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Holly's Awakening

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Turning the key he opened the door, and his cock leaked pre-cum inside his jeans at the sight that greeted him.

  Holly knelt at the door, legs wide with her hands behind her back and head bent. She was completely naked, and all she wore was the collar. He knew if he saw her hands he’d see the ring that graced her finger, another sign of Steven’s possession.

  “Now that is a welcoming sight. I’d leave the house every day to come back to that,” Steven said.

  Kade couldn’t speak. The pleasure was too intense. Dropping the packages to the floor he went to her. He stroked her hair.

  “Look at me, baby,” he said.

  Her head lifted. The smile on her lips pulled at his heart strings.

  “Do I please you, Sir?” she asked.

  “More than you’ll ever know. I’m so hot for you.”

  “I tried to remember how you like me.”

  For some reason positioning herself right was always a struggle for her. Kade figured it was down to the trust she placed in him whenever she was in such a place. She was open to anything, and the thought of the unknown clearly affected her.

  “I think this needs to be taken into the home,” Steven said, cutting into their moment.

  Kade wasn’t saddened. Glancing back at his other lover, another wave of lust hit him deep.

  “Sofa or bedroom?”

  “I think the sofa is the nearest, and I put plenty of lube and condoms in there for us to use. We won’t have to worry about a thing.”

  Picking Holly up in his arms Kade followed Steven through to the sitting room. He put Holly down, and Steven pushed the coffee table out of the way. Many times Kade had thought about getting rid of the table, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. That table held too many fond memories for him to give up on it.

  Once she was on her feet, he tore off his jacket.

  “Undress Steven,” he said, ordering her.

  She went to Steven, and he watched as she slowly undressed him. When she fell to her knees, Kade groaned. She always looked good on her knees, and there were many times he’d watched her taking Steven’s cock into her mouth.

  If he didn’t gain control over his emotions he was going to lose it at the first touch of her on his body.

  “Is he hard for us, baby?” Kade asked.

  “Yes, Sir. Rock hard.” The jeans were tugged down, and Steven chuckled as he had to grab onto the wall to keep himself upright.

  “I still need to train her to do it more gracefully,” Kade said, smiling.

  “She’s perfect the way she is. It’s charming of her to not know how to undress me gracefully.” Steven stroked her hair, caressing her cheek.

  “Come here, Holly. Undress me.” Kade stood, waiting for her. She turned to him, and he pressed a hand up to stop her. “Crawl to me. I want to see those lush tits hanging down.”

  She crawled to him slowly. He didn’t tear his gaze away from her even though he wanted to see Steven’s reaction to her naked ass.


  Her ass was the most tempting view he’d seen all day, apart from being inside Kade that morning of course. Palming his arousal Steven watched as Holly started to undress Kade. Her hands moved quickly to rid him of the jeans constricting his cock.

  Like so many times before, Kade ‘s cock sprang free. He licked his lips remembering the feel of him in his mouth.

  “Do you like what you see?” Kade asked.

  Steven kept quiet. His focus was purely on Holly.


  “Good. Sit on the sofa and watch.” She left the space by his feet and went to the sofa.

  “She’s dealing with orders well,” Steven said.

  “Her training is going well. She’s doing better than you ever did.”

  “I’m not a submissive, Kade.”

  The other man shook his head. “No, you’re not, but you suck cock wonderfully.”

  Walking to him, Steven wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him close. Slamming his lips against Kade’s, he plunged his tongue deep inside. There was nothing calm or gentle in his kiss. He demanded with his lips and touch.

  “I want you,” Steven said.

  Kade turned to Holly. “Open your legs wide and finger that gorgeous pussy. Don’t bring yourself to orgasm.”

  She opened her thighs and started to stroke herself.

  Steven went to the far drawer and retrieved the lube along with the condoms. He was going to take Kade this night, and then together they were going to fuck Holly.

  Fisting his cock, he pumped the shaft several times before going toward Kade.

  “Get on your knees.”

  His lover surprised him by going to his knees without argument. Presenting his naked cock to his lips, Steven waited for Kade to suck him inside.

  He grabbed Kade’s hair and thrust inside his mouth. Kade knew how to suck his cock and how to use the right amount of suction and teeth.

  “That’s it.”

  Steven looked over to where Holly was fingering her slit. Even in the small light of the sitting room he saw she was dripping wet.

  “You both look so sexy together,” she said.

  Kade glanced up at Steven. Speeding up his thrusts, Steven closed his eyes and basked in the blow job he was getting.

  His cock was sucked, licked, and nibbled on, and he loved every single second of it. When the pleasure became too much, he pulled away from Kade’s mouth.

  “On your knees with your ass in the air.” Steven was in the mood to be in control. When he was done, he wanted to take her ass like he’d done so many times before. He tore open the condom and quickly placed it on. There were times he hated dealing with the latex, but he wouldn’t hurt anyone because of his impatience.

  Flicking open the tube of lubrication Steven smeared plenty of the gel onto his thick cock.

  Kneeling down behind Kade he squirted copious amounts of gel over his anus, and using his finger he pressed some inside.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” Kade said.

  “Looks good, too.” Holly spoke up from her position on the sofa.

  “Our woman thinks we look good together, Kade.”

  “She’s not wrong. Keep playing with your clit, baby. We’ll sort you out soon. Remember, no climaxing.” Even with Kade knelt in front of him, he was still in charge. The Dom would never leave Kade, and Steven was thankful for that. He loved the dominating possession of Kade.

  From the look on Holly’s face, she did as well.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” Steven asked, glancing down at Kade. He stroked the spine of his back. Kade’s thick coiled muscles tightened under his touch.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  Pressing the tip of his cock to Kade’s ass, he pushed the head past the tight ring of muscles. They were still tight, but with a little pressure his ass opened up, taking Steven’s cock.

  “Fuck!” Kade hissed out the word.

  With the tip of his cock inside Kade’s ass, Steven placed his hands on Kade’s waist. Tightening his hold he forged inside the last few inches filling Kade’s ass.

  “Fuck!” The word was shouted from Kade.

  Before he gave Kade time to get accustomed to him inside, Steven pulled out and slammed back inside, moaning as he did.

  He fucked Kade hard and without mercy, taking the ass in front of him with abandon.

  “Going to come,” Steven said, shouting the word. “Work your cock, Kade.”

  Steven felt Kade working his arousal. With a few sharp thrusts he exploded inside the condom. His orgasm crashed out of his balls and into Kade’s ass. Tensing from the pleasure, Steven let go only when the orgasm started to subside.

  “That was a strong one,” Kade said.

  “I really needed it.”

  Pulling out of Kade’s tight ass, Steven stroked his left cheek then his right. “Thank you for giving yourself to me.”

  “My pleasure, baby.”

  “I’ll go and get a cloth to clean up.”

teven saw the wet white blobs of Kade’s arousal dotted on the floor. He’d have to clean them up later. At that moment he couldn’t care about the mess.

  Going to the downstairs bathroom he removed the condom, tied it up, and threw it in the trashcan. He cleaned his hands and washed his dick clean making sure to pull back the foreskin and cleaning all around it.

  Grabbing a cloth, he dampened one end then went back to the sitting room. Kade was knelt on the floor, and Holly had stopped her ministrations.

  He cleaned Kade’s ass paying careful attention to wipe away the lube.

  “I love you, Kade.” Steven dropped a kiss to the guy’s ass.

  When he was clean, Kade finally moved and turned to give Steven a kiss. “I love you, too.”

  Resting his head against Kade’s, Steven basked in the moment together. The ring on his finger felt right, as did the ring on Kade’s finger. They all wore rings even though he and Holly were the only ones bound by marriage.


  Holly watched her two men feeling love consume her as they shared their feelings with each other. No matter how many times she watched them, Holly couldn’t get over how beautiful they looked together. Kade was the darker of the two whereas Steven was lighter. They were both muscled men, and yet each of them offered her something the other couldn’t. Steven offered her the best of both worlds. When she was with him she either got the dominant man or the lover. With Kade she got her dominant man in all of his glory.

  It didn’t matter which one she got. She loved them both. They both meant the world to her. Her love for them hadn’t diminished in the time they’ve been together. If anything, her feelings had only gotten stronger with time.

  They both turned to her at the same time. Licking her lips, heat flooded her pussy from the looks they were giving her.

  Steven came to her first. He opened her legs, pulled her to the edge, and started licking her. Kade went to kneel by her side, pressing his cock to her lips. She cried out even as she opened her lips to take him.

  He slid along her tongue leaving a trail of pre-cum in his wake. She swallowed him down, accepting his large erection deeper. When he hit the back of her throat, he eased up. They built a steady pace with Steven sucking her clit and slamming three fingers inside her. Her own cum leaked out of her cunt and trailed down to her rosette, wetting it.

  “So fucking sexy,” Kade said, stroking her hair.

  “She’s dripping wet.”

  Fingers probed her anus. She didn’t get the chance to look at what Steven was doing. His fingers were doing all the work. Holly felt the coolness of the lube he was using on her.

  “I want inside her,” Steven said.

  “You’re being a little impatient,” Kade said, pulling his cock from her lips.

  Neither man spoke as they changed positions. Steven sat behind her. She waited while he placed a condom on, and then she was lifted by Kade as Steven slowly fed his cock into her anus. Both men had been training her ass for the last few months, getting her used to taking either of them up there. Over time she’d gotten used to their attention and no longer blushed.

  Holding onto Kade, she wouldn’t let him go until Steven was comfortable underneath her. They’d done this position numerous times, and it was always one of her favourites. Steven always sat on the sofa to take her ass, and Kade always helped her over him.

  “Are you comfortable?” Steven asked, whispering the words against her cheek.

  “As comfortable as I’ll ever be with a rock hard cock inside me.”

  Kade pinched her nipple. “Watch your mouth.” He covered her nipple with his mouth, easing out the small ache he caused.

  “Fuck, her ass tightened around me.”

  The foil of a condom wrapper was torn open, and then Kade was between her thighs. She didn’t get to watch as he aligned the tip and slammed deep into her cunt. He did all of this within a matter of seconds.

  Crying out, she gripped Steven’s thigh beneath her.

  “Fuck, Kade, I’ve told you not to do that without warning.”

  Steven stroked her nipples as Kade stopped at the hilt inside her.

  “Have I hurt you, baby?” Kade asked.

  She shook her head. He took her by surprise. Kade was a large man, and with Steven inside her ass, it was a tighter fit with the two of them. The pain was minute, and she liked a small amount of pain with her pleasure. She wouldn’t change it at all.

  “I’m going to move now, sweetheart. You can come whenever you want.” Kade leaned down, sucking one nipple into his mouth. At the same time Steven teased both nipples. Glancing down she saw Kade’s tongue stroking over Steven’s fingers. It was a sight she was used to. Both men liked licking her out when one of them was inside her pussy.

  “Fucking love you, Holly Clark,” Steven said, thrusting up into her ass and out.

  Both men built up a steady pace drawing out her pleasure for each of them to enjoy. All she had to do was lie between them as they used her body for their pleasure.

  Her first climax took her unawares as it crashed through her in giant waves. She screamed, and her men pounded inside her going faster than before.

  They were both close. Their cocks were thicker as they rode her body. Steven growled inside her ear. His release came after her second climax. She always had multiple orgasms when they were together. The love and trust allowed her to open up to them.

  Giving her body, heart, mind, and soul was a liberating experience, and in turn, they gave her explicit pleasure. No matter what she asked for, they found some way to give it to her.

  Her love was never going to change. Kade and Steven were lovers, and they were her two men.

  Kade cried out, and she felt his cock kick inside her. “I can’t wait until we can lose the condoms again.”

  She’d tried going on the pill, but within a month she’d started getting side-effects from it. Her men had agreed to use condoms for the time being.

  All three of them collapsed on the sofa, pleasured and sated. Kade rested his head between her breasts. “I’m never going to get bored of this,” he said.

  She chuckled and moaned as the jolt jabbed Steven’s cock deeper. Even flaccid both men were impressive to have inside her.

  “Can I be the first person to say how much I love my life?” Steven said.

  “I’ll second that,” Kade added.

  “And I’ll third it.” She ran her fingers through Kade’s hair, feeling Steven’s hands caress her arms.

  There was nothing holding them back from the future. Her parents were out of the picture. Her brothers and sisters were flourishing from the care being given to them.

  Tilting Kade’s head up to look at her, she dropped her lips to kiss him.

  “You can forget the condoms if you want.” She wasn’t going anywhere, and neither were they. A baby wouldn’t be a problem. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to feel a baby growing inside.

  Kade and Steven didn’t answer her with words. Each of them claimed her mouth. That night, they each took her pussy without condoms. There was no regret, only pure happiness.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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