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Craving: The Willow Creek Vampires Series

Page 7

by Stephanie Summers

  “Thank you, though I do find it extremely creepy that you know what my favorite breakfast is. Oh, and I’m not giving you this shirt back until after we go shopping. It’s bad enough I had to wear my jeans again, but I’m not wearing my shirt again until it’s washed.” Luckily, she had thrown a couple pairs of underwear in her handbag before she left for the concert, knowing it might be a day or so before she could buy more.

  He flippantly waved his hand in her direction. “Whatever. I could take it back easily enough if I wanted.”

  “Yes, I get it. You’re an all-powerful, supernatural being. Enough already.”

  “Enjoy your breakfast.”


  They arrived at the entrance of Barney’s shortly before 2pm.

  “I can’t afford to shop at Barney’s. Are you crazy? Anything I buy here will eat up most, if not all of the money I have.”

  “I already told you I have more money than I know what to do with. Don’t worry about how much you have. Pick whatever you like.”

  “Oh, no! No.” She shook her head and pointed her index finger at him. “I’m not having you buy my clothes. You’ll think I owe you something, and I’m not having you hold it over my head anytime you want something from me.”

  “Listen to me. I told you I had some things I had to do before we go back to that mind numbingly boring town. You have to look like someone who I’d be traveling with. I can’t have you showing up in some cheap rags you got from a tourist shop. So, shut up, and go shopping already.”

  She glared at him for telling her to shut up, but bit her tongue. There was no use in arguing right there in the middle of the sidewalk. “Where are we going that I have to be all decked out in designer clothing?”

  “We’ll discuss it later. This isn’t the place.”

  “Fine, but, for the record, I don’t like it one bit, and I’m only getting a couple things. I’m heading for the nearest tourist shop as soon as we leave. I can at least buy my own pajamas. They don’t have to be designer, do they?” She walked by him, glaring all the way.

  She entered the store with Remy close behind. She tried to pretend he wasn’t there. Every time she picked something up, he had to provide commentary on whether or not he liked the garment or if it would look good on her or not. She sighed loudly, and turned to face him.

  “How about I tell you my size and you just pick whatever it is that you think I should wear? That’s what you want, anyway, isn’t it?” She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.

  He threw his hands up in the air. “Finally!” He left her standing there alone as he went in search for what he thought would complement her. Sales people and other customers began to eye her as she drew attention to herself by standing alone in the middle of the aisle. She hurried after him.

  She soon caught up to him, and to her surprise, he already held an armful of things he’d picked off various racks. “I seriously would like to punch you in the nose right now.”

  “No need for violence, Sabine. It’s never the answer….except for when it is, of course. Anyway, go try this stuff on. Run along, now.” He handed her the clothes and gently pushed her toward the nearest dressing room.

  “I don’t want this stuff. I just want you to leave me alone long enough to pick out things for myself.”

  “Go try them on. I guarantee you will like some of it, and if you hate all of it, then we’ll do things your way.”

  Grinding her teeth, she was determined to hate it all no matter what. To her dismay, she liked most of what he picked. It was almost as if he’d really paid attention to her usual style, and tried to find things that she would be comfortable in. As much as she hated to admit it, she had to give him credit. She took her time in the dressing room, hoping maybe he’d think she ran again. The thought of making him nervous gave her a minute amount of joy.

  He was waiting outside the main door to the dressing room when she came out.


  “I like the stuff. Now can we go, please?”

  “Not yet. You need shoes.”

  “What’s wrong with these?” she asked as she looked down at the old Chuck Taylors she’d had for years.

  “What’s right with them should be the question. I guess they’re fine for ambling around town, but you need something with a bit more class if you’re going to be seen with me.”

  Off they went to the fourth floor where all the designer shoes lived. Sabine was overwhelmed with all the choices, and when she looked at the price tags, she almost passed out. The shoes were absolutely fabulous, but she couldn’t fathom paying $600, or a lot more, for a pair of shoes she’d probably wear once. She watched Remy circle around the showroom, and that’s what it was for sure – a showroom. Shoes of all colors and styles were artfully arranged with just the perfect amount of lighting above and behind them.

  He ordered her to try on two different pairs of heels, and a pair of ballet flats. She liked them all, but fell in love with the simple black sling backs with the red soles. She’d never heard of Christian Louboutin before, but recognized the infamous red sole from all the times she’d seen pictures of celebrities wearing them on the red carpet.

  “You look pleased. Did I do something right again?”

  Her face lit up as she spoke, almost forgetting who she was talking to. “I love these! I like them all, but I don’t know that I could ever take these off if I had them. They’re too expensive, though. With everything you picked out already, I can’t ask you to buy these, too.”

  “You didn’t ask me to buy any of the other stuff either, if you recall. Who am I to say no to something that makes you smile like that? You might annoy the hell out of me, but you have a beautiful smile.”

  She blushed and looked away. There was no way she would let him see what he said had any effect on her. “Thank You,” was all she could muster.


  “What do you want for dinner tonight? Should I order in, or do you want to go out to get something?”

  “I don’t really care, but I would like a big slice of pizza. Maybe I could go to Famous Original Ray’s Pizza, or was it just Ray’s Pizza? I think I saw a couple on our way here last night.”

  “We can go whenever you’re ready. Are you going to wear those new heels of yours?”

  “Um, no. I don’t think walking through the streets of Manhattan to find a pizza joint is the best time to break in a new pair of shoes. I have no desire to fall in the middle of the street or trip on one of those giant grates in the sidewalk and end up on my face.”

  “You have no faith in my ability to keep you safe, do you?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you can, but would you give yourself away just to keep me from falling?” Remy was silent. “Yeah, I didn’t think so. Falling on my ass is a better alternative than an angry mob with pitch forks and torches.”

  “Pitch forks and torches? In Manhattan? You’ve lost your mind, woman.”

  “You know what I mean. Will you be dining out tonight as well?”

  “No. I fed last night. I should be fine for a few days at least.”

  “I thought you fed every day.” What a relief to know she might not be bitten every night.

  “I don’t need much to sustain myself. Sure, I like to gorge sometimes, much like a human will stuff themselves with sweets and junk food, but I generally only feed once or twice a week.”

  “Good to know.”

  “I wouldn’t be so happy to hear that if I were you. I know what it can feel like for you, and you’ll be begging me to suck you dry every night.”

  “You’re so gross! Can’t we have a conversation that doesn’t involve your stupid innuendos? I don’t want to hear that I’m gonna be some kind of junkie jonesing for you to bite me. Christ, Remy. Enough already! And I wouldn’t willingly have sex with you if you were the last thing on this earth that had a penis!”

  He erupted in raucous laughter. “Only in your dreams, right?” He laughed so hard that he fell to the floor.
A bloody tear ran down his face and dripped onto his white shirt. “Look what you’ve done to me! You’ve made me ruin my shirt!” He only laughed harder, as she stomped down the hallway and slammed the door behind her. I guess I haven’t done a very good job of hiding that little fact. Has it been so obvious that I dream about him because I think he’s hot even if he is a dick?

  She slipped into her shoes – not the heels – and debated on trying to leave on her own. Spending another second with him seemed like torture, but she was hungry. Breakfast had been hours ago, and she wasn’t in the mood for lunch after they finished up shopping. She swallowed her pride, and walked back out to where he still sat in the middle of the floor.

  “I’m hungry. Let’s go.”

  “I have to change my shirt first,” he said with a chuckle. “Be back in a second.” And he was quite literally back in a second. I will never get used to that speed thing.

  A block from the apartment, Remy stopped suddenly and stiffened. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist. His eyes darted toward the tops of buildings, up and down the street, and all around them. His gaze turned to her. He leaned down, and spoke softly, but sternly, into her ear. “Follow my lead, and do not resist me.” She nodded in agreement. He never acted this way around her before, and it frightened her. His demeanor had changed so suddenly that she could sense she was in real danger. Gone was the sarcastic prick she was accustomed to. They continued to walk in silence.

  A block later, his hand slid behind her back and around her waist once more. Pulling her near, he looked down into her eyes as if to remind her of what he’d said a few minutes before.

  “Remy! How long has it been? I haven’t seen you in New York in 10 years or more!” A man of average height and average build with dark hair stepped out of the shadow of a nearby building and walked toward them.

  “It has been a long time, Timothy. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been wonderful.” The other vampire stepped back and looked Sabine over from head toe and back.

  “Timothy, this is my companion, Sabine.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Sabine. You must be something if you got this one to settle down.”

  Sabine smiled politely and clung to Remy. It didn’t take her long to figure out this guy might be a threat by the way Remy acted before he showed up. She looked past her contempt for her vampire “husband” because, at that moment, he was the lesser of two evils.

  “Are you going next week?” Timothy asked

  “Doubtful, but I’ll consider it if I’m bored.”

  “We haven’t seen you at one of Martin’s gathering in decades, but we can catch up then if you make it. It was nice meeting you, Sabine.” Timothy brought her hand to his lips, and kissed gently.

  “You, too.” She again smiled politely. The man disappeared into the shadows again, and she wondered if he would follow them. They picked up the pace and were back at the apartment with food in hand in no time.

  “Okay, so may I ask what that was all about? That guy seemed nice enough.”

  “I sensed another vampire, but I didn’t know who it was going to be.”

  “Good. I thought the guy was some big, bad threat or something by the way you acted before you saw him.”

  “Every vampire is a big, bad threat. The sooner you embrace that, the better.”

  “Oh, believe me. I’m aware. I just meant I was a little scared until I saw that he was your friend.”

  “He’s no friend. He would’ve snatched you away from me in a heartbeat if he thought he could. The only thing keeping him from it was that I’m older than him, and it is forbidden to take another vampire’s companion.”

  “Oh…well, I thought the way you talked to each other seemed like you were on good terms.”

  “Never trust a vampire, Sabine. We have friendly relationships with others of our kind, but we prefer to keep them at arm’s length when we can.”

  “What was he talking about? Where did he think you might be going?”

  “A vampire that I actually am friendly with is having a gathering next week, which he does every couple of years. You and I are going because I have business with someone who will be in attendance, and I didn’t want him to relay to certain people that I will be there. If I don’t take the chance now, I may not have another chance until, well, until you’re dead.”

  “I bet you can’t wait until that happens, can you?”

  Pretending he didn’t hear her or just simply choosing not to respond, he continued on with the original subject. “I am only dragging you along because you’re here and I have to. I have to keep you safe by claiming you. Otherwise, you would be fair game to anyone who wanted you. I’ve already told you it is forbidden to harm another vampire’s human companion. In order for them to leave you alone, they have to believe we are together. I might as well tell you now that it may involve some uncomfortable things for you. I assure you it will be fun for me, though.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re going to bite me in front of a bunch of blood suckers.”

  “No, most likely I can claim that I’ve fed already to avoid that if you wish, but, vampires can be rather amorous at times, and I have a reputation for being a little more amorous than others. We think nothing of showing our affection in front of others.”

  “You’re going to rape me in front of them, aren’t you!?”

  “Sabine, don’t be ridiculous. I may be a vampire, but I’m not a rapist. There will be no public sexual acts, but I can’t guarantee that I won’t be kissing you or caressing you like a lover would do while we are in front of the others.”

  A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of his lips touching hers and his hands all over her body. She craved his touch, though she’d never known it outside of her dreams before. She fought to push the dreams from her mind that she’d had of him so many times since she met him.

  “Just take me back to Willow Creek.”

  “I can’t. If you go back, I go back.”

  “I don’t understand what’s so important that you have to go right now. Let’s just go home. My mom keeps texting me wanting to know when I’m going to be back.”

  “You don’t need to know what’s so important either. It’s none of your concern. All you need to concern yourself with is keeping quiet and being obedient.”

  “Obedient and quiet? You really have no clue. That’s why you don’t have a ‘companion’. It has nothing to do with you not wanting to be tied down, or whatever it was that guy said.”

  “Please. I could have anyone I wanted. I just don’t want anyone. Why be tied down when I don’t need to be?”

  “Why not me? I mean, you’re stuck with me until I die. Why not try to really get to know me, or at least pretend and try to make things enjoyable for me? Maybe you’d actually like me if you gave me half a shot.” She smiled brightly at him, hoping to get some sort of pleasant reaction from him. “I don’t think I’m too bad to look at, and it’s not like I’m going to get to experience romance any other way.” It was a shot in the dark. She almost wished she hadn’t said anything once it was out in the open.

  “I have nothing in common with a twit like you. I’ve seen every nook and cranny of this world, and lived through so much of what you would consider ancient history. You’ve not been any further from Willow Creek than you are right now, and if it didn’t happen in the last 20 years, you probably have no interest in it.”

  His words were just another reminder of her cruel destiny. Tears began to form, and she fought to keep them from falling as she looked down at the floor. She would not let him see her cry again. “I’ve had no freedom to see the world or experience the things I want to experience. How dare you assume you know anything about me or what interests me?” Walking quickly toward her room, she closed the door behind her. Crawling into bed, still in her clothes, she buried her face in the pillow and wept softly.

  Shortly after, he knocked on her door. “Sabine? You didn’t eat your food. Do you still want it? I�
��m going to throw it out if you don’t. It stinks already. Can’t imagine how putrid it will smell when it goes bad.”

  Burying her face in her pillow, she ignored him. If he wanted her to be quiet, that’s what he would get. She was embarrassed that she’d put herself out there like that, only for him to shoot her down. He didn’t care about her and never would. She was only a nuisance to him. She was right to dislike him from the start.

  “Sabine? Are you alright?”


  “Sabine, answer me.”

  More silence.

  “I’m going to come in there if you don’t answer me.”

  Let him come.

  He opened the door and marched into her room. His eyes immediately landed on her, expecting to see the familiar glare looking back at him. He never expected to find her in such a broken down state. He looked at her for a few long seconds while he tried to figure out what was wrong with her and if he could fix her somehow. This is pointless. If she wants to ignore me, then let her. Maybe I’ll get a little peace and quiet… Is she crying? An overwhelming feeling of hopelessness enveloped him and invaded his senses. The despair she felt was palpable. He moved to the side of the bed and had an overwhelming urge to reach out and touch her…to comfort her.

  Memories of a time when he felt such despair came to him. He had been lost and hopeless, so much so that he gladly accepted Bastian’s offer to turn him so that he could escape his life and detach himself from human emotion. Seeing Sabine this way reminded him of everything he’d once felt, and he began to worry about her for just a moment. He almost cared.

  Just as quickly as the feelings started, he pushed them away and pulled his hand back before touching her. No! I won’t do this. I will not allow myself to care, especially for a girl that I will have to watch grow old and die. I can’t go through that loss again. He left her alone, and didn’t speak to her again until later in the week when they were due to leave New York.


  He yelled through the door to her. “Get all your stuff packed up. It’s time to go.”

  I see he’s talking to me again. Yay for me. She quickly threw all her new clothes into a suitcase she found tucked into the closet. I’m so going to burn these clothes when I get home. Well, maybe I’ll donate them instead. I can’t burn things that others could actually use. Maybe I’ll keep the shoes…


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