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Craving: The Willow Creek Vampires Series

Page 12

by Stephanie Summers

  “No, it isn’t my parents. Have you heard anything weird about Willow Creek since you moved here?”

  “Oh, you mean the fact that vampires roam free?”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She blinked rapidly for a second or two. “How did you know that?”

  “My uncle lives here, and I’ve been here several times throughout the years. I used to stay with them during the summer sometimes when my parents would travel.”

  “I’m sorry I’m so shocked. I didn’t think you would know anything about it. No one is supposed to talk about it to outsiders.”

  “You look more relieved than shocked, but what does that have to do with you not being able to leave?”

  “I have been promised to a vampire when I turn 21. I don’t know if you know all the details of why they’re allowed to walk free without any repercussions.”

  “Yeah, I do. So you’re the one? I’m…sorry.”

  “No. I should be sorry. I should never have come here. I’ve just led you on.”

  “It’s okay. Maybe we can get you out of it somehow.”

  “Not possible. No one has ever gotten out of it. There are no loop holes. The only way out of it is death – either his or mine.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I like you, and I’m not giving up.” He reached across the table and touched the back of her hand. “Please don’t feel bad for not telling me to begin with. How could you have known that I even knew about any of that stuff?”

  “I have something I need to ask you. I don’t want to, but I have to.”

  “Shoot.” He stuffed a piece of bread in his mouth and began to chew.

  She shifted in her chair, and swallowed hard. “Are you a vampire?”

  He swallowed and burst out laughing. “Me? No! Why would you think that?”

  “Someone told me you were. I thought maybe he was lying, but I didn’t know for sure. I have been watching you and trying to pick up clues about whether you were or not.”

  “What do you think about me? Did I pass the test or did you think maybe I was?”

  “I was pretty sure you weren’t. Your hands are warm, you just ate some bread, and you look like you have a tan.”

  “My knowledge may be limited, but I think those are all traits of the living.”

  Their food came shortly and they enjoyed each other’s company as they ate. An hour and a half later, Sabine and Josh sat cozied up on the couch watching an episode of Conan O’Brien instead of a movie. His arm draped over her shoulder, and she leaned her head against him.

  “I probably should go home soon.” Thoughts of Remy bursting through the door and killing Josh ripped through her mind. If she wasn’t home soon, he would come looking for her if he wasn’t already perched somewhere outside.

  “No problem. I can take you whenever…But…” She leaned away from him and looked at him quizzically. “There’s just one thing…and I hope you don’t mind…” He bent his head and brushed his lips against hers, and then kissed her deeply. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Her lips parted slightly, and he licked at the tip of her tongue. His hands fisted in her hair.

  He backed away from her slowly. She tried to follow, closing the distance between them. “You didn’t have to stop.”

  “I know, but I want to take our time with the physical stuff. You’re an awesome kisser. I can’t wait to kiss you again…next time.”

  The second compliment I’ve ever received about my kissing, and both less than a week apart.

  Twenty minutes later, they were outside her house. He got out of the car and hurried around to open her door. He grabbed her hand and walked her to the front door. “Good night, Sabine. Talk tomorrow?”

  “Yeah. I’d like that.”

  He bent down slightly to plant a chaste kiss on her cheek, and then left. She went inside, practically floating on air. She yawned as she went up the stairs and to the bathroom. Stripping her clothes off, she slipped into her touristy New York t-shirt and comfy sleep pants. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put on some facial beauty treatments before heading off to bed.

  Flipping on the light and entering her room, she flopped down on her bed, not noticing the man in the chair.

  “I told you to stay away from him.”

  She practically jumped out of her skin and sat straight up. “Don’t do that! And don’t tell me what I can and cannot do. You don’t own me, at least not yet.”

  “When it comes to your safety, I can.”

  “By the way, he is so not a vampire.” She shook her head in derision.

  “Oh? Care to enlighten me on how you are so certain of this?”

  “He isn’t cold as death, and he ate real food right in front of me. He also has a tan. You are wrong, and you lied! He isn’t staying at Bastian’s because he has his own place. I was there.”

  He shook his head and smirked as he looked down at the floor. “I guess you have it all figured out.” His arms stretched out. “So I guess I don’t have to tell you that his warm skin just means he’s fed recently. I don’t have to tell you that vampires can eat human food, we just don’t like to. It really has nowhere to go, so it ends up rotting inside until it is gone if we are unable to forcefully expel it. And I don’t have to tell you that human beings naturally are of all kinds of skin tones. If he were tanned or had a darker complexion when he was turned, he would remain that way for eternity. I’m almost certain he got a place because he wanted to stay off my radar.”

  “I still don’t believe you. I asked him if he was and he said he wasn’t.”

  “Oh, well that settles it, doesn’t it? He couldn’t possibly be lying about it.”

  “Maybe he is, but I’m more inclined to believe that you are the liar.”

  “Don’t make me prove he’s a vampire. You won’t like it. Stay away from him.” She blinked, and he was gone. She went to the window and slammed it shut.

  He is such a jerk. Why did I ever think he was hot? I don’t care how good he can make me feel, I will never feel anything for him but hate. I’m not going to stop seeing Josh just because he says I can’t. If he keeps this shit up, I will talk to Bastian about it. I bet he would make him stop.

  I’ll talk to Remy tomorrow when I’m not so irritated and give him one more chance to back off.


  She texted Josh the next afternoon.

  I can’t wait to see you again. I’m busy tonight, but how about I come over tomorrow?

  A minute or so later, she received a reply.

  That’d be great! See you tomorrow.

  She found her spot under the willow tree, and waited patiently. She knew he wasn’t around much during the day, or at least she didn’t think he was. He had to sleep sometime, and it seemed like most vamps slept during the day since they didn’t usually like being in the sun too much. If he didn’t back off after she had this talk with him, she would just see Josh during the day.

  Two hours went by as she sketched and enjoyed the warmth on her skin and the fresh air in her lungs. Foot-steps came toward her from the other side of the tree just before dusk. She didn’t have to look up to know exactly who it was. She knew he would show himself eventually.

  “Good evening.”


  “Still annoyed with me? You know I only say to stay away from him for your own good.”

  “Really? Seems to me like it might not look too good for you if I’m hanging around with some other guy…or vampire, as you claim.”

  “That has nothing to do with anything. I could not care less what anyone thinks of me. Other than Bastian, I am the oldest vampire in town. I care not.” His words were so strange to her. He sounded modern most of the time, but every once in a while, he sounded so…formal.

  “Yeah, well, I want to talk to you about some things. I was waiting for you out here.”

  “Afraid we might get a little too close in your room, Little Miss ‘do it again’?”

  She sighed and crossed her ar
ms. He disgusted her. At least she was trying hard to convince herself that he did. “No. I want you to back off. Josh is a nice guy, and I want to have fun while I’m still free to do so.”

  “He isn’t a good guy. He lied to you.”

  “So what if he is a vampire? He doesn’t try to control me. He likes me, and I like him.”

  “If you cannot see how dangerous he is, then I give up.”

  “You’re dangerous, and you don’t seem to have any issues with me being around you.”

  “Let him kill you. Maybe then I can get the fuck out of here and back to London. I’m done.”

  “So you’re done watching me? I can do what I want until I turn 21?”

  “Whatever, Sabine. I don’t care about what you do. I don’t care about you. I don’t care about what he will inevitably do to you. I will still be around because I have to be, but I will not interfere, even when he attacks you, and he will attack you. The pain of disobeying Bastian’s order to keep you safe will nearly kill me, but to hell with it. If you’re still alive on your birthday, I don’t care if you bang him and he feeds from you right in front of me. I’m done.” He skulked away.

  At a time when she should have been ecstatic, his words deeply stung her. I don’t care about you. She knew he didn’t, but it still hurt to hear it. Screw him! I’m calling Josh!

  Chapter 14

  Two weeks later…

  Things were going really well between Sabine and Josh. She introduced him to her parents, and she had even started spending the night with him, though they hadn’t had sex yet. She was too weirded out by the thought of Remy watching them. She was trying to come up with a way for him to be completely distracted, or figure out a time that he wouldn’t be around so she didn’t feel so creeped out.

  Life had become blissfully peaceful without Remy outright bothering her. It reminded her of the two years he stayed away from her, and she remembered her attempt at running away was why he had been thrust back into her life. Maybe if she had returned home that night after the concert, her life would’ve continued to be peaceful and drama free without him.

  Though she was happy to be rid of him for the time being, some part of her wondered if he was alright. Maybe she really hurt his feelings when she refused to believe him. Josh still hadn’t given her any reason to doubt he was human. Just stop! Stop thinking about Remy. This damn craving I have for him is going to drive me nuts if I don’t figure out a way to squelch it.

  Almost as if he knew she was thinking of him, Remy appeared out of nowhere. This was only the second time she ever saw him teleport, and it was still an awesome, yet scary thing to witness.

  “I thought you didn’t like to do that.”

  “I don’t, but I could only spare a few minutes, and I needed to talk to you. I can’t keep an eye on you tonight. I have to accompany Bastian for a few hours, and by the time we get back, I will need to sleep.”

  “Why are you telling me this? You made it pretty clear you wouldn’t step in to save me if I was in trouble.”

  He looked away from her. “I was angry, Sabine.”

  “You still meant every word you said.”

  “Perhaps, but perhaps anger controlled my actions and I blurted it all out without thinking first. It’s in the past and doesn’t matter now. I would ask you to stay home tonight. Please?”

  “Josh is busy tonight anyway. I have no plans on leaving.”

  “Good. I shall check in tomorrow night.” The air shimmered and distorted as he disappeared.

  Yes! This is it!


  “I can’t wait to get you to my house. I have been waiting for this since the first time I saw you.”

  She smiled coyly at him, and ran her hand along his thigh, grazing his forming erection. “I can’t wait either.”

  The car pulled into the driveway of his house. They could barely keep their hands off one another as they made their way to the front door. Josh stiffened only moments before a loud swoosh of air rushed past them, blowing her hair into her eyes and pulling Josh away. She pushed the strands of hair out of her face, and realized Josh was not there. Frantically, she searched for him, only to find him in Remy’s grip. Remy held Josh by the neck with his arms and legs flailing wildly. Remy looked at her coldly. Never taking his eyes off her, he spoke. “Tell her what you are.” His green eyes grew brighter and more intense by the second.

  Josh sputtered and choked, trying to speak. Sabine ran to them, and stopped just in front of Remy. “Please, Remy! Let him go! You’ll kill him!”

  His grip tightened. “Tell her what you are.” He continued to stare down at her, never blinking. “And you can stop with the choking. You don’t need to breathe, and I know you can take in enough air to speak. I haven’t completely crushed your wind pipe.”

  Josh only struggled more. “Let him go!” She clawed at Remy’s arm and chest to no avail. She slapped him hard in the face.

  “TELL HER WHAT YOU ARE!” She wouldn’t have believed the booming voice erupted from Remy if she didn’t see his mouth move with her own eyes. His body was still and he hadn’t lifted his gaze from her.

  “Okay! Okay! Sabine, I’m a vampire. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth.”

  “Now you believe me?” he asked her with his eyebrow arched up.

  She walked several paces away from them and dropped to her knees, staring at the ground. Remy let go of Josh, and he landed on his feet with a soft thud. Rushing to her side, Josh knelt beside her and tried to take her hand. She pulled away from him. “Sabine, you have to believe me. I would never hurt you. I didn’t tell you because I could see that you were very anti-vampire, and I wanted you to like me for me, not hate me because of my curse.”

  Remy stood back and scoffed in the background. He observed Josh groveling before her and rolled his eyes at the ridiculousness of Josh’s words.

  “Remy, take me home.”

  He walked to her, picked her up, and put her on her feet. His arm slid around her back, gripping her waist. He looked Josh dead in the eyes. “Stay away.” He scooped her up with his other arm, and took off. Everything was a blur to her. She clung tightly to him, even though she vaguely felt any movement. She didn’t expect to be back at her house so fast. Why does he even own a car when he can travel like that?

  “I’ll see you inside before I go.” He followed her through the door and up the stairs to her bedroom. Thankfully, her parents and sister had long been in bed and were sound asleep. She closed the door behind them, and looked at him with fury in her eyes.

  “You asshole!” She turned and shoved him as hard as she could, but it didn’t move him one bit.

  “I’m the asshole?” His eyes widened as he pointed to himself. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Yes! You couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you? You lied to me just to prove a point. You knew I would take advantage of you being gone tonight, and you manipulated me.” Her hands and arms flew around to accentuate her point while her voice grew louder and louder.

  “You are a real piece of work, you know that? Calm down, for fuck’s sake. You’re going to wake your parents. You deserved to know the truth, and you wouldn’t believe me when I told you, so I had to show you. It’s not my fault you’re so predictable.”

  She fell to her butt and began to sob. She sobbed for everything that had been building inside her since her 18th birthday. He knelt beside her and put his hand on her back. “Don’t do that. I don’t like it.”

  “So sorry about your discomfort,” she said, wiping tears off her cheeks. “Why don’t you just leave?”

  “I only did it so you would be safe. You had to see that he was dangerous, not to mention a liar.”

  “But I didn’t see that. He didn’t do anything that screamed ‘dangerous’ to me.”

  “Really, Sabine? You don’t see it? How is that even possible?”

  “He’s no different than you, except for the fact that he actually cares about me. No, I take that back. I’ve seen you
do waaaaaay worse than anything he’s ever done around me.”

  “You’re going to see him again, aren’t you?”

  “I…I don’t know. Maybe.”

  He shook his head, and paced in front of her. “Fine. But at least now you know. I hope he is as noble as you seem to think he is, because, if he isn’t, it’ll be your life.”

  Her phone rang, and she looked down at the screen to see that it was Josh. She raised her head to face whatever smart-ass thing Remy was going to say to her, but he was gone. She took a deep breath and answered.


  “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. You have to know that. I’m not proud of what I am, and, if I could change it, I would. I just didn’t want you to hate me from the start because of something I did not want and cannot change.”

  “I get it. Really, I do, but I need some time to work things out in my head.”

  “Sure. Take what you need. I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk.”


  “So what is this about exactly?” Delia questioned.

  “It’s about Sabine. She is seeing a vampire. I don’t trust him, but she won’t listen to me. I want you to talk to her and tell her she should stay away from him. I think she’d be more likely to listen if it comes from you.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not really comfortable with this. She’s my best friend. I just don’t want her to think I’m on your side when she figures it out. She’ll be pissed.”

  “Delia, please? It’s important that she stay away from him.”

  “Why? I mean, you say you don’t trust him, but why? What has he done?”

  “His sudden appearance…and interest in her…” He struggled to find a way to explain just how much he distrusted Josh and why.

  “So, you’re jealous? That’s no reason for me to risk her being pissed at me. Sorry.”

  “I am not jealous. I don’t feel those kind of emotions.”

  “Could’ve fooled me, because I see a jealous man sitting in front of me. Word of advice, if you’re into her, just tell her. Show her that you care.”


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