Dark Demands 3 - Totally His (Dark Demands Series)

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Dark Demands 3 - Totally His (Dark Demands Series) Page 1

by Nell Henderson

  Dark Demands 3

  Totally His


  Nell Henderson

  Copyright – Nell Henderson 2012

  Prologue to Parts 1 and 2

  Gina has fallen deeper and deeper into the web of control that Matthew Dark is weaving around her. She stole from him and she has information his rivals want so he must keep her out of their way. He’s made his position clear – she will do exactly what he demands of her in all things and that also means in his bed. He insists that she goes with him to his home in Italy but not as his guest or for a holiday. She learns that she is more than just his temporary captive – he wants her to become his latest submissive and her training begins when they return to his penthouse to pack his stuff.

  Dark takes her – properly for the first time. Tied to his bed and helpless he is ruthless and hard in slaking the dark, sexual thirst he has for her body. But far from being outraged at what he had done Gina simply falls farther under the spell of this enigmatic man.

  He proves he can control her and shows her how she will suffer if she doesn’t obey him. Gina might be captivated by him but she still has spirit and on the plane she questions him about his personal life and they argue. The effect is to make Dark’s resolve to turn her into the submissive creature he craves only becomes more urgent.

  Chapter 1

  Conrad put their luggage in the boot of the limo that was waiting for them at Christopher Columbus Airport in Genoa. He sat next to the driver and after they exchanged a few words in Italian he turned to Gina and Matthew in the rear seats and told them they should reach Portofino within the hour providing the traffic wasn’t too heavy.

  Gina was relieved it wasn’t far. She felt exhausted, it had been one long, eventful day and after the spat with Matthew on the plane she just wanted it to be over. She’d picked at the food he’d ordered for them but after the argument she’d drunk far too much of the red wine he’d chosen to go with it and she felt a little woozy. Leaning on Matthew’s shoulder as they sped along the A12 she was soon asleep,

  The next thing she was aware of was the blaze of light punctuating the inky darkness from the hillside villa as they arrived. She roused herself trying to wake up and take notice of what was happening. There was a woman’s voice calling out and as Matthew alighted from the limo she ran to greet him hugging him close while lovingly stroking at his black hair.

  Finally managing to free himself from her grip he came back to the car opened the door and helped a groggy Gina to her feet.

  “This is my step mother, Luisa,” he told her as the woman came forward to see who he had brought home with him. Feeling somewhat dishevelled and inadequate Gina held out her hand to the woman.

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Gina” she mumbled, her fuzzy brain trying to get to grips with the notion that Matthew was normal enough, after all, to have a family.

  The woman smiled, a big kindly smile, and took Gina in her capable arms and hugged her close too.

  “You are welcome, Signorina, very welcome,” she greeted her in good English spoken with a rich Italian accent and turning back to Matthew added, “and she’s so pretty.” She stroked Gina’s cheek and clapped Matthew on the shoulder as if to say he’d somehow done well.

  Matthew’s step mother had been at the villa all day getting it ready for him. A task he insisted, given that he staff, wasn’t necessary. But nonetheless she’d put fresh sheets on the beds and prepared some food and there were lovely freshly cut garden flowers in all the rooms.

  “Conrad will drive you home, Luisa,” he said kissing her cheek. “It’s late and we’ll speak properly tomorrow. Gina and I will come and eat with you and Katarina,” he promised.

  She seemed pleased with that and kissed him before leaving. She was nice, pleasant looking with jet black hair pulled off her face into a bun at the back. She was slightly overweight, too much pasta or pizza, Gina decided to herself as she caught the savoury smell coming from Matthew’s kitchen. How much did she know about the real Matthew, she wondered?

  Once she’d gone Matthew helped Conrad bring in the cases and he carried Gina’s through to one of the bedrooms.

  Gina followed in his wake and was surprised to see that he’d put her in a bedroom of her own. She’d fully expected to be made to sleep with him and this cheered her up a little. There would be times when she’d appreciate a little privacy and her own space. The room was very pretty too. It was done out in cream and pink, quite girly for a man who apparently lived here alone. It had a double bed, plenty of wardrobe space and a large picture window that he assured her looked out over the bay.

  “Get yourself organised then we’ll see what food Luisa has left us,” he smiled. She’d a wonderful cook so sharpen up your appetite.”

  “Your step mother seems nice,” she told him. “And this house, well I know I haven’t seen all of it but it seems to have a distinct ‘woman’s touch’ about it.”

  “Luisa looks after the place when I’m away and she and my sister are responsible for most of the furnishings,” he explained.

  “Your sister,” she repeated with surprise. “Will I get to meet her too,” she asked?”

  “Yes, of course. You’ll meet Katarina tomorrow. She lives with Luisa in a little village a few miles away in the hills above the town.”

  “Katarina,” she repeated, rolling the name around her tongue in a mock Italian accent. “Why don’t they live here with you?” She asked. “And dare I ask, where’s your father?” She’s never imagined Matthew with a family. For some reason the idea that he might have parents or siblings didn’t quite suit him

  “My own mother died many years ago when I was just a child. After that my father married Louisa and they had Katarina. So we became a proper family again. But after only seven years he died of a heart attack. I was a young teenager and it hit me hard. I met Lisa and married her when I was far too young but we needed a place of our own so I bought this,” he explained. “So now you see the link between me and Italy and why I think of it as home. Katarina was born in Portofino she’s a lovely girl and she also speaks excellent English so hopefully you’ll be friends.” He was thoughtful for a moment or two then he added, “I’d like that.”

  Gina nodded back. But the truth was she wasn’t here to make friends or to meet his family. The sad reality was, she reminded herself, that this wasn’t a holiday. Matthew had forced her come here with him because he needed to ensure her silence. At no time had he talked about a romantic entanglement. Sexual yes – but then that was just Matthew. He didn’t or wouldn’t do permanent relationships so she should really try and break this spell he seemed to effortlessly weave around her. Her one priority should really be sorting out this mess so she could go home – nothing else.

  Fifteen minutes, OK – then we’ll eat. So freshen up and don’t be late – you’ve hardly eaten anything all day,” he said before leaving the room.

  Alone at last and Gina was grateful for it. She needed time to catch her breath and take stock. Most important, just how was she going to get away from here? She circled the room. The window wasn’t locked and opened outwards with plenty of room for her to get through but there was a sharp drop down to the garden below. She’d have to check that out in the daylight. But would that work? Could she really run from here and expect to get back to England – she’d need her passport and Matthew had that. She’d give it some proper thought tomorrow she decide. She would explore her surroundings properly and put together a plan of escape.

  In the meantime the rest of the evening lay ahead and she’d no choice but to spend it with Matthew. She’d shower first but she was just
too tired to tackle the unpacking. The bathroom was luxurious and there were plenty of toiletries, towels and bathrobes. Just like a top notch hotel then, she decided. So Gina chose one of the fluffy pastel coloured robes from the back of the door and wrapped herself in it.

  She bounced on the bed. It was soft and comfortable with crisp, white scented sheets and a squashy pink down duvet. Quite perfect she thought lying back and relaxing for a moment. She checked her watch – Matthew had said fifteen minutes so she ran a brush through her damp hair and tied it back. She was too tired to dress and anyway they were alone here – apart from Conrad that was – so she’d have to do.

  He’d set the table outside on the veranda. A cool breeze was wafting in from the sea and Gina sat and fluffed at her hair while she watched Matthew serve up the pasta Luisa had left for them. He’d showered too and was wearing a pair of shorts – Bermuda type shorts down to his knees and a white fitted tee. He looked so damned hot again – damp hair, gorgeous body and with work out of the way for a while – so laid back.

  “Luisa is a suburb cook,” he praised. “So eat up.”

  Gina took a forkful and had to agree – this was even better than the food she’d eaten at Mama Bellini’s yesterday.

  Matthew seemed much better, being here suited him, she thought. He talked quite openly about his family and the time he’d spent here while he was growing up. He laughed and joked and appeared to have lost his dark side – well for the time being anyway. Neither did he refer to the spat they’d had on the plane. In fact he was just so normal, so reasonable and charming. So what was going on? Was it possible that he’d decided to accept what she wanted – for him to leave her alone? Did he harbour no resentment at all about what she’d said on the plane, Gina wondered? It wasn’t like him to be so agreeable – so accepting of her terms. The Matthew she had come to know was controlling, assertive and this pleasant, easy going man wasn’t him.

  “Is something wrong,” he asked having watched her frown and pick at the food on her plate for several minutes now.

  “No, not really – it’s just that I’m confused. You’ve changed - since we arrived here you’re, well, different.”

  “In what way am I different, Gina? He asked with another charming smile lighting his handsome face. Dark brown eyes smooth as velvet bore into hers seeking an explanation.

  He wasn’t chasing her anymore either. She was only wearing a bath robe and he hadn’t even tried to touch her. He hadn’t kissed her, there’d been no sexual innuendo, so what was going on?

  “You’re suddenly too nice – too well mannered,” she lowered her eyes once she said this. You haven’t come near me – you haven’t put a finger on me since the plane. Was what she really wanted to shout out at him but of course she couldn’t do that, could she? But after what he’d done to her earlier today, in his penthouse, his behaviour was odd. Here he had her to himself – she was his prisoner – completely under his control. What about your plan to escape – make your mind up what you really want girl. Good advice – but that was the problem – she couldn’t. Where Matthew was concerned it was all confusion.

  “I would hope that I’m always well mannered,” he told her and raised a dark eyebrow. “Is that all? Surely that can’t be it – come on tell me. Tell me what’s really bothering you.”

  Gina looked at the food on her plate wishing she’d never started this. How to say it – how to ask him why he didn’t seem to want her anymore.

  “You don’t seem yourself,” she mumbled. “You’re too…,” she paused. God this was difficult. “Too reserved, and you haven’t come near me since we got here,” she added hastily and with some difficulty.

  “Oh, I see,” he smirked knowing full well what the problem really was. “So you think I’ve cooled towards you, you’re wondering why I’m not pursuing you anymore, chasing you round the bedroom now that I’ve got you all alone. Well that’s easily explained, Gina,” he said before putting another folk full of pasta into his mouth.

  Gina watched him. He was teasing her again – eating, making her wait and dragging out his answer and all the while looking at her with those eyes. Those dangerously sexy eyes that ignited that fire - that inferno inside her body.

  “You made your position, your feelings, very clear on the plane,” he shrugged. “So I have no choice but to behave as you want me to. If that’s how you want it – then so be it,” he added with that familiar smirk again. “But if it’s not – if all this well mannered distance is driving you wild then I can soon change things. I know how unkind, how unfeeling I was this afternoon leaving you wanting like that. I had no right to tease you,” he smirked again. “I had you within a split second of climaxing twice and I denied you,” he shook his head. “I’m such a bad, bad boy to do that to you.”

  Gina flushed slightly – he was right - yes he was bad – bad to do what he’d done and to remind her of it so callously now.

  He stopped eating and placed the cutlery on his plate staring at her his face suddenly serious and slightly menacing again. “But if you do want things to change between us, Gina, then it has to be strictly on my terms. You must understand that. No more disagreements about what I want or what I might do to you. And before you decide I should also warn you that they’ll be no relationship - well not the type you might want anyway.”

  Gina shivered – he had that look on his face again the – you shouldn’t trust me at all look but that didn’t seem to matter he was offering her a way back and she wanted him – wanted him desperately.

  “Then what are you looking for Matthew? What is it you want from me?”

  “You, Gina – well your body. I want you under my control. I want you to obey my every command and behave exactly how I tell you too.

  Well that was plain enough, Gina thought with a shudder. But could she agree?

  “So – now that you know, do you think you can agree to my terms – there’re simple enough?” He asked in his deep, sexy voice.

  I don’t know what you mean. Don’t I do that anyway?”

  “No you don’t,” he told her shaking his dark head. “You have a wilful, disobedient streak that I don’t like and I won’t tolerate it anymore. So think carefully before you decide because if you agree you will not be allowed to fight me or refuse me anything again.” He was silent for a moment and then added. “So be very sure Gina because once we get this thing started they’ll be no stopping it.”

  “That doesn’t sound very different from what happens between us now, Matthew,” she whispered.

  “Believe me Gina it is – it will be very different.” He needed to show her – illustrate how things were going to be between them. Remaining seated he pushed back his chair from the table and beckoned for her to come to him.

  “Come and stand here, in front of me,” he told her.

  Gina watched him as she moved towards his chair.

  “Now loosen that robe you’re wearing and hold it open for me,” he ordered watching her, his arms folded. “Quickly girl – I want to look at you,” he urged as she hesitated.

  Gina was naked under the robe but then he’d seen her body before so what did it really matter? But the way he’d asked was playing havoc with her nerves and sending thrilling tremors of need snaking over her skin. She slowly loosened the belt and taking the fluffy fabric in two hands held it wide open so he could see her.

  “Legs apart, Gina,” he ordered his voice heavy and low.

  Then he reached under his chair and took something from the floor. Gina gasped and felt something first chill and then burn fierce down her spine as she realised what it was - a crop – long and thin with a leather tongue on the end.

  Now he looked very different. He was just as handsome, just as captivating and utterly enthralling but this was Matthew Dark at his most intimidating. Hardcore Matthew, she thought gnawing on her bottom lip. She’d known since she’d fist met him that he existed – the handcuffs, the rope and the control he liked to exert over her - they’d all pointe
d towards him. Now that he had manifested himself like this Matthew looked even hotter and very, very sexy as he raised the crop and brought it down gently on her thigh. She winced, screwed up her eyes.

  But the stroke was light, not intended to hurt but still it burned, flamed through her flesh with a fiery need that had her wishing for more – much more. She’d expected it to smart but it hadn’t – instead it had felt sweet, so very sweet. And this time she didn’t shout or scream at him – instead she whimpered softly with desire and stood transfixed – rooted to the spot and trembling with something – something weird and new.

  She inhaled deeply and let the robe fall to her feet and slowly put her hands behind her back. This is what he wants me to do – this is what he needs from me, she thought. And it’s what I need from him – I’m just as bad – just as hungry to experience all Hardcore Matthew can do, as he is to do this to me.

  All fear had gone and she watched him nod his approval and raise the crop again. She groaned with a deep alien pleasure as he drew it across her breasts tapping lightly several times at each swollen peak before tracing its hot, slow path downwards. She spread her legs wider and groaned again- Matthew’s eyes were almost black with lust as he watched her actions her wanton encouragement for him to finish this. And he too was becoming deeply aroused now - her reaction to this torment was so unexpected – so blatantly submissive that he was in danger of loosing control himself. He tapped her sex and she gasped her blue eyes widening. Then giving her a small knowing look with his hard, dark eyes he placed the crop deliberately between her knees. He slowly stroked and tapped his way upwards occasionally slapping her inner thighs hard making her wince. Then suddenly he stopped – just for moment as he lowered the crop – a few centimetres and gripped it tighter. He looked into her eyes his own face blank, emotionless then still holding her gaze he slapped hard and sharp upwards - directly between her spread thighs making harsh contact with her sex.


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