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A Little More Scandal

Page 13

by Carrie Lofty

  She crossed her arms, disgusted with herself, especially when the sting of her injured shoulder reminded her exactly which interests he represented. The distress of the day’s events had tossed her concentration to the four winds.

  “You’d be right,” he said, his words clipped. “But the Christie name hangs above the front door.”

  “Thanks only to your workers. Without the men manning the buckets, you’d have lost the entire mill today.”

  For the first time since striding toward her like a bull charging a red cape, he broke eye contact. “Is that right, Constables?”

  “Save your breath,” Polly said. “They won’t take a piss without Livingstone’s say-so.” She hooked a thumb back toward the man’s looming bulk.

  Mr. Christie raised his brows. Was that nearly . . . amusement? Of course not—not under those circumstances. She was looking for hope where there was none to find.

  The constable named Utley threw Polly a sharp glare, then replied with a shrug that proved her right. “No telling, sir.”

  “All very helpful,” Mr. Christie said dryly. Maybe he realized how little he’d pry from their useless mouths, because he quickly returned his attention to her. “You must be a union girl. I’ve heard of your father.”

  “No accomplishment there, master. Even a man who’s been in textiles but a few weeks must’ve heard his name.”

  A whisper of a smile tipped his mouth. Again, she felt a shiver of something unexpected. His obvious anger was tinged with a strange humor, like that of a conspirator rather than an enemy. “Don’t make that mistake, Miss Gowan.”

  “What mistake is that?”

  “You seem to believe that I need more than a few weeks to know my business.”

  She leaned in, chin still raised. From that proximity, she could smell him—all warm, freshly bathed skin and downy cotton cloth. “If you knew anything, you’d realize Graham Gowan has never advocated violence, nor does anyone who stands with the union he leads.”

  Except Tommy, whispered a niggling voice in her mind. She pushed it away. No sense telling men with such deeply held prejudices about her suspicions. She would deal with Tommy soon enough.

  “You sound proud of your father’s reputation,” he said.

  “Rightly so. And I plan to surpass it.”

  “Freak she-devil,” Livingstone muttered at her back. “She needs a husband, not explosives and a grudge. A firm hand would keep you in line, girl.”

  Les and Hamish cursed his churlish accusations, but Polly found herself curiously unaffected. Quite the wizardry Mr. Christie’s eyes could produce. He needed a haircut, although to tamper with those sandy-blond strands would be an injustice. They added just enough softness to a hard, sturdy face. Brow, cheekbones, nose—all as precise as an architect’s lines, but with the burly toughness she’d expect of a workingman.

  He was a deadly handsome man. Her need to suck in a quick gulp of air proved as much.

  Polly forced her attention on him. “So, Livingstone, you would be the one to—what was it? Keep me in line? Apply a firm hand?”

  “Bet on it,” the overseer said coldly.

  “Not a bet I’d take, actually. Odds are I’d have your skin for curtains before sun-up.” Polly smiled sweetly, still watching her real opponent. “Now, then, Mr. Christie, you seem ready to act as judge and jury. Shall I fetch an ax and reveal my neck?”

  He blinked so hard it was nearly a flinch. “Excuse me?”

  “You might as well be my executioner, too.”

  And, good Lord, he could be. A quick glance down revealed hands bunched into fists like mallet heads. He wore that beautiful white shirt and finely tailored woolen trousers, yet the simmering anger pulsing from his robust body was anything but elegant. More like . . . brutal. There was no mistaking how his baser instincts would resolve matters.

  How odd. Most masters left their dirty work to men like Livingstone. This Mr. Christie looked ready to knock heads. Polly shivered and returned her gaze to his face. That was no help either. Breathtaking hazel eyes stared back at her, narrowed, fierce in his disconcerting blend of ire and intelligence.

  She cocked a hand on her hip. “No bloodshed today, then? No beheading? Just rampant accusations and brute force, instead of a proper investigation. Typical, I say. If this is how you do business with your workers, especially after an emergency, I’ve all I need to know about what sort of master you are.”

  His deep assessment was nearly more than she could endure. She would’ve rather endured Livingstone’s jabs and pinches. At least she knew how to deal with that slimy creature. Standing before Mr. Christie, waiting, holding her breath, with the whole room silent after her taunt, she felt terribly exposed, as if he could peer past her bravado to the place where she hid moments of doubt.

  But they were just that. Moments. She never let her doubts last long.

  He broke eye contact again, releasing her from his magnetic hold. “Who are the rest of you?”

  The constables introduced themselves straight away, but the hired muscle remained silent. “I’m Rand Livingstone, overseer at Winchester Fabrics. And these are the suspects we brought in.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Mr. Christie said quietly. But something warm and exciting shivered up Polly’s backbone. The new master was anything but calm. “You’re the overseer at Winchester. Yet you’re handling the apparent detention of my workers. Under the authority of these constables?”

  Livingstone exchanged a furtive glance with Andrews. Hamish, Les, and the others offered sharp protests. Their voices layered over one another until all that remained was the blurred sound of accusations and masculine shouts. Polly would’ve joined the fray, but she was too busy watching Mr. Christie. His eyes flicked back and forth between Livingstone, the constables, the workers, the brutes, and finally to Polly.

  “He has personal reasons for ensuring I learn my place,” she said evenly, although she felt no such ease beneath her breast. “Even after these accusations, he could have left the matter to the authorities. But I have no doubt he relishes the opportunity to see me punished. Personally.”

  His gaze stayed, but it did not rest. She could feel his attention like a touch. His expression shifted. Apparently all that searching and probing led to a conclusion, but his features did not soften. If anything, he appeared even harder. He unfurled those big hands, shook them as if to return the blood to his fingers, and turned away from everyone. Beneath his fine white shirt, the taut line of his back seemed hewn of iron.

  Briefly, he stood at the lone, wide window and looked out to the darkening sky. Gray shadows and the blue light of a fading afternoon competed for dominance over his strong brow and sharp cheekbones. Only then did Polly notice the coat he should have been wearing, tossed over the back of his chair. Her rebel mind insisted on playing out that moment. How had his body moved as he shed an encumbering layer of civility? Even now, poised in that tense moment, she admired how the revealing cotton stretched between his shoulders. Her gaze followed where twin shirttails disappeared into the snug waistband of his trousers.

  She shut her eyes. Not that closing them would stem the rush of images. She feared what her mind would conjure come nighttime. Although she secretly led the union in her father’s stead, she was still a young woman in the presence of a stranger who fired her blood. He was the master of Christie Textiles. Her adversary, if not her outright enemy. But he was also a precious novelty in her tiny world: a strong, handsome, intelligent gentleman.

  “I want all of you out,” he said at last. His odd American accent, so low and rough, invaded her darkness.

  Polly opened her eyes on a shiver, oddly disappointed that their introduction was already at an end. She had hoped to glean much more about his character.

  “Pardon, sir?” asked Constable Andrews.

  Mr. Christie swiveled away from the window. “Out of my office. I’m going to chat with Miss Gowan.”

  “You don’t know what the hell you’re doing,”
Livingstone snarled. “She bats her green eyes and wraps every Calton man around her finger.”

  “You are radically out of place by speaking to me in such a tone. I’m no Calton man, Mr. Livingstone, and I’ll manage just fine.” At another bare syllable of protest, Mr. Christie strode around his desk. Polly shrank back, out of his way and nearer to Agnes, as he went straight for his target. He stabbed an angry finger against Livingstone’s sternum. “I don’t want to see you in my building ever again. If you interfere with business that relates to Christie Textiles, I will have you arrested for trespassing and harassment.”

  “The law doesn’t work for you.”

  A callous smile shaped Mr. Christie’s firm, wide mouth. Polly hadn’t been able to imagine him smiling, and that cold expression did little to help. It was too . . . calculating. “No, I suspect the law works for the highest bidder. I will ensure they’re well compensated for putting you in your place. Get out.”

  Raw hatred flickered through the overseer’s eyes, but Mr. Christie stood his ground. His big fists were back, curled and primed for a fight. Polly covered her mouth with unsteady fingers. To see Livingstone get his comeuppance at the hands of this new master would be the making of her wildest fantasies.

  Hit him, she found herself chanting. Hit him.

  But the coward didn’t give him a chance. Livingstone took a step back, his expression still twisting around powerless fury. “I won’t forget this.”

  “I should hope not,” Mr. Christie said. “Now, Constables, keep the other workers in the clerk’s office down the hall. I’ll meet with them later.”

  After Agnes and the various men filed out, Mr. Christie shut the door behind them. The tension around his shoulders and neck had eased. Truly, he had been ready to brawl. Only now did his body relax, having won the round with words and threats. She released a breath laced with an esteem he didn’t yet deserve.

  Once again, Polly found herself pinned by his unerring attention. “Sit,” he said.

  “I’d rather stand.”

  “I suspect you’d argue with the door if the mood suited you.”

  She said nothing, so as not to prove him right. Instead she lifted her eyes. Challenge them, her father had always instructed. Men never expect a direct challenge from a woman.

  “Why me?” she asked.

  “Because you know more about that explosion than the rest of them combined.”

  Polly scowled. “I don’t know a bloody thing. Had I been by the south wall, I could’ve been killed today.”

  “Instead you’re here in my office, and we’re going to have a conversation. Union, business, sabotage—the topics shouldn’t come as a surprise.”

  He crossed the room. The thinning rug swallowed the sounds of his footsteps. The solid wall of his body pressed into her space. Polly did her best to keep away from him while giving no ground. Her throat closed. She found nowhere to look but toward the little thatch of hair that poked up from his open shirtfront.

  After a hard swallow, she found her voice again. “I don’t know anything.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Mr. Christie’s hazel eyes narrowed. For a moment, so near, they shared the same air. Polly was almost dizzy from the unexpected intimacy. “But if you’d rather, we can let the subject drop.”

  Relief swept through her lungs like the scent of flowering hedges. Unexpected. Sweet. She rubbed her sore arm. “I’d like that, yes.”

  He bit his back teeth together. Muscles bunched along his jaw. For a moment, he actually looked pained. Then an expression of firm resolve hardened his sharp features once more. A resolved warrior in half a business suit. “Then you have a choice, Miss Gowan. You can stay here with me and talk, or I can give you back to Livingstone. He won’t stand up to a man, but I have no doubt what he’s capable of doing to a woman.”

  * * *

  “You’d give me over to that beast, even suspecting what he might do to me? What kind of monster are you?”

  Alex needed to back away. He needed to, or he would touch Polly Gowan. For the past fifteen minutes, he’d fought that urge as he had rarely fought any battle. Not to caress her or seduce her. No, he just wanted to prove she was real. Like a tiny, angry valkyrie, she was almost mythic in her strength and the righteous burn in her bright green eyes. Her accent was as strong and unfamiliar as that of any Glaswegian, an exotic brogue with its oddly clipped consonants, but she added an impish brightness.

  Alex gripped the edge of his desk, with yet another war brewing behind his breastbone. He was honorable in his heart and soul—a quality that in many ways had been the making of him. Threats were nearly too much to stomach, especially against a woman. The alternative, however, included losing his business to an unidentified saboteur and handing Edmund over to Josiah Todd.

  That would never happen.

  He had no doubt Livingstone was a beast. In fact, it was from Josiah Todd that he had learned to identify such a covetous, proprietary look. The brutal overseer believed, for some reason, that Polly was his to manipulate. And maybe worse. Just as Alex’s father-in-law had believed Mamie was his. In every way. Forever.

  She would have been, had not Alex intervened.

  Yet had he ever desired a woman with such swift, infuriating speed? Polly Gowan had been in Alex’s office for only a quarter hour. Still, he was compelled. Fascinated. Drawn to her. The reaction was so fierce as to remind him of his long years of celibacy—throughout his marriage almost entirely, and certainly since Mamie’s passing. Despite his body’s aching insistence, however, he wasn’t in the habit of drooling after every pretty new female. Polly appeared infinitely resilient, as if she could take the full force of a man’s desires, and demand as much in return.

  “I’m no monster,” he said as evenly as he could manage. “After all, I am giving you a choice.”

  “It’s no choice, and you know it. Out on the street, he practically pulled off my arm. When that wasn’t enough, he kicked me in the gut. Take those facts and choke on them.”

  Alex stilled. “He kicked you?”

  “What does it matter to you? Still ready to toss me to him?”

  No, he thought bitterly. More like he regretted not popping the man’s jaw when he’d had the chance. “You’ll be the one to decide, as I said.”

  Polly swept that fiercely red hair back from her temples, her hands quick and agitated. “And here I’d almost thought you gallant.”


  “For standing up to him that way. No one ever does.”

  “And now?”

  “I take it back.”

  “Can you take back a thought? I don’t think so.” He leaned against the desk and crossed his arms, well clear of temptation. “You thought I was gallant. The idea was there. It existed in your mind. Now you’ve altered that thought by adding new data. Happens all the time. For example, I thought you were beautiful.”

  She pulled her chin back on a quick intake of air. Alex hid a smile as he watched the words sink in, like water quenching dry summer soil. Her lips parted. She touched her hair again, and then dropped her hands.


  Such uncertainty in her voice. Perhaps her position in the union and among the mill workers had stripped her femininity. With a rare flash of intuition, he suspected that men would desire her without truly appreciating her singular beauty. Her pretty, sprightly features and bewitching red hair were obvious enough. Although her mud-brown gown’s boxy shape and worn fabric did much to conceal her physique, she had lush breasts, a neat little waist, and hips designed to be palmed by a man’s eager hands.

  Something inside him, buried deep, surged to wakefulness. He didn’t feel like himself. He was rougher, somehow. His temper was stretched and frayed. He would’ve brawled in his office had Livingstone done so much as scratch an itch.

  “Yes, I thought that,” he said tightly. “But then I learned you could’ve been part of this plan to destroy my factory. I’m sorry to say such knowledge has tempered my opinio

  “Fickle man,” she said with a huff.

  “No more than you deeming me a monster rather than gallant.”

  Her lips curled in disgust. “That’s because your behavior changed. The same cannot be said about my appearance.”

  “Well, you have me there.”

  “Such a gentleman.”

  Although Alex could not say as much—nor could he indulge in the smile her waspish tongue inspired—she was even lovelier now. Indignation, fury, and maybe embarrassment had flushed cheeks already colored with abundant freckles. Eyes the color of bright spring grass snapped. A habit of chewing her bottom lip had made it both fuller and pinker. She tempted him to dark places with nothing more than a cagey sideways glance.

  Beyond her disconcerting effect on his control, Polly Gowan was priceless. He certainly wasn’t going to give her to a brute like Livingstone, but she wasn’t leaving his office until she accepted her new role in his life. Research alone had been unsuccessful in finding a way past the locked door of secrecy that protected the Calton textile union.

  She would be his key.

  “Time’s up.” Quicker than Polly could react, he wrapped an arm around her lower back and shoved her none too gently toward the office door. He’d meant to keep her from further injury after hearing how Livingstone had abused her. Now he was forced to intensify his threat. He pulled her hip to hip with one hand and reached for the doorknob with the other.

  He was touching her. And she was very, very real.

  “Out there with him, Miss Gowan, or in here with me.”

  “I won’t! Throw me to that wolf if you must, but I’m not talking to you.”

  Alex only gripped tighter, despite how his throat had closed and his lungs ached. “What is so bloody hard about talking?” he said past gritted teeth. “Sharing information, for God’s sake. You act like I’m already prepared to dismantle the whole system, when you don’t know a damn thing about me.”

  “Such language. I wouldn’t have thought you had it in you.”


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