Book Read Free

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Page 14

by Trish Moran

  Zig looked at him as they made their way to the Medical unit.

  ‘Hey, you’re quiet today,’ she said. ‘Are you worried about the operation?’

  ‘No,’ he shook his head. ‘Just thinking about the others. I even miss Brit! I hope they’re OK. It doesn’t seem fair that here we are all safe and everything and they … well, who knows what’s happened to them.’

  Two hours later Zig sat outside the operating room where Cam was, when a voice made her look up.

  ‘Zig, have you had …’ Celia gave her a smile, ‘Well, you have had your new contact lenses fitted! Are they comfortable?’

  Zig gave her a grin – splitting her face from ear to ear. ‘Not too bad. But I don’t care! I can face people again!’

  Celia hugged her. ‘We were getting used to it, but I know it would be hard for you to keep hiding your eyes from everyone else.’

  They both looked up as a young medical Lab came out of the room.

  ‘The operation went very well. Cam just needs to rest for a few hours, and then he’ll be fine.’

  ‘Can I see him?’ Zig asked.

  ‘Just for a few minutes; then he really must rest,’ she replied.

  Cam looked up as she approached and his eyes widened. ‘Hey, you look like a regular girl, Zig!’

  Zig fingered her eyes, ‘Yes! Isn’t it great! Once you’re OK we can start looking for the others.’

  Cam nodded. ‘The sooner the better!’

  ‘Have a rest now, get your strength up.’

  Zig and Celia made their way back to the Compound office. ‘Did you find out anything from the number plates?’

  ‘Isaac and I are going to take a look at some of the addresses that we came up with this afternoon when he’s finished work,’ she told her.

  ‘I could come.’ Zig suggested.

  Celia shook her head. ‘Stay here with Cam for the moment. When he’s feeling better you could both come.’

  Zig spent the next few hours with Ruby and her children.

  ‘I think I’ll go and meet Ginny from school,’ she said, glancing at her watch, ‘they’ll be finishing now.’

  The children were leaving the school building as she came around the corner.

  ‘Zig!’ Ginny’s face lit up and she raced towards her friend, followed by a group of children.

  ‘Zig! Ginny said you were back!’ a little girl smiled shyly.

  ‘And they’ve fixed your eyes!’ Ginny cried.

  ‘Two eyes, as good as new,’ she smiled.

  ‘Did the Compound medical Labs operate on you?’ a boy asked her.

  ‘Sort of,’ she replied.

  ‘Ginny, don’t forget you have an extra ballet lesson this evening,’ Amanda’s voice rang out.

  Ginny gave a sigh. ‘Oh, Mum, I want to stay and talk to Zig just for a while today …’

  ‘We both want a first-class pass at your next exam, don’t we, Ginny?’ her mother countered. She pulled her car keys from her pocket and took her daughter’s hand.

  ‘Oh, you’ve dropped something,’ Zig said. ‘It fell out of your pocket.’

  Amanda peered at the ground near her feet. ‘I can’t see anything …’

  Zig bent down to pick up a minute object and placed it in her hand.

  Amanda frowned. ‘Is that mine? I don’t even know what it is.’

  ‘It must be one of the stones from your ring.’ Zig peered at the older woman’s hand, ‘yes, there’s one missing from the centre of the cluster, right there, look!’

  Amanda screwed her eyes up and ran her finger over her ring. ‘You’re right! How could you possibly see such a tiny thing? How did you see it fall?’

  Zig became aware of the children all watching her with interest. ‘Oh, I saw something sparkle. It must have caught the light.’

  ‘They fixed your eyes really well, didn’t they?’ Ginny said.

  ‘Well, thank you. We must be going now, Ginny.’ Amanda gave a tight smile.

  Zig chatted to the children for a while then explained she had to go and see how Cam was after his operation.

  As the other children dispersed, Hugo turned to two of his friends. ‘Did you see that?’

  ‘She has incredible vision,’ Mariella nodded.

  ‘Well above what you would expect of even the sharpest-sighted Non-Lab,’ Ethan agreed.

  ‘And from what Ginny said, she spent nearly a month with Angus, the Independent Lab, before she returned here,’ Hugo continued.

  ‘And came back with two eyes,’ Mariella said.

  ‘Two remarkable eyes!’ Hugo added.

  ‘Perhaps the Compound Labs gave her superior vision?’ Ethan suggested.

  Hugo shook his head. ‘No. The Compound Labs would not carry out any extreme experiments. They follow the laws of the Non-Labs. I heard Abel tell Celia that he is worried about the Independent Labs. They refuse to be limited by the same laws.’

  ‘What kind of medical knowledge do these Independent Labs have?’ Mariella asked.

  ‘We really must find out.’ Hugo said. ‘Let’s go and speak to Zig and Cam.’

  They soon spotted them walking from the Medical unit. Zig had pulled Cam’s arm through hers.

  ‘Are you sure you’re feeling OK now?’ she asked.

  ‘I’m fine, honestly. I walked up and down the corridor several times while I was waiting for you,’ he answered. He stopped and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. ‘Hugo, Mariella, and Ethan are coming up behind us. Am I right?’

  Zig turned to see the three hurrying up to them. ‘Exactly right. Hi there, I’m just taking Cam back for a rest after his operation.’

  ‘I don’t need a rest. I want to go to Abel’s house. Let’s make a start looking for the others. We don’t need to waste any more time!’ Cam insisted.

  ‘Is your nose OK now?’ Mariella asked him.

  ‘Couldn’t be better!’ he grinned.

  ‘Is your nose out of the ordinary, too?’ Ethan said. ‘Zig’s vision is clearly extraordinary!’

  Zig gave a nervous laugh. ‘Oh, so many questions. We’ve got to go now.’

  ‘No, wait!’ Hugo grabbed her arm. ‘We’re young, yes, but don’t forget, we’re Hybrids.’

  ‘Sorry, we must go!’ Zig pulled herself free and grabbed Cam’s hand. ‘See you, guys!’

  The three youngsters stood and watched them walk away.

  Hugo scowled. ‘We’ve got to find out about these Independent Labs.’

  ‘We could go and ask Abel?’ Ethan suggested.

  ‘Do you think he will tell us anything?’ Mariella asked as both boys shook their heads.

  ‘Well, we could just go and listen outside the house. See what we pick up,’ Hugo said.

  Silently the three youngsters installed themselves at the side of the house under a window. They could hear the sound of voices inside.

  ‘No, nothing at all unusual about any of them. We took some photos. Here, take a look,’ Celia said.

  ‘None of them look familiar,’ Zig said after a few minutes.

  ‘Well, I have been doing some investigation into Bramways …’ Celia began. ‘What is it, Cam?’

  Cam sniffed the air, then strode to the door and pulled it open, ‘Mariella, Hugo, and Ethan!’

  Abel and Isaac raced outside.

  Soon the three children stood in the centre of the room.

  ‘What are you doing out there?’ Abel asked.

  Ethan and Mariella looked sheepish but Hugo looked stubborn. ‘We want to know more about the Independent Labs. About the group that Zig and Cam have been involved with. I heard you and Celia talking about them.’

  Abel shook his head. ‘This is of no concern of yours, you’re only children!’

  ‘We are Hybrids!’ Hugo insisted.

  Celia shook her head, ‘I know it must be frustrating for you being so young and yet so intellectually advanced, but this is not something you can get involved in. You must leave it to us adults.’

  ‘But we could help!’ Hugo con

  Abel shook his head. ‘In a few years’ time we will welcome your help. For the moment you must concentrate on your studies and leave this to us adults. And I want a firm promise that you will do this.’

  The three children exchanged looks.

  ‘Unless you would like me to ask your parents to remove you from the Compound School, and from the Compound itself?’ he continued.

  ‘OK,’ Mariella and Ethan murmured.

  Giving a loud sigh, Hugo also agreed.

  ‘Your parents must be wondering where you have got to. Come on, I’ll give you a lift home,’ Ruby said, leading the children out.

  The others exchanged looks as the children climbed into the car.

  ‘We are going to have to watch those three very carefully,’ Celia said, ‘especially Hugo.’

  For the next two hours they continued to discuss the facts that Celia and Isaac had found out. They had traced the owner of Bramways, Arnold Warner, an American who also owned several other properties in the UK. Isaac had marked the larger ones on a map.

  ‘These are the ones we want to investigate first,’ he said. ‘I found out some facts about the two largest ones. Plaid Pharmaceutical Group is a branch of Warner UK division. They are based at Grafton Hall just outside Glasgow. According to their website, they employ a team of thirty who produce homeopathic medicines at the premises. They export all over Europe. The second property is Fairview Mansion in South Wales. It’s a health farm for the wealthy. Mainly older people. From the records, most clients make several trips to Fairview each year. There are three smaller places nearer to us: Etherton Hall, near Coventry, and Beeches Spa and Cranberries, both in the Peak District. The last three are also listed as health farms, again for wealthy clients.’

  ‘I’ve done some research on Warner himself,’ Keith said. ‘Arnold Warner is one of today’s modern entrepreneurs, a rags to riches story. He claims in one interview to have been brought up by a single mother in a poor suburb of New York. His mother is said to have died five years ago, but I couldn’t find any records of her death. The school he said he attended has since been knocked down and the site developed. There don’t seem to be any complete records of students attending it.’

  ‘Any siblings?’ Abel asked.

  Keith shook his head. ‘Arnold Warner seems to be a bit of a mystery man.’

  ‘Do you think he’s a Lab?’ Isaac asked.

  ‘The thought did cross my mind,’ he replied. ‘I also found out that he is expanding his businesses into Eastern Europe.’

  ‘Where medical laws are often not as strict as in the UK and USA,’ Abel frowned.

  ‘They could even be planning another Centre, like the one we came from here on the Compound.’ Celia shuddered.

  ‘I remember hearing something about all that on the news. What exactly happened there?’ Cam asked.

  Zig and Cam were silent after listening to the description of the Labs’ early life, created as spare parts for humans, and their struggle to obtain freedom and then recognition as a race with their own rights.

  ‘We don’t want anything like that happening again,’ Zig said.

  ‘To ordinary people or Labs.’ Cam added. ‘We’ve got to act quickly.’

  ‘Agreed. So here’s the plan for tomorrow,’ Abel said. ‘Zig, Cam, and I will take a look at the properties at the top of this list. I’ll find out if there are any Labs there and these two can use their special talents.’

  ‘We can continue research on the internet.’ Celia pulled a page out of a folder. ‘I’ve listed ten more properties and some of the people connected to Arnold Warner through his companies.’

  ‘I’ll make a few discrete enquiries amongst my reporter friends here and in the US to see if we can find out any further details on these people,’ Isaac said.

  ‘We’ll meet up here tomorrow evening,’ Abel said.

  ‘Can you meet me after school today, Zig?’ Ginny asked her the following morning.

  ‘Sorry, love,’ she replied. ‘I’ll be out all day with Cam. We’ve got some work to do.’

  ‘I’m going to Ruby’s for tea today. Will you be there?’ Ginny continued.

  ‘I’m not sure what time we’ll get back, Gin,’ Zig said as she waved goodbye.

  The three older Hybrids appeared at the school gate. Hugo frowned at Zig.

  ‘They trust an uneducated Non-Lab before they trust us! I’m not going to let them get away with it. I’ll show …’

  ‘Trust who? What about?’ Ginny began.

  Mariella grabbed her hand. ‘Oh, nothing. Hugo is feeling grumpy. Come on, classes are starting!’

  Hugo stood for a few minutes gazing after Zig, then a smile replaced the scowl on his face. ‘I know exactly what I can do. You can’t leave me out!’

  Later that afternoon, Abel slowed down the car as they passed by a large wrought iron gate.

  ‘Our third place today, Isaac. Etherton Hall,’ Abel said, ‘A discreet rehabilitation centre for wealthy clients wanting to overcome alcohol and substance addiction, according to the data Celia was able to unearth.’

  He rolled down the window and slowly drove along the road around the perimeter of the Hall, which was flanked by a high, dense hedge.

  Cam suddenly sat upright, ‘Go a bit further! Stop here!’

  The others looked at him expectantly.

  ‘I think … no … I’m sure! I can smell Brit! And Jez!’

  Abel grabbed his hand as he reached for the door handle. ‘Wait!’ He looked at Zig. ‘Any sign of security cameras?’

  Zig peered along the length of the hedgerow. ‘No, nothing.’

  Cam opened the car door and jumped out followed by Zig.

  ‘Yes, their scent is very strong, Zig! We’ve found them!’

  They both rushed back to the car. ‘What do we do now, Abel? How do we get in? How can we get them out?’

  Abel raised his hands. ‘Wait a moment! First of all we’d better get out of here, we don’t want to raise any suspicions.’

  They climbed back into the car and Abel sped down the road. Soon they were on their way back to the Compound.

  ‘How can we get in?’ Zig asked.

  ‘Well, I’ll get in touch with Reuben as soon as we get back. He has contacts who can get the necessary permits to enter the premises.’

  ‘How long will that take?’ Cam asked.

  ‘With his influence, we could be in there tomorrow morning.’

  It was nearly dark as they drew up at the Compound. Celia appeared at the door as they got out of the car at Abel’s house.

  Soon Zig and Cam were seated around the table sharing the day’s findings with the others. Celia had opened her laptop and brought up a map of Etherton Hall and the surrounding areas.

  ‘That’s funny, the internet is playing up. It doesn’t usually happen on this laptop,’ she remarked. ‘Oh, it seems OK now.’

  Abel appeared in the doorway and gave a curt nod. ‘All set for tomorrow. Reuben and his friend will join us at eight o’clock and we will go straight to Etherton Hall.’

  ‘You said there were seven of you at Bramways, didn’t you, Zig?’ Ruby said. ‘We could house them in the large apartment alongside the medical house initially, couldn’t we, Abel? I’ll get it ready tomorrow morning.’

  Keith was looking at a map with Etherton Hall highlighted on Celia’s laptop when Cam joined him.

  He looked up. ‘So this is where your friends are being held now. It’s quite a large property.’

  Cam nodded and pointed. ‘The scent was strongest at a hedge here, off the side road.’

  Abel stood up. ‘We want to keep things low-profile. I have discussed the matter of Independent Labs with Reuben and we have both decided it would be better for the moment to keep any new findings to ourselves until we know where these new groups will fit in, or even if they want to fit in with normal Non-Lab society. We don’t want any bad publicity which would affect the Compound Labs and Hybrid children.’

can’t make yourself responsible for the actions of Independent Labs, Abel!’ Ruby protested.

  ‘I know that, but our own place in society is still very precarious. We don’t want people who are still prejudiced against Labs to have any more ammunition.’

  ‘Unfortunately, you’re right, Abel,’ Isaac said. ‘That is one of the reasons many Independent Lab groups don’t want to make themselves known.’

  ‘It looks as if they have their own agenda,’ Celia added. ‘None of the groups we have been able to make contact with have shown any interest in becoming involved with us Compound Labs. Three of them actually admitted they did not want to be restricted by UK or Western laws.’

  ‘OK,’ said Abel. ‘Once we have rescued these youngsters from Angus and his friends, we can concentrate on making contact with further Independent Lab groups and establishing ground rules.’


  ‘Oh, Hugo! It’s very late! Why are you still on your laptop?’ his mother said as she pushed open his bedroom door.

  ‘I was just finishing off something, Mum,’ he replied, minimizing the screen. ‘I’ll get myself a drink then get off to bed. Goodnight.’

  ‘Goodnight, love.’ She sighed. ‘I know you’re a bright boy, Hugo, but you are only nine and you do need your sleep.’

  He watched as his mother made her way to her room and closed the door behind her.

  ‘You’re not the only one who’s a whizzkid on computers, Celia!’ He smiled as he looked at the map that he had copied from her screen. ‘Now why would you be interested in Etherton Hall? Just a quick search.’

  He picked up his mobile and punched in a number. ‘Etherton Hall? I need to talk to Angus. Urgently.’

  ‘I think you have the wrong number,’ a woman’s voice replied.

  ‘I’m Hugo, a Hybrid, from the Compound school,’ he replied. ‘I must speak to Angus! It’s really important!’

  ‘I don’t know who you are talking about,’ the voice continued.

  ‘I must speak to one of the Labs there!’ Hugo insisted. ‘You are all in danger!’

  There was a pause then a man’s voice came on the line. ‘Hugo? How did you get this number?’

  ‘Angus! You must listen to me! They’re on to you. They’re heading out there tomorrow morning!’


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