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Romancing the SEAL: The Complete Box Set (SEAL Military Romance Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Abigail Austin

  After lunch Vlad popped his head into Ty’s office.

  “Sir, there’s a woman here to see you.”

  “Did you get a name?” Ty asked as he looked up. The look on Vlad’s face told him the answer. He had not gotten a name. “Did you ask what it was about?” Again he didn’t need an answer since Vlad’s face answered for him. “Just send her in then.”

  Ty put away a few of the folders that were lying open on his desk. He automatically stood as the door opened. Ty cocked his head to the side.

  “Ty Forrester,” The women in the door had cropped short blonde hair, she was tall with a body similar to Rachel’s.

  “Dear lord, Melissa?” Ty walked around the table looking her over.

  Melissa hugged Ty, “It’s so good to see you. I didn’t realize that you were working in DC.”

  “You look so different,” He made a gesture to her hair which used to be very long. “When did you come out here?” Ty had gone to Hunter College with Melissa. They’d both been majoring in Poli-sci and Ty had always had a crush on her.

  “I’ve been in DC for eight years now, took awhile but I’ve made partner at a firm,” She smiled. So she was a lawyer just like Rachel. Ty wondered briefly if they knew each other then dismissed the thought. There were masses of lawyers in DC. Besides he didn’t really want to know if she did.

  “That’s amazing,” Ty nodded and lifted his eyebrows.

  “I saw you on the news awhile back,” Melissa smiled in what had the possibility of being a flirtatious way. He smiled back at the thought.

  “Yeah, the bomb at the MSF in Afghanistan,” He filled in.

  “Right, something of hero, not surprising.”

  They stood looking at each other for a beat too long.

  “So,” Ty moved back toward his chair behind the desk and extended a hand toward the matching chair in front of him. “What brings you here?”

  “I needed some information on a soldier.” She took out a packet from her bag, pulled a paper and slid it toward him over the table.

  “Lawsuit?” Ty asked looking at the page.

  “I’m not at liberty to disclose, but it’s for something a bit bigger.”

  “Ok, I can dig around a bit and see what I can find. As long as it’s not classified it’s yours.” He took the paper and Melissa stood up.

  “Walk me out?” She asked.

  Ty stood, “Of course.”

  They walked out talking about people from college. Some they still kept in touch with, some doing well, others poorly. One had committed suicide. When Ty had walked her out into the winter cold without a jacket on he stopped.

  “Well, it was good to see you,” He smiled.

  “You too,” She stepped down one marble step and turned to look up at him. “I don’t suppose you’d fancy a drink after work?”

  Ty looked at her, thinking of Léonie. Léonie spent plenty of time with a work “friend.” So what would be the difference he went out for a drink with an old school mate?

  “That sounds great.”

  Ty walked back into his building not feeling completely sure if he’d been right, but it was exactly the same thing, he kept telling himself. Léonie’s colleague was handsome, accomplished. She’d been spending time then one drink with him. This was nothing comparatively.

  The rest of the afternoon his thoughts kept sliding back and forth between Léonie and Melissa. He kept imaging Léonie laughing at something Leslie said, or he’d remember the way Leslie had told her how fantastic she’d looked on Saturday night. Then he thought of Léonie’s face and her thick dark eyelashes. She looked beautiful even when she was just waking up with no make-up on, or when she was just in her scrubs. Her young little patients must wake up and suspect that she was really an angel.

  His door opened again and Deacon’s head popped in, “I’m leaving.”

  “Ok… you don’t have to tell me,” Ty looked back to his computer. He wasn’t really sure why he was feeling upset with Deacon. Because he’d been at the dinner party? Because he’d outed Ty about his outfit? Because Deacon hadn’t been enough of a rough guy in front of Léonie, which made Ty look bad?

  “Does Léonie like chocolate or espresso or something? Mercy wants to get her a thank you gift. We had a really good time.” Deacon was still hanging forward with his legs and hips on the other side of the door.

  Ty looked at him, annoyed. “Sure, she likes chocolate. Anything you get she’ll like.”

  “Ok,” Deacon made a decisive head movement then closed the door.

  Ty looked at his clock—he could finish what he was working on tomorrow. He closed up then quickly changed out of his uniform and into normal clothes.

  As soon as he stepped into CIRCA, a posh little bar and restaurant just north of Dupont circle, he saw Melissa at the bar.

  “Hey,” She stood up and hugged him for a second time that day. “What are you drinking? It’s on me.”

  “Whatever’s on tap suits me just fine, but I’m paying,” Ty slid his credit card to the bartender as he picked out a beer.

  “Don’t you think that’s a little 1950’s?” Melissa nodded toward the place where Ty’s credit card had just been.

  “No, I don’t.” Ty took his jacket off, placed it on a hook under the bar then sat down next to Melissa.

  “I want to hear all about your time in Afghanistan, what you’ve been doing for the last fifteen years.” She picked up her mixed drink, its origins Ty could not define, and leaned forward on the bar as if all her attention were on Ty.

  “Fifteen years is a lot of time to get through,” Ty laughed.

  “I don’t have anywhere to be, do you?” She lifted an eyebrow in, what Ty thought, might be a suggestive way. Something inside of him kicked, if he were going to mention Léonie this was the time.

  “Nope,” He looked at the glass the bartender slid toward him.

  They both ordered three more drinks a piece—Ty felt fine but Melissa seemed like she might be getting tipsy. She’d been moving consistently closer to him and a few times dropped a hand to his knee.

  “I’m having a good time,” She looked him over.

  “Me too,” He tried to sound monotone and thought he’d done a good job but Melissa didn’t seem to hear it.

  “It’s still pretty early,” She moved forward again.

  Ty turned on his phone and saw that it had been two and a half hours since they’d sat down at the bar. “But I was thinking…” She slurred a bit and her hand fell back to his thigh. This time there was no hesitation. “…Maybe you want to see my apartment? It’s just a block away,” She smiled.

  Ty let her hand linger as his moral compass vacillated back and forth. Finally, he heaved himself up and her hand dropped off his knee.

  “I can’t come over.” He opened his mouth to explain but the words he would say sounded lacking in his mind.

  “I’ll just,” He pointed toward the men’s room, “—pop in.” He practically sprang away from the bar. He stayed a good bit longer then necessary as he tried to collect himself. When he came out he signaled the bartender for the check, he walked around and grabbed his jacket from under the bar then signed the receipt. “I’ll walk you out,” He looked down at Melissa.

  She was a little sloppy getting her coat on, but eventually made her way outside. When Ty turned to say goodnight she moved in for a kiss and he moved back, “I’m sorry.”

  She looked a little surprised, “You are with someone?”

  “Yes,” He felt like a shit saying it. He knew perfectly well he should have mentioned it right away. He’d been dancing around Léonie’s existence the whole time and felt like a total coward.

  “No one has to know,” Melissa stepped forward and put a finger in the middle of his chest, tracing down his belly until he stepped away.

  Ty opened his mouth, “But, I would know.” His voice was decidedly disappointed.

  “Ok,” Melissa nodded sagely.

  “Do you want me to walk you home?”
  Melissa shook her head, “No, not unless you’re coming up with me. Otherwise, I’m fine.”

  “I’ll see you later then,” Ty waved and walked two steps backwards before turning all the way around.

  When he got back home he walked slowly from the metro to his doorstep then let himself in quietly. Léonie should be home by now. As he walked in all the lights were off. He flipped the downstairs switch. Léonie was asleep on the sofa. She must have come home exhausted and just fallen asleep.

  Ty’s mind wandered back to Melissa. If he had gone home with her tonight Léonie would never know about it. She would probably still be sleeping when he got in. Ty switched the light back off and headed upstairs. He took a shower and brushed his teeth. Even though nothing had actually happened with Melissa he still felt guilty. Ty wandered back downstairs and turned two of the lamps on. They were dim enough so as not to wake Léonie though she would probably be waking soon on her own.

  Ty got out the leftovers from the dinner party and began reheating items and putting them together on plates. When everything was hot he went and knelt beside Léonie.

  “Hey,” Ty touched her face. She was more beautiful then any other women he’d ever seen. More beautiful then Rachel had been, then Melissa. She was gorgeous, but maybe he wasn’t handsome enough to hold onto a woman so beautiful. She’d been sharper, more acerbic when he’d first met him. She’d been so hard around the edges and inaccessible both in her location and job as well as her personality, that it had made sense that she wasn’t being hit on by every man in the world. But now, she was different. She’d softened a bit with Ty. She’d fallen in love and it had changed her whole presence. There was nothing stopping her from taking that to a new man. A man maybe more of her equal.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she looked sleepily into his face and then smiled.

  As she woke up she began to frown instead, “Wait, I’m supposed to be mad at you.”

  “I’ll pretend like you are if you want, then you can just let it go for tonight.” He slid his fingers over the curves of her face. “I put leftovers together. We should eat.”

  Her eyes closed then opened again as she blinked a few times.

  “Ok, eating is good.” She nodded with the small suggestion of a smile. “Truce? For tonight?”

  Ty nodded, “Deal.”

  Neither of them apologized but they’d reached a truce at least for one evening. He still wanted answers about Leslie. He wanted to know if Leslie had come on to her or if anything had ever happened. Maybe one night when they were fighting? But, he decided not to open it up again tonight.

  They both kept the topic at bay and avoided talking about Saturday altogether.

  “What did you do today? Did John or Vlad do anything horrific?” She asked after she’d told Ty about her day in the ER.

  “Nothing,” He shook his head as he thought about Melissa coming in. It would be easy enough to tell her. “Just usual paperwork and people calling in. Deacon said to tell thank you from him and Mercy.”

  “That was nice. I like them. I’m glad you invited them.” She took a bit of leftover ham and Ty felt them getting too close to talk about Saturday night.

  “Mattie sent and email,” Ty instantly changed the subject. He went on to talk about an email he’d received from Mattie about school and a boy and how Ty wasn’t ready for Mattie to talk about boys.

  After an easy dinner at the table where Léonie unabashedly proclaimed the deliciousness of her own cooking, they watched a film on HBO and she even leaned herself against him. Ty liked the feel of her head on his chest, the smell of her shampoo under his nose.

  Ty kissed the top of her head and she turned toward him looking into his eyes in the dim light of the TV. Ty stared at her, then bent down and kissed her again, this time on the forehead.

  She moved her body up and took his mouth in hers.

  Ty’s body immediately responded to her kiss and she lifted higher, pulling herself up until she could wrap her legs over his torso.

  “Is this part of the truce?” He asked as his hands climbed up the back of her shirt.

  “Just for tonight,” She gave a half smile and wagged her finger at him.

  Then Ty picked her up in one movement and laid her out on the floor, pushing the coffee table away with the heel of his palm.

  Ty pulled her cotton shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra in one fluid motion.

  “Whoa,” She smiled a little brighter and lifted her hips as Ty pulled her pants over each hipbone. She pulled his shirt up and over his head as he rolled with her so she was suddenly on top of him.

  She settled over him and moved in a way that showed off her innate confidence. She let her head lean back and her hips move forward. She’d never had many inhibitions to lose in bed and now that they’d been together for two years she’d become all the more confident and interested in trying new things. He was surprised when she did something unexpected, always sort of thinking they’d tried everything new. But her curiosity, desire, and ability to want the same satisfaction out of sex that he got, led them to new things on a regular basis. She shifted her hips and Ty knew that tonight they would just enjoy each other. Nothing else was needed but this.

  He looked up at her naked, fair skin as it glowed in the changing light of the TV. Her sounds and voice could be heard over the soft patter from the screen and Léonie looked down at Ty so they were looking each other in the eyes.

  Ty moved his thumb over her feeling the need to see her in the grip of him. In total pleasure. He watched and moved according to her reactions and she held nothing back. The two swam through each other, gasping for breath and sweating from the exertion.

  Léonie dropped her head back for a final time and Ty placed his hand over her breastbone as they both finished. Her body fell forward on top of his and their chests both pushed forward with heaving breaths.

  His fingers fell to her hip bones, his thumbs running over them, around to her lower back then to her hip bones again.

  They lay like that until both of their hearts slowed down and Léonie pushed up from Ty’s chest. Why don’t we go to bed…together?”

  Ty nodded as he pushed her bangs to the side of her forehead.

  Chapter Twenty

  Léonie didn’t have to go into work until the afternoon so she got up and padded downstairs as Ty took a shower. She’d decided to make breakfast so maybe they could build on the night they’d had together. She was unwilling to ditch Leslie as a friend and there was no need whatsoever but she hated the way Ty had responded to her. He’d gone crazy, he’d been rude, she deserved an apology. She could agree to a pause in their miniature warfare, but sometime soon they would have to talk it out.

  She’d never been in a relationship before so she wasn’t sure if things were normally like this with other couples. She’d heard Portia talk about all sorts of stupid fights and issues with her husband. Of course Portia had been married for a good nine or ten years so that had to be different than this.

  As the coffee percolated and the water boiled for steel cut oats, Léonie picked up the room. She put the sofa to rights, tucked in the chairs, folded a blanket that had fallen and not been put back as it should. She picked up Ty’s jacket and was about to hang it in the closet when a small scrap of paper floated to the floor.

  She bent and picked up the paper. In scrawling cursive was a note, “Had a great time tonight. Call me soon,” then there was a number and a row of “xoxo,” that was it. She turned the scrap over. Nothing.

  Léonie stared at the paper and the words written on it for a long time. She turned it over in her fingers. There was a creak from the upper level and Léonie quickly tucked the paper in the entrance table’s small drawer then hung up Ty’s coat.

  “There is nothing like the smell of fresh coffee,” Ty smiled as he came downstairs and Léonie did her best to smile back at him.

  “I’m…um, I’m making oats too. Are you hungry?” She walked back to the kitchen.
br />   “I’m always hungry,” He took her from behind and wrapped his arms around her smooth body. Léonie stood paralyzed in his grip. Had these arms been holding someone else?

  “Of course,” She stepped out of his arms and went to the stovetop. “That was a stupid question. So what’s on the docket for today?” She pinched off some salt and put it into the water then a bit of milk and then the oats themselves. She would add butter and maple syrup in a few minutes as they came closer to being done.

  “Same old, same old,” He rubbed his hand across his jaw line feeling for stubble that he might have missed.

  Léonie nodded to herself as she absently stirred the contents of the small pot. She waited out the oats, drank coffee as she turned on the morning news, anything to drown out the sound of her thoughts, then gave an off handed good-bye as she feigned full hands from scrubbing the dirty oat pot.

  She stood at the sink scrubbing the pot as she heard him close the door, lock it, then heard his boots walking away. She waited until she was certain she couldn’t hear him anymore. When she was positive, she dropped the pot into the sink with a loud clang and crumpled to the floor as tears coursed down her face.

  Léonie stayed on the floor until the tears had run themselves dry. She couldn’t wrap her head around what she’d seen. What it meant. She wiped at her wet cheeks with the backs of her hands then crawled up to a standing position.

  “Please don’t be there,” She whispered as she walked toward the front table. She stared at the small drawer still willing the paper to have been a figment of her imagination. She’d never been in love. She’d never known that what they had existed until she’d met Ty. Now… now what?

  “Please,” She whispered one more time before reaching out her hand. But, her pleas had gone unheard. Sitting like a bloody weapon next to extra keys, loose change, pens, and unused post-its, was the scrap of paper.

  Léonie picked it up between her fingertips looking at the writing again. He had slept with someone else. Recently? Because of their fight? It didn’t matter. She’d heard about people cheating her whole life. It was a fact of life. There were many unfaithful men and women in the world. She just hadn’t thought it could happen to her. She didn’t think it could happen in her life.


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