steven. All three of them were a heady combination. He couldn’t wait for the moment to take Holly with Steven inside her ass. She’d be so damn tight.

  The love he felt for both people in the room filled Kade with so much hope. Holly didn’t want a family yet, and he was fine with that. He wanted the time alone with her before a child was added to the mix. This was their chance to get to know each other completely.

  He knew Steven, and now it was Holly’s time to shine. She was no longer trapped by her family or held captive by the abuse of her parents. Their woman was free to blossom. He looked forward to watching her grow.

  Her personality was shining though. Kade loved her teasing and how she couldn’t get enough of either of them.

  Kade pulled out of her body, then waited for Steven to do the same with Holly. When Steven plunged back inside, Kade did the same.

  Holly screamed as Kade pushed Steven deeper into her melting cunt. Her nails left red marks over Steven’s back.

  In quick movements, Steven pulled out after Kade did. They built up a pace and rhythm prolonging Holly’s pleasure. Together they worked to bring her off.

  “You look so fucking sexy when you’re ready to come,” Kade said, watching her eyes dilate.

  Her tits bounced with every thrust.

  “I want to change her. On your knees,” Steven said. Holding onto Steven’s hips, Kade stayed inside his lover.

  Steven gave her enough room, and Holly went to her knees before him. In seconds he was back inside her, going deeper. In the mirror Kade saw all three of them together.

  “Look up, Holly,” he said. “See us together.”

  She lifted her head. Her gaze landed on him, then on Steven.

  Her eyes closed as she let out a cry.

  The pleasure became a blur to Kade. He watched Holly splinter apart with her climax. All the time he felt Steven’s ass tighten around him. There was no end to the pleasure he was feeling.

  “I’m going to come,” Steven said.

  “Then come.” Kade let out a growl. His release was not far. He felt the stirrings in his balls.

  There was no holding it off.

  After a few quick thrusts Steven cried out, tensing underneath him.

  Kade didn’t need anything more. He relaxed, and his release poured out of him.

  Holly collapsed to the bed. He and Steven stayed up. If they fell down they’d hurt her.

  His whole body shook from the pleasure of what he’d just experienced. “I’ve never felt anything like that,” Steven said.

  “Me neither.”

  Easing out of him, Kade went to the bathroom, leaving his lovers alone. He rid himself of the condom then grabbed a towel for Steven and one for Holly.

  When he returned he found Steven stroking Holly’s stomach. She rested on her arms looking at him.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He handed Steven a towel to clean Holly.

  He went around and wiped Steven.

  When they were clean he took his space on the other side of Holly.

  Her hand went up in the air, and he took one hand as Steven took the other.

  “I never thought I could be so happy,” she said, breaking the silence that had fallen between them all.

  “Kade and I were happy. We knew from the beginning we’d never be satisfied without a woman.” Steven glanced over at him with a smile.

  “You both talked about having a woman even when you started off your relationship?” Holly rolled over going to her stomach. She stared between them.

  Pushing the hair off her face, Kade smiled at her. He stroked a hand down her back feeling the butt plug still firmly in place.

  In a few weeks he might be able to share her with Steven. Her ass needed to be trained to take a cock. Once tonight was over he was going to fit her with another butt plug tomorrow morning.

  He was not known for his patience. The sooner Steven had a ring on her finger and Holly was used to them together, the better he’d feel.

  Kade had spoken to the minister that afternoon. He was waiting for the licence, and within the next couple of weeks Steven and Holly could be married. The only thing he was left to deal with was the care of the ranch and the office for a honeymoon. At the moment he doubted they’d get a honeymoon until later in the year.

  There was too much to do around the ranch. Also he didn’t want to take Holly away from her family too soon after getting away from the trailer where they used to live.

  “We were friends before we were lovers. Sharing a woman was one of our specialties. Neither of us expected to fall in love. We’re honest with each other, and we’ll expect you to be honest with us as well,” Steven said.

  “Honest about what?”

  “Everything,” Kade said, interrupting. “Fantasies, concerns, ideas, suggestions, all of it. We want to know everything you want to do. You’ll not keep it locked away up here.” He tapped her temple, smiling.

  “I’ve got no fantasies or anything. I’m so happy.”

  Taking her hand, Kade dropped a kiss to her knuckles. “You don’t need to come up with it now, but in time we’ll want to know. Everything and anything you can come up with, it’s yours.”

  “You’re both going to spoil me rotten. I don’t know if I can handle this.”

  Kade gripped the edge of the butt plug and started to thrust it inside and out of her in a steady movement.

  She let out a groan.

  “You’ll be spoiled, and if you misbehave there is always a punishment for a cheeky sub.”

  “Is that what I am?”

  “Yeah, you’re my submissive and Steven’s woman.”

  Chapter Nine

  Two weeks later

  Holly fingered the collar around her neck. She couldn’t believe how fast her life had changed in the last month. Her brothers and sisters were safe. They lived a ten minute walk from the ranch where she now lived. John and the others were flourishing. She loved spending time with them when she could. Steven and Kade spent time with them as well. They all knew she was dating the two men.

  No one commented on her sudden love life. She was thankful for their lack of concern. They all looked so happy to see her, and Eric positively beamed at her.

  Speaking of her two men, they spent every opportunity showering her with love and protection. In order to help her deal with Kade’s domination he’d taken her to visit Gavin Powell’s submissives, Heidi and Landon.

  Observing all three gave Holly new hope and determination to make sure her life with her men worked. The love among the three was so clear to see. Heidi was the more submissive out of the two. She also wore a beautiful collar that showed to the BDSM community that she belonged to someone.

  Heidi had explained the value of the collar and what it meant to her. That night when Holly got home she’d asked to be collared to Kade. The look on his face when she’d asked him to claim her in such a way would stay with her forever. The walls he kept around him at times were pulled down. He’d g
one to his knees before her. His head had rested against her stomach.

  “I’ll be the best damn Dom you could ask for.”

  “There is no other dominant man I want in my life, Kade. There is only you. Steven has told me he can be dominant, but he’s not like you. I can be Steven’s wife, lover, and friend, but I’ll be your submissive, lover, and friend.” He’d shut her up with his lips.

  She noticed her men always silenced her with their lips. Fingering the collar Holly looked on the memory with fondness. Her collaring had taken place that night. There was no official certificate or anything. Kade had left to purchase a collar. That night, in front of Steven, he’d presented her with the collar.

  Holly knew she wasn’t the perfect submissive and probably never would be. Without any training she was just herself. Kade wanted to train her. He’d promised to give her all the time and attention possible.

  Steven leaned against the door of his office. She glanced over to see him watching her. His smile eased her concerns.

  Grabbing the tax sheets she’d printed off, Holly left her seat to hand them to him. “These are for you.”

  Tugging down her shirt with her free hand she waited for him to take them from her. Kade’s first order was to recycle all of her old sweaters. He’d given them to a thrift store. His orders were for her to wear what he left on the bed every morning.

  Her pussy tightened, which made her ass tighten around the thick butt plug he’d inserted into her ass that morning. The plugs were getting bigger, and she was only to remove them if needed.

  If she was in too much pain then she was to contact him immediately. Kade was the one responsible for her care down there. He made sure her pussy was shaved bare daily.

  “What’s the matter?” Steven asked. His free hand stroked down her cheek then rested against her bottom lip.

  “Nothing,” she said, letting out a sigh. He dropped his hand. His gaze remained firmly on her.

  “Are you worried about this?” He fingered the collar around her neck.

  “I’m worried about not pleasing him.”


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