Dark Demands 3 - Totally His (Dark Demands Series)

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Dark Demands 3 - Totally His (Dark Demands Series) Page 2

by Nell Henderson

  Gina called out – that was deliberate and it had stung – he’d caught her in her most sensitive place and he’d meant it to hurt. But that hurt was just so wonderful - so much so that if he continued she was going to climax and hard. But he didn’t, now Matthew placed the crop on the table and stood up taking her in his arms kissing her – plundering her mouth and putting his hand between her legs using soothing strokes to calm the turmoil there - feeling her wetness as he pushed his fingers deep inside her.

  “You’re good, a natural – isn’t that what I always said?” He told her softly while rubbing his fingers deeper into her sex and listening to her moan in response. “You like the pain, my pain and you know – you know now, don’t you, Gina, how much it magnifies the pleasure.”

  Yes she did but Gina now saw everything so much clearer. Yes, Matthew wanted her, really wanted her but only to be some sort of sex slave – his submissive. How dare he? She thought, her anger rising again – she couldn’t help it her emotions were all over the place. She pushed him away and scooped up her robe throwing it around her naked body.

  “I can’t Matthew - I can’t do this – so leave me alone. I won’t be a piece of meat you can use anyway you choose. So let me go now, please,” she rasped at him her voice choked with emotion.

  Matthew shrugged and pulled her to him again holding his fingers in front of her face. They glistened with her wetness and he shook his head.

  “You don’t mean that, Gina. Taste,” he offered pushing his hand closer to her mouth. “Taste the truth of your submission – savour it then tell me again that you don’t want this.”

  Gina gasped and looked up at his impassive face. She wouldn’t do this and he couldn’t make her.

  “No,” she spat at him. “Now leave me alone,” she said turning and walking away from him.

  She didn’t mean it – he knew after what they’d just shared – how she’d just reacted to him, that she couldn’t resist his brand of sex for very long – she’d be back.

  “OK,” he agreed. “But before you flounce off I want to ask you something else,” he called after her.

  “Go on then but be quick – I’m tired,” she replied close to tears. Why did he have to ask the impossible of her– or was it because it wasn’t the impossible she wondered?

  “Do you take the pill or use some other form of birth control?”

  The question stunned her being so personal and coming out of the blue as it did.

  “Isn’t that my business,” she prickled back. “You have no right to ask. I’ve already told you to keep away from me and after hearing your terms and giving you my refusal I can’t see what business it is of yours,” she reminded him coolly. “But, yes I do take the pill, the mini pill but like I’ve said it doesn’t concern you.”

  “How about your sexual health – is everything alright there too?”

  Gina squirmed inside; he obviously just didn’t care how much he embarrassed her.

  “I’m not promiscuous, Matthew, and I’m fine. But perhaps it’s me that should be asking you that question,” she retaliated.

  “I am also fine,” he assured her. Sleep well, Gina” he murmured softly. And then he left her to it.

  Chapter 2

  It was dark, probably the middle of the night as Gina began to wake. Something wasn’t right but she couldn’t quite make up her mind what it was. She heard a noise, low and urgent and realised with shock that it was her – she was groaning. She was groaning with intense pleasure and hot fingers of need were slithering across her skin and all aiming for that place between her thighs.

  What was happening to her? Gina tried to move then realised she was tied up again. Ropes bound her wrists to the intricate weave of the cane headboard and she couldn’t see anything either. Something had been tied around her eyes. This had to be Matthew, she realised with horror. He must have come into her bedroom and done this to her while she slept.

  Gina knew she was naked and he’d lifted her legs up high and was holding them wide apart. She bucked her hips trying to shake him off and then realised what he was doing and why she was so deeply aroused, his erection was embedded deep inside her.

  He had her helpless and he was using her. Once again this couldn’t be for her pleasure it was purely for his. Was it still night, she wondered trying to see something through the black of the blindfold? There was the faintest glow of brightness – he had the lights on. He was doing this and looking at her – watching her body as he thrust deeper and deeper into her. She felt suddenly so exposed to him, so vulnerable. Had he touched her first, she’d no way of knowing but the full description of Matthew’s actions would no doubt make her face blaze in the morning when he was sure to recount every intimate detail to her.

  She wriggled underneath him as he touched her breasts with his mouth. His lips found her hard, erect nipples and he slaked at these with his tongue. Licking and gently biting at her aroused flesh until he felt her shudder beneath him. Now she was awake and aware, and she couldn’t stop it. The hot, searing hunger ripped through her body urging her on to the inevitable end. She wanted to respond to him, wanted to move her legs, to loosen his grip and wrap them around his waist but he had them held fast, pushed right up high as he pounded into her..

  Hearing her moan he responded by pushing into her deeper, harder, and growling with need forced her legs even further apart. She reacted immediately by writhing with her own need as he continued to thrust

  “Matthew,” she whispered huskily, “why are you doing this? Why didn’t you wake me if you wanted to make love?” She whimpered as the pleasure inexorably built and tore her from the last vestiges of sleep into the highly aroused moment.

  “I’ve told you before, this isn’t lovemaking,” he reminded her, his voice heavy and thick with lust. “You open your legs for me when I say so and I fuck you – fuck you anyway I choose. It’s just sex, Gina, highly satisfying sex. So don’t kid yourself it’s anything else. You like it like this, so enjoy it.”

  Gina whimpered again, he was wrong she hated his description, hated the way he felt able to just take her this way. But her body had other ideas and it was awake now and so, so aware of what he was doing to it. She felt the pleasure, the deep all consuming pleasure of having him inside her. And it had started and she knew it wouldn’t stop until she was a shaky mass of satisfied flesh in his arms. Intense waves of blissful spasms had her in their grip and that meant she’d climax any second. She couldn’t deal with anything now, couldn’t think, couldn’t argue and couldn’t hate him for doing this again. All Gina could do was shriek and cling on to him as the hot vortex of orgasm engulfed her.

  Gina woke up in bed alone. Her legs ached where Matthew had forced them apart last night and from the state of her body she could tell he hadn’t used a condom either. That’s why he’d asked her about birth control. Obviously the minute he’d known she was protected the prospect of fucking her ‘au natural’ had been too good to miss

  Annoyingly he saw their relationship only in terms of sex and he wasn’t prepared to give anything else a chance and there was nothing she could do about it. His terms were all that mattered - he’d made his conditions quite clear on the plane and last night. But what about her feelings, what about her growing need for this man emotionally as well as sexually? Would he even understand that? Gina doubted it because hadn’t he already warned her that Matthew Dark didn’t do the love thing?

  It was a depressing thought. If she agreed to what he wanted she was going to spend the next couple of weeks being nothing more to this man than his bedroom plaything or worse – dare she let that happen?

  But what about how she felt about him – what about the fact that she was fast falling further and further under his spell. This situation, this thing going on between her and Matthew had all the potential for catastrophic heartbreak and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Gina soaked her body under the comforting shower and weighed up her options as the warm water caressed h
er skin. If only her feelings weren’t so mixed up, if only she wasn’t falling in love with him. She stopped and hugged herself - so there it was, she smiled as the revelation hit her. It was true - she really was in love with Matthew Dark.

  But common sense still held sway because Gina was brave enough to admit to herself that if there was no chance of a proper relationship then she should run. She should take the emotional hit and stop this roller coaster ride she was on with him. But it all depended on Matthew. She’d try, the next time he made a move on her or was in a mood to talk; to tell him how she felt. He’d more than likely just laugh and tell her that she was deluding herself but at least then she’d know where she stood.

  Happy that she’d at least formulated some sort of plan Gina tied her hair back in a loose ponytail and shrugged herself into a fluffy robe and went to find him. One way or another today was going to be an important milestone in her life.

  “Good morning, Gina. Did you sleep well?” He asked as she padded into the kitchen.

  “Eventually once I was left alone,” she batted her long, dark lashes coquettishly his way and watched him smirk.

  He hadn’t dressed yet and like her was wrapped in a bathrobe. He was fresh from the shower and his hair was still damp and tousled and made him look very boyish and as sexy as Hell.

  “But while I was with you, you enjoyed my company, I think,” he turned towards her and his robe slipped open revealing his bare muscular legs and Gina caught her breath. God he was so perfect.

  “Even you must admit the way I fucked you was just so very good, was it not?”

  Gina walked over to him; he was still smirking, no doubt thinking about what he’d seen and done to her before she’d become aware.

  “Yes, Mr Dark, I must admit it was very good indeed but, I’d prefer if in future, you wake me first,” she smiled placing the errant robe back in place over his thighs. “In order to fully appreciate just how well you do fuck me then surely I must at least be conscious.”

  Now it was her turn to smirk and taking a piece of toast from the breakfast bar she plonked her backside on a stool and sat down beside him.

  “Tea, coffee,” she enquired. “Either will do.”

  He reached for the steaming coffee pot and poured a cup.

  “A deeply erotic way to be woken up, though, isn’t it? I really enjoyed having my wicked way with you as you slept,” he whispered. “You were so soft, so malleable and do you know you have the cutest little mole right at the very top of your inner left thigh?”

  So he’d had looked and had obviously examined her intimately, goodness, how embarrassing, Gina thought.

  He bent over and kissed her, gently, tenderly like a lover would and Gina shivered with pleasure. Was now the time, she wondered. Should she tell him the truth about how she felt?

  “Have you thought about what I said to you last night?” He asked letting her go and spoiling the mood. “I admit I’m selfish but I must have your answer. My passion for you seems endless and sex with you is so very, very good. You have a beautiful body and are easily aroused. I like that, I like it very much.”

  “So what are you saying Matthew? Is it that you might actually like me a little now,” she smiled and flicked him under the chin.

  “I think it’s safe to say that I might like you quite a lot, Miss Deverell,” he replied leaning over and kissing her lightly on the lips. “In fact I haven’t liked a woman’s body quite so much in ages.”

  Gina sipped at the coffee, a show of emotion from him at last. But it’s your body he says he likes – not you, she reminded herself.

  “So exactly what is it you want me to agree to?”

  “You know very well. You must do exactly as I want you to,” he replied darkly. “And I think after last night you understand perfectly what I mean,” he reminded her. “You can’t resist me anyway – can you Gina? I’ve said it before - you like what I do to you and how I do it and you want more. No – you need more – don’t you?”

  “I don’t know what I need Matthew,” she admitted. “But although it’s mega embarrassing to have to admit it – you’re right. You’ve stirred something in me – something I don’t really want to acknowledge but being with you I can’t ignore it. So the answer is yes, I’ll try – I’ll give it a go.”

  His dark eyes shone with triumph as he took her in his arms and kissed her.

  “We’ll talk about this more later on today but for now I have some calls to make and then I’ll show you Portofino and later we can visit my family and have dinner.”

  “Sounds wonderful, in that case I’m going to get dressed,” she smiled at him.

  She bounced off happily leaving him still eating breakfast and casually reaching for the daily newspaper with a relaxed smile on his handsome face. She’d done it – she’d actually agreed to allow Matthew the complete freedom of her body. Gina was hoping that things would be good between them now and he might grow to feel for her like she felt for him.

  It was very warm so Gina dressed in a pair of linen shorts and a plain strappy tee shirt. In the bathroom she found a bottle of sun screen and she rubbed this liberally into her shoulders and other exposed areas of her fair skin.

  Matthew had said he’d show her Portofino and she couldn’t wait. Perhaps a little lunch and a stroll around the marina, then what, she wondered another sizzle of excitement snaking through her. The thought of his arms around her and his hands working their magic on her body made her tingle with excitement. What would he do? One thing was certain the moment he came near her again she’d melt.

  Matthew was wearing a pair of longish shorts that came just below his knees and a fitted tee shirt when she went to find him again. He looked so very different, younger, carefree and quite beautiful as he flashed her wide smile while she just stared at him in admiration.

  “You look lovely,” he complemented.

  “Unfortunately, so do you,” she replied lightly and pleased she made the decision she had because fending of this gorgeous man’s sexual advances would have very difficult indeed.

  “Fancy me now, do you, Miss Deverell? Well don’t worry I won’t put up a fight. I’ll quite happily roll over and let you have your wicked way with me,” he grinned.

  “I’ve always fancied you, Matthew,” she admitted shyly.

  “So dragging you around town might be a bit of a disappointment then. Perhaps you’d prefer to spend the time in my bed instead,” he grinned. “But, you’ve probably guessed I do have somewhere else – somewhere else I will take you to play,” he hinted. “A place you will like because in there I’ll torment you mercilessly,” he promised. He spoke softly, sexily so only she could hear and his voice and his words sent tingles of excitement down her spine and made her ache deep inside.

  “In your dreams Matthew Dark,” she smirked taking his hand as he held it out to her. “Portofino is where I want to go this morning not into some gloomy dungeon of yours to be chained and whipped,” she joked.

  “That has just put a wonderful image in my mind and I’ll savor it Gina until I can make it real.” He squeezed her hand and led her outside. Gina couldn’t tell from his tone if he was joking back at her or not.

  Gina didn’t really know very much about Portofino. She’d heard of it and read about the place occasionally in magazines and apparently it had a reputation for being the resort of the rich and famous. So as she strolled down the narrow cobbled streets from the villa towards the harbour hand in hand with Matthew she half expected to bump into a Hollywood ‘A’ lister or two.

  But the town was surprisingly quiet for a day in mid summer. A number of people waved at Matthew and shouted over, ‘Ciao’ in their rich Italian voices. One or two came over to talk to him, smiling and pleased to see him back. He was obviously well known and liked here, not as Matthew Dark the billionaire business man, but as Matthew Dark, a local man who’d made good and hadn’t forgotten his family or his home. He spoke good Italian to and Gina was impressed listening to him casually ch
at away to those who stopped him.

  Portofino was a picture postcard of a place, a beautiful half-moon shaped seaside village. The houses that lined the shore of the harbour were painted in an array of pastel colours and looking down on this pretty sight was an enchanting medieval castle.

  Gina was instantly captivated by this lovely place and as Matthew walked her around the harbour full of boats bobbing lazily in its waters she could well understand why this was a place he loved dearly.

  “I’ll take you up to the castle another day,” he promised seeing how it got her rapt attention. “But for today we’ll lunch here then this afternoon we will visit my sister in Paraggi, if you don’t mind.”

  He gripped her tight, his arm around her waist and led the way to a sweet little restaurant a little way round the bay.

  “Luigi is an old friend; in fact he and Katarina went to school together and me too for a short while.”

  “Somehow Gina couldn’t imagine Matthew going to school. She looked up at him, his skin was already taking on a golden sun kissed glow and they’d hardly been here five minutes. Before long he’d look even more wonderful than ever and she shuddered pleasurably at the prospect of him wanting her again.

  “Italian food will make me fat,” she decided once they’d eaten a feast of spaghetti and Matthew was trying to ply her with ice cream.

  “This is real ice cream, real Italian ice cream,” he emphasised. “And we make it better than anyone,” he announced spooning the delicious confection into her mouth. “Open, Gina. Open that sweet mouth and try this,” he tempted.

  Gina tried to squirm away but he laughed caught held her arm until she’d eaten the lot.

  “I will get fat, Matthew Dark then you won’t want me anymore,” she threatened.

  “You know that won’t happen,” he murmured gently. “I can’t get enough of you, Gina. I’ve already told you that and I meant it.”

  He kissed her hand in that special way again taking her finger tips into his mouth and making her gasp.


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