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Three for Me: MMF Bisexual Romance Short Story Collection

Page 11

by Bianca Vix

  I manage to convince myself of it by the time I get downstairs. Nothing can come between Kal and I, especially something as crazy as what we did.

  It’s just not worth it.

  The city speeds by as the cab driver navigates easily through the traffic. I stare mindlessly out the window, and I make another decision. Fuck it. Last night didn’t happen. I don’t know why I expected anything different from Kal than the way he’s acting. How could I have believed he’d want something more than sex? Hell, I didn’t even know what I wanted from him. He wants to be with Jana. I want to be with him.

  But that’s not going to happen. And I’ll get over it. We had some hot sex, and that’s where it ends.

  This’ll be just like any other night hanging out with Kal. No different.

  By the time the cab pulls up to his building, I really do believe it. I’m in a much better mood as the elevator flies me silently up to his penthouse.

  Kal swings the door open, and already I can tell there’s something off about him.

  “Hey, you want a beer?” He’s got his sales voice on. Business-like, as if he intends to accomplish something. I’ve seen him like that in countless meetings.

  But never one-on-one with me.

  “Of course. What’s up with you?” I follow him into the living room, and freeze just before I get there. We’re not alone.

  Jana’s sitting on the massive sofa, a wine glass in her hand. Her eyes widen when she spots me. She’s as surprised to see me as I am to see her.

  “Hi, Ryker. What brings you by?”

  I frown at Kal. “I was invited over. I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  “What’s going on, Kal?” We both stare at him, waiting for him to explain. He’s as calm as if he’s lying on the beach, like he didn’t just set me and Jana up. Why, I can’t even imagine. What’s he up to?

  Kal motions for me to take a seat. I’m about to walk out, pissed off at him for playing games with both of us. Still, my curiosity is getting the better of me. After handing me a glass, he drops down casually to sit between Jana and I.

  He knocks back his beer before he starts to explain. “Look, I want everything out on the table with you, Jana. And Ryker needs to be here for it too.”

  “Here for what?” Irritably, I take a drink. Kal’s usually a straightforward guy. The way he’s acting now is just too weird for me to handle.

  “I want Jana back. We were great together. Best relationship I’ve ever had.”

  My jaw tightens. What an asshole. I glance at Jana. She has no more idea of what he’s talking about than I do.

  Kal continues, oblivious to my annoyance and Jana’s confusion. “But like I’ve told you. I’m into men too. It’s not something I can just give up.”

  Jana sighs. “Yeah, you mentioned that earlier tonight. Well, I don’t want a boyfriend I have to share. Besides, I only agreed to go out with you tonight as a friend, Kal. Not because I want to get back with you.”

  She knows he’s into guys? I can’t believe this. Why would he have told Jana that if he wants to get back together with her? That makes no sense.

  Kal sets his hand on her leg. “That’s the thing. Ryker and I are together too.”

  Jana’s eyes are about to pop out of her head.

  I know how she feels.

  My grip on my beer glass tightens. “Have you taken up smoking crack since yesterday? Since when are you and I ‘together’?”

  Because as much as I’d like that to be true, he’s surely not acting like it. Asshole.

  Kal shoots me a look like it’s obvious. “Since yesterday. It’s the perfect solution.”

  “What is?” Jana’s wary. I don’t blame her. I’m not sure I want to know what’s bouncing around in Kal’s brain right now.

  “You and I. Ryker and I. It’s all good. So what if you only shared me with Ryker, Jana? And you could share him too. We can all be together at the same time, all three of us.”

  Chapter 9


  Kal’s lost his mind. Seriously. I don’t know what he’s been up to since I left, but it must be nothing good.

  All I can do is stare at him. For an instant I wonder if Ryker’s in on this, but it’s clear that he’s as caught off guard as I am.

  “Funny, Kal.” I take a long drink of my wine. “Or not.”

  “I’m not joking.” And strangely, he does look completely serious. Somehow more serious than he’s ever been before.

  “Then I’m not following. What exactly are you suggesting here?”

  “That we all get together. All three of us in a relationship. I want you both. All the time. It’s a great solution. So, what do you think?”

  “I think you’re crazy.” The words burst out of me before I can stop them. It’s true, though.

  He laughs. “That may be, but not about this. A threesome is the only way to go. It makes perfect sense. You and Ryker get along really well, you always have. So the only question is, are you attracted to each other.”

  “That’s the only question?” Ryker looks more pissed off than I’ve ever seen him. I can’t believe this conversation is happening, and especially Kal implying he’d…what. Had sex with Ryker? I can’t imagine that.

  How would that even go? These two strong men, all their passion directed to each other in a way it’s never been before. Their two hot bodies, naked together.

  Now that would be something to see. Swallowing hard, I try to clear my throat.

  “What else is there to talk about?” Kal polishes off his beer, as if his crazy suggestion is some sort of a done deal.

  “Jana’s right. You’ve lost your mind.” Ryker’s face is dark. But there’s something else going on there too. He couldn’t actually be considering what Kal’s suggesting. Could he? No. There’s no way.

  “Have you ever had a threesome before, Jana?” Kal’s still acting like he’s serious. So I go along with it for now.

  “No, Kal. I haven’t. What makes you think that’s a good idea?”

  “For the reasons I already said. I want you. And Ryker. We’d be great together.” He shrugs casually. “You won’t know if it’ll work until you try. Jana, Ryker’s a sexy guy. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to be with him. I know he’d be into you.”

  I look at Ryker, expecting him to disagree. He doesn’t. In fact, the more Kal says, the more Ryker’s starting to look intrigued.

  No. That can’t be right. I have to be imagining it. Yet I can’t quite catch my breath. “Kal, you’re putting him on the spot. And me, too. Besides, I can’t get back together with you. Not in any way.”

  “Why not?”

  God, he’s irritating. So smug. “You already told me you’re into men. Why would you want to get back with me? And it sounds like you and Ryker have something going on between you anyway.”

  “That’s exactly why. It’s the perfect situation. The right balance.”

  “For you. What about Ryker? What do you think?”

  Ryker sets his glass down on the coffee table with a definite thud. “I’d give it a try. If you’re into it, Jana.”

  I stare at him, unable to look away. Did I hear him right? He’s usually so much more level-headed than Kal. How is this happening?

  “What do you say, Jana?” Kal’s eyes gleam. Like he knows he’s going to get what he wants.

  His temporary insanity must somehow be catching, because for some reason, I’m thinking about it. I’ve never even considered doing anything like this before. I should be walking out.

  I’m not. I’m curious, sure. But there’s something else. I can’t explain it. But Kal’s idea is kind of appealing.

  “Tell me exactly what you want.” I need to know the terms before I can agree to anything.

  Kal takes hold of my hand. “Always the lawyer. But that’s fair. Right now, I want the three of us to have sex. After tonight, I want the same thing. Us together. In a relationship that goes like any other one, except that there’ll be three of us in it instead of jus
t two. That’s it.”

  That’s it. Right. I glance at Ryker. “He’s crazy, right?”

  Ryker doesn’t even blink. “Of course he is. But maybe not about this. I’ll give it a shot if you’re willing too, Jana.”

  He was supposed to be the voice of reason here. If Ryker has no objection, why am I hesitating? Because truth be told, the more I think about it, the more I want to give it a shot too. Maybe I’d be crazy to turn down two hot guys who just said they both want me. At the same time.

  If nothing else, it’ll be fun to try.

  I take a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s try this. At least for now.” If it’s going to be a mistake, well. At least it should be a fun one to make.

  And even with all my doubts, the possibility of being with two smoking hot guys like Kal and Ryker is already making my pulse race. They’re so sexy, it’s hard to think about anything else.

  “Are you sure about this?” Ryker strokes my hair.

  “Yes.” I can hardly believe it myself, but suddenly I am. If this can go anywhere, we can figure it out later. For now, I’m getting so turned on I don’t want to wait any longer.

  Ryker gives me his dazzling smile. I never really let myself notice his looks that much when I was with Kal. Now I grab at the chance to blatantly check him out, and I’m well-rewarded. He is one sexy man with a hot body to match.

  His dark eyes are smouldering. He starts running his hands over my body, tracing gently over my hips as if he doesn’t want to scare me off. That’s not going to happen. I want him just as much as I want Kal.

  Something must have convinced Ryker of that because he moves quickly to my breasts, palm trailing over my nipples. I bite back a moan at the sensations zinging through me.

  The heat coming off both men is going straight to my core.

  Kal’s hand is busy moving up my leg. Ryker’s so different from Kal, and the contrast between the two men is really exciting.

  Impatiently, Kal starts to work my top up and over my head. He undoes my bra, slipping it off me. His hands go straight for my breasts and my nipples harden instantly under his touch.

  “Your breasts are beautiful.” My eyes meet Ryker’s, and I see my own growing desire reflected right back to me. He’s pressing closer to me, his big strong body moving against mine.

  Kal is watching Ryker’s hands join his in moving over my breasts, and a tiny bolt of pleasure shoots through me. I’d never thought being watched in any way would be a turn-on.

  But it is.

  I swallow, feeling warm and almost a little dizzy. A steady pulse beats between my legs.

  Kal touches my thigh, fingers sliding just barely beneath the elastic of my panties. If he moves any further, he’ll find out just how into this I am. The throbbing between my thighs gets more intense with every single touch.

  I buck when he touches my clit, massaging lightly. A moan escapes me, and Kal’s eyes glitter. My eyelids drop and I lean back onto Ryker’s chest. He pulls me onto his lap, his hands covering my breasts once again. The hard ridge of his cock rubs against me and I can tell he’s big.

  Really big.

  Kal’s hands haven’t stopped roving around but he moves to kiss me. He feels so good, so familiar. He was always a great kisser. Ryker takes one hand off my breast and out of the corner of my eye, I see him reaching towards Kal’s crotch.

  Holy hell.

  I hadn’t completely believed the two men have had sex. Not until now. My heart races as Ryker rubs at Kal’s hard cock through the fabric of his pants. It’s hotter than I’d even imagined it would be, these two men into each other. As much as they’re into me.

  Was there a reason why we haven’t done this sooner? I can’t remember.

  “How’re you doing?” Kal growls, his breath hot against my ear. “Think this is too much?”

  “No.” I pull back for a moment to catch his eye. “Not enough.”

  Hah. I’ve managed to catch Kal off guard. That’s never happened before. He recovers right away, springing into action. In one fluid move, he lifts me off Ryker’s lap. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me off in the direction of his bedroom. Ryker is by my side right away.

  Kal lets me go the moment we’re through the door. I’m about to head to the bed, but both men catch me.

  “You’ve got too many clothes on.”

  Ryker eases the zipper of my skirt down, stroking my legs as he removes it. Kal goes right for my panties, pulling them off impatiently.

  “Now you’re the ones wearing too many clothes.” I’m naked and they’re not. I expect Kal to start tearing away, but Ryker gets there first. He’s determined, purposeful as he grabs Kal by the shirt. Kal almost seems like he’s going to pull away, but he doesn’t. He got an expression I’ve never seen before as Ryker undresses him.

  I don’t know what’s gone on between them before now. But knowing Kal, I’d expect it to be rough and fast. He was like that with me at first, holding himself back from being vulnerable in any way until he decided he was ready for more.

  From the way he’s acting now, this is the first time he’s letting his guard down with Ryker. He’s letting Ryker take control, and it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. So unexpected, all I can do is watch the two men together.

  Ryker lowers Kal’s briefs and pants at the same time, exposing his throbbing hard cock.

  And to my utter surprise, Kal starts undressing Ryker in the same way that Ryker just did with him. Slow and purposeful. In an almost…romantic way.

  Wow. Knowing Kal, I’d expect this to be all about the sex. But there’s already something more going on between all of us. I don’t know what, but it’s taking my breath away.

  Once we’re all naked, I’m more than ready for anything these two hot men have got. I stretch out on the bed and in seconds I’m covered by men. Two gorgeous, sexy men.

  Ryker’s kissing me, for the first time. I can’t help but glance at Kal to see if he minds. He’s very possessive once he decides you’re his.

  But he’s watching us with approval. He catches my questioning glance and gives a nod. “Nice. You’re hot together.” It’s like he needed some sort of confirmation. And now that he has it, it’s all good with him.

  Catching me by surprise, he spreads my legs wide and dives between them.

  Oh, yeah. I’d almost forgotten how good he is with his tongue. I’d tried to make myself forget after we were over. Could Ryker be as good as him? I shouldn’t think like that, I know. But it’s impossible not to compare the two of them. So far neither one is bad at anything. They’re both very, very good at what they’re doing. Just different from each other, in very hot ways that make this whole situation even more exciting than I thought it could be.

  And we’ve just barely gotten started.

  I gasp as Kal nips lightly at my swollen clit. He slides his finger deep inside me and gets back to exploring every part of me with his tongue.

  Ryker stops our kiss. I want to protest but I close my mouth as he slides down the bed to join Kal between my legs.

  Oh. My. God.

  He practically pushes Kal out of the way, throwing my legs over his shoulders to devour me. Kal had me tilting on the edge and Ryker takes me there. The whole world narrows down and every single inch of my skin is tingling as my body pulses hard and fast with a shattering orgasm.

  As I come back to earth, I realize I’m clutching at Kal. I don’t know when he lay down beside me, but his smirk is fifty miles wide as I try to catch my breath.

  “You’re so fucking sexy when you come. I can’t even stand it.” Reaching across my body, he grabs for the stash of condoms he always keeps well-stocked beside his bed.

  “Ride me, baby.” He flips onto his back and I can’t resist. As I make a move to straddle him, Ryker holds me back.

  “Hold on.” He grips Kal’s cock around the base, holding it up for me to take deep. Kal’s hand is on Ryker’s thigh as he holds Kal’s cock and I lower myself down onto it.

p; “That’s it. Just like that.” Kal’s hands are on my hips, encouraging me to go fast. His cock feels so amazing, the way he’s rubbing me in all the right places.

  After giving me a kiss, Ryker gives his impressive cock a stroke. I wish I could switch between him and Kal, climbing between one and the other. Before I can make the suggestion, Ryker is kneeling beside Kal’s head.

  Kal doesn’t even hesitate. My eyes widen in sheer amazement as he opens his mouth wide, and Ryker slides his hard, throbbing cock into my boyfriend’s willing mouth.

  Ex. Ex-boyfriend.


  Just because we’re having sex doesn’t mean we’re back together. He never even mentioned that, not until after Ryker dropped by. Or actually, was invited over by Kal.

  But I can’t think about that. Right now I just want to enjoy what’s happening in the moment. Instead of analyzing everything and wondering what it all means. Where it’s all going.

  And this is the very best moment to do just that. Kal’s cock is filling me up and I get to see him sucking on Ryker’s equally impressive erection. It’s beyond words. Coming together as three instead of just two is so different, I can hardly believe it. The connection between all of us in incredible.

  Even with my thoughts racing off in all directions, my eyes are super-glued to the guys. Ryker’s hands are on Kal’s head and Kal is devouring him like he’s starving. It’s an unbelievable sight and it’s going to be burned into my mind forever. I don’t know what makes guy-on-guy so hot, but it is.

  So very hot.

  The show going on in front of me is driving me wild. I slide up Kal’s throbbing cock and practically slam myself down, taking him as deep as I possibly can. He groans in pleasure and Ryker clearly feels the vibrations. His face is ecstatic. A swell of some kind of emotion rises up in me and I’m feeling something more than friendship for him.

  My climax swells up inside me. I cry out when it hits me and gasp for breath. Both men are watching me now, and normally I’d be self-conscious but I’m lost in the waves crashing over me. I’m aware of them both but just barely, it’s like I can feel their presence but I’m floating around in another world.


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