Arousing Her

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Arousing Her Page 29

by Tia Siren

  I had become fixated on his erection and imagined what it would feel like inside me, and what games he had in store for me. I thought back to my masturbation and looked at all the traits of the imaginary guy and how they translated to Charles. They appeared to be almost identical, except that Charles had facial features and my imaginary character was almost faceless… Though maybe that was because I had been focused more on his cock and balls rather than what he looked like.

  I reached deep inside myself and looked at the dominate side of myself that normally commanded the guys I dated. I tried to see if it would work on Charles, because usually, I had the ability to make strong men cower and become like humble kids. Ones who were lost in a candy store, especially when they realized what goodies I had to offer and how good I tasted.

  I decided to go for it and see what happened with Charles. At the end of the day, what could he do to me apart from shout something at me? Hmm, but what I should remember to do is his call him “Sir.” If I didn’t, this would really piss him off. I made up my mind that I was going to play him at his own game.

  I looked at his erection, and I made sure he saw me as I looked. Then I looked at him and licked my lips in anticipation. I raised my voice and gave him a command of my own.

  “Now it’s your turn. Strip for me and let me see you,” I ordered in a power-woman type of voice.

  I waited for a reaction, and for him to start to strip, as they usually did when I gave an order of that magnitude. Charles just stood and looked at me and smiled.

  I realized I may have just met my match. He never flinched or gave any indication that he had actually heard me. I wasn’t going to repeat it and look like I was begging, but I would beg if I had to, especially for that huge cock of his.

  I wanted to take control of the situation, and I wanted to be a slave to his giant dick. But most of all, I wanted to bow before him and be taken as he wanted to have me.

  Fuck, he’s delicious.

  Chapter 8


  I laughed at Elizabeth’s feeble attempt to take charge of the situation. She had so much to learn, and she had to learn it very quickly indeed. I raised one finger to her as she looked in my direction with her naked body half covered by her arms. Ha! It was another feeble attempt at trying to fend me off, and another one that would ultimately fail.

  “Strike one,” I said, making sure Elizabeth saw my finger. “Three strikes and you will be punished and be put into full submission where you will be forced to behave.”

  I looked at Elizabeth and thought about her behavior. She was a fighter, that was for sure. But no matter how much she tried to resist, she would be reminded, and she would finally understand it and fall in line.

  I had no choice but to look at her there fully exposed to me, apart from her hands covering her private parts. She looked like a princess with her long blond hair and her curvy yet athletic body highlighted by the beach hut light. Christ, she had the background of the ocean behind her. Her full tits were hardly covered by her arms due to their size. Her shapely hips flowed down to her long, slender legs that stood there in the golden sand. She was idyllic and everything I dreamed of in a woman. Yes, she was the perfect type of woman that I wanted in my bed.

  “It’s my turn when I say it’s my turn. You understand now?” I asked her.

  “Yes, Sir. I fully understand,” she replied.

  I placed my bourbon on the beach table and slowly started to unbutton my shirt. I let it fall open as I raised my arm and pointed to the sea and looked at her.

  “Get in the water,” I commanded in a deep voice.

  Elizabeth looked at me and paused before moving. I slowly removed my pants, and her eyes glowed when she saw my erection. I could see her thinking about having my cock inside her, my throbbing member filling her body with sensations she had not yet experienced.

  I dropped my pants to the floor and walked toward Elizabeth, and again I gestured for her to enter the water. We turned and faced the ocean and took our first footsteps into the water. We slowly walked into the sea and headed toward the cocktail bar area I had constructed in the ocean. The water reached just up to chest height. I looked at her tits and saw her nipples as their perfect fullness bobbed in the water.

  “Go over to the bar,” I ordered her.

  The water was a little less choppy in that area and much easier to hold on to each other in.

  “This is cool—”

  “Quiet. No talking. Just listen,” I replied firmly.

  I wasn’t interested in whatever small talk Elizabeth had to say. I just wanted her. I wanted to feel her body, and most of all, I wanted her to feel mine.

  I waded through the water and looked deep into Elizabeth’s eyes. She gazed back, and I could see she was in a state of wanting, but it was too soon for her to have me completely. I waded through the water and stood before the beautiful Elizabeth. She supported herself on the bar as I moved closer to her. Then my cock rubbed against her leg in the water. I ran my hands over her body. My fingers ran down her arms, and I slowly ran my touch over her breasts. My fingers caressed her erect nipples, and I felt them getting harder as I gently squeezed them.

  I leaned forward and whispered into Elizabeth’s ear. “Tell me, Elizabeth, what is your deepest fantasy?”

  “This is not part of the deal. I’m not telling you, Sir,” she replied as she became breathless at my touch.

  I leaned in closer to Elizabeth and slowly spun her around in the water. Her hands rested on the bar as her back pressed against my chest. She had nowhere to go, though I had her pinned in a position she wouldn’t want to leave very quickly anyway. My cock bobbed and rubbed against her ass as I pulled her in closer to me. I ran my hands over her back and continued across her strong shoulders. Then with gusto, my thumbs ran up the length of her spine, and she leaned into me.

  I ran my hands in front of her and cupped her large breasts. My fingers clasped her hard nipples as she sighed for breath. I pinched her nipples until I felt her body wince in pain and she pushed her ass back hard against my throbbing cock.

  “Your touch, my God, it feels good,” Elizabeth said as I squeezed her nipples.

  I squeezed her breasts again, and she dipped her head toward the water, her body trembling against my attack.

  Next, I ran my fingers over Elizabeth’s belly and felt her pussy under the water. Like a good girl, she spread her legs, and I began to rub her wet skin. She sighed softly before her breathing grew more rapid. She pushed her ass back the more my fingers stroked her.

  I gently spread her lips and felt the water and the warmth of her pussy against my fingers. I massaged her clit and played with the tight entrance to her body.

  “Oh, that feels so good. Rub my clitoris harder, Sir,” she begged.

  I rubbed Elizabeth’s clit harder and faster. Her hands clenched onto the cocktail bar as she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She thrust her body against my probing fingers, and I slid them into her wanting pussy. The heat of her body was on my fingers.

  “You like it?” I whispered in her ear as I slid my fingers deeper into her.

  “Yes. I want to come on your hand, Sir,” she replied in a breathless moan.

  I slid a second finger into her pussy. Her muscles gripped my fingers as her channel stretched around them. I rammed them deeper and faster into her as the ocean lapped against our bodies.

  “Oh, god, Sir,” Elizabeth said as I pushed my fingers deeper into her. They touched her sweet spot, and she moaned for me.

  I finger-fucked her pussy faster and faster as I gripped at her nipple and squeezed until she squealed.

  “Too much?” I questioned.

  “No. I just wasn’t expecting it. Keep fingering me and squeeze harder.”

  I had a thought at that comment: Who am I to argue? I pressed my fingers faster into her and randomly pinched her nipples as I bit into her neck. Elizabeth’s legs trembled as her ass quivered against my body. I could sense her body was close to

  Elizabeth’s body arched as I thrust my fingers deeper, and with each movement, the ocean pushed against my hand and forced it deeper into her. I felt her body tense and her legs tremble, the fire in her pussy spreading into her stomach as she bowed her head and panted in erotic need.

  “Oh, oooh, Sir. Sir…” She took her hand and thrust it under the water and pushed my hand harder into her soaked pussy.

  I felt her pussy contract as she came on my fingers. She bent her knees and shuddered. I placed one arm around her to support her as her body released millions of tiny shockwaves from her clitoris into the rest of her body. I knew how to work a woman with skill. I’d been doing it since I was a boy.

  “Oh, fuck, I’m coming, Sir,” Elizabeth panted as she clenched my fingers between her legs.

  I waited until Elizabeth got her breath back and then started again. I wanted to see how she coped with two major orgasms from the same stimulation and see if she reacted differently.

  The sound of her losing herself was almost too much.


  Both times when she came, I felt her young pussy as it gripped onto my fingers, as well as the contractions of her orgasm as it was sent throughout her body, tingling when was finger-fucked to perfection.

  “How did that feel?” I asked Elizabeth.

  “Wow. I’ve never come twice, and I’ve never come from being fingered. It’s always been from a vibrator, Sir,” she replied.

  Elizabeth leaned closer to me, and my cock rubbed against her leg. She gazed into my eyes with a look of want to satisfy me.

  “Are you right or left handed?” I asked Elizabeth.

  “Right handed, Sir.”

  “Good. I want you to stroke my cock with your left hand…but don’t make me come,” I said.

  Elizabeth stood behind me and pushed her body into mine. Her tits rubbed against my back, and her mound rubbed against my ass. She grabbed my cock and started to slowly stroke it under the water.

  It throbbed in her hand as she slowly stroked. Fuck, yeah. Her rhythm was slow and deliberate. The ocean washed over the head of my cock as she stroked longer and harder. I felt the head of my cock in the sea water pushing against her hand, my nerves being torn to shreds as Elizabeth pulled harder. Fuck, her grip was tight as she held her downward stroke close to my belly. The veins in my cock bulged and pulsed, the head of my cock growing with each purposeful movement of her hand.

  “You like that, Sir?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Fuck, it’s good,” I replied in a groan.

  I lied. It felt more than good, but I had to remain in control. Elizabeth thrust her hand backward and forward, harder and faster, and I could feel that I would come soon.

  “Come for me, Sir,” Elizabeth whispered into my ear.

  “No,” I replied as I pulled her hand away from my cock. I closed my eyes and tried to let the feeling that had grown in my balls subside.

  We frolicked in the ocean for a while longer, and each time I made Elizabeth come. But she couldn’t bring me to the point of finishing, and although my balls ached, I wanted to come when it was my choice and not just from her stimulation.

  “Come on then. The water is getting cold and the air will be chilly soon. Back to the house,” I ordered Elizabeth.

  We headed back toward the beach and stepped through the lapping waves toward the beach hut, which shone in the dark. I walked in front of Elizabeth and heard her as she panted behind me and talked to herself, her body shuddering from the coldness of the water.

  I entered the hut and grabbed a bathrobe. I wrapped it around myself. I watched as Elizabeth entered the hut. There were tiny droplets of sea water and speckles of sand all over her body. Fuck, she looked like a lost young girl as she stood there, but this time she made no effort to hide her breasts or her pussy.

  I threw Elizabeth a bathrobe, and we dried ourselves and made the short climb up the cliff stairs and entered the house. I closed the large glass doors and headed to the fireplace. I started a fire, which quickly started to spit sparks and embers into the air as the flames wisped around the hearth.

  Elizabeth sat contentedly on the couch, close to the fire. I watched as she dried her long blond hair, and then I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a dish of fresh fruits that Molly had left for me. I returned to Elizabeth and sat close to her on the floor.

  “Have some fruit,” I said. “The cherries are very nice, really juicy.”

  I picked up a piece of fruit and slipped it into my mouth, and I relished its flavor.

  “So, tell me about yourself,” I said to Elizabeth.

  “Well, I have a prick of a dad, as you already know. My mother died in childbirth while she was having me,” she said. “Now I’m at college and have no idea what I want to do when I actually leave. I do know, though, that I’m not going into investment banking. It causes too many problems.”

  I could listen to her talk forever…

  “I have an older brother. I love him to death. He’s my best friend for sure. He’s worked in a hospital for forever but just decided to move on and open up a family practice. He wanted me to work for him for the summer, but as you have guessed, I’m a free spirit, and I like to control my own life and do things my way.”

  I listened to Elizabeth for quite a while and found her to be many things; she was smart, very cocky by nature, and commanding and demanding. All of those dominant things she would soon learn could be broken…by me. I found her funny, and the strangest thing was, she should have been scared to death by the thought of a weekend trip away, but after some initial nerves, she seemed to become relaxed and at one with the situation.

  She looked at me with want.

  “Tell me more. Tell me something you’ve never told anyone else,” I demanded.

  “Well, I like to fuck. I just adore sex, and that’s something else you have probably realized?” she said as her eyes lit up. “And masturbation. I love to masturbate. I even masturbated the other day. It was with a—nah, it doesn’t matter. I’ll save that for another time,” she said.

  “Don’t forget the Sir, princess. Keep that in mind and we’ll be all right.”

  She nodded, her eyes growing a little wide. “Yes, Sir. Now your turn, Sir. Tell me something about you. I know it’s probably a question you have been asked a million times, but what do you see as your secret to your success?”

  “Well, Elizabeth, I could give you a very short answer or a very long answer, but both would lead you to the same place. It’s something I have used in relationships apart from business,” I said with a smile.

  “Come on, tell me. What is it?” she asked as she tugged at my bathrobe with a gorgeous smile. “The super short version, and the longer one you can tell me another time.”

  “Seven words are all I need to use to sum up the secret to my success,” I said.

  “So, tell me, Sir.” Her voice was almost sultry.

  “I did my homework and paid attention,” I said with a huge grin.

  “I’ll remember that,” Elizabeth said before biting her lip. Little seductress.

  “One final thing, Elizabeth…”

  “Anything,” she replied, her answer lighting a fire in my stomach.

  “Be compliant and tell me your naughty fantasies?” I smiled wickedly, not able to help myself. I didn’t want her to break just yet. The fight was half the fun. Asking for compliance would help her think she still had some semblance of control, which she didn’t.

  She laughed softly. “You have no chance of finding them out!” She touched my shoulder and winked at me, the pretty girl a little too full of herself.

  I let her have her fun. Little did she know, I’d find out everything I wanted to know the second I wanted the info. She was in my web now, and she wasn’t getting out unscathed.

  Chapter 9


  I sat and stared at the fire. The logs spit and crackled and the flames did their merry little dance. The warmth was soothing, and the atmosphere
the fire created was kind of romantic.

  I looked at Charles as he sat warming his feet by the fire. I found him, so far, to be an incredible person; he was hot and horny as hell, but he was old enough to be my father. I thought of my normal life before this trip and of my relationships. I was the queen of one-night stands and had guys begging for me to take them, but I picked and chose who I wanted. I wasn’t an easy lay by any means, but I liked sex, and when I wanted it, I had it.

  I looked back at Charles. Everything about this weekend was so wrong, but it was different in a good way. Regardless, there was no way I was going to tell him my fantasy.

  “I’ll be back in a moment,” Charles said before he stood and walked up the stairs.

  “Okay. You know where I’ll be, Sir,” I replied.

  I continued watching and listening to the fire. I was totally relaxed and found myself in a good place. I heard a noise from behind me and turned my head. Charles was coming down the stairs with a blanket and his silver case.

  As he approached, he threw the blanket to me. “Make yourself comfortable in front of the fire,” he ordered.

  I grabbed the blanket and spread it in front of the log fire.

  “Let me explain a few things to you, Elizabeth,” he said as he placed his case on the couch.

  “What’s this?” I asked him.

  He brushed a hand over the silver case. “When I’m done with you, you’ll have my mark.”

  “When I’m done with you, you’re going to be the one left with the scar.” I couldn’t stop pushing him. It felt too good to do it. “Can I look?”

  “Please do.” He moved back and gave me a stern look. “Forget to call me Sir again, and I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I whispered as I got up and walked toward the case. My pussy tightened as I glanced down and saw the range of toys he had accumulated. There was a wide assortment for his enjoyment. He had restriction devices and implements to tease and stretch. There were whips, collars, and more. It was stuff that would take a sexual session to a deeper level and a much higher feeling of pleasure.


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