Holly's Awakening

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Holly's Awakening Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “I know Kade. He’ll train you, baby. You’re a natural submissive. I see it in your eyes. You wouldn’t be with us if you weren’t.”

  “Wouldn’t you want me?” Holly asked, glancing down at the floor.

  “No. I never said that. If you weren’t a submissive you’d have kicked our asses to the curb by now. It takes a special kind of woman to accept the kind of treatment we give.” Steven let out a sigh. He took her hand, leading her through to his office. Taking a seat, he pulled her onto his lap. She settled against him, looking him in the eye. “We’ve taken over your life in the last few weeks. For a long time you’ve been dependant on yourself and your brother. In a matter of weeks Kade and I have taken that away from you. You’re living in our house, sleeping between us, and fucking us with a regularity that surprises even me.”

  As he spoke his hand eased under the skirt she wore. Kade liked her in skirts. She wore a pair of panties, but that was to help keep the plug in place. Whenever she thought about the plug heat filled her cheeks. Talking to her brother knowing what her men were demanding of her was hard. She did it because she loved them. Holly wanted to be everything for them.

  Yes, they’d taken over her life, but they’d made it better, not worse.

  Her father and mother were gone. She and John were guardians of her brother. Their parents had put themselves into danger, her mother with the drugs and her father with the abuse he’d inflicted on her. Her family had spoken up against him.

  There was no chance for him to hurt her. The pain and abuse were over, and Holly felt she could finally breathe.

  Without Kade and Steven, she’d still be trapped, unable to break free. Whenever she thought about the life she’d led, perspiration would grip her along with the panic. This was the one dream she never wanted to wake up from, if she was having a dream.

  “Some women would think we’re overbearing bastards for taking over your life like that.” His fingers caressed further up her thigh. “With you it’s not the case. We love you.”


  Steven watched her reactions to his words. He needed to touch her even though he shouldn’t. Their conversation was serious. Glancing out of the window he saw Kade nearing the office. She was going to be the perfect submissive, but it was going to take time. Kade didn’t expect her to be perfect overnight.

  She needed time and attention, both of which Kade had when it came to Holly. From the conversation he’d just had, Kade’s time and attention didn’t come into play with regards to their wedding.

  He’d just gotten off the phone with the minister. Kade had already booked their wedding at the local registry office. His lover and friend’s patience had clearly run out. Steven couldn’t even be mad at him.

  The sooner his ring was on her finger the better. Kade already owned her with the collar. Steven wanted a piece of her with his ring.

  “I love you, too. I love having you and Kade in my life.”

  “And I love being part of your life. He’ll train you to be his. I promise.”

  Kade appeared in the doorway. “I can guarantee your training, baby.” He leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest.

  Arousal hit Steven in the groin.

  Holly smiled at him. “I always feel that way.” Her hand went to his hard cock pressing against her thigh.

  “You’re a temptress.” He kissed her neck, inhaling her strawberry scent.

  “I’m your and Kade’s temptress.”

  “Speaking of temptresses, come here and kiss me, Holly,” Kade said.

  Steven tightened his arms around her stopping her from moving. “She’s not going anywhere, Kade. You’re not taking her yet. I’ve got something to ask you.”

  Kade stepped into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him. Steven didn’t tear his gaze away from the other man even as Kade moved toward the windows, closing the blinds one after the other.

  “What do you have to ask? I’ve got an hour before I get back to the lads. Most of them know what they’re doing,” Kade said, folding his arms.

  Steven felt Holly’s heart speed up. Chuckling, he let his hand travel up to cup her large breast in his palm. She let out a gasp as he worked the other further up her thigh.

  “I’ve had an interesting conversation with the minister in the registry office.”

  Holly tensed in his arms. Kade didn’t even bat an eye. In fact, his lover smirked at him.

  “I’m good to take Holly at the weekend and marry her. They have the license there, and all I need to do is show up. Do you know anything about this?” Containing his smile was hard. He didn’t have a problem with Kade going behind his back, but Holly deserved a church wedding.

  “What about it?”

  “You never consulted either of us. I haven’t even asked Holly to marry me.”

  “She will marry you. Holly agreed the day we took her home from the hospital. She wants to be ours just as much as we want her to be.”

  “You see what I mean, baby. Kade will take control of everything. His type of domination is not for everyone.” Steven kissed her temple.

  Holly relaxed against him letting out a sigh. “I love him like that.”

  Turning his attention back to Kade, Steven saw the smile on his face. “She may like you like that, but I’ve still got plenty of concerns,” Steven said.

  “Like what?”

  “For one, I think Holly deserves to get married in a church.”

  “Not enough time. I’m not that patient, Steven. You know this. You marry her this weekend, and then we can do another ceremony inside the church.”

  “This is non-negotiable with you?” Steven asked.

  “Yes, it’s non-negotiable. I want you two married. You can’t tell me you don’t want her at your side as well.”

  “I do. That’s beside the point.” Opening the buttons of her shirt, Steven kept his gaze on Kade.

  He settled Holly over his cock. Her ass rubbed against him. Once the last button was open, he tore open her shirt, revealing her to their eyes. She wore a lacy bra, the one Steven picked.

  “You let her wear the bra I chose,” Steven said.

  “She’s our woman.” Kade said, moving closer.

  “What about the dress?” he asked, stopping Kade from advancing further.

  “What?” Kade frowned at him.

  “Our woman deserves the white dress even if she doesn’t get the church wedding.”

  “I don’t care,” Holly said.

  “Be quiet, baby. This is between Kade and me.” Steven fingered the clasp opening the bra. Her tits fell out of the tight bra. Fingering her hard nipples, Steven watched Kade’s gaze go down her body. Fisting the skirt in his hands he pulled the fabric around her waist. “These panties are a shame to ruin, but I want her naked.” Steven tore the panties in two leaving her bare to his touch.

  Slipping a finger between her pussy lips, Steven felt her wetness soak his fingers. “She’s ready for us.”

  “Holly’s always ready.” Kade tugged his shirt over his head, revealing his chest, which was sweaty. “I ordered a dress. One will be here this afternoon. I thought of everything for the pair of you. I would never let our woman go without.”

  Steven fell in love with Kade all over again. Even with his impatience to get Holly married to him, he’d still thought about the dress.

  “I may be a bastard, but I even know the relevance of the big day. Holly will not go without. Neither will you. I ordered a tux to go with the event.”

  Steven was touched by Kade’s thoughtfulness.

  “You know, there are times I think you’re a complete bastard, and then you do something like this taking me by surprise,” Steven said.

  “Don’t underestimate me. I was looking in getting a honeymoon away from the ranch. Unfortunately we’ve got too much planned in the next couple of weeks. We’re not going to get away for a few months. I’m sorry, baby,” Kade said, stroking her cheek.


de saw the lust in his woman’s eyes. The same look was reflected in his man’s eyes. Steven stared at him with a mixture of love and desire. He loved the pair of them. His impatience would cost them a church wedding, but it wouldn’t cost them the proper dress for the event.

  Lifting Holly off Steven’s lap, he sank his fingers into her hair as Steven pulled his thick cock out of his trousers. Gripping the drawer where he kept the condoms, Kade handed one to Steven. Only when he was ready to have Holly back on his lap did Kade help her.

  Steven held his thick erection as Kade eased her down his length. Her pussy swallowed Steven’s thick shaft beautifully.

  Knelling on the carpet in front of her Kade took the time to watch the show. Hands at her hips, Kade helped her to ride his lover. In turn Steven let out groans as she took his cock deep into her cunt. The picture was beautiful and one he couldn’t wait to watch again and again.

  There had been numerous times throughout the week when he’d walked into the office to see Holly servicing Steven. He’d been hit by lust and a little envy. While Kade worked the field away from Holly, Steven got a chance with her at every opportunity.

  He got his nights and mornings with her. Holly was the first woman who followed his instructions to the letter. She did everything he asked even down to the way she dressed. He’d been shocked when she didn’t argue with him.

  Opening the lips of her sex, Kade watched her pearl swell with arousal. Her pussy was soaked with her cream. Wetting his finger, he pressed the tip to her nub watching her face as he did.

  She gasped, grinding down on Steven harder.

  “Fuck, what are you doing to her?” Steven asked.

  “Nothing compared to what I’m about to do.” Fingering her nipples with both hands, Kade placed his tongue against her hardened bud.

  Holly flew apart, screaming. He never let up even as she climaxed around Steven’s hard dick.

  He nibbled and sucked on her clit causing pleasure and pain and watching as each sensation affected her. She truly was a magnificent sight to behold.

  “She’s so fucking tight. The plug in her ass makes her even more so. I can’t wait until it’s your cock rubbing against mine,” Steven said.

  Leaving one of her nipples alone, Kade grabbed Steven’s hand, holding onto him as he fucked their woman.

  “Give it to her, Steven. Make her beg for it.”

  Steven’s thrusts increased. Kade saw the depth and fierce hunger that overcame his lover. Holly screamed and begged for another release.

  He teased her clit just enough to leave her wanting more but never enough to throw her over the edge.

  “You’re our woman to fuck, to dominate, and to love. All my woman,” Steven said. With a mighty growl he came. With his release, Kade sucked her clit until she cried out in release.

  Once he’d brought her down from the pinnacle of pleasure Kade stood up. Unbuckling his belt, he fisted his hard shaft.

  Holly made to get up, but he shook his head.

  “No, I want you to lean forward and show Steven that glorious ass filled with the plug. While you’re doing that I want you to suck me until I come, and when I do I want you to swallow it all.” Kade gave her his orders.

  Staring into her dark brown gaze, he knew she was turned on by his instructions. She didn’t argue.

  Leaning forward she presented her lips for him to use. Glancing back at Steven, Kade saw he was already besotted with the plumpness of her ass.

  “Take me, baby.” Pressing the tip to her lips he sank inside relishing the feel of her around him.

  Steven ran his hands up and down her back, caressing every inch of skin. Her plump flesh was oh so inviting.

  In no time at all, Steven was pressing on the plug. “Fuck me. I can’t wait to claim her ass. She’s going to be so fucking hot riding our dicks, Kade.”

  He couldn’t agree more.

  “No teeth,” he said. Holly stopped nibbling down on his shaft.

  Steven winked at him.

  Sinking into Holly’s mouth, Kade wrapped her hair around his fist and pumped into her waiting lips.

  “Feels so good. I’m not going to last.”

  Tasting her in his mouth and watching Steven caress her was too much for Kade. Within seconds he exploded, and she swallowed down every last drop of his cum.

  He tensed and waited until she’d milked him of every drop before pulling away. Collapsing on his knees in front of her he kissed her lips.

  “Ew, I taste of you,” she said, pulling away.

  Kade held her head steady, stopping her from leaving his hold. “Baby, I swallow Steven’s cum all the time. My own is not going to bother me.” To emphasise his point, he plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, tasting himself on her tongue. He preferred the taste of her and Steven, but he wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to kiss her.

  “See, no problem.”

  He rested his head against hers.

  “Steven’s still inside me,” she said, breaking the moment.

  “He’s not going anywhere.” Running his fingers up the insides of her thighs, Kade smiled. He loved being here with the two people he loved the most.

  “So I’m getting married this weekend?” she asked, staring at him.

  Steven’s arms circled her waist, running circles along her skin.

  “I’ve arranged everything. I’ll have the dress delivered to you tomorrow. I’ve got everything in place. It’s not the church wedding, but it’s what I can get on such short notice.” Holly pressed a finger to his lips.

  “Stop talking. I was never one of those girls who dreamed of a white wedding and all that crap. I was the girl who wished for a better job or a house to call my own. Being able to buy my own food and saving money for a rainy day. I don’t need the church or fancy clothes. The dress would be nice. I don’t want a big show of it.”

  She turned in his lap to look at Steven.

  “Would you have me as your wife?”

  Kade glanced at his lover. Steven stared at her. “I’m probably a sick bastard, but I considered you my woman from the moment you started working that cashier at the local supermarket. You will always be my woman, and nothing is going to change that.” Steven claimed her lips cutting off any words. “Holly Walker, will you do me the greatest honour of becoming my wife?”

  Holding his breath, Kade waited for her answer. She seemed to take decades to respond whereas in reality she only took a few seconds.

  “It would be the greatest day of my life.”

  Kade laughed, wrapping his arms around his submissive and his lover.

  “I’m going to need to get cleaned up before I go back out there. I’m not talking to my brother like this,” Holly said. Her cheeks bloomed at her words.

  Laughing, Kade helped her back into her bra then her shirt. With a few choice movements, he eased her off Steven’s hardening cock. The man was insatiable, but then, Kade was ready to go again. He couldn’t get enough of his woman.

  “That was the best damn lunch break I’ve ever had.”

  When it was time to leave, Kade kissed Steven and then Holly before heading out the door. He found John resting against the tree where he usually ate his lunch.

  “Holly wasn’t there when I stopped by,” John said.

  Heat filled Kade’s cheeks.

  “Your sister is getting married this weekend to Steven. She’ll want you there to walk her down the aisle, and I can’t think of anyone better to do it.”

  John stood up and walked over to him. “You’re okay with her marrying Steven?”

  “She’s my woman as well. We’ll take care of her.”

  Her brother held out his hand. “Then I can’t find any reason why that won’t be a problem. Holly has never been one for big events. Welcome to the family.”

  Kade shook his hand and smiled. He had everything he wished for, a beautiful submissive and pain in the ass boyfriend. What gave him more pride was knowing he’d been part of Holly’s awakening and his woman had truly bee
n opened up to the beauties of life.


  Six months later

  Kade climbed out of the passenger side of the truck as Steven did the same from the driver’s side. They’d spent the morning working, and in the afternoon he’d visited Callie’s place in order to purchase some silks and ties for his precious sub. Holly had spent the day in the office catching up on work she’d missed. Every opportunity he and Steven got they were inside her. Since their marriage, Kade spent every moment together lavishing her with love and affection. Her training was going well.

  What Holly lacked in knowledge she made up for in being a natural submissive. He couldn’t ask for a better sub. When she was naughty he punished her through orgasm denial or with a firm spanking.

  He’d explored bondage as well, but it was more Steven’s specialty. His lover liked using the silk ties he purchased to tie Holly up.

  One afternoon Kade walked in to find Holly bound to Steven’s desk as the other man worked, occasionally petting her as he did.

  Lust would hit him instantly at the sight. Steven might not be your average kind of Dom, but he sure liked to tie Holly up and watch her punishment.

  When she’d called herself fat one day, Kade had punished her by tying her to the coffee table in the centre of the room. She was bent over, her legs wide apart so they saw her response to her punishment.

  Steven sat opposite her, fisting his aching erection as Kade spanked her with his palm and then with a flogger. He’d remember her cries of pleasure ‘til the day he died.

  To further her punishment, Kade made sure she wasn’t allowed clothes for three days afterward.

  “What do you think she’s up to?” Steven asked, grabbing their purchases from the back of the truck.

  “If she wants to sit on her ass she’d better be waiting for me by the door like I instructed.” Kade took the last of the bags, and then together they made their way to the door.

  Steven handed him the key. Kade’s cock was rock hard wondering if Holly had done as he told her or if she was being insolent. Either way, he couldn’t wait to see her.

  In the last few months she’d allowed her hair to grow, and Kade loved wrapping the length around his fist as he fucked her. There was something about controlling her with her hair that turned him on. It was another element to his domination over her.


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