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Gorgeous Consort (Beautiful Entourage #2)

Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  Like last time, the sparks flew. My lips felt warm every time they touched his, and I forgot about everything around me when our bodies were combined. He knew exactly how to move his mouth, to feel my lips completely rather than move randomly. Then when his tongue entered my mouth, a quiet gasp escaped involuntarily.

  Troy was amazing.

  He seemed to feel the same chemistry because he gripped me tighter. He had a firm hold on me, like he wasn’t going to let me get away even if I asked him to stop. His hand dug further into my hair, like he owned it and the rest of me.

  He pressed into me harder and circled my waist with one arm. He pulled me close, my boobs pressed against his chest. He suddenly ended our kiss then moved his lips to my neck. His hand tugged on my hair, forcing my head back, and his soft lips moved to the exposed skin. He kissed me like a vampire sucking blood. His tongue moved around, tasting me. Then he slowly inched to my ear, his warm breaths amplified due to the proximity. “Gorgeous.” That was all he said. Then he moved back to my lips and kissed me harder than before, with desperation and need.

  He suddenly picked me up and pulled me to his chest. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist like they had a mind of their own. I squeezed his hips, telling him I was excited without the use of words. Still kissing me like a man who lived a week in the desert without water, he guided me to his bed. He gently laid me down and moved over me at the same time, like he’d done it a thousand times.

  My legs tightened around his waist and my hands moved up his shirt, feeling every groove and definition of muscle. He was thin, but there was no fat on his body. He was all muscle and strength. I loved feeling every groove and valley. I felt like I was feeling a sculpture, with infinite details in every line and molding. I suddenly gripped his shoulders and held on, like he was going to take me to a place where I’d lose all control.

  Troy lifted up my shirt to the area beneath my breasts then moved down. His lips found my stomach and he kissed the area. He moved to each hip and devoured the skin. His tongue danced around my body, sampling every place he could reach. Then he moved back up until he found my lips again.

  My hand moved to his shirt, eager to see his naked body pressed to mine.

  But he grabbed my hand and pinned it above my head. “I really love kissing you. Can we just do that tonight?”

  I was disappointed because I was eager to feel him inside me. The chemistry between us was right and I wanted to revel in a night of pleasure. But if that’s what he wanted, that’s what he would get. He was an amazing kisser anyway so I didn’t mind. There really was no rush.


  Harper was something.

  She was the best kisser I’ve ever had. She did this sexy thing with her tongue and it sent chills down my spine. The endless curves and valleys of that perfect body made me harder than a rock. And I just loved being with her.

  I could be myself with her and not hide anymore. Any other time I was out, I had to pretend I was looking for new pussy and that I was some macho jerk. But with her, I could just admit I wasn’t everything I pretended to be. She understood who I really was. And letting my walls down was the nicest feeling in the world.

  I couldn’t have sex with her in the moment. I just wasn’t ready to. It had to be right, and there was no point in rushing it when I couldn’t perform at my best. Her pleasure was important to me, and I wanted to give her a reason to enjoy this arrangement as much as I did. She didn’t seem to mind that I hit the brakes on the drive. She was patient with me, just like a friend should be.

  Nate’s production was tonight, and of course, I was going. That guy needed as much support as possible. He was going through a hard time, dealing with the fact he may lose his parents forever. No one should have to go through that. Life was too short to push away family over something so idiotic.

  I made a stop before I headed to the theatre. I headed to the front door of the apartment then knocked. For the fact I was risking my neck, I didn’t feel that terrified. It was something I had to do.

  Nate’s father opened the door, his wife just behind him. Loathing was in his eyes while he looked at me. It was clear he viewed me as pigeon vomit on the sidewalk. Despise and disdain was etched into every line of his face.

  Like I gave a damn.

  I pulled out the two tickets. “Nate’s show is tonight. It would mean a lot to him if you came.”

  His father was silent for so long I didn’t think he would speak.

  “You’re the one missing out on things,” I said. “He’s yours son, whether he loves men or women, and he’s incredibly brave for being himself in a society that may not fully accept him. As a father your job is to love your child unconditionally. You’re failing at that—miserably.”

  He took a step forward, his shoulders squared for battle. “What did you say to me?”

  “You heard me—clearly. If you want to solve this debate with violence, fine. But I have to warn you, I’ll kick your ass and I’d rather not. It gives me no satisfaction beating up an old man.” I tossed the tickets on the ground. “I sincerely hope you change your mind. Nate is a good kid. It’s sad that you don’t see that.” I walked away without looking back, knowing they wouldn’t show up despite my efforts to convince them. If anything, I only provoked them more.


  Kyle stood outside the theatre and checked his Rolex, wondering where I was.

  “Sorry I’m late.” I reached him then handed the ticket over.

  “You’re always late,” he said. “I stopped expecting otherwise.” He insulted me but grinned at the same time. He was the same height as me, and we had features that were so similar we looked like twins. It was hard to believe my brother was two years older than me.

  “Where’s Mark?” I asked.

  “He’s sick,” he said sadly. “Came down with something.”

  “Oh, sorry to hear that.”

  “He’ll make it through,” Kyle said. “He can be a pussy about it sometimes.”

  I laughed. “What a sweet way to talk about your betrothed.”

  He shrugged. “Hey, when it’s true I’m not going to deny it. So, how’d it go with your friend’s parents?”

  I shook my head. “Somehow, I made the situation worse. They actually want to murder me.”

  He released a sigh. “Sometimes people are so set in their ways that they’ll never change. I suggest you just let it go.”

  “But it’s such a stupid reason to disown your son. What does it matter what hole he sticks his dick in? Shit, I’ve fucked tons of girls in the ass.”

  He laughed. “Classy…”

  “I’m just saying.”

  “I’m sure your friend appreciates all of this but sometimes you just have to admit when the battle is over. It doesn’t mean you lost the war.” Kyle was a lot more mature than I was. After the things he’d been through, he naturally aged quicker than most people. He balanced me and the idiotic things I would say.

  We handed our tickets over then filed inside the theatre. The design of chairs and classic ceiling gave the place an artistic look. It was beautiful and elegant. It reminded me of Harper and her design abilities. She really had a knack for it, and she was clearly passionate about it.

  “Anything new with your personal life?” Kyle asked as he sat beside me. “Or are you still pretending to be something you aren’t?” Kyle was one of the few people I trusted. Since he was my brother and confided something so personal to me, that he was gay, I reciprocated back. I was the first person he admitted the truth to, and that meant a lot to me.

  “Well…there’s this girl.”

  He turned to me, and his eyes widened in interest. A smile broke out on his face. “Yeah?” Happiness was clear in his eyes. “Tell me about her.”

  “She’s blonde, C-cup, and has gorgeous legs.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Troy, come on.” He never let me get away with my sleazebag comments.

  I cleared my throat. “She’s a mutual friend and she�
�s really cool. She decorated the beach house and we went skinny-dipping and then…I kissed her. And she’s a damn good kisser. We’re just friends, but we come with benefits.”

  “So, you aren’t dating her?”

  “No. I asked her to fool around so I could…forget about Alexia.” I didn’t like admitting the fact I was still wrapped around her finger. And I certainly didn’t like admitting she was still in my thoughts. I wished she would leave, especially my dreams.

  “What does she get out of this?”

  “Other than good sex, I escort her for free. Her parents are assholes about her being single so I’m there to save the day.”

  He nodded. “Interesting arrangement. At least you finally made the plunge with a new woman.”

  “Well…we haven’t actually done it yet.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

  “Just kissed. I’m really into her but…I just couldn’t do it.”

  He rubbed his chin and faced forward.

  I rubbed the back of my neck then studied the stage.

  Kyle turned back to me after a few moments of silence. “You know what I think?”

  “Not really.”

  He chuckled. “I’m going to tell you anyway, asshole.”


  “I think you can’t have sex with someone unless you’re in love with them.”

  Confusion hit me in a large wave. “How do you figure?”

  “Before Alexia, you fucked anything that moved. But when you finally had her, you were happy for years. Even when you broke up, you still missed her. I think you’re a lot more mature now and you can’t go back to what you were. You won’t admit it to yourself but I think you want another serious relationship.”

  “I don’t,” I said firmly.

  “I know Alexia hurt you, and I’m not saying it wouldn’t scar anybody. But keep in mind those three years before that you two were really happy. Everyone thought she was the woman you would marry.”

  I hated thinking about it. Somehow, the good memories were more painful than the ones.

  “I think you want that again but with the right person. Therefore, you can’t have meaningless sex with Harper.”

  “I don’t want another relationship,” I said firmly. “And I never want one again.”

  He sighed, knowing we were having the same argument we had a million times before. “I think if you gave it a chance you would feel differently.”


  “Fine,” he said, growing aggravated. “Then sleep with this girl tonight.”

  “Maybe I will,” I said with a growl.

  “You won’t.” He shook his head. “I know you won’t. You don’t miss Alexia. You just miss what you had. And you’re afraid that you’ll never find that happiness again. That’s what you’re hurting over, not the actual person.”

  “Stop analyzing me, alright?” I hissed. “I’m not a patient.”

  “I’m just trying to help,” he said calmly.

  “Well, don’t.” I knew I was being vicious to my brother but I couldn’t help it.

  He looked at his watch and checked the time. “Show is about to start.”

  I ignored his attempt at normal conversation. Instead, I looked at anything but him.


  When the show ended and the actors started to file onto the floor, Kyle and I moved to Nate. He was speaking to his fellow dancers, and when he saw me, his eyes lit up.

  “You came!” He moved into my arms and hugged me hard.

  “Of course,” I said as I hugged him back. “And you did a great job.”

  “Thanks.” He pulled away, gratitude still in his eyes. Then he shifted his gaze to my brother. It was clear he knew who he was. We looked so similar there was no room for mistake. “You must be Troy’s brother. Nice to meet you.” He shook his hand.

  Kyle smiled and returned the embrace. “I’m slightly better-looking, obviously.”

  Nate chuckled then dropped his hand. He seemed a little flustered, almost nervous. His cheeks had a tint to them and he seemed different, not himself. “Yeah…”

  “You guys are performing all week?” I asked, trying to dispel the sudden awkwardness.

  “Yeah,” Nate answered. “I won’t have much of a life for the next two weeks.”

  “At least you’re doing what you love,” I said.

  “Yeah.” He looked around the auditorium. “I just wish my parents would come…” Sadness fell heavily on his shoulders.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell him about my last encounter with his mom and dad. All it would do is make him feel hopeless. And hopeless was exactly how I felt too. Nothing I said or did would change their mind. Even losing their son didn’t make a difference. It was terrible.

  Kyle’s phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Excuse me for one moment.” He stepped away and held the phone to his ear.

  Nate watched him walk away. “Please tell me he’s single.” His voice came out high-pitched and excited.

  “Uh…he has a boyfriend,” I said. “They’re living together, actually.”

  “Dammit.” He kicked the floor. “He’s so hot.”

  “Why, thank you,” I said since my brother and I looked so much alike.

  “You’re welcome,” he said with a laugh. “The good ones are always taken, I swear.”

  I immediately thought of Harper. How she was single was beyond my understanding. She could find Mr. Right easily because every guy would do what she wanted to be Mr. Right.

  “Well, I should get back,” Nate said. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Of course.”

  “And tell Kyle I said bye,” he said. “And…let me know if it doesn’t work out with his boyfriend.”

  I chuckled. “Will do.”

  Nate quickly hugged me. “I really appreciate your support. You have no idea what it means to me.” He suddenly got emotional, his eyes coating with tears.

  “You’re my friend,” I said. “And that’s what friends do.”


  I had a new client, a girl name Patricia. From our coffee meeting I gathered that her boyfriend dumped her but he was still a mutual friend. Every time they went out, he was there. She wanted to make him jealous or prove that she was over him, and she wanted to prove that to all her friends too.

  That’s where I came in.

  She was nice enough, and there wasn’t anything about her that particularly annoyed me, but I wasn’t looking forward to escorting her. I noticed that whenever I wasn’t with Harper, that’s where I wanted to be. She was usually on my mind, in some physical and lustful way. And I missed her friendship too. She was the coolest person I knew

  I arrived at Patricia’s door wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I wore an expensive watch to show her friends I had money since I couldn’t wear a suit or anything. They were going out to a bar tonight so I had to wear casual attire.

  She opened the door wearing a dress that was so short her ass practically hung out. She could wear whatever she wanted to wear, but I preferred women with a little more class. It was sexier to me. I’d rather imagine what I wasn’t seeing instead of getting a face full of it. “Hey.” She gave me a smile before she locked the door.

  “Hey, Patricia,” I said. “You look wonderful this evening.” I had to put on my professional face and be the charming guy she paid me for. In real life, I was nothing even similar to charming. I was a jackass most of the time.

  “Thanks.” A slight tint came into her cheeks. “You do too.”

  I extended my arm and put it around her waist. “Shall we?”

  “Sure.” She walked beside me, having a difficult time in her heels.

  I hated it when girls wore heels but couldn’t walk in them. Then why wear them at all? Harper wore heels often but she walked like she was wearing sandals. It was natural to her. “How was your day?” Small talk was the worst but I had to do it.

  “Good,” she said. “Work was hectic.” Then she launched into a fifte
en-minute account of some girl in the finance department being a bitch because she didn’t refill the paper tray for the printer. I nodded along and pretended to be interested. What was Harper doing? Maybe I could see her if the date ended early enough.

  We reached the outside of the bar and she stilled in apprehension.

  “You’ll be fine,” I said as I encouraged her. “You got me, remember?” I’d done this so many times that I knew how to read the signs. They felt pathetic that they had to hire a date, and it shook their confidence.

  “Okay,” she said as she released a deep breath.

  I opened the door for her and we walked inside. My hand immediately moved to her waist and I pretended that she was the only woman who existed.

  “Over there.” She pulled me along with her, being affectionate with me.

  We reached a table in the back, a large booth near the window. The lights were low and people were difficult to distinguish. Music was on in the background but I could still make out conversation. When we reached the table, I froze on the spot. A familiar brunette was sitting there, her hair curled and her blue eyes shining like gems. I would never forget that face as long as I lived.


  Why the fuck was this happening to me?

  I pulled myself together and pretended I hadn’t noticed her. And if I had noticed her, I didn’t care. I did a good job pretending she meant nothing to me at the grocery store.

  “Hey, everyone,” Patricia said with a perky voice.

  “What have you brought with you?” a blonde friend said, eye-fucking the shit out of me.

  “This is my boyfriend, Troy.” Her attitude picked up when she saw the look of approval in everyone’s eyes.

  Alexia knew I was an escort so she probably knew what was going on. Would she be a bitch and rat her friend out? Or would she let it go? I really had no idea what she would do. It didn’t make a difference to me. But I did wish I was nowhere near her. The nightmares finally stopped and now they would come back after looking at her face.

  Patricia and I scooted into the booth, but once I was there, I wanted to leave. “Can I get you a drink, baby?” I turned to Patricia and gave her a fake look of affection.


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