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Craving: The Willow Creek Vampires Series

Page 15

by Stephanie Summers

  They spent a couple of weeks and their last night back in London before heading back to the U.S. For close to ten months, they traveled. They shared so many details of one another’s lives. The connection that took root and started to grow, now blossomed into a beautiful flower. They were friends. Neither one of them would ever have believed it possible, but they were. Arguing between the two of them was long gone. The thought of living together once they returned home began to not seem as bad as they both imagined in the beginning.

  Both of them secretly pined for the other one, while neither one of them had the courage to put their feelings on the line. Sabine settled down into her bed for the last night she would spend away from Willow Creek. Remy knocked softly on the door before entering.

  “I trust you are all settled in? Do you need anything else before you sleep?”

  “I need one more thing. Could you stay with me tonight?”

  If his heart beat at the same speed as a human, it would have skipped a beat. “Yes.” He sat down beside her with his back against the ornate headboard.

  “I know it might sound silly,” she propped her head up on her hand and looked up at his lips, “but I think I might miss you when we get back.”

  “It isn’t silly, love. I’ll miss you, too.”

  “I know it will only be a couple of weeks until I move in with you, but-”

  “Sabine…just stop talking.” He bent down and kissed her hard, throwing his leg over her to straddle her body. His hands moved up her arms and pinned them above her head as he kissed her, deeper and deeper. Keeping her arms pinned with one hand, his other hand cupped her breast, teasing her nipple with his thumb through the satiny material of her nightgown.

  Her lips parted to allow his tongue access to hers. She kissed him back with more passion than she ever knew she could muster. She tried to free her hands so she could touch his body.

  Sensing her desire, he let go of her arms. Her hands instantly went to his abs and up to his chest. She frantically tried to unbutton his shirt. He pulled back, ripping the shirt away from his body, and smashing his lips into hers once more.

  He shifted and settled between her legs. She grinded against him, feeling the length of his erection through the material of his jeans. Her hands gripped his hair as she pulled him closer to her. The smallest amount of space between them was too much. She needed him inside of her as much as he needed to be inside her.

  He kissed a trail of kisses down her neck and onto her breast. She could feel the scrape of his teeth through her nightgown as her nipples stood erect. His hands found the bottom of her gown and pushed it up, exposing her stomach. He continued to kiss a trail down her belly, stopping just at the top of her panties. She longed for him to keep going further down, but he planted soft kisses back up her abdomen, and pushed the nightgown the rest of the way up and pulled it over her head.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long, Sabine. Do you know what you do to me? How much I crave you?”

  He stared down hungrily at her milky white skin, at the mounds of her breasts moving up and down quickly as she took deep breaths. His head dipped down and took a nipple into his mouth as he sucked gently at first. He sucked harder until his fangs grew and began to press into her skin. She wondered if he would bite her, and hoped that he would. Just as she felt the tips of his teeth ready to pierce her, he lifted his head and kissed her on the mouth again.

  “Drink from me.”

  “Not this time.” He sat up on his knees and yanked her up to him. She straddled him now as his arms wrapped around her back. “This is about both of us, love, not just me.”

  She rode his cock as best she could, and wished his jeans and her panties weren’t in the way. As if he had read her mind, he reached down between them and tore off her panties with one quick yank, throwing the undergarment to the floor. He laid her back on the bed, and moved his head down between her legs.

  His tongue flicked out and licked the warm, wet mound of her sex. Her fingers tangled in his hair and pulled him closer to her. She felt the pressure begin to build inside as his tongue stroked her faster and harder. One of his hands gripped the inside of her thigh, so tightly he easily could have drawn blood with his nails.

  She writhed in pleasure, and her feet rested on his back as she arched hers. She screamed his name as she came, unable to hold on any longer. He smiled that cocky smile of his and licked her one more time for good measure before raising up to meet her face to face.

  Her hands explored the space between them until she found what she was looking for. She ran her palm along the length of his cock and felt it grow harder. Somehow she managed to push him away from her so she could unbutton his pants and slide them down his hips.

  In a quick movement too fast for her to see, his pants were gone and he rested between her legs and started kissing her neck again. He grabbed one of her legs and wrapped it around his body to rest on the small of his back. He gripped her hip while he supported his weight with the forearm of his other arm. He looked deep into her eyes as he reached down to guide his cock into her, hesitating at her entrance.

  “You desire this?”

  She nodded, never straying from his gaze.

  “Tell me this is what you want.”

  “I want you, Remy. I want you to make love to me.”

  He kissed her and plunged himself deep inside, claiming her as his. She whimpered in pleasure as he filled her up, allowing her time to adjust and stretch to accommodate his girth before moving again. Forehead to forehead they moved in unison like they were meant to be together, like this was a choreographed dance they’d waited forever to perform.

  Her hands slid down his back and gripped his ass as he thrust rhythmically inside her. Like he did before, he sat up on his knees and pulled her up to him so that she straddled him. This time she really rode him. He grabbed her ass and helped her move up and down the length of his cock.

  Another orgasm grew deep within her as she rode him. Still holding onto her with one hand on her back, his other hand maneuvered between them, rubbing her in just the right place, propelling her to come again. Just when she thought she couldn’t move anymore, he laid her down and flipped her over to her stomach. He entered her once more and kissed her back and shoulder as he made love to her. He pushed her hair aside, and licked her neck. It took everything he had not to bite her. This had to be about the passion they shared, not the false euphoria she would feel when he exerted his power over her.

  He pulled out of her and nudged her to her side, pulling one of her legs back to drape across him. He entered her once again. His hand slid over her belly and down to the v between her legs and caressed her again and again until she lost control once more. He smelled her hair, and kissed the back of her neck. His teeth were fully extended as he scraped them against the sensitive flesh behind her ear. He could take no more, and lost himself to her. He came hard inside her as he groaned loudly.

  He whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

  Chapter 17

  The room was pitch black, even though it was already mid-morning. The memory of the passion from the night before came rushing back to her. She felt around in the dark, desperate to touch him. She needed to be close to him, and, truth be told, she didn’t mind the prospect of another go around with him before they traveled back to Willow Creek.

  She loved him. It took them finally being together for her to admit it to herself. She tried to keep him out of her heart, but he managed to sneak his way in. When he told her he loved her, it sealed the deal. She was no longer afraid of how he would react. So many times she imagined what his reaction would be if she confessed her feelings. She imagined what it could be like between them.

  She rolled to the middle of the bed expecting to crash into him, but she felt nothing. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness. Finally, she was able to find the lamp on the nightstand, and flipped it on. The light blinded her momentarily. The room had no windows and the door was shut tight, allowing no natur
al light in.

  She smiled as she turned toward the other side of the bed. He was not there. Frowning, she lay back down and started to notice her body. The familiar ache of her muscles after a night of hot sex was lacking. She expected to feel sensitive, if not a bit sore, down below after the previous night’s activities, but she felt normal.

  It was just another dream.


  I’ve made a terrible mistake. I revealed too much to her last night.

  He sat alone in an empty room, desiring to go back to that place where he could enjoy her body and she could enjoy his with no repercussions. There was no furniture except the chair he sat on. This room was one he could never quite figure out what to do with. He had enough bedrooms, there was plenty of living space, and he had other rooms that housed his possessions. Maybe he could turn it into a library or art studio for her like he’d done at Bastian’s. He pushed that thought away because he knew she would grow to hate him once she knew the truth and would never return here, even if Bastian allowed it.

  His hair hung in his face as he stared down at the floor. How could I lose control like that? How could I tell her I loved her…again? The night she was attacked, he inadvertently let her know his true feelings, though he didn’t realize it at the time. He couldn’t figure out how she heard his thoughts because he hadn’t tried to connect with her mentally. It was only later that he figured out they had a connection that had apparently presented itself for the first time that night.

  Since then, he was able to hear her thoughts if he chose to do so. All he had to do was focus on her. He even figured out that if he let down his guard, he could speak to her without ever opening his mouth, and she, in turn, could invade his mind. He had been careful not to do that again. It was bad enough he slipped once. He had no desire to do it again.

  He used his power to influence her dreams so many times since he first met her. He started out doing it as a way to get under her skin, and only had her dream of him without him really taking part in the act. He let her imagination take them where she wanted because he didn’t really want to put out the energy it took to control her dreams. Planting himself was far easier. It was only after he admitted to himself he had feelings for her that he took control, always careful not to reveal too much of how he really felt. The only reason he took the chance at these times was because she was sound asleep and couldn’t poke around in his head.

  It was a sick and twisted way to be with her, he knew that. He felt like a sexual predator afterward, no better than the rapist she believed at times he might be. Still, he continued to plant himself night after night right up until he agreed to leave her alone to be with Josh. He continued controlling her dreams during their time in Europe, though he tried not to do it more than a few times a week. He contemplated telling her what he had done, but was terrified she would hate him.

  Her feelings for him had grown exponentially during their time together in Europe. He felt exactly what she felt every time he went to her in her sleep and every time he listened in on her thoughts. What if she only had feelings for him because of those dreams? The same dreams she wouldn’t have had without him? What if he only started feeling again because of the interludes they had and how she reacted to him?

  He buried his face in his hands in shame. How could he fix this? How could he make her look past the dreams, and see that he did really love her? Would she feel the same way once he told her the truth?

  It didn’t matter to him why he loved her or what had caused him to love her, whether it was of his own accord or her desire for him. He loved her regardless, and that was all that mattered. The only way to pay for his “pervy” act, as she would say, was to make her future something worth living for, something that wasn’t inherently linked to him.

  He wanted everything for her that she wanted, even if that meant giving her up. As soon as they returned to Willow Creek, he would do whatever it took to release her…to set her free.

  His phone buzzed. The car that would be taking them to the airport would be there for them soon. He moved swiftly to her room.

  “Sabine? Are you about ready to go?” he asked softly as he inched open the door and peeked in.

  “I will be in just a few minutes. Could you take the two suitcases I have packed already downstairs? I have one more small bag I need to throw my bathroom stuff in, and I’ll be done packing.”

  He entered the room to retrieve the bags. The door stood open to the master bathroom, and her reflection beamed at him from the mirror on the wall. She had no clue he could see her. He stopped and stared, mesmerized by her body. He shook his head as if to shake the image out of his mind and turned his back to her.

  “The car will be here for us in about 30 minutes.”

  “K!” She continued to shuffle around the bathroom as she got dressed.

  She headed downstairs 20 minutes later to meet him. She descended the staircase with one smaller bag to find him standing as upright and rigid as a statue by the door. He looked lost in deep thought like he was in a trance. Those green eyes of his were the doorway to his soul, and she wanted nothing more at that moment than to look deep into them to see what he was thinking. “Something wrong?”

  He blinked and came out of the trance like state. “No. I was just thinking…You had a good night last night?”

  “Yes.” Why would he ask me that? It was a dream, wasn’t it? “You?”

  He nodded and looked away. “Would you like to eat something quickly before we go?”

  “I’ll get something at the airport. I feel kind of weird this morning. Not really hungry.”

  “Oh? Are you ill?”

  “I don’t think so. I just had a dream that is really sticking with me and fucking with my mind.”

  His face gave nothing away. “I hardly ever dream, so I don’t understand why it would stay with you. What happened in the dream?” It wasn’t entirely true, but he didn’t want to get into it right then.

  “Doesn’t matter. How much longer until the car gets here?”

  “Should be here in a few minutes.” He took her bags outside and waited. The confession weighed on the tip of his tongue, and he feared she would not return home with him if he told her now. He couldn’t face losing her and the wrath of Bastian all in the same day.


  They sat in the backseat of Remy’s car, traveling back to Willow Creek. They sat nowhere near as close as they had all those months earlier on their way to the airport. Their time together had been beyond anything Sabine could have ever imagined. She was grateful that he had given her so much, but now she wondered if she did something to upset him.

  He was distant from the time they left London until now, and barely spoke to her at all. He sat with his arms crossed the whole time on the plane. She wanted to lean on him and have him put his arm around her like they’d done so many times when they traveled by air, but he was shut off to her.

  She turned her head so she could see him out of her peripheral vision. He watched the scenery go by like he was looking through it. What’s wrong with him? Why is he ignoring me now?

  “Hey?” She turned to him and touched his thigh.

  “Yes?” He continued to stare out the window.

  “Did I do something to piss you off?”


  She didn’t believe him. Why wouldn’t he look at her if he wasn’t pissed off? “I don’t know why you won’t talk to me.”

  He faced her. “I’m sorry. My mind is elsewhere.”

  “Yeah, I see that.” She barely shook her head, and looked away.

  He scooted closer to her and held her hand. “I need to tell you something.”

  She shifted her weight nervously in anticipation. “Okay. Should I be worried?”

  “No…Yes. I mean, I don’t know. What I have to tell you may change the way you see me, and I’m terrified of losing our friendship.”

  “Umm, can we pull over? I don’t want to have this kind of conversation in a confined area l
ike this one.”

  “Yes. Pull the car over.” He barely raised his voice, but the driver did as he was instructed.

  The car veered off the road to a wide spot where not much was around. He got out and spoke to the driver as Sabine exited the car. As Remy walked over to where she stood, the car drove away.

  “Wait! What the hell is going on? Why is he leaving?”

  “I told him to. I will get you home safely after we talk. I know you have been dreaming of me since we first met, and it’s my fault.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I used my power to influence you to dream of me.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “At first, I wanted to ruffle your feathers. I thought it would be entertaining for me to know you were having provocative dreams of me while you pretended to hate me or that I might scare you after the first one you had.”

  “Ok, it’s kind of weird, but it isn’t the worst thing to happen to me.”

  “There’s more. After the night you were attacked, I did more. I started taking part in those dreams, and I shared them with you. Before that, I was only there and able to see what you dreamt. To me, we have really made love numerous times even though you thought you were only dreaming.”

  “Wait. You mean you had sex with me against my will? While I was unconscious? How could you do that?” Her eyes misted over with tears as disgust for him ran through her entire body. Her stomach churned as she fought the urge to dry heave.

  “No, not exactly. We did nothing physically. I understand if you never want to speak to me again, and I intend to do everything in my power to release you from the hell you were sentenced to with me.”

  “But…if we didn’t really do anything, and it was all in a dream, then why would you think I would hate you? It’s kind of pervy of you, but I can’t complain. Those dreams have made my nights pretty awesome.”


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