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REFLECTIONS OF YOU (Brighten Magic Academy Book 1)

Page 21

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Ugh. Koa, you’re fucking heavy," Braxton complained but Koa looked more interested in Alice than anything.

  "Alice? Maybe there's a restart spell for familiars?" I suggested, lifting Alice who was still in her frozen state.

  "Kiku," Koa leaned his head forward, looking like he wanted me to bring Alice closer to him. I moved her up to him and he rubbed his head against her fuzzy cheek.


  "MEOW!" Alice unfroze, wiggling in my grasp. "I THOUGHT I DIED."

  "More like you were so shocked that Koa was a lot better than you expected you forgot to function," I countered out loud. Alice stilled for a moment before she scratched my hand.

  "Fuck! ALICE! Don't go scratching me. Just accept the tru-OW!" I cursed when she bit me.


  Braxton sighed. "Kage, get Koa off of me."

  Kage smirked, holding out his arm. Koa flew back to his spot before a gentle breeze warped around him and he decreased into a miniature size eagle.

  "He's less heavy in this form," Kage commented while I was still handling an embarrassed Alice who wouldn't stay still.

  I took a deep breath before I snapped. "Alice Starfire! Bite me one more time and I'll make sure I burn every single book you own."

  She froze with her right front paw up, those sharp white claws ready to make another scratch. Her purple eyes looked at me like I just told her it was the end of the world.

  "Me...ow?" she whimpered. "But....but...they took me eight years to collect..."

  I frowned, trying not to fall for her sad eyes but I couldn't ignore how unhappy she suddenly felt. I quickly pet her head and she curled up in my hand into a little ball with her paws hiding her face. "Fine, your collection is saved. No more scratching or biting, though. You can go talk with Koa now." I gestured at Koa who flapped his wings and flew over to us, coming to hover next to my hand where Alice sat quietly. She lifted her head up to stare at Koa who watched her intently.



  "Kiku? Ki Ku Ku."

  "Meow!" Alice hopped out of my hand and began to run to another rock a few steps away. She hopped onto it and Koa landed next to her.

  "What did they say?" Braxton asked.

  "I have no idea. Alice usually translates for me.”

  "I think Alice likes him." Kage pointed out.

  "Awww love at first sight." I grinned.

  Braxton laughed at my expression. "You look like a proud father giving their daughter away to be married."

  I leaned up and elbowed him. "Fuck off," I grunted.

  In all seriousness, I'd always been worried about Alice's future. Maybe she'd have a companion to visit once in a while. Wait, what am I thinking about? It's not even like Kage and I are dating. We haven't even had a chance to talk about any of that. My imagination needs to stop putting me together with men I'm interested in. Wait...I'm interested in Kage too? Well, he did look really hot just now. Ugh, stop thinking!

  We heard someone clear their throat and turned to see Mr. Huffling who'd recovered from his state of shock.

  "Kage Park, that was brilliant. I'm impressed you have such a strong familiar hidden like that." Mr. Huffling applauded.

  Kage crossed his arms. "Thanks,” he replied, looking like he didn't want Mr. Huffling’s praise. Braxton and I exchanged glances before we both rose up. Mr. Huffling was only 5'5” in height, making our 6' plus height deemed intimidating as he turned to us.

  "Since Kage demonstrated his awesomeness, can we go now?" I asked, raised an eyebrow at our teacher. Something was bugging me about his words of praise as if he was expecting something from Kage now. My instincts told me he would want to benefit from Kage in some hidden manner. It was the same distinct impression I got when he laid eyes on Alice like she was a trophy to be won.

  Of course, that stopped after I glared the living shit out of him, the intense glimpse of my power enough to scare him off. But even with the warning from last week, he'd snuck peeks here and there during class. I shouldn't bring Alice unless I have to. Hmm.

  "Ya. I think we've met our requirements. I don't see the point of us wasting time here when the remaining students are still frozen like statues instead of working on the task you asked us to complete," Braxton added.

  Mr. Huffling looked back to the students who were just standing there, still staring at Kage and stuttered. "You're right. may leave class early. I hope to see more of your advanced skills next class. Good day Mr. Starfire and to both of you Mr. Parks." He smiled innocently. His eyes lingered on Alice and Koa and I purposely took a step in front of him to block his view, stretching out my arms.

  "Oh man, I stink. Let's go shower, Brax. Kage, come with us," I suggested, purposely looking at Mr. Huffling with a grin. He frowned, clearly understanding my hidden move but turned around anyway.

  "Get back to work. We have thirty minutes left before class is supposedly over. I want to see another person summon a familiar or this session is going overtime,” he grumbled. Everyone else groaned, getting back to work while cursing.

  Braxton patted my shoulder, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "We need to watch out for him. He gives me weird vibes."

  "I agree," I replied. Kage walked over to Alice and Koa who were playing around, Alice’s little kitten form chasing after Koa who purposely flew quite low to the ground.

  They noticed Kage approach and both paused. Alice looked sad and even Koa looked disappointed that playtime was over. Kage smiled, crouching down to pet both of them.

  "I'm showering at home so you two wanna tag along? You can continue playing when we get home," Kage suggested.

  "MEOW!" Alice cheered. "YEAH! Wait, I need Jewel's permission. MOMMM."

  I broke out laughing, which made me look a little crazy but I couldn't help be happy for Alice who suddenly acted like a schoolgirl going on her first date. She was always the collected, quiet, calm type yet she did a complete 180 and was now a bubbly happy mess, which was adorable.

  "Yes, Alice. You can play with Koa as long as you want. Go with Kage, we’ll see each other when I get back," I approved and she ran over to cling to my dress pants. I sighed, leaning over to pick her up and she rubbed her head against my cheek before licking my face.

  Okay. I love you too. Have fun, don't get pregnant or I'll kill you.

  "Meow?" Alice rubbed her nose against mine. "I would not get freaky with him. We just met. I'll be logical," she reassured me, but I wasn't convinced.

  You went from my usual 'I hate every familiar in the world' to the ultimate teenage fangirl.

  "Did not..." she mumbled, wiggling to get out of my hold.

  Uh huh. Okay, have fun.

  I set her back on the ground and she ran back to Kage who lowered his hand and picked her up. He held her while Koa rested on his shoulder. Kage turned to smile at us.

  "I'll see you guys later tonight. Have a nice shower,” he called.

  "Thanks, Kage." I smiled broadly.

  "See ya, bro," Braxton replied. We watched him walk to the second fenced exit and head around the outer field before entering the back door of the Physical Studies building.

  "Guess we should be on our way before classes finish up. We can avoid showering with the other guys if we do," Braxton suggested.

  I blushed, realizing I hadn't showered with a group of guys before. Scratch that, I hadn't showered with even A GUY before. OMG I haven't even showered in my male form. Wait, this shouldn't be too complicated. It's the same as when you're a female. I just have a cock instead of a pussy. Easy peasy. Just rub some and...wait, do guys get hard by doing that? Fuck, maybe I can bail.

  "We could just go home?" I suggested.

  "Nah. Let's shower here. Kage doesn't like company when he's in that mode," Braxton revealed.

  "You mean the 'I'm brilliant and you can't deny my awesomeness' mood he just displayed when he summoned his familiar?" I questioned. I did love Kage's curious nature and kindness, but this sid
e of him gave me those hot bad boy vibes that made girls squeal and fight to date them.

  "Ya. That. Family trait," Braxton confessed.

  "Does it happen to you?" I asked.

  "Ya, but I just get more badass," he winked and I exhaled, putting my hands in my pockets.

  "Let's go shower," I encouraged, starting to walk ahead. Braxton laughed but was right behind me, catching up so we could walk side by side.

  Guess I'm gonna try this whole showering as a guy thing.

  This was a bad idea. Such a bad fucking idea. What possibly possessed me to take a shower here? Why didn't I remember MALE showers aren't like women’s boxed in showers where every female gets the privacy of their little shower section with a nice pink curtain. Why are men’s showers out in the open?! This reminds me of that show about prison showers and guys dropping bars of soap. OMG. Did I even bring soap?! No, it’s good NOT to have a bar of soap on me. To be honest, I doubt Braxton's cock would even fit in there. HOLD UP! Why am I thinking about Braxton?! UGHHH!


  I had to blink out of my thoughts and looked up to see Braxton in nothing but a towel staring at me with a boyish grin on those oh so appealing lips.

  "You're not supposed to call me that," I mumbled.

  "No one is here but you and I. Now get in the shower. I need to grab some soap," Braxton ordered.

  I froze mid-stride at the word 'soap.'

  "You won't drop the soap...right?" I asked.

  He stared at me like I was speaking another language. "Why would I drop it?" he asked. I blushed and lifted my hands up, waving them in a dismissive manner.

  "Ignore me. Go get the soap....body wash preferably." I made my way to the clear door that led to the showers, glancing over at Braxton's bare back as he walked towards the lockers. My eyes lowered to his waist which was wrapped in a towel, and I wondered what his butt looked like beneath the white material.

  Stop eyeing Brax, Jewel. You are a MAN. You must act like one. No thinking seductive thoughts about Brax. Ugh, Logan would be so ashamed of me. Ah...he's gonna wonder if I showered with Brax if Kage says anything. Maybe I should ask Kage to keep quiet? Wait, it's not like we're doing anything. I'm really overthinking this.

  I opened the door and ruffled my hair, choosing to stand in the corner of the open shower area. I removed my towel, placing it on one of the hooks placed there for our clothes and towels. I glanced at the oversized mirror that displayed my reflection. I had to admit, I still looked really good, even if my male form was just a product of my imagination. I wouldn't deny that the long-term effects of using my magic constantly this last week and the amount of casting and training was having some positive effects on my body in both forms.

  My biceps were more defined and my abs were more apparent than their once slightly lined appearance. Even my booty got tighter which gave it a little lift which Logan was loving at the moment.

  He'd whispered in my ear last night how he liked the changes he was seeing, my ass always being one of his favorite parts of me. I didn't see what the big deal was, but I heard a whole discussion on how booty was in right now and girls were getting implants and botox to make their booties bigger for the sake of grabbing a man.

  I still didn’t understand the hype but again, I wasn't a guy and didn’t always follow their logic. To me, my booty was a nice cushion, though it did look awesome in tights. Just saying.

  I walked over to where I wanted to be, taking a deep breath before turning on the shower head. The warm water shot out, hitting my flesh. I sighed in relief as I lifted my head to face the stream.

  I hadn't realized how exhausted I was till the hot water began to work to loosen my tense aching muscles. I really wished I could switch back, feeling winded now that I was attempting to relax. I didn't expect Brighten Magic Academy to be so hard core and though I wasn't struggling grade-wise, it was physically and mentally draining.

  I took a deep breath, pressing my hands against the cream tiled wall and allowing the water to run down my backside. Logan and Nixon had been asking me if I was feeling alright and I was, but there were moments where I really felt utterly drained and didn't know what to do about it.

  One minute my energy was normal like I could run and cast spells for hours and the next, I would feel like I had actually done all those things and exhausted myself to the point I couldn't open my eyes. Just have to wait for Brax...quick shower, walk the long way back and off to bed. I feel that I won't make it past showering. Maybe I should call Logan?


  I stayed where I was; my eyes closed when I heard Braxton's call. I didn't know if I wanted to face his naked self right now. Getting excited would do nothing but turn me on and I'd just feel even more tired and frustrated I couldn't finish the deed here.

  "Hmm?" I eventually answered, trying to maintain consciousness. I heard his footsteps before his hand rested on my shoulder.

  "Switch back,” he ordered.

  "I'll be naked," I replied, just now realizing I had been in such a rush this morning that I hadn't applied the spell to have clothes reappear on me when I changed back.

  "You're in the shower, you don't need clothes," Braxton pointed out.

  "That means I'll be butt naked, giving you a full on view for the second time now," I mumbled weakly. I felt Braxton's chest press against me while his hands pressed lightly on mine. I tensed up, feeling his cock hard against my butt. Fuck. Don't get hard, don't get hard.

  "Switch back, Jewel, or I'll force you to," Braxton threatened.

  I lifted my head to look up at him and grinned. "And how are you going to do that?" I felt a little bold to be standing up to him. I was definitely not thinking straight because at this point, I was naked in the men’s shower room with Braxton Park, all 6'7” of this perfect score, protective brother extraordinaire who could make any woman, or man for that matter, submit to him. Too bad I wouldn't go down without a fight.

  "For you to stay as a guy, your mana concentration can't be interrupted, correct?" he whispered in my ear. I bit my lip hard, trying to remind myself I was still a male and shouldn't react to his husky words. His accent alone would fulfill any Korean drama girl's dream, but again, I was being challenged and didn't want to give in so easily.

  "Correct," I whispered. His hands moved from mine and trailed them along my arms to my shoulders. He began to massage them and I groaned, pressing myself into the tile wall to try and escape his hold. He chuckled, taking a step forward and pressing himself against me yet again.

  "You only made it easier for me now that water isn't drenching me." His words were husky as his hands moved down my back.

  "I don't need a massage," I grumbled, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation.

  He whispered in my ear. "I know. I want to give you one, Jewel."

  "It's Jinn," I argued but my low voice held no fight in it, revealing the fact I was enjoying the way his hands roamed down my back and then my sides, all the way down to my hips.

  His hand slid forward to my abs and before I could process what was happening, he wrapped his hand around my cock. I bit my lip hard and groaned at the sensation, thinking back to when Nixon had done the same thing. When he had wrapped his hand around it, the motion was gentle, but Braxton held my erection firmly, knowing exactly what he wanted.

  "Switch back or I'll continue," Braxton threatened.

  "What if I want you to continue?" I confessed, my face hot with my outrageous thoughts. I couldn't believe what I was thinking and was incredibly shocked Braxton was going along with it. He knows I'm a girl. He's just playing with me. He wouldn't-

  His hand moved up my cock once and deliberately slid back down, meeting the base of my length ever so slowly. I moaned, pressing my forehead against my arm resting against the tiled wall. I had to steady my breathing, my imagination vividly picturing our naked bodies and the droplets of water rolling down our skin.

  He did it again and my cock twitched for more, making me horny as little
tingles of pleasure ran through me. I knew how it felt to be aroused as a female, but as a male, it was a completely different experience.

  "Braxton." My strained moan threw me off, the sound showing just how affected I was by Braxton stroking my cock. He didn't need to do anything else yet he was turning me on and I didn't want him to stop.

  "I told you to call me Brax," he whispered and nipped at my ear lightly with his teeth, a weak spot only Logan knew about. With that, I lost my focus and I gave in, shifting back into my female form. Braxton moved his hand but stayed behind me as I switched.

  His arm wrapped around my waist as to keep me from passing out as I tried to catch my breath. "You and that damn...seductive voice." I struggled to open my eyes and glanced up at his wide grin.

  "I can't let you waste energy like that, especially when you're not feeling well,” he cautioned. I hadn't noticed until now a bottle of body wash and two sponges were in the little holder to our left. His right arm wrapped around my waist to hold me in place as he reached out for the pink sponge, using magic to lift the bottle and open the top, pouring a generous amount on the sponge before the bottle lowered back to its spot.

  "Brax, what are you doing?"

  "Helping you wash since you need to conserve energy." He began to gently scrub my neck and shoulders. He was extremely gentle and as embarrassed as I felt, I didn't fight him. He'd already seen me naked both as a girl and a boy, so there was no point trying to be modest now.

  The gentle circles he made were soothing and I began to relax as the white bubbles from the soap appeared. He worked his way down, not leaving an inch untouched. A part of me felt it was shocking that a man I was just starting to know would take care of me like we had been lovers for years and it was his duty to take care of me. The other part felt thankful to have met him, realizing if it were someone else, I doubt they would be mature enough to handle this situation and not take things further.

  Brax finished scrubbing me down and only let me stand on my own after he was sure I wouldn’t pass out or anything and I had reassured him three times that I was feeling a little better. He got his sponge, applied the same amount of body wash and began scrubbing himself down.


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