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Arousing Her

Page 50

by Tia Siren

  I leaned in and gave her a warm smile. It was taking every ounce of willpower I could muster not to rip off her robe and bend her over the kitchen table. My cock was ready for round two. It moved in my pants, as if it could sense her pussy near. Sometimes I think the damn thing has a mind of its own. God forbid it should ever wrestle control of my body from my brain. I would not be held responsible for the havoc that might ensue.

  “This doesn’t look like such a bad life to me,” I said, leaning in and giving her the warmest smile I could muster. “Carl said you owned the bar. How did someone like you come to own a place like this.” I winked at her playfully. “And I mean that in a most respectful way.”

  Her smile made me sigh. “My mom and dad were from Snowcap,” she said, staring at the table between us as she spoke. “They opened this bar before I was born, when this was a thriving tourist area. Since the Overlook opened, Snowcap has pretty much died. Anyway, Mom left when I was young. She hated the weather and the bar and I guess, my dad. She ran off with another man. My dad raised me. I started working here when I was a kid and have never stopped. My dad had a heart attack a few years ago behind the bar. I took it over and, well, here I am.”

  “Does it make you sad that you’ve never traveled the world?” I asked, already knowing the answer but wanting to bring it to the forefront. “I mean, again, no offense, but there is a great big world outside of these walls. Do you ever think about leaving?”

  She blinked at me. “Leave Snowcap?”

  “Yes, to see what’s out there.”

  She looked away. “I left once. It didn’t work out so well.”

  I rested my elbows on the table and spread out my hands. “Maybe you left with the wrong man.”

  CHAPTER TEN: Rebecca

  “What did you say?”

  Nick blinked at me as if the words were rewinding in his head. He gave me a nervous smile and said, “I’m sorry?”

  I had been sitting with knees up and my arms wrapped around my legs. I let my feet drop to the floor and leaned in to lower my voice. “You said ‘maybe you left with the wrong man’. What exactly did you mean by that?”

  The corners of his mouth twitched. His eyes darted around my face as he leaned back from the table. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “Yes you did,” I said, eyeing him warily now. Shit. I knew this night wasn’t going to go the way I planned. “What did Carl tell you while I was in the kitchen?”

  He blinked at me. “He didn’t tell me anything.”

  “He didn’t tell you about me leaving town with a guy named Charlie Feenie?”

  Turned out, Nick was not a great liar. I could almost hear the gears turning inside his head as he processed the answer that would prove to me that this was not all just a set up. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. I waited for him to say, “The old man said you fucked a guy and left town with him, so I figured, what the hell, she’ll probably fuck me, too!”

  “Rebecca,” he said softly, “there’s no need to get upset.”

  I pressed my palms into the table top and gritted my teeth at him. “What did Carl tell you?”

  He held my gaze for a moment, then his shoulders fell as he gave me a placating smile. “Look, Carl said that you had left town for a while and returned, but that has nothing to do with this.”

  “This?” I leaned into the table until it cut into my ribs. I glared at him. “Exactly what do you mean by this?”

  “Well, I mean…”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Would your car really not start?”

  His eyes blinked like a slot machine.

  “Look, there’s no need to get upset,” he said, smiling at me with those big brown eyes that had probably made dozens of girls melt like the snow in spring time. “This was not planned. It just happened. Fate has drawn us together. This was meant to be.”

  I balled my hand into a fist and shook it at him. “What was meant to be?”

  He smiled and held out his hands as if he were going to hug me.

  “My dear, Rebecca. This, you and I, here now, was meant to be. Fate has brought us together.”

  I frowned at him. He was talking like a mad man. He had a glean in his eye. There was a pistol in the nightstand drawer next to my bed. I wondered if I could fight him off long enough to reach it.

  “Fate has brought us together for what?” I asked.

  I planted my heels on the cold floor and prepared to bolt for the bedroom door. If I could reach my pistol, I’d force him to get out of my apartment. Or shoot him and dump him in the snow to freeze. It would be his choice. I’d never let a man harm me again.

  He let the smile drop from his face and held up his hands. He said, “This may sound insane, but please, bear with me.”

  “You have ten seconds,” I said, trying to sound much braver than I really felt.

  He looked me square in the eye and said, “My name is Nikolay Rostov. I am the crown prince of the House of Rostov, future king of Kosnovia. I hereby claim you, Rebecca Monroe, as my wife and future queen. You and I shall produce an heir that will carry my family name far into the future.”

  I just blinked at him and said, “You have got to be shitting me.”


  This royal kidnapping was not going as well as I’d hoped it would. I had no idea how my father and grandfather managed to take their wives so easily, but Rebecca was giving me a look that clearly said she wasn’t going to simply roll over and submit.

  “You arrogant asshole,” she said. She leaned across the table and shook her fists at me. “Did you really think you could stumble into my bar and feed that line of shit to me and expect me to just lay down and spread my legs for you?”

  “Well, I believe I am supposed to tie you up first,” I said in a sad attempt at humor. I could see her face turning red. Her hands were clenched so tightly on the table her knuckles were white.

  I held up my hands, “Please, just let me explain.”

  “I have a gun,” she said, gritting her teeth. “And I’m not afraid to use it!”

  “Rebecca, Becca Boo, please.”

  Her face froze in anger for just a moment, then she pushed back the smile that toyed at her lips and said. “What did you call me?”

  “Uh, Becca Boo?”

  She grinned and shook her heard. “What kind of kidnapper says Becca Boo?”

  I made a goofy face and let my shoulders go up and down. “A very bad kidnapper?”

  She covered the smile with her hand and shook her head at me. She let her green eyes burn into mine for a minute, then she said, “You’re really serious, aren’t you. You’re not just an arrogant asshole; you’re a crazy arrogant asshole.”

  I had to admit, if I had been sitting in her chair, I probably would have thought the same thing. I had to try to convince her otherwise, for the sake of my family and my country.

  I held up my hands and did my best to sound rational. “In my country, it is tradition that the males of the family take the woman they want to marry and produce an heir with. My father took my mother. My grandfather took my grandmother. And so and so on back hundreds of years. I am the last Rostov male. The bloodline ends with me if I don’t take a woman and produce a son.”

  She studied my face as I spoke, as if trying to weigh the truth of my words. She said, “You are serious, aren’t you?”

  I gave her a nod. “We are one of the few monarchies left, and there is a movement by the people to remove my father from the throne and end the reign of the final Russian monarchy. If that happens, my parents will be exiled and live out their days in shame.”

  “But if you get married and produce an heir?”

  “It may have no effect at all. But my father thinks that a royal wedding and a royal baby would endear the monarchy to the people again. Especially if I were to wed an American woman.”

  “An American? Why an American?”

  “My father believes the shallow Americans would stand with the Rostov family if th
e heir was half American. Like Princess Grace of Monaco. No one even knew where Monaco was until the Prince married the Hollywood starlet.”

  “Well, I’m no Hollywood starlet,” she said with a smile. The anger had left her face. Her eyes were soft in the glow of the candlelight. “So, let me get this straight. You want to kidnap me, force me to marry you, and have a baby.”

  I nodded. “When you say it, it really does sound silly.”

  “Does it have to be in that order?” she asked.

  I glanced up to find her smiling at me.


  Nick looked up at me with his big brown, puppy dog eyes. “What do you mean, does it have to be in that order?”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I couldn’t believe what I was about to say.

  “I mean, for all practical purposes you’ve already kidnapped me,” I said, shrugging with my hands in the air. “I can’t go anywhere. The weather is holding me hostage, so technically we can call it a kidnapping. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  He nodded and licked his lips. “Yes, I suppose that does qualify, technically.”

  “So the question becomes, do we have to get married first or can we practice making babies now?”

  I know, I couldn’t believe I said it either. I followed it up with this. “I have to be honest, our highness, I’m on the pill, so the chance of getting pregnant the first time would be a miracle. But I’m willing to try if you are.”

  We both blinked at my words, as if our brains were mutually processing their meaning. It wasn’t an hour before that I was thinking that it would take a miracle to make me leave this place behind. Maybe Nick was right. Maybe this was fate.

  “I believe tradition allows for some flexibility,” he said, getting to his feet and coming around the table. “We can practice making babies, then get married when we get to Kosnovia.”

  I swallowed the lump that had been building in my throat. Get married. Move to Kosnovia. I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready to commit to anything more than a night of passion, but the moisture that was seeping from between my legs was not going to let me back down now. Besides, I wasn’t entirely convinced that anything Nick said was true. Maybe it was just the best come-on line I’d ever heard. I’d worry about that in the morning. Tonight, we would pretend to make royal babies.

  “Let’s take it one step at a time,” I said.

  “As you wish,” he said, offering his hand to me.

  “In that case,” I said, putting my hand in his. “Consider me kidnapped.” He pulled me out of the chair and into his arms. “What happens next?”

  “Next,” he said, brushing my lips with his. “I tie you up.”

  * * *

  I can’t tell you why, but I found myself completely trusting Nick as he pushed the robe off my shoulders and pressed his lips to my bare shoulder.

  He moaned when he found that I was naked under the robe. He held me at arm’s length and took me in with his eyes. My lips longed to be kissed. My bulbous tits and hard nipples longed for his touch. My cunt ached to feel his fingers, his tongue, his long cock.

  “You are beautiful,” he said, pushing me back onto the bed. His suitcase was on the floor. He unzipped it and reached inside. His hand came out holding four silk ties.

  “Give me your hand,” he said. He looped one of the ties around the corner bed post and tied the other end around my wrist. With another tie, he bound my other wrist, then each of my ankles. I lay on the bed spread eagle, bound at the four corners by the silk ties.

  “Now what?” I asked, watching as he went to the foot of the bed to gaze down at me. He tugged the shirt over his head and pushed the sweatpants down his long legs. His cock sprang forth, already stiff and hard and glistening at the tip.

  “Now, I make you mine,” he said. He wrapped his fingers around his cock and began to slowly slide his hand back and forth. “I’m going fuck you long and hard with my royal cock, do you understand?”

  “Yes, my prince.”

  “I’m going to fuck you until you scream for me to stop. Do you understand?”

  I felt the juices flowing from my pussy as I watched his hand slide back and forth over the shaft. The whole thing was so surreal. I heard my voice, but it was almost like it wasn’t coming from me.

  “Yes, my prince, fuck me long and hard with your royal cock. Fuck me until I scream for you to stop.”

  “I’m going to stick my cock into your pussy and into your mouth. I command you to take every drop from me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes… every drop…”

  My voice was barely a whisper now. I glanced down at my nipples. They were hard and long, aching to be kissed and touched. My eyes were drawn back to Nick’s hand on his cock. Each time the hand would squeeze from base to head, drops of love juice seeped from the tip. I couldn’t wait to taste them on my tongue.

  “I want to suck your cock,” I sighed, licking my lips. “Please, my prince, I want you in my mouth.”

  “As you wish, my princess,” Nick said with a smile. He climbed onto the bed so that his knees were on either side of me and his balls dangled above my tits. His cock curved out from his blonde pubes like a thick snake ready to strike. The tip glistened with his juices.

  Nick reached around behind him and started twisting my nipples. The pain felt so good it made me moan.

  “Suck my royal cock,” he said, leering down at me. I raised my head off the pillow and teased the tip with my tongue. His juices were warm and salty. I stuck out my tongue and he rested the head of his cock on it. I swirled my tongue around the underside of the head. Nick twitched and moaned.

  I leaned my head forward and opened my mouth. Nick slid the head of his cock into my mouth. My lips closed around it. My tongue teased the tip as my lips slid back and forth over the shaft, taking him in an inch at a time until I felt the tip reach the back of my throat.

  “That feels amazing,” he said. His right hand reached back and found my hot pussy, drenched in juice and ready to be fucked. He slid two fingers into my hole to wet them, then rubbed the juices around my clit until I felt like I was on fire. I moaned with his cock in my mouth.

  Nick pulled his cock from my lips and moved down my body until his cock was between my tits. “I imagined tit-fucking you when I saw you in the kitchen,” he said. “I love your big milky tits.”

  He put his hands on the sides of my breasts and pressed them around his cock, then started sliding his cock between my tits.

  I leaned my head forward and each time the head of his cock appeared from my cleavage, I gave it a little tease with my tongue.

  “God, you’re amazing,” Nick said, sliding his cock back and forth between my tits, leaving a trail of hot juices behind.

  “So are you,” I said breathlessly. I wiggled beneath him. “My pussy longs for you, my prince. Please, untie me so I can touch you. And fuck me now.”


  Tit-fucking Rebecca was amazing. Her big milky jugs were soft and warm; her nipples hard and thick like my thumb. I could have shot my load all over her chest, but that’s not how an heir is made. When she looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes and begged me to fuck her, I didn’t hesitate for a moment.

  I tugged loose her bonds and her arms went around my neck, pulling my lips to hers. Her mouth was warm and wet. She wrapped her lips around my tongue and sucked on it as she had my cock.

  I held the kiss as I moved down to position my cock between her thighs. She brought her legs up and wrapped them around my waist. She reached between us and found my cock with her right hand. She milked my cock for a moment, then guided the head toward her pussy hole.

  I felt the head of my cock slide inside her. She gasped and pressed her heels into my ass. Her arms went around me and her fingernails dug into my back. I slid inside her until I couldn’t fit another inch, then pulled out and slid in again. It didn’t take long for us to establish a rhythm. She drew me into her with her heels on my ass an
d I withdrew from her until the head was just at her opening, then I would plunge in again.

  “Faster,” she moaned in my ear. “Fuck me hard, faster… fuck me, my prince… fuck me…”

  I nearly came just hearing her moan in my ear. I didn’t miss a beat as I straightened my back and pulled her legs from around my waist. I brought her legs up to rest against my chest with her calves at my ears. I could get inside her deeper now. With each thrust of my cock, she moaned my name.

  “I’m… cumming… oh my god… Nick… I’m...”

  I held on tight to her legs and increased the momentum, slamming my cock into her as hard as I could. Our skin slapped together with each thrust. The air in the tiny room was filled with the tangy scent of sex. I felt every muscle in my body tighten.

  “I’m cumming…” I said, struggling to keep the pace. She lifted her ass off the bed and pushed it into me.

  “I’m cumming…” she said. “Oh my god… my prince…”

  We came together and didn’t stop until neither of us could catch our breath. I fell to the bed next to her and she rolled into my arms.

  I could feel her head on my chest. Her breath teased my nipple. Her fingers played with my chest hair. When I opened my eyes, she was smiling up at me.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  She said, “If that’s what it feels like to be kidnapped by a prince, I’d love for you to kidnap me again.”


  Nick and I made love several more times before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms. It was cold in the room when I awoke just after dawn, but huddled together naked under the covers I slept like a cozy bug in a cozy rug.

  Nick continued to doze as I eased out of bed and reached for my robe. I stuck my feet into a pair of fuzzy slippers and went to the window to peer out.

  The world outside my window was blanketed with a beautiful white layer of snow. I knew the roads would be impassible for a few hours, but this was Snowcap. Snow didn’t slow us down any more than the sun or rain did. Old Carl would have the roads cleared off in no time and I’d have customers wanting beer and burgers by the afternoon. With any luck, Nick would be able to make it to the Overlook Lodge by lunch time to attend what was left of the economic summit.


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