Morgaine and Michael [The Morgaine Chronicles #8]
Page 22
She winked. “It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."
She led him to an elevator and pressed the button for the level below the subbasement.
"What in the world could be down here?” asked Legion.
"You'll see. Something really unexpected."
When they exited the elevator, a terrible stench like burning sulfur assailed their nostrils. Legion said, “Whatever's down here smells terrible. You weren't cooking me a cake or something and left the oven on."
Mandy laughed. “I see you know about my culinary abilities. Oh no. The surprise has nothing to do with cooking.” She took his arm and led him into a thick cloud of fumes.
"You really have me puzzled, Mandy. Those fumes are awful. I'm surprised that you, being a human, haven't passed out from them."
Finally they came to the source of the fumes. A large pit boiled and bubbled. It was an underground lava pit. Legion stood at the edge and peered into the cauldron.
"I don't get it. It's a surprise, of course, because I didn't know this was down here. But it's not something pleasant to show your man when he comes back to the wars. C'mon, let's get out of here and go up to our bedroom. I'll show you some real heat."
Mandy stepped back and looked away. Out of the smoky darkness, Tepes appeared. He ran toward Legion and gave him a shove. Legion windmilled his arms in an attempt to regain his balance, but was unable and fell backwards into the pit. He screamed a couple of times as his flesh boiled away. After a few moments, nothing was left of Legion except bones, which sank into the superheated sulfur.
Mandy burst into tears. “He was the best man I ever knew. He always treated me as a princess."
* * * *
Olivia stood outside the palace until she received Tepes call telling her that the deed was done. She entered with her contingent of Snagov Titans. She was met by Tepes and Mandy. Mandy looked completely drained. It was easy to tell that she was one of the undead.
"You are emperor now, Vlad.” She bowed to him.
"Good. We'll announce the change in leadership tomorrow evening. This night, Mandy and I must hunt."
"I could tell. Mandy looks like she might collapse. And then, after you are crowned...?"
"We'll talk about that tomorrow evening. We must go now. It's getting late. We have only a couple more hours until dawn."
"Of course."
Once Tepes and Mandy left, Olivia saw to the quartering of her squad. She knew she would need them the next day. She went up to the Legion's room, lay down on the bed and laughed and laughed. “Men are fools, even that vampire,” she told herself. She went to the liquor cabinet and picked out a bottle of vodka from Transylvania. She took a few large swallows, undressed and slipped under the covers.
The next morning she went down to where her Titan friends were quartered. She went to her favorite, one of the largest of the Titans and very husky. He had blond hair which he wore in a ponytail that hung to his waist. “Magog, I need a favor."
"Anything you wish, Olivia."
"Go outside and cut down a sapling or find a tree branch two inches in diameter, cut off two pieces about two feet long and sharpen them to a point. I'll wait here for you."
Magog saluted and left to do her biding. He returned in less than a half hour. He handed her two two-foot oak stakes sharpened to a needle point.
After Olivia felt the points, she patted Magog on the back. “Very good. Now does anyone here have a small sledge hammer."
A dark fellow, almost as big as Magog, held up the tool.
"Great. Gog, you and Magog come with me."
She took the men to a secret panel that led to a staircase. “Magog, hold the lamp.” She gave him a lantern.
They went down the narrow stairwell to a small room, empty except for two coffins. One had the Tepes crest on it. “We do him first. He could be dangerous even while sleeping the sleep of death. We need to take him completely by surprise. He didn't know I knew where his secret hiding place was."
She gave the stake to Gog. “You know what to do?"
He nodded. “You wish to destroy the vampire."
"Yes. But you must work quickly. He has survived many attempts to destroy him for hundreds of years. Are you ready?"
Gog nodded again. She threw open the coffin lid. Gog jammed the stake into Tepes’ chest and smacked the butt end with the hammer. Blood gushed from the wound like a fountain. Tepes opened his eyes in surprise and howled for several seconds and collapsed. His skin turned to parchment and flaked off his body. He melted away until nothing was left except the stake between two moldy ribs and some dirt. At the moment of his destruction, there came a moan from the other coffin.
Olivia closed the lid on Tepes tomb and sealed it with a blowtorch she had brought along. She opened the other coffin and gazed down at the comatose Mandy. Gog stood next to her. “Do you wish for me to do this one too?"
"No. I'll do her myself. I only wish she was awake so that she would feel awful terror as I send her to hell where she belongs. I would like to wait until sunset and destroy her just as she wakes from sleep of the undead, but we do not have time for that."
She took the stake and hammer and struck the blow that sent the wood into Mandy's heart. “There bitch. That will teach you to leave other women's men alone.” She let out a loud, crazy laugh that made her companions look at her with worried expressions.
She returned to the barracks and had her men arm themselves. She took them to the office of the emperors chief aide. She said, “There has been a terrible accident. The emperor, his mistress and the vice-emperor have all been killed. You must declare me empress so that we can continue the fight against our enemies."
The aide peered around at the armed Titans behind her. He bowed. “Of course, Empress Olivia. It shall be done immediately."
* * * *
The crowning ceremony was brief because the robot army was nearing Jerusalem. After Olivia was officially made empress of the world, she donned armor and joined her Titans in the battle against Abaddon's robots. Gog and Magog were by her side. It made no difference. The Titan army was overwhelmed, and she and her two favorites were killed by missile from a rocket launcher.
After the death of Olivia, the Titan army went to pieces. Most surrendered and were taken prisoner. Many escaped and returned to their home in Romania. A few fought on for a while, only to be eventually to become casualties during the mopping up operation. The resurrected dead had to be systematically destroyed, or they would fight on mindlessly. Finally, Olivia's top generals signed an unconditional surrender.
Afterwards there was a triumphant march into Jerusalem. The palace was taken over, and a meeting was held as to what to do now that the war was over. Attending the meeting were Michael, Raven, Isaac, Milton Hardley (Nicholas’ vice president, who was had been running the western hemisphere for the World Empire), Adnachiel, and Abaddon. Abaddon chaired the meeting.
"The first order of business is to decide what to do about the entity that Nicholas Bongiglio called The World Empire."
Hardley said, “I think that it should be broken up. All conquered territories should be revert to the nations they belonged to before Legion and Bongiglio started their war of conquest. If there are governments in exile, allow them to return. If none exists, have each nation hold new elections."
"Would it not be more rational to keep the empire in place but institute a democratic world government? I have read that one of Bongiglio's campaign promises was to ensure world peace. A world government would do that."
Michael said, “The trouble is that he and Legion did not succeed in conquering the entire world. I doubt that those nations who had not been part of the empire would agree to such a plan. Also, some countries who were part of the empire were only loosely held. The United States for example."
"I understand. Let us put it to a vote. All in favor of returning the conquered territories to their prewar status raise their hands."
The humans and Adnachiel raised their hands. The two robots did not.
"Although it is not a logical plan, the motion is carried. The empire will be broken up. Isaac, are you recording the minutes of this meeting?"
"I am. The proceedings will be published worldwide. Copies will be given to all media outlets and to all governing bodies throughout the world."
"Very well. The next question is what to do with the Titans, those held as prisoners of war, those who escaped and the wounded in hospitals."
Raven said, “Since they're now leaderless, I don't believe they will cause any more trouble. Many of them lived in a rural low-population area of Romania. They did not make any trouble until Victor Legion stirred them up. Let those who wish to settle there return to Romania. Some may want to stay here in Israel. They can be made citizens."
"Any other suggestions? No? Let us vote to allow the Titans to settle in either Romania or Israel."
The vote was unanimous to allow the Titans to settle.
"Is there any other business?"
Michael said, “Yes. What of the interdimensional, intergalactic, interchronial conflict going on involving such entities as Asmodeus, Morgaine, Lillith and Cthulhu?"
Adnachiel said, “Those beings are too powerful for us to deal with. We can only hope and pray that their war no longer involves the planets where we abide."
"I suppose you're right. Okay, now what about you Abaddon and your robot army?"
"We intend to return to Automatia. We will not bother you humans unless there should be another crisis as dire as this one was. Isaac, would you like to join us and live among your own kind."
"That would not be logical. I have been living among humans since I was created. I enjoy interacting with them. Also, since I no longer need fear having my software modified, I am free to wander wherever I wish. I would like to travel and see parts of the earth I have only read about.” Isaac turned to Michael. “Although I am extremely grateful to you for hiding me all these years, I want to be free to do as I will. I hope you are not angry at me for this desire."
Michael smiled. “Of course not. In fact I am happy for you. With you leaving Moonwood, I may sell the old place. Nonetheless, I hope we stay in contact. I regard you as my friend."
Abaddon said, “Is there any other business?” He looked around the room. No one seemed to have anything else to say. “Very well. I propose that we vote to sign a document describing the things we agreed to here today, to disband this committee and adjourn."
"I second that,” said Michael. He looked weary.
The proposal was carried unanimously. Isaac plugged himself into a printer, causing the minutes to be printed out. All present placed their signatures at the bottom of the document and went their separate ways.
* * * *
"I wonder what these demons intend to do with us,” said Westcott as he paced from the barred door to the back wall and back again.
Flebert, who was resting with his back to the wall, said, “Who knows. I thought at first that they intended to possess us in order to go to earth and take over our lives. But they have not done so. They fled our bodies once we were locked in this cell."
Deju moaned, “They are going to take us somewhere and torture us. Oh, what a mistake it was to come to this dimension."
"Don't be so pessimistic, Rhami,” said Longfeathers. “I think Morgaine has some master plan that she wants us for. Soon she will appear and tell us what she wants."
At that moment, as though Morgaine had heard him, a portion of one wall disappeared. Beyond it was darkness.
Westcott cried, “A dimension gate. Quick go through.” Without waiting for the others, he stepped into the darkness. The others followed.
"I don't know about this,” said Deju. “Suppose it's another trap."
"Even if it is, it's better than being cooped up in this tiny cell,” said Longfeathers.
Westcott looked back at the place where they had come through. The gate was gone. They were in utter darkness. He felt around. They were in a narrow tunnel carved out of solid rock. A couple feet in one direction he ran into a blank wall. There was only one way to go. He said, “Lance, take my hand. Rhami, take Lance's hand, and Bob, you take Rhami's hand. We'll follow this tunnel and see where it leads. Try not to get separated."
They traveled for a long distance. The tunnel curved and widened and then narrowed again. In some places the ceiling was so low they had to stoop. There were sharp bends and in one place the tunnel doubled back the way they had come. Finally, Westcott saw a dim light ahead.
As soon as he saw the snake's head above the entrance to the sacrifice room, he knew where they were. “We're home,” he cried. “These are the tunnels under Moonwood."
"Praised be,” cried Deju and went to his knees and kissed the floor.
Someone came out of the chamber.
"My friends,” cried Macrome. “You made it back to Moonwood.” Bloody tears ran down the vampire's face. He went to hug them, but each shied away.
"It's good to see you, too,” said Westcott. “However, we're anxious to go upstairs and get something to eat and drink."
"I'll accompany you. I must go and hunt up some blood anyway. Don't worry, I no longer take it from unwilling victims. I belong to a vampire club. There are lots of nice fellows who allow me suck them."
* * * *
Three beautiful naked females stood before the throne of Asmodeus with their heads bowed. The monster roared with its bull head, “Esmeralda! Lucinda! Sheila! You three have failed your missions. Thus you must be punished. Guards, take these three to the torture chamber."
The giants with the skull heads moved toward them.
Sheila went to her knees and groveled. “Please Master, it was not our fault. Your demon slave, Morgaine, interfered with us. She sent demons."
"Which demons?"
"My demons,” cried a dark female figure that appeared, accompanied by a dragon-like creature.
"Lillith. What are you doing here?"
"Your time of ruling this dimension is over. Your foolish plan to destroy the humans was insane. You're psychotic."
"How dare you,” the creature bellowed and spouted flames. “Guards, seize her."
The skull heads ran forward with their long pikes pointed at Lillith. Suddenly the chamber was filled with alien entities such as Agares, Amducies and Sargantas. The guards crumpled.
Lillith pointed her scepter at the fiend Asmodeus. He vanished from the throne. His female slaves gazed around in wonder. Their chains had slipped away. One asked, “Are we free?"
Morgaine appeared. “Yes, you poor things. From now on women will rule down here. I will teach you witchcraft, and like me, you can be aides to the glorious Lillith, queen goddess of this world."
* * * *
"So Michael, what is our future? Are we a couple?” asked Raven, as she watched the shifting pattern of clouds from thirty thousand feet.
"Of course. But you must come with me to Chicago. We can get an apartment there together."
"Why Chicago?"
"That's where Melody is living. It's her home town. It'll be simpler to get a divorce if she and I are in the same state."
Raven looked at him suspiciously. “Are you sure it isn't to get back together with her?"
"Absolutely not. I'm finished with her. And she's definitely finished with me. We've both moved on."
Raven put her arms around him and kissed him. “I hope so. Do you think Morgaine will bother us anymore?"
He shrugged. “Who knows? I'm definitely selling Moonwood now that Isaac is not there anymore. I pity the new owners if Morgaine decides to haunt the place."
"Chicago it is then. I suppose it's a good a place as any for my agency."
"Agency? Don't tell me you want to be in the private investigation business? Y'know that I'm very rich. You don't have to have to work."
"I'm not doing it for the money. I love investigation work. Besides this is going to be a different kind of
agency. I'm going to be a psychic investigator. I'll be ridding houses of spooks, rooting out psychic scam artists, helping the cops with unsolved cases, that sort of thing."
"Sounds interesting. Mind if I work with you. I need a change too. After all, I have some experience in the occult myself."
They laughed at this ironic remark. Raven said, “You betcha. I thought you'd never ask."
They kissed again. Raven whispered, “There's a restroom free. Want to join the mile high club?"
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