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Arousing Her

Page 27

by Tia Siren

  “Yes, but who the fuck is this guy? And going to his own island? who knows what he’s planned?” she said as she coughed and spluttered.

  “Relax, why don’t you. He’s my dad's boss. He’s worked for him for god knows how many years,” I said.

  “Yes, but why you? I mean, why has your dad nominated you? That’s what you should ask yourself,” she said. “You know you don’t get along with him, and now he calls asking for help.”

  I looked at the ocean, which stretched to the horizon. The sun had just started to appear, and the first golden beams were hitting the sand. We jogged into a headwind that tired us more than it normally would have. I looked at Nancy as she battled with her body to keep going.

  “Maybe he’s seen the error of his ways and it’s just the first step of him wanting to be a real dad rather than just another investment banker asshole,” I said as I jumped over some dog poo.

  “Well, it all seems fucking strange to me. A rich dude like that has the pick of any admin assistant, and before you know it, they are knocking on your door. I don’t want to put you down, but what do you really have to offer him in that department?” Nancy said.

  “I don’t know, but I’m not going to turn down ten grand and a new car, and that’s just from Dad. You never know how generous this guy is; he’s worth billions! He could be my sugar daddy and give me riches and stuff beyond my wildest dreams,” I said.

  “I just don’t know. Chip was right; you should listen to him. He knows your dad better than you, and if he thinks this isn’t right, there must be something there for him to be concerned,” Nancy said as she tugged on my arm.

  I looked at Nancy. She had a bright red glow about her face and was breathing heavily. She looked like she wanted to puke as she rested her hands on her legs.

  “It gets easier you know,” I said.

  “What gets easier?” she asked as she gasped for air.

  “This jogging shit. The more you do it, the easier it gets,” I said with a laugh.

  Nancy found a rock and sat down. She looked dismayed and a little distraught. “Stop it,” she said seriously.

  “Stop what?”

  “Trying to change the subject. I know you, and I know how you twist and turn the conversation away from the matter at hand,” she said.

  “Now who is Miss Smarty Pants?” I said as I sat on the rock beside her.

  “I’m deadly serious though,” Nancy said as she looked at me. “Have you really thought it through?”

  “Yes. I get a car and ten grand. I have to go to this island. Apparently, this is Charles’s private island. I’m to keep him company and do some light admin tasks,” I said. “What could be simpler?”

  “Have you considered what keeping him company may entail? I mean, it’s not just conversation and having dinner together, you know. There has to be a catch. He could be sick and twisted. You never know,” she said as she wiped her sweat-filled face on her sleeve.

  “I know, but you should see how hot he is. Fuck, he looks like a real man, not like these boring pussies on campus. And if he’s creepy, maybe I could have some fun. You know, some carnal fun,” I said. “It’s been a while since I had a good fuck, and what better way to do it than on Treasure Island with white sandy beaches and…warm air blowing over my naked body?”

  “Elizabeth, sometimes you are just too much. You know that you should get a grip on reality! Not everything is about cock and money you know,” Nancy said as she rolled her eyes at me.

  “Maybe, but there is plenty of time for things like that later. I’m only twenty-one for fuck's sake. I don’t have to become a baby machine right now. I want to see and explore new things, and how many people are offered that sort of opportunity?” I said.

  "I agree with Chip. You’re being naïve and shortsighted! God, you are just looking at the materialistic side of things. Would you have gone if there was no money involved?” Nancy asked.

  “Fuck no. What do you take me for, a slave?” I replied, angrier now.

  “Exactly my point. If you had wanted to take advantage of the opportunity for half of the right reasons, you would have still gone for no payment. But no, you’re being blinded by material bullshit again,” Nancy said in a slightly angry tone.

  “Well anyway, I have said I’m going, and the guy looks hot. I have decided, and that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll have a weekend of exotic travel, sun, sand, and, as you pointed out, maybe sex too. Anyway, you know how I can manipulate men. And he might be a pussy anyway, so he will bend to my charm and womanly ways. I could have him eating out of my hand before the weekend is over,” I said as I started jogging on the spot.

  “You’re a fucking idiot sometimes,” Nancy said under her breath.

  “Come on, lightweight, let’s get you back to the apartment before you pass out,” I said with a laugh.

  We jogged back toward the apartment in silence. I had listened to what both Chip and Nancy had said, and in some ways, it made sense. And then the thought hit me about why they had made such a fuss: jealousy. Maybe they had both become jealous of the fact that I was asked out of everyone else. I wouldn’t mention this to them; I loved Chip and Nancy to death, and saying they were jealous would cause all manner of unwanted drama to come to the surface.

  We crossed the beach, and the tail wind made things a little easier. The sun had risen and was starting to cast its glow on the buildings, and the cool temperature had vanished. We were bathed in the warmth of the early morning sunrise, and we had both started to perspire from the heat.

  I think I was right; they were a little jealous of my situation. Chip had never received anything from Dad, and here I was, soon to have a Jaguar and ten grand spending money coming to me. Nancy was stuck working at crummy Papino’s corndogs. She had very little money, and her parents struggled to afford to send her to college. Hell, it would take her more than one summer to earn ten grand, and here I was getting it in one day. Ha! Who’s the smart one here? I questioned as we approached the apartment.

  “Shit, these fucking stairs are killing me. I have leg cramps,” Nancy said as she slowly climbed the stairs in front of me.

  “Come on, put your back into it. No pain, no gain,” I said as I laughed behind her and pushed her ass with my hands.

  Once inside, Nancy kicked off her running shoes and slumped at the table. She rested her head in her hands and slowly recovered her breath. I opened the fridge and grabbed us both a cold bottle of water and sat opposite her at the table.

  “I know both you and Chip have my best interests at heart, but I’m not a dumbass. You of all people should know that. I had a few days’ notice to prepare for it, so I can think of what may or may not happen; it’s not like he’s whisking me off my feet and everything is a total surprise. I have time to get my head around it and to think properly about the situation,” I said to Nancy as I sipped my water.

  “We just want you to be safe. This may not be the first time he’s whisked someone away, and we would have no way of knowing what could have happened to them. Gosh, maybe they are buried on his island, or maybe they, as you say, have been gifted with riches and told to keep quiet. Who knows? Not you nor I. Hell, I bet even your dad has no idea what is in store for you. We should have some way of knowing where you are at all times. Then we can see, or at least see if you have moved from where you should be,” Nancy said.

  I had taken on board both of their concerns and had prepared myself somewhat. I had protection in my bag, and I had started to put an action into place that would put their minds at ease. But even with this and being over cautious, it appeared they had forgotten one thing: Dad’s boss and I were not going alone. He was bound to have other people there with him. I dare say we wouldn’t be in solitude, so if anything were wrong, they wouldn't and be able to raise the alarm without question.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I have mace and pepper spray in my bag. And if you turn on your phone, you can link to me so you can track my whereabouts,” I said to N
ancy with a wink. “So see, I have thought about what I’m doing a little.”

  “Well, I for one wouldn’t be interested at all in the offer. There is no way I would venture into the unknown with a complete stranger just for the sake of a car and some cash. Geez, it doesn’t matter how hot or rich he is. I’m sure if I wanted this much excitement, I could find it without being offered it like this,” Nancy said.

  “Whatever, Nancy. Whatever. No matter, what’s done is done. You may think of dying in this situation, and that’s what makes us different; I think of it as living,” I replied, firm in my stance.


  The weekend came around quickly. I stood from the table and entered the bedroom. I grabbed all my things and made sure my bag was all packed. I walked back to the table and picked up my phone and texted Dad.

  “Dad, call me,” I texted.

  After a couple of minutes, my cell rang.

  “Hi, Dad,” I said.

  “Hi, Elizabeth. Are you packed?” he said.

  “Yup, packed and ready to leave. Where should I meet you?”

  “Pier twenty-one, Brewers Wharf,” he replied.

  “What’s the easiest way to get there?”

  “Take the bus from your place and just head toward the docks. The pier is right next to the main road, so you can’t miss it,” he said.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a while,” I replied, and then I hung up the phone.

  I said my farewell to Nancy and checked that her phone was tracking me. I had told her to contact Chip and give him the link just to be safe. I headed down the stairs and waited for the bus that would take me to the pier.

  When I arrived, I saw the pier as the bus rounded the corner. A large limousine sat in the car lot, and Dad was talking to who I assumed was his boss. The bus slowed to a halt; I grabbed my bag and made my way over to Dad.

  The butterflies in my stomach rose. I had thought of everything, but doing this was totally different. I had never been in the presence of someone that ridiculously rich, and the limousine was out of this world. White with gold trim and mags sparkled in the sunlight.

  “Morning, Elizabeth,” Dad said as I approached them.

  “Hi, Dad. Long time no see,” I replied, kind of happy to see him.

  “Too long, but I’m glad you agreed to do this. It helps and means a lot. Elizabeth, this is Mr. Dillon,” he said as he introduced us.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Elizabeth. And your dad vastly underestimated how beautiful you are in person. I mean, your picture doesn’t do you full justice.” He held out his hand. “You can call me Charles.”

  I shook Charles's hand and looked into his eyes. Fuck me. His picture didn’t do him much justice either. I had thought he was hot then, but in the flesh, wow. I could come in my pants. He could make any woman’s knees go weak. If sex wasn’t an option before, maybe it was now.

  “Well, Kent, I must congratulate you on having such a beautiful daughter. I would like to sincerely thank you for what you have done,” Charles said in a kind but firm voice.

  I soaked up the ambiance and sensed the wealth, and I could also sense the overwhelming power that he emitted with his voice and his movements. He appeared to be a man who was in complete control of his surroundings and all the people within his vicinity.

  “Well, Elizabeth, we should get going. We can catch the early wind and be there around lunchtime if we are lucky,” Charles said. “Our boat is the blue trimaran over there.” He pointed to the end of the pier.

  I followed his finger. The boat was huge and was the only one like it in the harbor. There were people onboard, and I guessed they were all the crew.

  We walked to the end of the pier, and I bid farewell to Dad, who hugged me. We stepped onboard, and the boat slowly moved from the harbor and out into the open sea. I waved to Dad as he started to fade into the distance, and a thought washed over me. What if everything that Chip and Nancy said was right? What if I end up in trouble? I had an overwhelming thought of being unsure of what I was doing. God, did I get it wrong? Am I doing the right thing?

  Chapter 6


  The captain had ferried the boat out of the harbor and into the open sea. He had cut the engines and the sails had been raised. The boat was powered by the easterly wind that hit the sails and carried us forward, and the boat crashed through the waves as nature powered it. I sat in my chair and watched Elizabeth as she familiarized herself with the boat. She had already slipped into her bikini and looked super hot. She looked perky and upbeat now that her nerves had settled, but she had a strong personality, and it looked like she was used to taking charge.

  I watched for a while and thought of how much fun it would be to slowly break and torment her. She would be mine, and she would be begging for mercy. Although she was young, she looked strong, which made it all the more exciting. I thought it was time to give her the full tour of the boat and make sure she understood my rules from the start before she got too comfortable. Yes, the game had already started, and now was the time.

  “Elizabeth,” I called.

  “Yes, Charles, coming,” she replied as she made her way up the boat to where I was seated.

  “Don’t call me Charles. It’s ‘Sir’ to you,” I said in a commanding voice.

  “Okay.” There was confusion in her eyes.

  I walked Elizabeth around the boat and showed her the safe places she could go and the places that were out of bounds. She seemed like she understood everything about the tour, and then I laid it on her.

  We stood at the front of the ship with the wind brushing our faces, the spray from the ocean crashing up toward us.

  “Let me explain a couple of things about your duties,” I said.

  “Okay. I’m all ears,” Elizabeth said, looking as hot as anything.

  “Sir. Don’t forget the ‘Sir.’ You are not here on vacation; you are here for a purpose,” I said in a raised tone.

  “Sorry, Sir,” she replied with a wry grin.

  “Don’t fucking smile like that. I’ll wipe it off your face.”

  “Sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again,” she said, apologizing and biting down on her bottom lip.

  “As I was saying, we will eat together at mealtimes, and we will attend the meetings together. Now, your responsibility is to take notes of everything that goes on in the meetings,” I said, commanded my authority in a harsher tone.

  “Okay. I understand, Sir,” she replied.

  “The main point of you being here is to do exactly as I say,” I said. God, I wanted her.

  Elizabeth nodded in agreement that she understood her role, but she had not yet heard the main part of her task.

  “Lastly, at night, you are mine. And I like to play, so no matter what I do, you have to go along with it. Is that understood?” I asked.

  There was shock in her eyes. She had just come to realize her dad had sold her short; it wasn’t an admin job in its entirety. Her eyes bulged, and it dawned on her that she had just become my plaything, my sex toy for the weekend.

  “I see from the look in your eyes that your dad has omitted some things,” I said.

  “I think so, Sir. He just mentioned the admin side of things, Sir,” she said, her breath quickening.

  I walked toward Elizabeth and forced her against the wall. I took her wrists in my hands and raised them above her head as I smiled at her. I held my head close to hers.

  “I’m a good guy, and I can be a very good guy. Understand?” I said as I looked with want into her sexy eyes.

  “Yes, Sir!” Her body trembled.

  “I have a weakness, and that weakness is that I like to fuck. I like to fuck whenever and wherever I choose. Do you understand?” I said.

  “I do. I do understand, Sir,” she said.

  Her breasts pushed into my chest as I leaned into her body. I could smell the sea in her hair and the warmth of fear and anticipation. Like fresh prey.

  “You are here for those reasons and those reasons on
ly, and fucking is the top one. Do you understand?” I said finally.

  “I understand you completely…um, Sir,” she replied.

  I released her wrists, and she sighed in relief. “Now to the office. There is something you have to do,” I said as I walked inside the ship. She followed.

  “Sit at the table,” I ordered her.

  She sat at the table and placed her hands on her legs. The door opened, and in walked Jonathan with the welcome pack under his arm.

  “Hi, Elizabeth. I have heard a lot about you,” Jonathan said as he approached the table. “Here is your welcome pack for you to read over. It denotes what you can do and what you can’t do on the island.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  God, your so fucking hot; all I want is to hear you cry out in need.

  “No, don’t call me ‘Sir.’ I’m not worthy of it. Only Charles is ‘Sir.’ You can just call me Jonathan,” he said as he smiled.

  “Okay. Thank you.” Her doe eyes looked up at me like I was the love of her life.

  “If you open the pack, the first document is your non-disclosure agreement, an NDA. I take it you know what an NDA is, but if you don’t, you’ll have to sign it to say that everything you see, hear, or do on the island will remain a secret. Now, do you understand that part?” Jonathan asked.

  I sat at the end of the table and watched as Elizabeth glanced through the NDA. She scratched her head and puffed a few times. It was like watching her take her exams. She turned back to the signature pages and looked up in dismay.

  “I have read it, and I’m not sure I wish to sign it,” she said to Jonathan.

  Jonathan sighed and looked in my direction. “Charlie, she says she doesn’t ‘wish’ to sign the NDA. I think this is the part where you explain, don’t you?” he said to me as he rolled his eyes.

  I rested my hands on the table and leaned forward.

  “Well, Elizabeth, you have two options. It’s wise to sign the NDA, and we will go about everything as normal,” I said. “Or the second option is, I make a quick phone call and your dad, where ever he is, will receive a visit. This visitor will follow my instructions. I’m quite capable of letting someone fire him if you want. But he owes me too much money, so he has to suffer a little,” I said in a calm and collected voice.


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