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My Brother's Best Friend

Page 12

by Darcy Kent

  Either way I tried my hardest to run along through my shift and not go near Ryder. As if he knew what I was up to he kept trying to get my attention, but I’d successfully ignored him.

  Finally, at the end of the night, after my shirt had dried, I went to my locker and got my belongings. Exhausted from a busy night, I threw on my jacket to exit out the back and begin my journey home.

  “Helena, wait up,” Ryder said as I made my way outside of the club.

  Why was he talking to me?

  I turned around and felt a cool breeze snap around my face. He was striding toward me and I sucked in a deep breath. The street light shone off his face and ignited his blue eyes to a deep sapphire color. He really was nice to look at.

  “What?” I asked in a haughty tone.

  We were the only two around in the late hours of the parking lot of Club Arrow. He stopped right in front of me, and bowed his head to the ground. Then his head snapped back up and our eyes locked.

  “So, you kind of ruined my plans tonight, so now I’ll be staying the night at your house.”

  I scoffed, I laughed a moment until I realized he wasn’t laughing. He was serious, what the fuck?

  “Are you kidding?” I strolled away from him and made my way to the nearest subway entrance. I normally made this trip alone every night I worked, and never bothered with the fact I was a single gal in the big bad city of New York. With pepper spray in my purse, and a few ninja skills I felt I could face the streets alone. Ryder followed me down the stairs and into the station.

  “No, I’m not. For the past few months this has been my routine. I stay a few nights with Mark from the club, and the other nights I find some chick and sleep with her and in the morning, I wake up and am on my way.”

  “Why don’t you have your own place?” I asked as we slid into a subway car. I found a seat and he sat right next to me.

  His long leg brushed up against mine as we sat side by side. “I have my own place. Listen, it’s a long story. So, you ruined my night and now you owe me.”

  “I owe you,” I said, slowly. I’m sure my eyes were huge as I studied him.

  His dimples were on full display, and he gazed at me with intensity. My heart was steadily beating and as he scooted closer it began racing. The electrical energy was back between us, and a heat was traveling along my spine.

  His chiseled jaw shook when he stared at me, and he clenched his teeth. “Yes, you owe me. So, I’ll be staying the night with you.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you,” I almost screamed at him.

  “I never said that. God.”

  “How did I ruin your night anyway?” I tried to scoot further away, but was teetering on falling into the aisle. He backed off slightly and put a hand to his face. He was so lucky to touch his gorgeous features. He ran his hand across his cheek and I became envious. Keep it together, Helena.

  “Well, when I said your name during sex, and then the door slammed. Sasha got upset. She remembered your name because you had been serving her drinks all night. Anyways, she slapped me and left the room. I was going to stay the night at her house.”

  “That’s not my fault.” I couldn’t believe him, what was he saying? It was my fault, the nerve of him. I crossed my arms across my chest as my dark hair hung in a veil between us, shielding my face from his.

  “It kind of is.”

  “So, what, now you’re staying at my house? What is wrong with you?” I was angry and I knew he could tell by the tone of my voice.

  “It’s only fair, don’t you think?” His lips curved upward as I moved my hair behind my ear to catch a quick glance at him.


  “No, you don’t think at all. Or no you don’t think it’s a good idea?”

  I flustered, and my hands slammed into my lap as my frustration grew. “What if I told you I have a sick, dying grandmother at home, or a husband?” And right now I kind of wish I did. No well, maybe not the latter one, no husband for me. Ah, okay or the sick dying grandmother, I’d never wish for that.

  Both my grandparents died before I was born, and all I had left in the world were my parents.

  “Well do you?” It was his turn to fold his arms across his chest.

  I took a deep breath and let it out. “No.”

  “Great it’s settled.”

  “You have some serious baggage, you know that?”

  “What do you mean?” He turned toward me and dropped his hands. They landed on his thighs, and again I was jealous. He touched his own body like it wasn’t the most amazing body in the world.

  “You sleep with a different chick every night, you have a home but don’t stay there for some unknown reason. Don’t you see? Baggage, huge baggage.”

  His eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched me talk. His gaze landed on my lips and sat there for a second, maybe longer.

  Under his scrutiny, I fidgeted with my hands in my lap and looked away.

  “Okay, but doesn’t everyone?”

  “Well, whatever, just keep your baggage locked tightly away in your head.” I pointed my finger to his head, “or you heart,” I drew my hand down to his chest and pointed. My head dropped and my cheeks flushed as I said the next words, “or your penis.”

  He chuckled softly and the sound played in my ears for a moment before I glanced back up at him.

  “Did you just say penis?” he whispered to me in between his laughter.

  “Yeah, so. Just keep it away from me.” My nose scrunched and I made the face I always did when I was annoyed.

  “Promise, I will definitely keep my penis away from you.”

  For some reason that statement pissed me off even more. He usually fucked anything with heels, and now I wasn’t good enough, wait…what? Was I really having this type of internal dialogue?

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re an angry little chick, I’d be afraid you’d probably chop it off, or something.” He covered his hands across his groin as my eyes snapped to his.

  “I wouldn’t chop off your dick,” I screamed. I clamped my hand over my mouth and glanced around the subway car to be sure no one had heard.

  Ryder glanced around as well, and we both spotted an older man in the back, asleep.

  When we turned to face each other, our eyes met and we both burst out into a fit of laughter. After the laughter subsided, I threw my head back against the seat. “Fine, you can stay the night. But, first thing in the morning, you are out.”

  “Deal.” He relaxed his body, and suddenly I wanted to know more. What was his story?

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course, Helena.” The way he said my name again, all breathy and sexy, made me forget my question and I stammered, trying to gain control.

  My cheeks flushed as I stared at him. His eyes were closed as his head rested against the back of the seat. His hand wrapped around the seat in front of him, and his elbow sat along the window sill.

  “How long have you been living like this? Sleeping with women and staying at their houses.”

  He lifted his head and turned toward me, he didn’t look at me, rather his eyes were focused on a far-off distance on the subway car. “A few months.”

  “Okay, you can ask me a question if you want.”

  He appeared deflated, as if he wasn’t happy with his life situation. I wanted to pry more, I wanted to open him up and search his memory database, or just get his clothes off- but I refrained.

  He sat up and when he stared into my eyes, the world shifted. His eyes were on fire, and intensity rang through them. I didn’t know what was coming, and my heartbeat exploded in my chest.

  “Do you think people can change?” he asked in a whisper.

  My head jarred back slightly as confusion took over, I wasn’t expecting that question…and I had no clue as how to answer it.

  Do people change? I know my mother and father were still the same people they had always been. Happily married living in Jersey, and
completely sarcastic, it’s where I’d gotten the gift.

  Had I ever changed? Somewhere along the way I guess I had, but how I wasn’t too sure.

  I returned my gaze to his, and studied his eyes once more. They appeared lost as if he was searching for something he would find in my eyes.

  “I’d like to hope people can change,” I whispered.

  His eyes relaxed and he turned his head toward the window to look out into the nothingness beyond. Tunnels and tunnels of darkness, but as he glanced out the window, his reflection shone through the glass.

  His face was solemn, and sad. I wanted to soothe him, or wrap an arm around his muscles. Unknown feelings were creeping into my system, and I knew I shouldn’t want him so badly. I shook my head as he turned back around with a glint of humor in his eyes. His previous question and sour mood was erased and he leaned back in his seat.

  “Do you have anything to eat at your place, I’m starving,” he asked.

  “Uh, yeah sure.” Now I was to cook for him? Incredible.

  When we exited the subway station, my apartment was only a few blocks away and we scurried through the cold, dark streets. It was the end of winter in New York and spring was just around the corner. This last cold front should be our last, and I couldn’t wait to bust out the summer clothing.

  When we came up to my apartment complex, I noticed Grant’s car parked near my building. Shit. I forgot he said he might stop by. He had a key to my apartment and was most likely inside, waiting for me. God, I hoped he was dressed.

  “Um, before we go inside,” I started. My key hung in the lock and I gazed up at Ryder.

  “I don’t care. I’m freezing, open the door.” His hands were in his leather jacket, his bag slung over his shoulder and he bunched his jacket tighter around him.

  Chapter Two


  I opened the door, and we rushed inside to warm up. Just as I thought, Grant sat in my oversized stuffed chair, with a glass of red wine.

  “Hey, who’s this?” Grant asked when he noticed Ryder walk inside.

  “This is a friend from work, he needs a place to stay tonight.” I threw my purse on the entryway table and Grant rose to his feet. Yes, he was dressed…thank God.

  “Hey man,” Ryder said, standing in my entryway unsure of what to do.

  He glanced his head back and forth between Grant and I. Grant crossed the room and put his arms around me, which by the way he never did. Normally, we would just play around, have some sex and he would leave. But, Ryder being here was making Grant feel he needed to stake claim, so essentially, he was peeing on me. Like a dog, marking his territory.

  Ryder didn’t appear affected in any way. He glanced around my tiny apartment. Taking in my small brown couch with two orange decorative pillows. I had a huge chair which was white and orange in an Aztec design. The kitchen was small as well, a galley-type style, with maybe a few dishes in the sink, hey nobody’s perfect.

  Ryder stepped forward after he had done the mini-tour with his eyes. “Well, sorry you came all the way out here, but now you can leave ‘cause there’s no way you two are hooking up tonight.”

  My mouth dropped open as soon as Ryder finished his sentence. Grant was just as dumbfounded, and locked eyes with mine. “Excuse me, is this guy for real?” He jabbed his thumb in Ryder’s direction.

  Ryder was smiling a big, cocky grin as he leaned up onto his tiptoes.

  “Okay, hold on,” I stepped in. “First off, how do you know that’s why he’s here? Second, what gives you the right to send him away? What if I want to sleep with him?”

  Ryder stepped closer to me, which made Grant step back. “First, you would have told me you had a live-in boyfriend on the train, but you didn’t.” Ryder leaned very close and spoke right to me. “Second, you don’t really want to fuck this guy.” He took a sideways glance at Grant.

  Grant, I had to admit was keeping his shit together, but as soon as Ryder was done talking he grabbed my arm and twirled me to face him. “What the fuck, Helena?” he screamed.

  I didn’t know what to do, I mean part of what Ryder said was true. I wouldn’t be sleeping with Grant while Ryder was in the next room. The walls were thin, and I don’t know I felt odd about it. I just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. The fighting, or stand off, or whatever the hell this was needed to stop.

  “Okay, time to go,” I said, pushing Grant toward the door. “No more, I’m tired and cranky.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Grant followed me outside, and we stood on my front porch staring at each other.

  His brown eyes, and dark curly hair was wild with anger and he stood brooding for a second before he spoke again. “Who is this guy? I don’t like him.”

  Grant towered over me, and his strong frame was rigid and solid. He was obviously pissed, and I completely understood why. I just didn’t want to deal with it tonight.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, I’m going to bed. Tonight, has been one hell of a night.” I grabbed my doorknob as Grant huffed off toward his car. He didn’t even say goodbye.

  Walking back into my apartment, Ryder was rummaging through my fridge and I locked the front door. I made my way into the small kitchen, and sat up on top of the counter. My legs dangled in front of me, and Ryder turned to face me.

  “What do you have to eat?” he asked. His eyes roamed my body as I sat there thinking of what to make him.

  “There’s a frozen pizza in the freezer we can heat up.” I jumped off the counter and stood next to him to get it.

  He stepped back and watched me as I pulled the pizza out and turned on the oven. He was making me nervous. Not really sure why, but he watched me like a hawk.

  Now with dinner cooking, I started walking toward my bedroom. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to get out of these clothes.” I was still in the shirt which had dried with beer and whiskey in it. It reeked, and I shut the door to my bedroom as I threw on my yoga pants and another t-shirt.

  When I walked out of the bedroom, Ryder’s shirt had come off and he stood in my living room in just his low-rise jeans.

  Fuck, he was hot. He had the body God intended for men to have. His chest was firm, solid and packed one hell of a punch. His six- pack was the first thing I noticed, leading a sharp V-shape into his jeans. Manly shoulders- check, Firm pecks-check, a nice golden tan to complete the look- check. I couldn’t turn away, and wanted to study him longer until he coughed and it snapped me out of my admiration daze.

  His body wasn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger big, but he had a perfect firm body with short, dark hair and deep, blue eyes that twinkled in the moonlight. Or maybe they twinkled all the time. Either way, I was sure I was drooling.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Getting ready for bed, I take it I’m on the couch.” He moved for his bag by the front door, and I decided to be a gracious hostess and grab a pillow and some blankets from the linen closet. He grabbed his bag, scooted past me, and went into the bathroom.

  This was weird, I felt weird in my own home. Or maybe I was nervous.

  I placed the blankets on the couch and went into the kitchen just as the pizza timer dinged from the oven. The pizza was oozing with yummy goodness, and I ran the silver cutter through it and dished us both out a slice.

  When Ryder arrived in the kitchen from the bathroom, it was even worse. He had ditched the jeans and wore black gym shorts which hung just off his hips. I tried to pretend I hadn’t noticed, but inside I was a pile of mush. My mind was racing with how quickly I could get myself undressed.

  But then, the images were back, fluttering through my mind as if I had just stepped into the room and saw Ryder fucking some bimbo. My smile faltered as I grabbed my plate of pizza and headed to the couch. I snapped on the television, and ignored him.

  He followed me and sat next to me on the couch with his pizza in hand. We sat quietly watching the tube, and eating our food. Until fin
ally, Ryder got up and headed back into the kitchen. Again, I tried to ignore him but he was rifling through my cupboards and I finally got off the couch and followed him.

  “What are you looking for?” I asked as I set my plate down on the counter.

  “That bottle of wine Grant was drinking from.” He continued looking high and low for it as I laughed.

  The bottle of wine sat right in front of him on the counter. I grabbed it and held it in front of me. “This bottle of wine?”

  Ryder flashed his eyes at me and smiled. “Yes, did you want some?”

  God, he sure made himself at home. “Sure,” I said, grabbing two wine glasses down from the cabinet.

  We settled back on the couch and he took the remote from my hand and switched the television off. With our red wine in our hands, he leaned back. “This is nice.”

  “Um, yeah,” I said.

  The air was intimate and I didn’t want to stop soaking in Ryder and his dreamy eyes, but like I said before... the images of his latest conquest were still fresh in my mind.

  “So, Grant huh? What’s up with him?” he asked.

  I pulled the blanket I had on the couch for him to sleep with and covered my body. “What do you mean? He’s a friend.”

  “Uh huh. You don’t have to be shy, I just think you could do better.”

  “Better? What with you?” I asked, laughing.

  He glanced down my body and lingered on my chest, which was having a hard time breathing. Heat warmed my body as he stared at me.

  He moved in closer and closed his eyes.

  What the hell was he doing?

  When his eyes popped open, they were intensely staring at me. “Maybe,” he said, and I had already forgotten my question to him.

  “Not interested.” When I said it we all know it was a lie, hell even I knew it, but I don’t know. There was something about him, and I didn’t trust myself with him anymore. He appeared hurt when I turned him down, and then quickly replaced it with a smile.

  “Neither am I,” he said.

  “So, then why did you kick Grant out of my house?”

  “I just didn’t want to listen to you two go at it all night long,” he said as he sipped his wine.


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